Let me trow my two cents:
Normally the TKR-850 came from factory programed and tunned
in the 460 Mhz. range, so if you want to operate in the amateur
freq's; is very important to retune the front end to bring into specs.
----- Mensaje original -----
Enviado: Saturday, September 04, 2004 11:09 AM
Asunto: [Repeater-Builder] KENWOOD TKR-850 UHF REPEATER Can it be tunedandProgramed in the Ham Band

At 09:45 AM 9/4/2004 -0700, you wrote:

>The answer is "probably."  The fact that others have tuned a TKR-850 to
>the 70cm band is not an absolute guarantee that your unit will do the
>same.  It may work fine, or it may barely make it.

<----I'm afraid I have to disagree with your analysis that simply because
others have retuned them to 70 cm is no guarantee. In fact, Kenwood spec's
the TKR-850 in the ham band.

I'm looking at the service manual and there, in black and white, is the
freq. spec
"Frequency range 440 to 470 Mhz". Not to mention the Kenwood FPU
programming software has 440 to 450 Mhz as a valid range.

They tune easily and meet full factory spec when retuned. I haven't seen
one yet that doesn't.


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