Hi Christian.

Don't worry, I really appreciate your support.

We're using version of review board. Probably it's not important, 
but as I commented before rbt tools version is 0.7.9.

Don't know if is very important, but I remark difference between response 
when I perform a post in svn and git:


*>>> Making HTTP GET request to 
*>>> Cached response for HTTP GET 
<http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/validation/diffs/> expired and was 
*>>> Making HTTP POST request to 
*>>> Making HTTP GET request to 
*>>> Cached response for HTTP GET 
expired and was modified*
*>>> Making HTTP POST request to 
*>>> Making HTTP GET request to 
*>>> Added cache entry for HTTP GET request to 
*>>> Making HTTP POST request to 
*>>> Making HTTP GET request to 
*>>> Added cache entry for HTTP GET request to 
*Review request #271 posted.*


*>>> Making HTTP GET request to 
*>>> Cached response for HTTP GET 
<http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/validation/diffs/> expired and was 
*>>> Making HTTP POST request to 
*>>> Got API Error 219 (HTTP code 400): The specified diff file is empty.*
*>>> Error data: {u'stat': u'fail', u'err': {u'msg': u'The specified diff 
file is empty.', u'code': 219}}*

Maybe it's easy as upgrade review board version, but what it confuses me is 
how it works with svn right now.

Best regards,
Oriol Odena.

El jueves, 6 de abril de 2017, 21:43:22 (UTC+2), Christian Hammond escribió:
> I'm sorry, this fell off my radar and into my e-mail backlog.
> Everything looks correct, and it seems that a diff is making its way to 
> Review Board. During parsing, Review Board seems to have decided that the 
> diff is empty.
> What version of Review Board are you using?
> Christian
> -- 
> Christian Hammond
> President/CEO of Beanbag <https://www.beanbaginc.com/>
> Makers of Review Board <https://www.reviewboard.org/>
> On Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 2:43 AM, Oriol Odena <oriol...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> Any news after last post?
>> Please if you need any additional information, don't doubt to ask me.
>> Best regards,
>> Oriol Odena.
>> El martes, 21 de marzo de 2017, 9:33:18 (UTC+1), Oriol Odena escribió:
>>> Hi Christian.
>>> that's the 'rbt post' with debug from 
>>> commit e2e8497c3c34a88ef1b726f60f3724ccef1ca385:
>>> *oodena@linux-oodena:~/workspace/trunk_git> rbt post --debug 
>>> e2e8497c3c34a88ef1b726f60f3724ccef1ca385*
>>> *>>> RBTools 0.7.9*
>>> *>>> Python 2.6.9 (unknown, Apr  7 2015, 08:28:12) *
>>> *[GCC 4.3.4 [gcc-4_3-branch revision 152973]]*
>>> *>>> Running on Linux-3.0.101-63-default-x86_64-with-SuSE-11-x86_64*
>>> *>>> Home = /home/oodena*
>>> *>>> Current directory = /home/oodena/workspace/trunk_git*
>>> *>>> Command line: rbt post --debug 
>>> e2e8497c3c34a88ef1b726f60f3724ccef1ca385*
>>> *>>> Checking for a Subversion repository...*
>>> *>>> Running: svn --non-interactive info*
>>> *>>> Command exited with rc 1: ['svn', '--non-interactive', u'info']*
>>> *svn: '.' is not a working copy*
>>> *---*
>>> *>>> Checking for a Git repository...*
>>> *>>> Running: git rev-parse --git-dir*
>>> *>>> Running: git config core.bare*
>>> *>>> Running: git rev-parse --show-toplevel*
>>> *>>> Running: git symbolic-ref -q HEAD*
>>> *>>> Running: git svn info*
>>> *>>> Running: git svn rebase -n*
>>> *>>> repository info: Path: svn://obiwan/code, Base path: /zl/trunk, 
>>> Supports changesets: False*
>>> *>>> Making HTTP GET request to http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/ 
>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/>*
>>> *>>> Making HTTP GET request to 
>>> http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/repositories/?tool=Subversion 
>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/repositories/?tool=Subversion>*
>>> *>>> Cached response for HTTP GET 
>>> http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/repositories/?tool=Subversion 
>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/repositories/?tool=Subversion> expired 
>>> and was modified*
>>> *>>> Running: git rev-parse e2e8497c3c34a88ef1b726f60f3724ccef1ca385*
>>> *>>> Running: git rev-parse e2e8497c3c34a88ef1b726f60f3724ccef1ca385^*
>>> *>>> Running: git merge-base 2fe6e080b88131c88a29d5340381534ccc44a3de 
>>> refs/remotes/trunk*
>>> *>>> Running: git rev-parse --git-dir*
>>> *>>> Running: git version*
>>> *>>> Running: git diff --no-color --no-prefix -r -u --no-ext-diff 
>>> 2fe6e080b88131c88a29d5340381534ccc44a3de..e2e8497c3c34a88ef1b726f60f3724ccef1ca385*
>>> *>>> Running: git svn find-rev 2fe6e080b88131c88a29d5340381534ccc44a3de*
>>> *>>> Making HTTP GET request to 
>>> http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/validation/diffs/ 
>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/validation/diffs/>*
>>> *>>> Cached response for HTTP GET 
>>> http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/validation/diffs/ 
>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/validation/diffs/> expired and was 
>>> modified*
>>> *>>> Making HTTP POST request to 
>>> http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/validation/diffs/ 
>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/validation/diffs/>*
>>> *>>> Got API Error 219 (HTTP code 400): The specified diff file is 
>>> empty.*
>>> *>>> Error data: {u'stat': u'fail', u'err': {u'msg': u'The specified 
>>> diff file is empty.', u'code': 219}}*
>>> *Traceback (most recent call last):*
>>> *  File "/usr/local/bin/rbt", line 8, in <module>*
>>> *    load_entry_point('RBTools==0.7.9.dev', 'console_scripts', 'rbt')()*
>>> *  File 
>>> "/usr/local/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/RBTools-0.7.9.dev-py2.6.egg/rbtools/commands/main.py",
>>> line 133, in main*
>>> *    command.run_from_argv([RB_MAIN, command_name] + args)*
>>> *  File 
>>> "/usr/local/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/RBTools-0.7.9.dev-py2.6.egg/rbtools/commands/__init__.py",
>>> line 664, in run_from_argv*
>>> *    exit_code = self.main(*args) or 0*
>>> *  File 
>>> "/usr/local/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/RBTools-0.7.9.dev-py2.6.egg/rbtools/commands/post.py",
>>> line 811, in main*
>>> *    (msg_prefix, e))*
>>> *rbtools.commands.CommandError: Error validating diff*
>>> *The specified diff file is empty. (HTTP 400, API Error 219)*
>>> And here you have the rbt diff from same commit:
>>> *oodena@linux-oodena:~/workspace/trunk_git> rbt diff --debug 
>>> e2e8497c3c34a88ef1b726f60f3724ccef1ca385*
>>> *>>> RBTools 0.7.9*
>>> *>>> Python 2.6.9 (unknown, Apr  7 2015, 08:28:12) *
>>> *[GCC 4.3.4 [gcc-4_3-branch revision 152973]]*
>>> *>>> Running on Linux-3.0.101-63-default-x86_64-with-SuSE-11-x86_64*
>>> *>>> Home = /home/oodena*
>>> *>>> Current directory = /home/oodena/workspace/trunk_git*
>>> *>>> Command line: rbt diff --debug 
>>> e2e8497c3c34a88ef1b726f60f3724ccef1ca385*
>>> *>>> Checking for a Subversion repository...*
>>> *>>> Running: svn --non-interactive info*
>>> *>>> Command exited with rc 1: ['svn', '--non-interactive', u'info']*
>>> *svn: '.' is not a working copy*
>>> *---*
>>> *>>> Checking for a Git repository...*
>>> *>>> Running: git rev-parse --git-dir*
>>> *>>> Running: git config core.bare*
>>> *>>> Running: git rev-parse --show-toplevel*
>>> *>>> Running: git symbolic-ref -q HEAD*
>>> *>>> Running: git svn info*
>>> *>>> Running: git svn rebase -n*
>>> *>>> repository info: Path: svn://obiwan/code, Base path: /zl/trunk, 
>>> Supports changesets: False*
>>> *>>> Making HTTP GET request to http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/ 
>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/>*
>>> *>>> Running: git rev-parse e2e8497c3c34a88ef1b726f60f3724ccef1ca385*
>>> *>>> Running: git rev-parse e2e8497c3c34a88ef1b726f60f3724ccef1ca385^*
>>> *>>> Running: git merge-base 2fe6e080b88131c88a29d5340381534ccc44a3de 
>>> refs/remotes/trunk*
>>> *>>> Running: git rev-parse --git-dir*
>>> *>>> Running: git version*
>>> *>>> Running: git diff --no-color --no-prefix -r -u --no-ext-diff 
>>> 2fe6e080b88131c88a29d5340381534ccc44a3de..e2e8497c3c34a88ef1b726f60f3724ccef1ca385*
>>> *>>> Running: git svn find-rev 2fe6e080b88131c88a29d5340381534ccc44a3de*
>>> *Index: src/net/test/DashTest.cc*
>>> *===================================================================*
>>> *--- src/net/test/DashTest.cc (revision 85463*
>>> *)*
>>> *+++ src/net/test/DashTest.cc (working copy)*
>>> *@@ -27,3 +27,5 @@ PROBE_TEST(Dash, PPLive);*
>>> * PROBE_TEST(Dash, Redbox);*
>>> * PROBE_TEST(Dash, Uusee);*
>>> * PROBE_TEST(Dash, Vudu);*
>>> *+*
>>> *+RBT_TEST*
>>> Finally, this is SHA's from trunk branch:
>>> *oodena@linux-oodena:~/workspace/trunk_git> git rev-parse trunk*
>>> *2fe6e080b88131c88a29d5340381534ccc44a3de*
>>> Hope it helps.
>>> Thanks again from your support.
>>> Oriol Odena.
>>> El martes, 21 de marzo de 2017, 6:18:38 (UTC+1), Christian Hammond 
>>> escribió:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> For that first test, can you show me:
>>>> 1) The `rbt post` call with --debug?
>>>> 2) The `rbt diff` with --debug?
>>>> 3) The commit SHA of the upstream trunk branch?
>>>> Basically, I need to get more of a picture of every commit that's a 
>>>> part of this and exactly what commands are being issued so that I can tell 
>>>> you what's going wrong.
>>>> For git-svn, RBTools has to do some work to translate a Git diff into a 
>>>> Subversion diff, and reference the correct revisions. The git aspect is 
>>>> only on your end, but it's still a Subversion server with Subversion 
>>>> commits and Subversion diffs, so RBTools has to alter behavior in various 
>>>> ways there. Git-svn has been used by a lot of projects in the past, so I'm 
>>>> sure we'll be able to diagnose what's going wrong here.
>>>> If at all possible, don't further alter any commits in that tree (maybe 
>>>> make a copy for testing purposes) so that the SHAs remain consistent while 
>>>> we work through this.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Christian
>>>> -- 
>>>> Christian Hammond
>>>> President/CEO of Beanbag <https://www.beanbaginc.com/>
>>>> Makers of Review Board <https://www.reviewboard.org/>
>>>> On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 9:18 AM, Oriol Odena <oriol...@gmail.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Christian.
>>>>> First, thanks for your inmediate answer. I'm quite desperate and I 
>>>>> sincerelly appreciate it.
>>>>> I'm quite sure this is no a problem from one exact git post, maybe 
>>>>> it's something wrong with review board server (not sure it was 100% clear 
>>>>> in my previous post, everybody in my company uses review board with svn 
>>>>> and 
>>>>> I'm the first starting to check it with git) or anything in my computer 
>>>>> that doesn't allow to generate diff files correctly ... don't know.
>>>>> I reproduce an 'academic'  sequence of events to show that something 
>>>>> very basic is failing:
>>>>> *oodena@linux-oodena:~/workspace/trunk_git> git checkout 
>>>>> masterSwitched to branch 
>>>>> 'master'oodena@linux-oodena:~/workspace/trunk_git> 
>>>>> git branch test_rbtoodena@linux-oodena:~/workspace/trunk_git> git 
>>>>> checkout 
>>>>> test_rbt Switched to branch 
>>>>> 'test_rbt'oodena@linux-oodena:~/workspace/trunk_git> vi 
>>>>> src/net/test/DashTest.cc oodena@linux-oodena:~/workspace/trunk_git> git 
>>>>> commit -a -m "rbt_test"[test_rbt e2e8497] rbt_test 1 file changed, 2 
>>>>> insertions(+)oodena@linux-oodena:~/workspace/trunk_git> git log -p 
>>>>> -1commit 
>>>>> e2e8497c3c34a88ef1b726f60f3724ccef1ca385Author: Oriol Odena 
>>>>> <ood...@xx.com>Date:   Mon Mar 20 16:50:19 2017 +0100    rbt_testdiff 
>>>>> --git 
>>>>> a/src/net/test/DashTest.cc b/src/net/test/DashTest.ccindex 
>>>>> 079eefe..4cf9308 
>>>>> 100644--- a/src/net/test/DashTest.cc+++ b/src/net/test/DashTest.cc@@ 
>>>>> -27,3 
>>>>> +27,5 @@ PROBE_TEST(Dash, PPLive); PROBE_TEST(Dash, 
>>>>> Redbox); PROBE_TEST(Dash, Uusee); PROBE_TEST(Dash, 
>>>>> Vudu);++RBT_TESToodena@linux-oodena:~/workspace/trunk_git> rbt postERROR: 
>>>>> Error validating diffThe specified diff file is empty. (HTTP 400, API 
>>>>> Error 
>>>>> 219)*
>>>>> But also I have discovered that, If I try to post a review with no 
>>>>> modified files (in this example, add a new file) it works!! 
>>>>> *odena@linux-oodena:~/workspace/trunk_git> vi 
>>>>> src/net/test/RbtTest.ccoodena@linux-oodena:~/workspace/trunk_git> git add 
>>>>> src/net/test/RbtTest.ccoodena@linux-oodena:~/workspace/trunk_git> git 
>>>>> commit -a -m "rbt_test_2"[test_rbt e02a319] rbt_test_2 1 file changed, 1 
>>>>> insertion(+) create mode 100644 
>>>>> src/net/test/RbtTest.ccoodena@linux-oodena:~/workspace/trunk_git> rbt 
>>>>> postReview request #273 posted.http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/r/273/ 
>>>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/r/273/>http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/r/273/diff/
>>>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/r/273/diff/>oodena@linux-oodena:~/workspace/trunk_git>
>>>>> git log -p -2commit e02a31993b48402f9833f44a42ac0136c8accebfAuthor: Oriol 
>>>>> Odena <ood...@xx.com>Date:   Mon Mar 20 17:10:00 2017 +0100    
>>>>> rbt_test_2diff --git a/src/net/test/RbtTest.cc 
>>>>> b/src/net/test/RbtTest.ccnew 
>>>>> file mode 100644index 0000000..0f5254d--- /dev/null+++ 
>>>>> b/src/net/test/RbtTest.cc@@ -0,0 +1 @@+test;commit 
>>>>> e2e8497c3c34a88ef1b726f60f3724ccef1ca385Author: Oriol Odena 
>>>>> <ood...@xx.com>Date:   Mon Mar 20 16:50:19 2017 +0100    rbt_testdiff 
>>>>> --git 
>>>>> a/src/net/test/DashTest.cc b/src/net/test/DashTest.ccindex 
>>>>> 079eefe..4cf9308 
>>>>> 100644--- a/src/net/test/DashTest.cc+++ b/src/net/test/DashTest.cc@@ 
>>>>> -27,3 
>>>>> +27,5 @@ PROBE_TEST(Dash, PPLive); PROBE_TEST(Dash, 
>>>>> Redbox); PROBE_TEST(Dash, Uusee); PROBE_TEST(Dash, Vudu);++RBT_TEST*
>>>>> Despite in review board it's only visible post corresponding to added 
>>>>> files.
>>>>> Hope someone could have an idea what's exactly happening and where I 
>>>>> have to search.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Oriol Odena.
>>>>> El sábado, 18 de marzo de 2017, 8:04:25 (UTC+1), Christian Hammond 
>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>> Hi Oriol,
>>>>>> Can you show me what your branch/commit history looks like from trunk 
>>>>>> up to the commit you're trying to post? If this has changed at all since 
>>>>>> the debug output you provided, having new debug output would help a lot. 
>>>>>> I 
>>>>>> basically need to be able to match up those SHAs and get a sense of what 
>>>>>> it's trying to post and what might be going wrong.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Christian
>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>> Christian Hammond
>>>>>> President/CEO of Beanbag <https://www.beanbaginc.com/>
>>>>>> Makers of Review Board <https://www.reviewboard.org/>
>>>>>> On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 10:03 AM, Oriol Odena <oriol...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>> I'm currently stucked using rbt tools integrated with git, wich I 
>>>>>>> recognize seems quite strange. My company uses svn as central 
>>>>>>> repository 
>>>>>>> and initially I started using it with reviewboard and rbt tools in 
>>>>>>> order to 
>>>>>>> perform group reviewing. Recently I decided to start working locally 
>>>>>>> with 
>>>>>>> git using svn git facilities, but It seems impossible to make rbt tools 
>>>>>>> working with it.
>>>>>>> RBTools  version installed is 0.7.9.
>>>>>>> For example, try to generate a post based on a commit, if I execute:
>>>>>>> *oodena@linux-oodena:~/workspace/trunk_git> rbt diff 
>>>>>>> 9ab7ade0fe3f3d8aad335d7856ffe4e34bb7988b*
>>>>>>> *Index: src/net/lib/DashGo90Info.cc*
>>>>>>> *===================================================================*
>>>>>>> *--- src/net/lib/DashGo90Info.cc (revision 85444*
>>>>>>> *)*
>>>>>>> *+++ src/net/lib/DashGo90Info.cc (working copy)*
>>>>>>> *@@ -65,14 +65,13 @@ std::vector<Mpd::Repr> 
>>>>>>> DashGo90Info::getDefaultRepresentations() const*
>>>>>>> *  * The id will be pbs atrribute value, wich means:*
>>>>>>> *  **
>>>>>>> *  *   a8fb32cca6474bb896c4d18d69eb023c*
>>>>>>> *+ **
>>>>>>> *+ * If pbs attribute is not found, generate a generic name 
>>>>>>> indicating just service name*
>>>>>>> *  */*
>>>>>>> * std::string DashGo90Info::getUriId(const String& uri) const*
>>>>>>> * {*
>>>>>>> *- std::string res;*
>>>>>>> *  boost::intrusive_ptr<String> 
>>>>>>> param=new_optr(HttpFlow::getUrlParameter(&uri, "pbs"));*
>>>>>>> *- if (param)*
>>>>>>> *- res=std::string(param->getValue());*
>>>>>>> *- return res;*
>>>>>>> *+ return (param)?std::string(param->getValue()):"go90";*
>>>>>>> * }*
>>>>>>> * bool DashGo90Info::belongsToApplication(const String& host,const 
>>>>>>> String& uri,const String& contentType,const String &referer) const*
>>>>>>> * {*
>>>>>>> In other words, seems to be working fine. But If I execute:
>>>>>>> *oodena@linux-oodena:~/workspace/trunk_git> rbt post 
>>>>>>> 9ab7ade0fe3f3d8aad335d7856ffe4e34bb7988b*
>>>>>>> *ERROR: Error validating diff*
>>>>>>> *The specified diff file is empty. (HTTP 400, API Error 219)*
>>>>>>> Don't know how It's possible to specify diff file empty if there's 
>>>>>>> no problem executing rbt diff. I also tried to use debug option:
>>>>>>> *oodena@linux-oodena:~/workspace/trunk_git> rbt post --debug 
>>>>>>> 9ab7ade0fe3f3d8aad335d7856ffe4e34bb7988b *
>>>>>>> *>>> RBTools 0.7.9*
>>>>>>> *>>> Python 2.6.9 (unknown, Apr  7 2015, 08:28:12) *
>>>>>>> *[GCC 4.3.4 [gcc-4_3-branch revision 152973]]*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running on Linux-3.0.101-63-default-x86_64-with-SuSE-11-x86_64*
>>>>>>> *>>> Home = /home/oodena*
>>>>>>> *>>> Current directory = /home/oodena/workspace/trunk_git*
>>>>>>> *>>> Command line: rbt post --debug 
>>>>>>> 9ab7ade0fe3f3d8aad335d7856ffe4e34bb7988b*
>>>>>>> *>>> Checking for a Subversion repository...*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: svn --non-interactive info*
>>>>>>> *>>> Command exited with rc 1: ['svn', '--non-interactive', u'info']*
>>>>>>> *svn: '.' is not a working copy*
>>>>>>> *---*
>>>>>>> *>>> Checking for a Git repository...*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: git rev-parse --git-dir*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: git config core.bare*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: git rev-parse --show-toplevel*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: git symbolic-ref -q HEAD*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: git svn info*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: git svn rebase -n*
>>>>>>> *>>> repository info: Path: svn://obiwan/code, Base path: /zl/trunk, 
>>>>>>> Supports changesets: False*
>>>>>>> *>>> Making HTTP GET request to http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/ 
>>>>>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/>*
>>>>>>> *>>> Making HTTP GET request to 
>>>>>>> http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/repositories/?tool=Subversion 
>>>>>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/repositories/?tool=Subversion>*
>>>>>>> *>>> Cached response for HTTP GET 
>>>>>>> http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/repositories/?tool=Subversion 
>>>>>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/repositories/?tool=Subversion> 
>>>>>>> expired 
>>>>>>> and was modified*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: git rev-parse 9ab7ade0fe3f3d8aad335d7856ffe4e34bb7988b*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: git rev-parse 
>>>>>>> 9ab7ade0fe3f3d8aad335d7856ffe4e34bb7988b^*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: git merge-base 
>>>>>>> 396cbc3a5d6adfc6772025f84f087701debd06d7 refs/remotes/trunk*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: git rev-parse --git-dir*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: git version*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: git diff --no-color --no-prefix -r -u --no-ext-diff 
>>>>>>> 396cbc3a5d6adfc6772025f84f087701debd06d7..9ab7ade0fe3f3d8aad335d7856ffe4e34bb7988b*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: git svn find-rev 
>>>>>>> e3aff38e4b238f4bf4f9630dffc6dc306eb52187*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: git diff --no-color --no-prefix -r -u --no-ext-diff 
>>>>>>> e3aff38e4b238f4bf4f9630dffc6dc306eb52187..396cbc3a5d6adfc6772025f84f087701debd06d7*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: git svn find-rev 
>>>>>>> e3aff38e4b238f4bf4f9630dffc6dc306eb52187*
>>>>>>> *>>> Making HTTP GET request to 
>>>>>>> http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/validation/diffs/ 
>>>>>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/validation/diffs/>*
>>>>>>> *>>> Cached response for HTTP GET 
>>>>>>> http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/validation/diffs/ 
>>>>>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/validation/diffs/> expired and was 
>>>>>>> modified*
>>>>>>> *>>> Making HTTP POST request to 
>>>>>>> http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/validation/diffs/ 
>>>>>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/validation/diffs/>*
>>>>>>> *>>> Got API Error 219 (HTTP code 400): The specified diff file is 
>>>>>>> empty.*
>>>>>>> *>>> Error data: {u'stat': u'fail', u'err': {u'msg': u'The specified 
>>>>>>> diff file is empty.', u'code': 219}}*
>>>>>>> *Traceback (most recent call last):*
>>>>>>> *  File "/usr/local/bin/rbt", line 8, in <module>*
>>>>>>> *    load_entry_point('RBTools==0.7.9.dev', 'console_scripts', 
>>>>>>> 'rbt')()*
>>>>>>> *  File 
>>>>>>> "/usr/local/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/RBTools-0.7.9.dev-py2.6.egg/rbtools/commands/main.py",
>>>>>>> line 133, in main*
>>>>>>> *    command.run_from_argv([RB_MAIN, command_name] + args)*
>>>>>>> *  File 
>>>>>>> "/usr/local/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/RBTools-0.7.9.dev-py2.6.egg/rbtools/commands/__init__.py",
>>>>>>> line 664, in run_from_argv*
>>>>>>> *    exit_code = self.main(*args) or 0*
>>>>>>> *  File 
>>>>>>> "/usr/local/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/RBTools-0.7.9.dev-py2.6.egg/rbtools/commands/post.py",
>>>>>>> line 811, in main*
>>>>>>> *    (msg_prefix, e))*
>>>>>>> *rbtools.commands.CommandError: Error validating diff*
>>>>>>> *The specified diff file is empty. (HTTP 400, API Error 219)*
>>>>>>> Having in mind this can also be used with svn, I tried to perform a 
>>>>>>> rbt post in svn repository with debug, and certainly I see slighly 
>>>>>>> differences:
>>>>>>> *oodena@linux-oodena:~/workspace/trunk> rbt post --debug*
>>>>>>> *>>> RBTools 0.7.9*
>>>>>>> *>>> Python 2.6.9 (unknown, Apr  7 2015, 08:28:12) *
>>>>>>> *[GCC 4.3.4 [gcc-4_3-branch revision 152973]]*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running on Linux-3.0.101-63-default-x86_64-with-SuSE-11-x86_64*
>>>>>>> *>>> Home = /home/oodena*
>>>>>>> *>>> Current directory = /home/oodena/workspace/trunk*
>>>>>>> *>>> Command line: rbt post --debug*
>>>>>>> *>>> Checking for a Subversion repository...*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: svn --non-interactive info*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: diff --version*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: svn --non-interactive --version -q*
>>>>>>> *>>> repository info: Path: svn://obiwan/code, Base path: /zl/trunk, 
>>>>>>> Supports changesets: False*
>>>>>>> *>>> Making HTTP GET request to http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/ 
>>>>>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/>*
>>>>>>> *>>> Making HTTP GET request to 
>>>>>>> http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/repositories/?tool=Subversion 
>>>>>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/repositories/?tool=Subversion>*
>>>>>>> *>>> Cached response for HTTP GET 
>>>>>>> http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/repositories/?tool=Subversion 
>>>>>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/repositories/?tool=Subversion> 
>>>>>>> expired 
>>>>>>> and was modified*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: svn --non-interactive info*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: diff --version*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: svn --non-interactive --version -q*
>>>>>>> *>>> repository info: Path: svn://obiwan/code, Base path: /zl/trunk, 
>>>>>>> Supports changesets: False*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: svn --non-interactive diff --diff-cmd=diff 
>>>>>>> --notice-ancestry -r BASE*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: svn --non-interactive info 
>>>>>>> src/net/test/DashContentDefinitionTest.cc*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: svn --non-interactive info src/net/test*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: svn --non-interactive info src/net*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: svn --non-interactive info src*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: svn --non-interactive diff --diff-cmd=diff 
>>>>>>> --notice-ancestry -r BASE --no-diff-deleted*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: svn --non-interactive info 
>>>>>>> src/net/test/DashContentDefinitionTest.cc*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: svn --non-interactive info 
>>>>>>> src/net/test/DashContentDefinitionTest.cc*
>>>>>>> *>>> Running: svn --non-interactive info 
>>>>>>> src/net/test/DashContentDefinitionTest.cc*
>>>>>>> *>>> Making HTTP GET request to 
>>>>>>> http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/validation/diffs/ 
>>>>>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/validation/diffs/>*
>>>>>>> *>>> Cached response for HTTP GET 
>>>>>>> http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/validation/diffs/ 
>>>>>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/validation/diffs/> expired and was 
>>>>>>> modified*
>>>>>>> *>>> Making HTTP POST request to 
>>>>>>> http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/validation/diffs/ 
>>>>>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/validation/diffs/>*
>>>>>>> *>>> Making HTTP GET request to 
>>>>>>> http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/review-requests/?only-links=create&only-fields=
>>>>>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/review-requests/?only-links=create&only-fields=>*
>>>>>>> *>>> Cached response for HTTP GET 
>>>>>>> http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/review-requests/?only-links=create&only-fields=
>>>>>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/review-requests/?only-links=create&only-fields=>
>>>>>>> expired and was modified*
>>>>>>> *>>> Making HTTP POST request to 
>>>>>>> http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/review-requests/ 
>>>>>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/review-requests/>*
>>>>>>> *>>> Making HTTP GET request to 
>>>>>>> http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/review-requests/271/diffs/?only-fields=
>>>>>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/review-requests/271/diffs/?only-fields=>*
>>>>>>> *>>> Added cache entry for HTTP GET request to 
>>>>>>> http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/review-requests/271/diffs/?only-fields=
>>>>>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/review-requests/271/diffs/?only-fields=>*
>>>>>>> *>>> Making HTTP POST request to 
>>>>>>> http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/review-requests/271/diffs/ 
>>>>>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/review-requests/271/diffs/>*
>>>>>>> *>>> Making HTTP GET request to 
>>>>>>> http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/review-requests/271/draft/?only-fields=commit_id
>>>>>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/review-requests/271/draft/?only-fields=commit_id>*
>>>>>>> *>>> Added cache entry for HTTP GET request to 
>>>>>>> http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/review-requests/271/draft/?only-fields=commit_id
>>>>>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/api/review-requests/271/draft/?only-fields=commit_id>*
>>>>>>> *Review request #271 posted.*
>>>>>>> *http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/r/271/ 
>>>>>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/r/271/>*
>>>>>>> *http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/r/271/diff/ 
>>>>>>> <http://machinesmith.zhilabs.net/r/271/diff/>*
>>>>>>> Maybe there's and kind of relationship with reviewboard server 
>>>>>>> configuration, or maybe with diff tool used, but I definitivelly use 
>>>>>>> support in order to get it.
>>>>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>>>>> Oriol 
>>>>>>> -- 
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>>>>>>> https://www.reviewboard.org/powerpack/
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>>>>>>> https://rbcommons.com/
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>>>>>> -- 
>>>>> Supercharge your Review Board with Power Pack: 
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>>>> -- 
>> Supercharge your Review Board with Power Pack: 
>> https://www.reviewboard.org/powerpack/
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