sorry, I meant RB 1.7.14 instead of 1.7.4

On Wednesday, 6 November 2013 18:50:16 UTC+11, Fede Naum wrote:
> Hi Rodrigo, 
> I know that this was more than a year ago, but can you tell me how did you 
> end up installing the webhooks extension on RB?
> I followed what you did 
> - git clone
> - cd rbwebhooks
> - pyhton install
> but I'm on version 1.7.4 of RB
> That failed with the error.
> super(RBWebHooksExtension, self).__init__()
> TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)
> Then after checking  this page 
> <>on
> how to build extensions, I just modified the code to be 
> super(RBWebHooksExtension, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
> it went further, I was able to install the extension, but when I try to 
> add a new  weeb hook target
> I got the following error:
>   File 
> "/var/virtualenv/REVIEWBOARD/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Django-1.4.8-py2.7.egg/django/db/backends/postgresql_psycopg2/",
> line 52, in execute
>     return self.cursor.execute(query, args)
> DatabaseError: relation "rbwebhooks_webhooktarget" does not exist
> LINE 1: INSERT INTO "rbwebhooks_webhooktarget" ("hook_id", "descript...
>                     ^
> So it looks like I'm missing the creation of some DB tables, how do I do 
> that?
> Thanks in advance
> Federico
> On Tuesday, 26 June 2012 07:03:48 UTC+10, Rodrigo Castro wrote:
>> Hello Steve,
>> I've just finished installing review board 1.7 alpha 0 (dev) and I 
>> confirm your extension still works. I haven't fully verified the payload of 
>> the POST request it sends but it seems to be fine ;)
>> There is one small little problem though. The empty file in 
>> the rbwebhooks directory is missing which in turn makes review board not to 
>> be aware of the extension. Otherwise everything is running smoothly.
>> I'm rather overbooked the coming weeks, but if I happen to have some 
>> spare time I know where to find help :)
>> Thanks Steve and Christian for your promptly and useful answers.
>> Rodrigo
>> Le lundi 25 juin 2012 19:51:27 UTC+2, Steven MacLeod a écrit :
>>> Hey Rodrigo,
>>> I'm the author of the Web Hooks extension. I believe it should 
>>> be compatible with the latest 1.7 dev code, as I don't remember any changes 
>>> which would have broken it since it was committed.
>>> As for not running a production site off of 1.7, the Web Hooks extension 
>>> is even less ready for production. To be honest, it is more of a prototype 
>>> which has had only minimal testing. Working to improve this extension isn't 
>>> currently one of my priorities, but I'd be more than happy to offer support 
>>> if you are interested in tinkering with it.
>>> Steve
>> Le lundi 25 juin 2012 19:51:27 UTC+2, Steven MacLeod a écrit :
>>> Hey Rodrigo,
>>> I'm the author of the Web Hooks extension. I believe it should 
>>> be compatible with the latest 1.7 dev code, as I don't remember any changes 
>>> which would have broken it since it was committed.
>>> As for not running a production site off of 1.7, the Web Hooks extension 
>>> is even less ready for production. To be honest, it is more of a prototype 
>>> which has had only minimal testing. Working to improve this extension isn't 
>>> currently one of my priorities, but I'd be more than happy to offer support 
>>> if you are interested in tinkering with it.
>>> Steve
>> Le lundi 25 juin 2012 19:51:27 UTC+2, Steven MacLeod a écrit :
>>> Hey Rodrigo,
>>> I'm the author of the Web Hooks extension. I believe it should 
>>> be compatible with the latest 1.7 dev code, as I don't remember any changes 
>>> which would have broken it since it was committed.
>>> As for not running a production site off of 1.7, the Web Hooks extension 
>>> is even less ready for production. To be honest, it is more of a prototype 
>>> which has had only minimal testing. Working to improve this extension isn't 
>>> currently one of my priorities, but I'd be more than happy to offer support 
>>> if you are interested in tinkering with it.
>>> Steve

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