Thansk, Tom.

Just as what you said, I need to modify the and add run_login()
just behind self.p4.connect() in function _connect().

I tried the p4.run_login() but it didn't work.
So I wrote my own run_login() as:
def run_login(self):
        os.popen('echo %s | p4 -p %s -u %s login -a' % (self.p4.password,
self.p4.port, self.p4.user))

Then everything is OK! RB is great!
Hope it's useful for other guys who have the same problem.


On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 8:34 AM, Tom Sakkos <> wrote:

> I wouldn't know where to put this in ReviewBoard, but it's probably
> necessary to run "run_login()" on the p4 object immediately after running
> "connect()."
> -Tom
> On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 2:13 AM, Jason Lee <> wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I met another problem when post a perforce review.
>> I install the RB on Windows.
>> The command is : -d 118527
>> And then I met a perforce exception.
>> The logs are below:
>> ================================================
>> P4Exception at /api/json/reviewrequests/new/
>> [P4#run] Errors during command execution( "p4 describe -s 118527" )
>>        [Error]: Password not allowed at this server security level, use
>> 'p4
>> login'.
>> Request Method:         POST
>> Request URL:
>> Exception Type:         P4Exception
>> Exception Value:
>> [P4#run] Errors during command execution( "p4 describe -s 118527" )
>>        [Error]: Password not allowed at this server security level, use
>> 'p4
>> login'.
>> Exception Location:     C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\ in run, line
>> 284
>> Python Executable:      D:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation
>> \Apache2.2\bin\httpd.exe
>> Python Version:         2.5.4
>> Python Path:    ............
>> Server time:    Fri, 26 Jun 2009 17:56:01 +0800
>> ===============================================
>> I think that's because of the higher P4 server security level. Because
>> when I use my own perforce server with default security level, I can
>> post the review successfully.
>> Anyone knows how to fix this problem?
>> Thanks.
> >

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