I did a brief test (a few minutes each) on the remaining 7 dipoles from the noisy SD2352 array. The only way I know to see if they are noisy in duplex service is to stick them on the repeater and see what happens. I used a weak signal radiated into the dipole under test for audible indication of noise, switching the transmitter on and off to compare.
The one dipole on the tower continues to run perfectly noise free even with higher than normal power, so I'll call that one good. Of the remaining 7, all were absolutely noise free at a typical power level of 50 watts into the antenna. At 200 watts (which I use only for testing to see if I have any extra margin), 5 of them were noise free and 2 showed just a bit, maybe 1 to 2 dB. I did not have time to reassemble the entire thing and test it again. That will have to be a project for another day. I must decide whether to take a chance on using some of these dipoles and building my own harness to make a 4-bay in-line array or scrap the whole thing and buy another antenna. The first option is much cheaper but if it doesn't work it would end up being money thrown away. Paul N1BUG