<<< see responses/questions embedded below >>>

--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, "Gary Schafer"
> Cables between cavities include the length of the coupling 
> loops in the cavities. They are measured from the bottom of 
> one loop, the cable, to the bottom of the loop in the next 
> cavity. You need to figure the velocity factor of the cable 
> and the velocity factor of each loop separately as the cable 
> has a specific velocity factor and the loop will have a velocity
> factor of air.
> The cables that go to the T are measured from the bottom of 
> the loop again as above to the center of the T connector.
> A notch cavity will provide about 30 to 35 db of notch depth. 
> Each interconnecting cable provides an additional 10 db or so 
> of notch depth when its length is right. 

W6NCT:  Ok, I understand that they include the lengths inside the
cavities; but how can I determine how much is inside the cavity
without disassembling them?  

If I measured an unterminated (test) cable before I connected it to
the cavity, could I connect it between the MFJ analyzer and the cavity
and measure the additional electrical length added by the cavity?  If
I made the actual cables that much shorter would the system be
resonant; ot do I need to do it iteratively?  Would I need to start
off with the test cable being a specific wavelength by itself, so that
the in-cavity length (and associated velocity factor) would be more
easily determinable?   

> ... Don't forget that the transmit side cables are tuned 
> to the receive frequency just like the transmit notches are.

W6NCT:  Why are the cables in the Tx cavities tuned to the Rx
frequency?  This seems counter-intuitive to me.  I would expect that
the Tx cables and cavites should be resonant at the Tx frequency to
have the best performance and SWR match.  Similarly, I would expect
that the Rx cavities would be resonant at the Rx frequency for the
best RF throughput to the receiver.  What am I missing?

> The cable on the transmit side to the T provides a high 
> impedance at the receive frequency because the notch in 
> the transmit cavity is a short circuit at the receive 
> frequency. That reflects a high impedance or open circuit 
> at the center of the T connector thru the quarter wave 
> length at the receive frequency.
> The cable on the receive side provides a high impedance 
> at the transmit frequency at the T because the notch in 
> the receive cavity is tuned to the transmit frequency 
> and provides a short there. The quarter wave length cable
> reflects that short to a high impedance or open circuit 
> at the T to the transmit frequency. 

W6NCT:  I don't quite understand this; and it doesn't help me
understand why the Tx cavities' cable lengths should be for the Rx
frequency.  I'm still missing something, I guess.  Sorry.

> Ideally you could disconnect the receive cable at the T and 
> it should not effect the transmit power flow to the antenna.

W6NCT:  I don't understand this either; since I'd expect the
unterminated stub of the T to act like a really short antenna.  Since
it is not an odd multiple of the Tx quarter wavelength, I'd expect its
open circuit reflections to impact the Tx path's operation and SWR. 
Again, I must be missing something.

> When the transmit energy gets to the T connector it sees 
> a high impedance going to the receiver and a lower impedance 
> (50 ohms) going out to the antenna line so it takes that path.
> When a receive signal comes in it sees a high impedance in 
> the transmit path at the T and a low impedance (50 ohms) 
> to the receiver path.

W6NCT:  This piece makes sense to me; and it is fundamentally why the
duplexer works.  Right?  I suspect it should be giving me a hint what
I am missing above; but unfortunately it doesn't just yet.

> The cables that connect to the T connector are necessary to 
> provide transmitter/receiver isolation so power flows in the 
> right direction. If they were not properly tuned there would 
> be a lot of suck out of transmit power and receive energy 
> going to the wrong path.

W6NCT:  Ok, I can see/understand this.

> The same thing is done on a transmit combiner where each 
> transmitter has a pass band cavity (it could be done with 
> notch cavities instead). The cavity isolation between 
> transmitters needs to be around 10 db on each side in
> order to provide the isolation so that the power goes to 
> the antenna and not to the other transmitter. So the other
> transmitter must be 10 db down on the skirt of the opposite
> transmitters pass band skirt. You can think of these 
> cavities as switches. The same type of thing goes on at 
> the T connection of a duplexer.

W6NCT:  I can also understand this for a combiner for multiple

> 73
> Gary  K4FMX

W6NCT:  I'm sorry if I seem a little dense on a couple of these
notions; some of the concepts seem counter-intuitive to me.  

That being said, I still need a methodology to determine the proper
physical length of the interconnecting cables; and to test them after
they are made.

I appreciate your patience.

Vern (W6NCT)

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