Обучение по HACCP

2017-05-15 Thread Консехо

Здравейте,Най-учтиво Ви каним да вземете
участие в: 


на тема: HACCP, безопасност на храните
– запознаване и прилагане на
изискванията,29 май 2017 г.
(понеделник), 09.30 – 16.30 часа, гр.



Целите на
обучението са: ·  запознаване с
изискванията на Спецификация
НАССР;·  придобиване на
знания за внедряване и поддържане на
НАССР система;·  подготовка на
квалифицирани кадри за практическо
прилагане на изискванията на
Спецификация НАССР (разглеждане на
примери и провеждане на ролеви игри);·  даване
на насоки и подпомагане за изпълнението
на изискванията на инспекторите от

кои фирми е подходящ курсът?:
Курсът е
подходящ за всички участници в
хранителната верига:·  производители;·  дистрибутори;·  ресторантьори;·  търговци, и т.н.

За какви кадри е
подходящ курсът?: 
Курсът е
подходящ за:·  служителите, пряко
отговорни за поддържане на системата за
управление на безопасността на
храните;·  членовете и ръководителите
на НАССР екипи;·  мениджърите и
собственици на фирми от
хранително-вкусовата промишленост, и


Сертификат: Всеки участник
получава Сертификат за обучение по
безопасност на храните, съгласно


Място за
провеждане: гр. София,
бул. Цариградско шосе 139, вх. 1, ет.
(до метростанция "ИНТЕР
ЕКСПО ЦЕНТЪР Цариградско шосе") карта.







Не пропускайте,
местата са ограничени!
Цена за
участие:   180  162 лв. с
Промо код:
 201705 (валиден до 25





на тема: Вътрешен одитор по
НАССР,29-30 май 2017 г.
(понеделник и вторник), 09.30 – 16.30
часа, гр. София.


Целите на
обучението са:
 ·  запознаване с изискванията
на Спецификация НАССР;·  придобиване на
знания за внедряване и поддържане на
НАССР система;·  подготовка на
квалифицирани кадри за практическо
прилагане на изискванията на
Спецификация НАССР (разглеждане на
примери и провеждане на ролеви игри);·  даване
на насоки и подпомагане за изпълнението
на изискванията на инспекторите от
БАБХ.·  осигуряване знания и умения
за провеждане на вътрешни одити на
система за безопасност на


За кои фирми е
подходящ курсът?:
Курсът е
подходящ за всички участници в
хранителната верига:
·  производители;·  дистрибутори;·  ресторантьори;·  търговци, и т.н.


За какви кадри е
подходящ курсът?: 
Курсът е
подходящ за:
·  служителите, пряко
отговорни за поддържане на системата за
управление на безопасността на
храните;·  вътрешни
одитори;·  членовете и ръководителите
на НАССР екипи;·  мениджърите и
собственици на фирми от
хранително-вкусовата промишленост;·  и


Сертификат: Всеки участник
получава Сертификат за Вътрешен одитор
на системи за безопасност на храните,
съгласно НАССР.



Място за
провеждане: гр. София,
бул. Цариградско шосе 139, вх. 1, ет.
(до метростанция "ИНТЕР
ЕКСПО ЦЕНТЪР Цариградско шосе") карта.







Не пропускайте,
местата са ограничени!
Цена за
участие:   360  324 лв. с
Промо код:  201705 (валиден до 25




Очакваме Ви!
Екипът на КОНСЕХО
тел.: 0700 12 070; 0888 141 889



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списъците ни. Ако сме Ви обезпокoили,
моля да ни извинитe.

Reproducible-builds mailing list

Re: Bug#862112: #862112: r-base-dev: Generate reproducible output independently of the build path

2017-05-15 Thread Dirk Eddelbuettel

Sorry, was out traveling / running a relay.  Now back.

On 15 May 2017 at 17:12, Ximin Luo wrote:
| Holger Levsen:
| > control: found -1 3.4.0-1
| > control: notfound -1 3.4.0-1.0~reproducible2
| > 
| > Hi Dirk,
| > 
| > I've asked Ximin to file this bug so that we have something to track and to
| > refer in discussions…
| > 
| > you wrote:
| > 
| >> At work now with limited time, but I think I already told you twice that
| >> there were two of the three parts of the patch you proposed to upstream 
| >> I would not take, were I upstream (which I am not).
| > 
| > Dirk, could you please point out (here in this bug report) which of the two 
| > you consider unsuitable?
| > 
| We talked about this over private email, this refers to the patch hunks in:
| - src/library/tools/R/admin.R
| - src/library/tools/R/parseRd.R
| The suggestion was to guard them behind a command-line option using 
getOption, so presumably Debian could set this whilst upstream / other distros 
do not.

Corret. As posted, the patch changes existing behaviour _unconditionally_ so
I don't not think I can say with a straight face to upstream that they should
take this.

And also: you can turn them on for your builds, I won't at first, but
advertise so that more users can test it. "Eventually" I may turn them on as

The R "universe" is _at least_ the (currently around) 10600+ packages (yes,
really, 10 thousand) on CRAN.  The fact that we successfully rebuilt our 400+
is important aspect but nowhere near comprehensive enough.
| However, since I'm not familiar with the full R codebase I was waiting to see 
if upstream had any further comments, because even with the getOption() change 
there might be other consequences that I didn't foresee. In this case it would 
be beneficial for Debian's behaviour to exactly match upstream, so we get the 
same bugs (if any).
| > Ximin, looking at 
| > I believe it would be best to merge those two (top most) commits into one?
| > 
| >> A decent longer-term strategy may well to stress-test the patch by 
| >> it in our builds for a while.  We can work on that.
| > 
| > actually we've been using Ximin's patches on tests.reproducible-builds.org
| > since the 2nd of May on amd64 and since the 3rd on arm64, armhf and i386.
| > 
| > According to 
| > (top row labeled "oldest build result) in the first table on the right) this
| > means we've almost done a full rebuild with the patch on amd64+arm64 
| > 85% done now) and pretty close to that on i386…
| > 
| > According to this, this patch seems to work well…
| > 
| The patch works well for getting stuff built, but I haven't tested all of
| the *behaviour* of these packages. (Some probably have unit tests, but these
| don't cover everything at any rate.)


| That is why I wanted to wait for upstreams' comments first, before adding the 
getOption guards - which are relatively minor IMO, compared to what the full 
patch does.

Correct if I am wrong but you have not heard back from upstream, have you?

[ That is not uncommon for posts on r-devel. Sometimes one needs to be
persistent, and/or ally with an R Core maintainer. Which is pretty much what
I suggested early one. ]

| I also haven't tested other potential tools that might process R rdb files, 
who might for some reason expect absolute build paths.

Correct as well.

We are moving in the right direction, but we should not rush this. Upstream
*is* sympathetic, they have taken an earlier 'repro build' patch.

| X
| -- 
| GPG: ed25519/56034877E1F87C35
| GPG: rsa4096/1318EFAC5FBBDBCE
| https://github.com/infinity0/pubkeys.git

http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org

Reproducible-builds mailing list

Re: #862112: r-base-dev: Generate reproducible output independently of the build path

2017-05-15 Thread Ximin Luo
Holger Levsen:
> control: found -1 3.4.0-1
> control: notfound -1 3.4.0-1.0~reproducible2
> Hi Dirk,
> I've asked Ximin to file this bug so that we have something to track and to
> refer in discussions…
> you wrote:
>> At work now with limited time, but I think I already told you twice that
>> there were two of the three parts of the patch you proposed to upstream that
>> I would not take, were I upstream (which I am not).
> Dirk, could you please point out (here in this bug report) which of the two 
> parts
> you consider unsuitable?

We talked about this over private email, this refers to the patch hunks in:

- src/library/tools/R/admin.R
- src/library/tools/R/parseRd.R

The suggestion was to guard them behind a command-line option using getOption, 
so presumably Debian could set this whilst upstream / other distros do not.

However, since I'm not familiar with the full R codebase I was waiting to see 
if upstream had any further comments, because even with the getOption() change 
there might be other consequences that I didn't foresee. In this case it would 
be beneficial for Debian's behaviour to exactly match upstream, so we get the 
same bugs (if any).

> Ximin, looking at 
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/reproducible/r-base.git/log/?h=pu/reproducible_builds
> I believe it would be best to merge those two (top most) commits into one?
>> A decent longer-term strategy may well to stress-test the patch by including
>> it in our builds for a while.  We can work on that.
> actually we've been using Ximin's patches on tests.reproducible-builds.org
> since the 2nd of May on amd64 and since the 3rd on arm64, armhf and i386.
> According to 
> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian/index_performance.html
> (top row labeled "oldest build result) in the first table on the right) this
> means we've almost done a full rebuild with the patch on amd64+arm64 (probably
> 85% done now) and pretty close to that on i386…
> According to this, this patch seems to work well…

The patch works well for getting stuff built, but I haven't tested all of the 
*behaviour* of these packages. (Some probably have unit tests, but these don't 
cover everything at any rate.) That is why I wanted to wait for upstreams' 
comments first, before adding the getOption guards - which are relatively minor 
IMO, compared to what the full patch does.

I also haven't tested other potential tools that might process R rdb files, who 
might for some reason expect absolute build paths.


GPG: ed25519/56034877E1F87C35
GPG: rsa4096/1318EFAC5FBBDBCE

Reproducible-builds mailing list