Re: [Repoze-dev] repoze.what-pylons question

2009-09-16 Thread Iain Duncan
On Wed, 2009-09-16 at 10:55 +0200, Douglas Mayle wrote:
> I'm not exactly sure, but I've done some similar things which have  
> worked, so I might be able to help out.  First of all, instead of  
> using default, you should probably be using __call__, like in:

I had that thought too, but when I used call, failing the predicate
meant that the wsgi controller returned nothing and I got an exception
( and not a 403 ) about the wsgi controller returning nothing. What did
work with __call__ was manually going:


which raises the right exception, but then I would have to roll the
error handling myself.

> But what's more likely causing the problem is using the protect_action  
> instead of ControllerProtector, like in:
> #l20

I though of that too, and even weirder, protecting the wsgi controller
with ControllerProtector didn't do anything! Mind you I couldn't use the
decorator because we have to deploy on py2.5.

Thanks for the tips though,

Repoze-dev mailing list

Re: [Repoze-dev] repoze.what-pylons question

2009-09-16 Thread Douglas Mayle
I'm not exactly sure, but I've done some similar things which have  
worked, so I might be able to help out.  First of all, instead of  
using default, you should probably be using __call__, like in:

But what's more likely causing the problem is using the protect_action  
instead of ControllerProtector, like in:

Douglas Mayle

On Sep 16, 2009, at 9:14 AM, Iain Duncan wrote:

> Hi folks, not sure if this should be on pylons or here. I'm using the
> repoze.what pylons quickstart code, and I'm having problems with the
> fact that when @protect_action fails, it tries to call the login  
> action
> *for the current controller*. This is causing me pain when my  
> controller
> is a wsgi wrapper ( to a bfg app ) because I have routes that gobble  
> all
> sub paths and pass them on to the bfg app. So instead of /login  
> going to
> the route controller, it gets eaten up. I have hacked around it by
> having routes rules like so:
> map.connect('/admin', controller='admin', path_info='/', )
> # need next rule else third admin rule will catch /admin/login
> map.connect('/admin/login', controller='root', action='login')
> map.connect('/admin/ 
> {path_info:.*}',controller='admin',action='default' )
> but it doesn't seem so elegant. Can anyone tell me why the following
> tries to call /admin/login and not the root /login, and how to change
> that behaviour.
> ( here's the controller in question ):
> # longhanded way of wrapping dram so we can use repoze.what decorators
> class AdminController(BaseController):
>def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
>BaseController.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
>self.dram = DramApp(package=ymh.model, global_config=config)
>def default(self, environ):
>response = self.dram(environ, self.start_response)
>return response
> So in the above when the protect_action fails, it tries to take me
> to /admin/login, which I don't want.
> let me know if this should have gone to pylons!
> iain
> ___
> Repoze-dev mailing list

Repoze-dev mailing list

[Repoze-dev] repoze.what-pylons question

2009-09-16 Thread Iain Duncan
Hi folks, not sure if this should be on pylons or here. I'm using the
repoze.what pylons quickstart code, and I'm having problems with the
fact that when @protect_action fails, it tries to call the login action
*for the current controller*. This is causing me pain when my controller
is a wsgi wrapper ( to a bfg app ) because I have routes that gobble all
sub paths and pass them on to the bfg app. So instead of /login going to
the route controller, it gets eaten up. I have hacked around it by
having routes rules like so:

map.connect('/admin', controller='admin', path_info='/', )
# need next rule else third admin rule will catch /admin/login
map.connect('/admin/login', controller='root', action='login')
map.connect('/admin/{path_info:.*}',controller='admin',action='default' )

but it doesn't seem so elegant. Can anyone tell me why the following
tries to call /admin/login and not the root /login, and how to change
that behaviour.

( here's the controller in question ):

# longhanded way of wrapping dram so we can use repoze.what decorators
class AdminController(BaseController):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
BaseController.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) 
self.dram = DramApp(package=ymh.model, global_config=config)

def default(self, environ):
response = self.dram(environ, self.start_response)
return response

So in the above when the protect_action fails, it tries to take me
to /admin/login, which I don't want.

let me know if this should have gone to pylons!

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