Making this a specific proposal for discussion/consideration:

I propose the wording of the first paragraph of C0.0 be modified from

"Regarding sending code that runs on the JavaScript platform, any such code used by an important site function either (1) is free software, and labeled properly for LibreJS <> to recognize as free, or (2) isn't necessary, so that the function works properly even if JavaScript is disabled in the browser."


"Regarding sending code that runs on the JavaScript platform, any such code used by an important site function either (1) is free software, *either* labeled properly for LibreJS <> to recognize as free *or with a human-verifiable reference that links to relevant source code and license files*, or (2) isn't necessary, so that the function works properly even if JavaScript is disabled in the browser.

(as a concrete example, I added a comment at suggesting Codeberg could better direct people to the relevant source code and licenses even prior to getting LibreJS functioning)


On 2024-01-15 7:32, Richard Stallman wrote:
[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider    ]]]
[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,     ]]]
[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]

   > What is the process to go ahead with this change? Splitting free JS
   > between "is free" (verified at the time of review) for level C and
   > satisfies-LibreJS for level B

Th enext step is to see what other people have to say about it.
I'm the one who makes the decision but other people's arguments will
affect my conclusions.

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