[GitHub] [spark] AngersZhuuuu commented on a change in pull request #28805: [SPARK-28169][SQL] Convert scan predicate condition to CNF

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

AngersZh commented on a change in pull request #28805:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28805#discussion_r446805961

File path: 
@@ -108,4 +109,54 @@ class PruneFileSourcePartitionsSuite extends QueryTest 
with SQLTestUtils with Te
+  test("SPARK-28169: Convert scan predicate condition to CNF") {

Review comment:
   > at least this new test can be shared between the 2 test suites?

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[GitHub] [spark] SparkQA removed a comment on pull request #28898: [SPARK-32059][SQL] Allow nested schema pruning thru window/sort/filter plans

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

SparkQA removed a comment on pull request #28898:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28898#issuecomment-650853588

   **[Test build #124616 has 
 for PR 28898 at commit 

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[GitHub] [spark] SparkQA commented on pull request #28898: [SPARK-32059][SQL] Allow nested schema pruning thru window/sort/filter plans

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

SparkQA commented on pull request #28898:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28898#issuecomment-650965128

   **[Test build #124616 has 
 for PR 28898 at commit 
* This patch passes all tests.
* This patch merges cleanly.
* This patch adds no public classes.

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[GitHub] [spark] LantaoJin commented on a change in pull request #28935: [SPARK-20680][SQL] Adding HiveVoidType in Spark to be compatible with Hive

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

LantaoJin commented on a change in pull request #28935:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28935#discussion_r446804385

File path: 
@@ -2212,6 +2212,7 @@ class AstBuilder(conf: SQLConf) extends 
SqlBaseBaseVisitor[AnyRef] with Logging
   case ("decimal" | "dec" | "numeric", precision :: scale :: Nil) =>
 DecimalType(precision.getText.toInt, scale.getText.toInt)
   case ("interval", Nil) => CalendarIntervalType
+  case ("void", Nil) => HiveVoidType

Review comment:
   Em, yes. We don't need this line in this PR, right?

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[GitHub] [spark] LantaoJin commented on a change in pull request #28935: [SPARK-20680][SQL] Adding HiveVoidType in Spark to be compatible with Hive

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

LantaoJin commented on a change in pull request #28935:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28935#discussion_r446799790

File path: 
@@ -47,9 +47,7 @@ object HiveStringType {
 case MapType(kt, vt, nullable) =>
   MapType(replaceCharType(kt), replaceCharType(vt), nullable)
 case StructType(fields) =>
-  StructType(fields.map { field =>
-field.copy(dataType = replaceCharType(field.dataType))
-  })
+  StructType(fields.map(f => f.copy(dataType = 

Review comment:
   Ok, get the rule now. I will rollback this line

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[GitHub] [spark] HyukjinKwon commented on pull request #28616: [SPARK-31798][SHUFFLE][API] Shuffle Writer API changes to return custom map output metadata

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

HyukjinKwon commented on pull request #28616:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28616#issuecomment-650950403

   LGTM too

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[GitHub] [spark] AmplabJenkins removed a comment on pull request #28924: [SPARK-32091][CORE] Ignore timeout error when remove blocks on the lost executor

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

AmplabJenkins removed a comment on pull request #28924:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28924#issuecomment-650949521

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[GitHub] [spark] AmplabJenkins commented on pull request #28924: [SPARK-32091][CORE] Ignore timeout error when remove blocks on the lost executor

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

AmplabJenkins commented on pull request #28924:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28924#issuecomment-650949521

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[GitHub] [spark] yairogen commented on a change in pull request #28629: [SPARK-31769][CORE] Add MDC support for driver threads

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

yairogen commented on a change in pull request #28629:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28629#discussion_r446798079

File path: core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/util/ThreadUtilsSuite.scala
@@ -25,11 +25,27 @@ import scala.concurrent.duration._
 import scala.util.Random
 import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually._
+import org.slf4j.MDC
 import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite
 class ThreadUtilsSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
+  test("newDaemonSingleThreadExecutor with MDC") {
+val appIdValue = s"appId-${System.currentTimeMillis()}"
+MDC.put("appId", appIdValue)

Review comment:
   right. there is no way to make MDC put something in another process.

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[GitHub] [spark] igreenfield commented on a change in pull request #28629: [SPARK-31769][CORE] Add MDC support for driver threads

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

igreenfield commented on a change in pull request #28629:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28629#discussion_r446797352

File path: core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/util/ThreadUtilsSuite.scala
@@ -25,11 +25,27 @@ import scala.concurrent.duration._
 import scala.util.Random
 import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually._
+import org.slf4j.MDC
 import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite
 class ThreadUtilsSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
+  test("newDaemonSingleThreadExecutor with MDC") {
+val appIdValue = s"appId-${System.currentTimeMillis()}"
+MDC.put("appId", appIdValue)

Review comment:
   For the driver is true. for the Executor as it is in another process it 
should be called explicitly by the user.

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[GitHub] [spark] SparkQA removed a comment on pull request #28935: [SPARK-20680][SQL] Adding HiveVoidType in Spark to be compatible with Hive

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

SparkQA removed a comment on pull request #28935:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28935#issuecomment-650844766

   **[Test build #124614 has 
 for PR 28935 at commit 

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[GitHub] [spark] SparkQA commented on pull request #28935: [SPARK-20680][SQL] Adding HiveVoidType in Spark to be compatible with Hive

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

SparkQA commented on pull request #28935:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28935#issuecomment-650947540

   **[Test build #124614 has 
 for PR 28935 at commit 
* This patch passes all tests.
* This patch merges cleanly.
* This patch adds no public classes.

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[GitHub] [spark] xianyinxin commented on pull request #28943: [SPARK-32127][SQL]: Check rules for MERGE INTO should use MergeAction.conditition other than MergeAction.children

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

xianyinxin commented on pull request #28943:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28943#issuecomment-650947651

   @cloud-fan @brkyvz , pls take a look.

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[GitHub] [spark] xianyinxin commented on a change in pull request #28875: [SPARK-32030][SQL] Support unlimited MATCHED and NOT MATCHED clauses in MERGE INTO

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

xianyinxin commented on a change in pull request #28875:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28875#discussion_r446796512

File path: 
@@ -468,13 +458,25 @@ class AstBuilder(conf: SQLConf) extends 
SqlBaseBaseVisitor[AnyRef] with Logging
   throw new ParseException("There must be at least one WHEN clause in a 
MERGE statement", ctx)
 // children being empty means that the condition is not set
-if (matchedActions.length == 2 && matchedActions.head.children.isEmpty) {
-  throw new ParseException("When there are 2 MATCHED clauses in a MERGE 
statement, " +
-"the first MATCHED clause must have a condition", ctx)
-if (matchedActions.groupBy(_.getClass).mapValues(_.size).exists(_._2 > 1)) 
+val matchedActionSize = matchedActions.length
+if (matchedActionSize >= 2 && 
!matchedActions.init.forall(_.condition.nonEmpty)) {

Review comment:
   Submitted a pr at https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28943.

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[GitHub] [spark] cloud-fan commented on a change in pull request #28629: [SPARK-31769][CORE] Add MDC support for driver threads

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

cloud-fan commented on a change in pull request #28629:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28629#discussion_r446795038

File path: core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/util/ThreadUtilsSuite.scala
@@ -25,11 +25,27 @@ import scala.concurrent.duration._
 import scala.util.Random
 import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually._
+import org.slf4j.MDC
 import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite
 class ThreadUtilsSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
+  test("newDaemonSingleThreadExecutor with MDC") {
+val appIdValue = s"appId-${System.currentTimeMillis()}"
+MDC.put("appId", appIdValue)

Review comment:
   I mean user-facing APIs. Eventually, we have to call `MDC.put` as this 
is how MDC works.
   Maybe it's better to say that Spark can propagate the MDC properties to both 
driver thread pools and executor tasks. So end-users only need to call 

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[GitHub] [spark] SparkQA commented on pull request #28875: [SPARK-32030][SQL] Support unlimited MATCHED and NOT MATCHED clauses in MERGE INTO

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

SparkQA commented on pull request #28875:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28875#issuecomment-650944873

   **[Test build #5047 has 
 for PR 28875 at commit 
* This patch **fails Spark unit tests**.
* This patch merges cleanly.
* This patch adds the following public classes _(experimental)_:
 * `sealed abstract class MergeAction extends Expression with Unevaluable `
 * `case class DeleteAction(condition: Option[Expression]) extends 

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[GitHub] [spark] xianyinxin opened a new pull request #28943: SPARK-32127: Check rules for MERGE INTO should use MergeAction.conditition other than MergeAction.children

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

xianyinxin opened a new pull request #28943:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28943

   ### What changes were proposed in this pull request?
   This pr fix a bug of check rules for MERGE INTO.
   ### Why are the changes needed?
   SPARK-30924 adds some check rules for MERGE INTO one of which ensures the 
first MATCHED clause must have a condition. However, it uses 
`MergeAction.children` in the checking which is not accurate for the case, and 
it lets the below case pass the check:
   MERGE INTO testcat1.ns1.ns2.tbl AS target
   WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET target.col2 = source.col2
   We should use `MergeAction.condition` instead.
   ### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?
   ### How was this patch tested?
   An existed ut is modified.

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[GitHub] [spark] SparkQA removed a comment on pull request #28875: [SPARK-32030][SQL] Support unlimited MATCHED and NOT MATCHED clauses in MERGE INTO

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

SparkQA removed a comment on pull request #28875:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28875#issuecomment-650882037

   **[Test build #5047 has 
 for PR 28875 at commit 

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[GitHub] [spark] cloud-fan commented on pull request #28916: [SPARK-32083][SQL] Coalesce to one partition when all partitions are empty in AQE

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

cloud-fan commented on pull request #28916:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28916#issuecomment-650938932

   I checked the related code and came up with the same conclusion as @viirya . 
Can you elaborate more about how this happens?

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[GitHub] [spark] cloud-fan commented on pull request #28930: [SPARK-29999][SS][FOLLOWUP] Fix test to check the actual metadata log directory

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

cloud-fan commented on pull request #28930:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28930#issuecomment-650934435

   retest this please

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[GitHub] [spark] HeartSaVioR commented on pull request #27620: [SPARK-30866][SS] FileStreamSource: Cache fetched list of files beyond maxFilesPerTrigger as unread files

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

HeartSaVioR commented on pull request #27620:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/27620#issuecomment-650932618

   After looking at a couple of more issues on file stream source, I'm feeling 
that we also need to have upper bound of the cache, as file stream source is 
already contributing memory usage on driver and this adds (possibly) unbounded 
amount of memory.
   I guess 10,000 entries are good enough, as it affects 100 batches when 
maxFilesPerTrigger is set to 100, and affects 10 batches when 
maxFilesPerTrigger is set to 1000. Once we find that higher value is OK for 
memory usage and pretty much helpful on majority of workloads, we can make it 
configurable with higher default value.

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[GitHub] [spark] cloud-fan commented on a change in pull request #28647: [SPARK-31828][SQL] Retain table properties at CreateTableLikeCommand

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

cloud-fan commented on a change in pull request #28647:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28647#discussion_r446789203

File path: 
@@ -839,6 +839,19 @@ case class AlterTableSetLocationCommand(
 object DDLUtils {
   val HIVE_PROVIDER = "hive"

Review comment:
   I don't feel comfortable maintaining this list here. Is it possible to 
remove Hive specific properties in `HiveClientImpl`? So that the hive related 
stuff remains in hive related classes.

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[GitHub] [spark] cloud-fan commented on a change in pull request #28647: [SPARK-31828][SQL] Retain table properties at CreateTableLikeCommand

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

cloud-fan commented on a change in pull request #28647:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28647#discussion_r446788640

File path: docs/sql-ref-syntax-ddl-create-table-like.md
@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ CREATE TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] table_identifier LIKE 
 Table properties that have to be set are specified, such as 
`created.by.user`, `owner`, etc.
+Note that a basic set of table properties defined in a source table is 
copied into a new table.

Review comment:
   let's update the doc as well.

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[GitHub] [spark] cloud-fan commented on pull request #28647: [SPARK-31828][SQL] Retain table properties at CreateTableLikeCommand

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

cloud-fan commented on pull request #28647:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28647#issuecomment-650925029

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[GitHub] [spark] manuzhang commented on pull request #28916: [SPARK-32083][SQL] Coalesce to one partition when all partitions are empty in AQE

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

manuzhang commented on pull request #28916:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28916#issuecomment-650925712

   @cloud-fan here it is

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[GitHub] [spark] HyukjinKwon commented on a change in pull request #28788: [SPARK-31960][Yarn][Build] Only populate Hadoop classpath for no-hadoop build

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

HyukjinKwon commented on a change in pull request #28788:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28788#discussion_r446784525

File path: 
@@ -74,10 +76,11 @@ package object config {
 .doc("Whether to populate Hadoop classpath from 
`yarn.application.classpath` and " +
   "`mapreduce.application.classpath` Note that if this is set to `false`, 
it requires " +
   "a `with-Hadoop` Spark distribution that bundles Hadoop runtime or user 
has to provide " +
-  "a Hadoop installation separately.")
+  "a Hadoop installation separately. By default, for `with-hadoop` Spark 
distribution, " +
+  "this is set to `false`; for `no-hadoop` distribution, this is set to 

Review comment:
   @dbtsai, seems like it has not been added yet. Could we add it soon 
before we forget :-)?

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[GitHub] [spark] sarutak commented on pull request #28942: [SPARK-32125][UI] Support get taskList by status in Web UI and SHS Rest API

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

sarutak commented on pull request #28942:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28942#issuecomment-650921592

   Hi @warrenzhu25 , thank you for your contribution.
   This PR seems to add a new feature so could you add a testcase for it?
   You can find tests for the status API in `UISeleniumSuite` and 

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[GitHub] [spark] cloud-fan commented on pull request #28916: [SPARK-32083][SQL] Coalesce to one partition when all partitions are empty in AQE

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

cloud-fan commented on pull request #28916:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28916#issuecomment-650920696

   @manuzhang can you check the web UI as well?

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[GitHub] [spark] SparkQA removed a comment on pull request #28875: [SPARK-32030][SQL] Support unlimited MATCHED and NOT MATCHED clauses in MERGE INTO

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

SparkQA removed a comment on pull request #28875:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28875#issuecomment-650882027

   **[Test build #5046 has 
 for PR 28875 at commit 

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[GitHub] [spark] SparkQA commented on pull request #28875: [SPARK-32030][SQL] Support unlimited MATCHED and NOT MATCHED clauses in MERGE INTO

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

SparkQA commented on pull request #28875:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28875#issuecomment-650919677

   **[Test build #5046 has 
 for PR 28875 at commit 
* This patch **fails Spark unit tests**.
* This patch merges cleanly.
* This patch adds the following public classes _(experimental)_:
 * `sealed abstract class MergeAction extends Expression with Unevaluable `
 * `case class DeleteAction(condition: Option[Expression]) extends 

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[GitHub] [spark] TJX2014 commented on a change in pull request #28882: [SPARK-31751][SQL]Serde property `path` overwrites hive table property location

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

TJX2014 commented on a change in pull request #28882:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28882#discussion_r446782110

File path: 
@@ -545,7 +545,11 @@ private[spark] class HiveExternalCatalog(conf: SparkConf, 
hadoopConf: Configurat
   private def getLocationFromStorageProps(table: CatalogTable): Option[String] 
= {
+if (conf.get(HiveUtils.FOLLOW_TABLE_LOCATION)) {

Review comment:
   @cloud-fan Thank you for your suggestion, I have corrected.

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[GitHub] [spark] SparkQA removed a comment on pull request #28938: [SPARK-32118][SQL] Use fine-grained read write lock for each database in HiveExternalCatalog

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

SparkQA removed a comment on pull request #28938:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28938#issuecomment-650870128

   **[Test build #124619 has 
 for PR 28938 at commit 

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[GitHub] [spark] AmplabJenkins removed a comment on pull request #28939: [SPARK-32119][CORE] ExecutorPlugin doesn't work with Standalone Cluster

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

AmplabJenkins removed a comment on pull request #28939:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28939#issuecomment-650913498

   Test FAILed.
   Refer to this link for build results (access rights to CI server needed): 
   Test FAILed.

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[GitHub] [spark] AmplabJenkins commented on pull request #28939: [SPARK-32119][CORE] ExecutorPlugin doesn't work with Standalone Cluster

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

AmplabJenkins commented on pull request #28939:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28939#issuecomment-650913498

   Test FAILed.
   Refer to this link for build results (access rights to CI server needed): 
   Test FAILed.

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[GitHub] [spark] AmplabJenkins removed a comment on pull request #28939: [SPARK-32119][CORE] ExecutorPlugin doesn't work with Standalone Cluster

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

AmplabJenkins removed a comment on pull request #28939:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28939#issuecomment-650913159

   Merged build finished. Test FAILed.

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[GitHub] [spark] SparkQA commented on pull request #28938: [SPARK-32118][SQL] Use fine-grained read write lock for each database in HiveExternalCatalog

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

SparkQA commented on pull request #28938:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28938#issuecomment-650913642

   **[Test build #124619 has 
 for PR 28938 at commit 
* This patch passes all tests.
* This patch merges cleanly.
* This patch adds no public classes.

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[GitHub] [spark] SparkQA removed a comment on pull request #28924: [SPARK-32091][CORE] Ignore timeout error when remove blocks on the lost executor

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

SparkQA removed a comment on pull request #28924:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28924#issuecomment-650870142

   **[Test build #124620 has 
 for PR 28924 at commit 

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[GitHub] [spark] SparkQA removed a comment on pull request #28939: [SPARK-32119][CORE] ExecutorPlugin doesn't work with Standalone Cluster

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

SparkQA removed a comment on pull request #28939:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28939#issuecomment-650912108

   **[Test build #124622 has 
 for PR 28939 at commit 

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[GitHub] [spark] AmplabJenkins commented on pull request #28939: [SPARK-32119][CORE] ExecutorPlugin doesn't work with Standalone Cluster

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

AmplabJenkins commented on pull request #28939:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28939#issuecomment-650913159

   Merged build finished. Test FAILed.

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[GitHub] [spark] SparkQA commented on pull request #28924: [SPARK-32091][CORE] Ignore timeout error when remove blocks on the lost executor

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

SparkQA commented on pull request #28924:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28924#issuecomment-650912895

   **[Test build #124620 has 
 for PR 28924 at commit 
* This patch passes all tests.
* This patch merges cleanly.
* This patch adds the following public classes _(experimental)_:
 * `  case class IsExecutorAlive(executorId: String) extends 

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[GitHub] [spark] SparkQA commented on pull request #28939: [SPARK-32119][CORE] ExecutorPlugin doesn't work with Standalone Cluster

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

SparkQA commented on pull request #28939:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28939#issuecomment-650912866

   **[Test build #124622 has 
 for PR 28939 at commit 
* This patch **fails build dependency tests**.
* This patch merges cleanly.
* This patch adds no public classes.

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[GitHub] [spark] SparkQA commented on pull request #28939: [SPARK-32119][CORE] ExecutorPlugin doesn't work with Standalone Cluster

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

SparkQA commented on pull request #28939:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28939#issuecomment-650912108

   **[Test build #124622 has 
 for PR 28939 at commit 

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[GitHub] [spark] viirya commented on a change in pull request #28761: [SPARK-25557][SQL] Nested column predicate pushdown for ORC

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

viirya commented on a change in pull request #28761:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28761#discussion_r446778323

File path: 
@@ -74,9 +75,9 @@ class OrcFilterSuite extends OrcTest with SharedSparkSession {
   protected def checkFilterPredicate

Review comment:
   Might be changed by IDE. Going to revert it.

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[GitHub] [spark] yairogen commented on a change in pull request #28629: [SPARK-31769][CORE] Add MDC support for driver threads

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

yairogen commented on a change in pull request #28629:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28629#discussion_r446777693

File path: core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/util/ThreadUtilsSuite.scala
@@ -25,11 +25,27 @@ import scala.concurrent.duration._
 import scala.util.Random
 import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually._
+import org.slf4j.MDC
 import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite
 class ThreadUtilsSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
+  test("newDaemonSingleThreadExecutor with MDC") {
+val appIdValue = s"appId-${System.currentTimeMillis()}"
+MDC.put("appId", appIdValue)

Review comment:
   @cloud-fan I think he is using `MDC.put` in both cases. The only 
difference is that for executor we also have to call `sc.setLocalProperties` in 
order to pass the property into the executor JVM. Once the executor process has 
knowledge of the appId or any other property, it is put into MDC the same way.

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[GitHub] [spark] SparkQA commented on pull request #28895: [SPARK-32055][CORE][SQL] Unify getReader and getReaderForRange in ShuffleManager

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

SparkQA commented on pull request #28895:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28895#issuecomment-650910831

   **[Test build #5048 has 
 for PR 28895 at commit 

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[GitHub] [spark] manuzhang commented on pull request #28916: [SPARK-32083][SQL] Coalesce to one partition when all partitions are empty in AQE

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

manuzhang commented on pull request #28916:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28916#issuecomment-650909946

   @cloud-fan Yes, also from the UT log  before this change (I enabled the 
lineage log)
   = TEST OUTPUT FOR o.a.s.sql.execution.adaptive.AdaptiveQueryExecSuite: 
'Empty stage coalesced to 0-partition RDD' =
   22:06:00.535 ScalaTest-run-running-AdaptiveQueryExecSuite INFO 
ShufflePartitionsUtil: For shuffle(0, 1), advisory target size: 67108864, 
actual target size 16.
   22:06:00.683 ScalaTest-run-running-AdaptiveQueryExecSuite INFO 
CodeGenerator: Code generated in 88.071331 ms
   22:06:00.700 ScalaTest-run-running-AdaptiveQueryExecSuite INFO 
CodeGenerator: Code generated in 11.13 ms
   22:06:00.752 ScalaTest-run-running-AdaptiveQueryExecSuite INFO 
CodeGenerator: Code generated in 9.213245 ms
   22:06:00.801 ScalaTest-run-running-AdaptiveQueryExecSuite INFO 
CodeGenerator: Code generated in 12.257591 ms
   22:06:00.855 ScalaTest-run-running-AdaptiveQueryExecSuite INFO SparkContext: 
Starting job: apply at OutcomeOf.scala:85
   22:06:00.858 ScalaTest-run-running-AdaptiveQueryExecSuite INFO SparkContext: 
RDD's recursive dependencies:
   (5) MapPartitionsRDD[43] at apply at OutcomeOf.scala:85 []
|  SQLExecutionRDD[42] at apply at OutcomeOf.scala:85 []
|  MapPartitionsRDD[41] at apply at OutcomeOf.scala:85 []
|  MapPartitionsRDD[40] at apply at OutcomeOf.scala:85 []
|  ShuffledRowRDD[39] at apply at OutcomeOf.scala:85 []
+-(0) MapPartitionsRDD[38] at apply at OutcomeOf.scala:85 []
   |  MapPartitionsRDD[37] at apply at OutcomeOf.scala:85 []
   |  ZippedPartitionsRDD2[36] at apply at OutcomeOf.scala:85 []
   |  MapPartitionsRDD[33] at apply at OutcomeOf.scala:85 []
   |  ShuffledRowRDD[32] at apply at OutcomeOf.scala:85 []
   +-(2) MapPartitionsRDD[27] at apply at OutcomeOf.scala:85 []
  |  MapPartitionsRDD[26] at apply at OutcomeOf.scala:85 []
  |  MapPartitionsRDD[25] at apply at OutcomeOf.scala:85 []
  |  ParallelCollectionRDD[24] at apply at OutcomeOf.scala:85 []
   |  MapPartitionsRDD[35] at apply at OutcomeOf.scala:85 []
   |  ShuffledRowRDD[34] at apply at OutcomeOf.scala:85 []
   +-(2) MapPartitionsRDD[31] at apply at OutcomeOf.scala:85 []
  |  MapPartitionsRDD[30] at apply at OutcomeOf.scala:85 []
  |  MapPartitionsRDD[29] at apply at OutcomeOf.scala:85 []
  |  ParallelCollectionRDD[28] at apply at OutcomeOf.scala:85 []
   22:06:00.860 dag-scheduler-event-loop INFO DAGScheduler: Registering RDD 38 
(apply at OutcomeOf.scala:85) as input to shuffle 2
   22:06:00.861 dag-scheduler-event-loop INFO DAGScheduler: Got job 2 (apply at 
OutcomeOf.scala:85) with 5 output partitions
   22:06:00.861 dag-scheduler-event-loop INFO DAGScheduler: Final stage: 
ResultStage 5 (apply at OutcomeOf.scala:85)
   22:06:00.861 dag-scheduler-event-loop INFO DAGScheduler: Parents of final 
stage: List(ShuffleMapStage 4)
   22:06:00.862 dag-scheduler-event-loop INFO DAGScheduler: Missing parents: 
   22:06:00.863 dag-scheduler-event-loop INFO DAGScheduler: Submitting 
ResultStage 5 (MapPartitionsRDD[43] at apply at OutcomeOf.scala:85), which has 
no missing parents

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[GitHub] [spark] cloud-fan commented on a change in pull request #28805: [SPARK-28169][SQL] Convert scan predicate condition to CNF

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

cloud-fan commented on a change in pull request #28805:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28805#discussion_r446776081

File path: 
@@ -108,4 +109,54 @@ class PruneFileSourcePartitionsSuite extends QueryTest 
with SQLTestUtils with Te
+  test("SPARK-28169: Convert scan predicate condition to CNF") {

Review comment:
   at least this new test can be shared between the 2 test suites?

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[GitHub] [spark] HeartSaVioR commented on a change in pull request #28930: [SPARK-29999][SS][FOLLOWUP] Fix test to check the actual metadata log directory

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

HeartSaVioR commented on a change in pull request #28930:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28930#discussion_r446775390

File path: 
@@ -55,6 +54,13 @@ object FileStreamSink extends Logging {
+  def getMetadataLogPath(path: Path, hadoopConf: Configuration, sqlConf: 
SQLConf): Path = {
+val metadataDir = new Path(path, FileStreamSink.metadataDir)
+val fs = metadataDir.getFileSystem(hadoopConf)
+FileStreamSink.checkEscapedMetadataPath(fs, metadataDir, sqlConf)

Review comment:
   Oh sorry I should have explained before. That's to avoid test to copy 
same code (logic) what FileStreamSink does, so that we don't break the test 
when we somehow change it. So that's a refactor and doesn't mean there's a bug 
in FileStreamSink.

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[GitHub] [spark] HeartSaVioR commented on a change in pull request #28930: [SPARK-29999][SS][FOLLOWUP] Fix test to check the actual metadata log directory

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

HeartSaVioR commented on a change in pull request #28930:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28930#discussion_r446775390

File path: 
@@ -55,6 +54,13 @@ object FileStreamSink extends Logging {
+  def getMetadataLogPath(path: Path, hadoopConf: Configuration, sqlConf: 
SQLConf): Path = {
+val metadataDir = new Path(path, FileStreamSink.metadataDir)
+val fs = metadataDir.getFileSystem(hadoopConf)
+FileStreamSink.checkEscapedMetadataPath(fs, metadataDir, sqlConf)

Review comment:
   Oh sorry I should have explained before. That's to avoid test to copy 
same code (logic) what FileStreamSink does, so that we don't break the test 
when we somehow change it. Doesn't mean there's a bug in FileStreamSink.

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[GitHub] [spark] HeartSaVioR commented on a change in pull request #28930: [SPARK-29999][SS][FOLLOWUP] Fix test to check the actual metadata log directory

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

HeartSaVioR commented on a change in pull request #28930:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28930#discussion_r446775390

File path: 
@@ -55,6 +54,13 @@ object FileStreamSink extends Logging {
+  def getMetadataLogPath(path: Path, hadoopConf: Configuration, sqlConf: 
SQLConf): Path = {
+val metadataDir = new Path(path, FileStreamSink.metadataDir)
+val fs = metadataDir.getFileSystem(hadoopConf)
+FileStreamSink.checkEscapedMetadataPath(fs, metadataDir, sqlConf)

Review comment:
   Oh sorry I should have explained before. That's to avoid test to copy 
same code (logic) what FileStreamSink does, so that we don't break the test 
when we somehow change it.

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[GitHub] [spark] HeartSaVioR commented on a change in pull request #28930: [SPARK-29999][SS][FOLLOWUP] Fix test to check the actual metadata log directory

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

HeartSaVioR commented on a change in pull request #28930:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28930#discussion_r446775390

File path: 
@@ -55,6 +54,13 @@ object FileStreamSink extends Logging {
+  def getMetadataLogPath(path: Path, hadoopConf: Configuration, sqlConf: 
SQLConf): Path = {
+val metadataDir = new Path(path, FileStreamSink.metadataDir)
+val fs = metadataDir.getFileSystem(hadoopConf)
+FileStreamSink.checkEscapedMetadataPath(fs, metadataDir, sqlConf)

Review comment:
   Oh sorry I should have explained before. That's to avoid test to have 
same code what FileStreamSink does, so that we don't break the test when we 
somehow change it.

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[GitHub] [spark] cloud-fan commented on a change in pull request #28930: [SPARK-29999][SS][FOLLOWUP] Fix test to check the actual metadata log directory

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

cloud-fan commented on a change in pull request #28930:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28930#discussion_r446774988

File path: 
@@ -55,6 +54,13 @@ object FileStreamSink extends Logging {
+  def getMetadataLogPath(path: Path, hadoopConf: Configuration, sqlConf: 
SQLConf): Path = {
+val metadataDir = new Path(path, FileStreamSink.metadataDir)
+val fs = metadataDir.getFileSystem(hadoopConf)
+FileStreamSink.checkEscapedMetadataPath(fs, metadataDir, sqlConf)

Review comment:
   this is new code. So this PR fixes a bug instead of just fixing a test?

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[GitHub] [spark] cloud-fan commented on a change in pull request #28930: [SPARK-29999][SS][FOLLOWUP] Fix test to check the actual metadata log directory

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

cloud-fan commented on a change in pull request #28930:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28930#discussion_r446774699

File path: 
@@ -55,6 +54,13 @@ object FileStreamSink extends Logging {
+  def getMetadataLogPath(path: Path, hadoopConf: Configuration, sqlConf: 
SQLConf): Path = {
+val metadataDir = new Path(path, FileStreamSink.metadataDir)
+val fs = metadataDir.getFileSystem(hadoopConf)

Review comment:
   shall we pass the `fs` as a parameter as well?

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[GitHub] [spark] sarutak commented on a change in pull request #28939: [SPARK-32119][CORE] ExecutorPlugin doesn't work with Standalone Cluster

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

sarutak commented on a change in pull request #28939:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28939#discussion_r446774168

File path: core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/SparkSubmitSuite.scala
@@ -1254,7 +1255,7 @@ class SparkSubmitSuite
 |public void init(PluginContext ctx, Map extraConf) {
 |  String str = null;
 |  try (BufferedReader reader =
-|new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new 
FileInputStream($tempFileName {
+|new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new 
FileInputStream("$tempFileName" {

Review comment:
   Actually, I replaced `"test.txt"` with `$tempFileName` just before the 
first push so, it's a miss-replacement.

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[GitHub] [spark] sarutak commented on a change in pull request #28939: [SPARK-32119][CORE] ExecutorPlugin doesn't work with Standalone Cluster

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

sarutak commented on a change in pull request #28939:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28939#discussion_r446774168

File path: core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/SparkSubmitSuite.scala
@@ -1254,7 +1255,7 @@ class SparkSubmitSuite
 |public void init(PluginContext ctx, Map extraConf) {
 |  String str = null;
 |  try (BufferedReader reader =
-|new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new 
FileInputStream($tempFileName {
+|new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new 
FileInputStream("$tempFileName" {

Review comment:
   Actually, I replaced `"test.txt"` with `$tempFileName` just before first 
push so, it's a miss-replacement.

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[GitHub] [spark] viirya edited a comment on pull request #28916: [SPARK-32083][SQL] Coalesce to one partition when all partitions are empty in AQE

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

viirya edited a comment on pull request #28916:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28916#issuecomment-650899063

   > It's because `ShuffleRowedRDD` is created with default number of shuffle 
partitions here 
   When `partitionSpecs` is empty, `CustomShuffleReaderExec` creates 
`ShuffledRowRDD` with empty `partitionSpecs`. 
   The shuffle is changed by AQE and `CustomShuffleReaderExec` will replace 
original `ShuffleExchangeExec`, I think the code you pointed is replaced by 
above code path. So it should be empty partitions.

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[GitHub] [spark] dongjoon-hyun edited a comment on pull request #28919: [SPARK-32038][SQL][FOLLOWUP] Make the alias name pretty after float/double normalization

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

dongjoon-hyun edited a comment on pull request #28919:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28919#issuecomment-650903736

   Thank you all. Merged to master/3.0. (The last commit is adding only two 

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[GitHub] [spark] dongjoon-hyun closed pull request #28919: [SPARK-32038][SQL][FOLLOWUP] Make the alias name pretty after float/double normalization

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[GitHub] [spark] dongjoon-hyun commented on pull request #28919: [SPARK-32038][SQL][FOLLOWUP] Make the alias name pretty after float/double normalization

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

dongjoon-hyun commented on pull request #28919:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28919#issuecomment-650903736

   Thank you all. Merged to master/3.0.

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[GitHub] [spark] cloud-fan commented on a change in pull request #28935: [SPARK-20680][SQL] Adding HiveVoidType in Spark to be compatible with Hive

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

cloud-fan commented on a change in pull request #28935:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28935#discussion_r446771337

File path: 
@@ -2212,6 +2212,7 @@ class AstBuilder(conf: SQLConf) extends 
SqlBaseBaseVisitor[AnyRef] with Logging
   case ("decimal" | "dec" | "numeric", precision :: scale :: Nil) =>
 DecimalType(precision.getText.toInt, scale.getText.toInt)
   case ("interval", Nil) => CalendarIntervalType
+  case ("void", Nil) => HiveVoidType

Review comment:
   We can just reuse `NullType`. We should forbid creating table with null 
type completely, including `spark.catalog.createTable`.

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[GitHub] [spark] cloud-fan commented on pull request #28916: [SPARK-32083][SQL] Coalesce to one partition when all partitions are empty in AQE

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

cloud-fan commented on pull request #28916:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28916#issuecomment-650902976

   @manuzhang can you check the Spark web UI and make sure AQE does launch 
tasks for empty partitions?

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[GitHub] [spark] AmplabJenkins removed a comment on pull request #28754: [SPARK-10520][SQL] Allow average out of DateType

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

AmplabJenkins removed a comment on pull request #28754:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28754#issuecomment-650902644

   Test PASSed.
   Refer to this link for build results (access rights to CI server needed): 
   Test PASSed.

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[GitHub] [spark] AmplabJenkins commented on pull request #28754: [SPARK-10520][SQL] Allow average out of DateType

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

AmplabJenkins commented on pull request #28754:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28754#issuecomment-650902644

   Test PASSed.
   Refer to this link for build results (access rights to CI server needed): 
   Test PASSed.

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[GitHub] [spark] dongjoon-hyun closed pull request #28923: [SPARK-32090][SQL] Improve UserDefinedType.equal() to make it be symmetrical

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

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URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28923


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[GitHub] [spark] HeartSaVioR commented on pull request #28941: [SPARK-32124][CORE][SHS] Fix taskEndReasonFromJson to handle event logs from old Spark versions

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

HeartSaVioR commented on pull request #28941:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28941#issuecomment-650902412

   Late LGTM. Thanks for taking care of!

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[GitHub] [spark] AmplabJenkins removed a comment on pull request #28754: [SPARK-10520][SQL] Allow average out of DateType

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

AmplabJenkins removed a comment on pull request #28754:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28754#issuecomment-650902400

   Merged build finished. Test PASSed.

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[GitHub] [spark] AmplabJenkins commented on pull request #28754: [SPARK-10520][SQL] Allow average out of DateType

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

AmplabJenkins commented on pull request #28754:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28754#issuecomment-650902400

   Merged build finished. Test PASSed.

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[GitHub] [spark] dongjoon-hyun commented on pull request #28923: [SPARK-32090][SQL] Improve UserDefinedType.equal() to make it be symmetrical

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

dongjoon-hyun commented on pull request #28923:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28923#issuecomment-650902382

   Thank you, @Ngone51 and all. Today's 3 commits are only test case changes 
and I tested locally. The main body is already tested. Merged to master for 
Apache Spark 3.1.0.

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[GitHub] [spark] viirya commented on a change in pull request #28761: [SPARK-25557][SQL] Nested column predicate pushdown for ORC

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

viirya commented on a change in pull request #28761:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28761#discussion_r446769137

File path: 
@@ -78,12 +78,16 @@ abstract class OrcTest extends QueryTest with 
FileBasedDataSourceTest with Befor
   (f: String => Unit): Unit = withDataSourceFile(data)(f)
-   * Writes `data` to a Orc file and reads it back as a `DataFrame`,
+   * Writes `df` dataframe to a Orc file and reads it back as a `DataFrame`,
* which is then passed to `f`. The Orc file will be deleted after `f` 
-  protected def withOrcDataFrame[T <: Product: ClassTag: TypeTag]
-  (data: Seq[T], testVectorized: Boolean = true)
-  (f: DataFrame => Unit): Unit = withDataSourceDataFrame(data, 
+  protected def withOrcDataFrame(df: DataFrame, testVectorized: Boolean = true)

Review comment:
   I remember adding overridden version causes compilation error. Scala 
compiler complains ambiguity of overridden methods.

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[GitHub] [spark] cloud-fan commented on a change in pull request #28629: [SPARK-31769][CORE] Add MDC support for driver threads

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

cloud-fan commented on a change in pull request #28629:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28629#discussion_r446768786

File path: core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/util/ThreadUtilsSuite.scala
@@ -25,11 +25,27 @@ import scala.concurrent.duration._
 import scala.util.Random
 import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually._
+import org.slf4j.MDC
 import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite
 class ThreadUtilsSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
+  test("newDaemonSingleThreadExecutor with MDC") {
+val appIdValue = s"appId-${System.currentTimeMillis()}"
+MDC.put("appId", appIdValue)

Review comment:
   I'm still worried about API inconsistency. We should use either 
`sc.setLocalProperties` or `MDC.put` for both driver and executor side MDC 

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[GitHub] [spark] cchighman commented on pull request #28841: [SPARK-31962][SQL][SS] Provide option to load files after a specified date when reading from a folder path

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

cchighman commented on pull request #28841:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28841#issuecomment-650900831

   > > I wonder though if structured streaming always implied an event source, 
particularly when streaming from a file source?
   > Ideally it should be. It's not 100% really for file stream source (as it 
doesn't store offset and allows reading late files), but it's partially 
considered as file stream source "sorts" the files by its timestamp, in both 
directions, forward and backward. Probably you're thinking about "offset" as a 
file offset, while I mean "offset" to mark where we read so far. In this case, 
modified time, with some processed files as there could be new files having 
same modified time (some of files may not be picked up due to max number of 
files per trigger).
   > > For example, modifiedDateFilter applies specifically to a point in time 
when you begin structured streaming on a file data source. You would not have 
an offset yet in commitedOffsets. The offset use case would imply you are 
restarting an existing, checkpointed stream or attempting to read from a 
checkpointed location, right?
   > Yes, but you'll want to consider the case where end users "changes" 
modifiedDataFilter before restaring the query from the checkpoint. Every 
options can be changed during restart, which makes things very complicated. 
You'll need to consider combinations of `modifiedDataFilter`, `latestFirst`, 
`maxFilesAge`. And also make sure the behavior is intuitive to the end users. 
Please refer #28422 for what I proposed and which review comments it got.
   > > When using an offset with a Kafka data source, some write has occurred 
by which a written checkpoint exists. With the file data source for files that 
have not yet been read or written, I'm curious how I would apply offset bounds 
in this way. I was thinking I would have to be reading from a data source that 
had used structured streaming with checkpointing in order for the offset to 
exist (committed).
   > > 
   > > Does this make sense? It seems like once you've written a checkpoint 
while writing to a stream from the readStream dataframe that's loading files, 
you would have clear context to apply offset-based semantics.
   > Yeah, that should be ideally an "offset" instead of file stream source's 
own metadata, but I'm not sure how far we want to go. Probably I've been 
thinking too far, but there's a real issue on file stream source metadata 
growing, and I support the way it also clearly fixes the issue. I'm worried 
that once we introduce a relevent option without enough consideration, that 
would bug us via respecting backward compatiblity.
   > > With_startingOffsetByTimestamp_, you have the ability to indicate 
start/end offsets per topic such as TopicA or TopicB. If this concept were 
applied to a file data source with the underlying intent that each file name 
represented a topic, problems begin to emerge. For example, if there are 
multiple files, they would have different file names, different file names may 
imply a new topic.
   > `underlying intent that each file name represented a topic` - I don't 
think so (If you thought I proposed it then I didn't mean that). Do you 
remember a file is an unit of processing on file source? Spark doesn't process 
the file partially, in other words, Spark never splits the file across 
micro-batches. If you reflect the file source as Kafka data source, an record 
in Kafka data source = a file in File data source.
   > So the timestamp can represent the offset how Spark has been read so far - 
though there're some issues below:
   > 1) We allowed to read late files - there's new updated file but modified 
time being set to "previous time". I don't think it should be, but current File 
data source allows to do so, so that's arguable topic.
   > 2) There can be lots of files in same timestamp, and Spark has max files 
to process in a batch. That means there's a case only partial files get 
processed. That's why only storing timestamp doesn't work here and we still 
need to store some processed files as well to mitigate.
   > 3) That's technically really odd, but considering eventual consistency 
like S3... Listing operation may not show some of available files. This may be 
a blocker to use timestamp as an offset, but even with eventual consistency we 
don't expect it shows after days. (Do I understand correctly on expectation for 
eventual consistency on S3?) That said, (ts for (timestamp - some margin) + 
processed files within margin) could be used for timestamp instead. We can 
leverage purge timestamp in SeenFileMap, though I think 7 days are too long. 
And latestFirst should be replaced with something else, because it just simply 
defeats maxFilesAge and unable to apply offset-like approach.
   > Does it make sense?
   We were writing responses at the same time.  Just saw this and will read 

[GitHub] [spark] cloud-fan commented on a change in pull request #28882: [SPARK-31751][SQL]Serde property `path` overwrites hive table property location

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

cloud-fan commented on a change in pull request #28882:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28882#discussion_r446768236

File path: 
@@ -545,7 +545,11 @@ private[spark] class HiveExternalCatalog(conf: SparkConf, 
hadoopConf: Configurat
   private def getLocationFromStorageProps(table: CatalogTable): Option[String] 
= {
+if (conf.get(HiveUtils.FOLLOW_TABLE_LOCATION)) {

Review comment:
   It looks tricky to have a config for such a subtle behavior. I think it 
makes more sense to fail when the path serde property doesn't match the table 
location, and ask users to either correct the path property or the table 

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[GitHub] [spark] dongjoon-hyun closed pull request #28936: [SPARK-32126][SS] Scope Session.active in IncrementalExecution

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

dongjoon-hyun closed pull request #28936:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28936


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[GitHub] [spark] dongjoon-hyun commented on pull request #28936: [SPARK-32126][SS] Scope Session.active in IncrementalExecution

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

dongjoon-hyun commented on pull request #28936:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28936#issuecomment-650899447

   Thanks, @xuanyuanking and @cloud-fan . I created SPARK-32126 and update the 
   Merged to master/3.0.

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[GitHub] [spark] cchighman edited a comment on pull request #28841: [SPARK-31962][SQL][SS] Provide option to load files after a specified date when reading from a folder path

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

cchighman edited a comment on pull request #28841:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28841#issuecomment-650899177

   It's in effect no different than a path globular filter except that instead 
of my wildcard specifying a file extension, it's a wildcard on other metadata, 
the modified date.  `pathGlobFilter` doesn't use offset-based semantics.
   What it sounds like, though, is the ability to use a timestamp so that you 
can replay some segment of an event sourced stream that's acting as an 
append-only transaction log.  This would allow much better control of playing 
back streaming data from files.  I believe that would be an awesome feature but 
not what this is trying to achieve.
   Here's a clear example of the difference: suppose I'm reading from a folder 
path having files from 2008.  If I were using offset by timestamp, the 
timestamp may refer to a point in time when I had consumed a particular file 
with no context to when the file itself was modified last.  So, this would mean 
if my goal was to only begin streaming with files in the path that began after 
2019, I'd still be consuming older files.
   Let me know if my train of thought here is off, I appreciate your patience.
   @gengliangwang for comment as the current implementation followed guidance 
for `pathGlobFilter`.

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[GitHub] [spark] HeartSaVioR edited a comment on pull request #28841: [SPARK-31962][SQL][SS] Provide option to load files after a specified date when reading from a folder path

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

HeartSaVioR edited a comment on pull request #28841:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28841#issuecomment-650898695

   > I wonder though if structured streaming always implied an event source, 
particularly when streaming from a file source?
   Ideally it should be. It's not 100% really for file stream source (as it 
doesn't store offset and allows reading late files), but it's partially 
considered as file stream source "sorts" the files by its timestamp, in both 
directions, forward and backward. Probably you're thinking about "offset" as a 
file offset, while I mean "offset" to mark where we read so far. In this case, 
modified time, with some processed files as there could be new files having 
same modified time (some of files may not be picked up due to max number of 
files per trigger).
   > For example, modifiedDateFilter applies specifically to a point in time 
when you begin structured streaming on a file data source. You would not have 
an offset yet in commitedOffsets. The offset use case would imply you are 
restarting an existing, checkpointed stream or attempting to read from a 
checkpointed location, right?
   Yes, but you'll want to consider the case where end users "changes" 
modifiedDataFilter before restaring the query from the checkpoint. Every 
options can be changed during restart, which makes things very complicated. 
You'll need to consider combinations of `modifiedDataFilter`, `latestFirst`, 
`maxFilesAge`. And also make sure the behavior is intuitive to the end users. 
Please refer #28422 for what I proposed and which review comments it got.
   > When using an offset with a Kafka data source, some write has occurred by 
which a written checkpoint exists. With the file data source for files that 
have not yet been read or written, I'm curious how I would apply offset bounds 
in this way. I was thinking I would have to be reading from a data source that 
had used structured streaming with checkpointing in order for the offset to 
exist (committed).
   > Does this make sense? It seems like once you've written a checkpoint while 
writing to a stream from the readStream dataframe that's loading files, you 
would have clear context to apply offset-based semantics.
   Yeah, that should be ideally an "offset" instead of file stream source's own 
metadata, but I'm not sure how far we want to go. Probably I've been thinking 
too far, but there's a real issue on file stream source metadata growing, and I 
support the way it also clearly fixes the issue. I'm worried that once we 
introduce a relevent option without enough consideration, that would bug us via 
respecting backward compatiblity.
   > With_startingOffsetByTimestamp_, you have the ability to indicate 
start/end offsets per topic such as TopicA or TopicB. If this concept were 
applied to a file data source with the underlying intent that each file name 
represented a topic, problems begin to emerge. For example, if there are 
multiple files, they would have different file names, different file names may 
imply a new topic.
   `underlying intent that each file name represented a topic` - I don't think 
so (If you thought I proposed it then I didn't mean that). Do you remember a 
file is an unit of processing on file source? Spark doesn't process the file 
partially, in other words, Spark never splits the file across micro-batches. If 
you reflect the file source as Kafka data source, an record in Kafka data 
source = a file in File data source.
   So the timestamp can represent the offset how Spark has been read so far - 
though there're some issues below:
   1) We allowed to read late files - there's new updated file but modified 
time being set to "previous time". I don't think it should be, but current File 
data source allows to do so, so that's arguable topic.
   2) There can be lots of files in same timestamp, and Spark has max files to 
process in a batch. That means there's a case only partial files get processed. 
That's why only storing timestamp doesn't work here and we still need to store 
some processed files as well to mitigate.
   3) That's technically really odd, but considering eventual consistency like 
S3... Listing operation may not show some of available files. This may be a 
blocker to use timestamp as an offset, but even with eventual consistency we 
don't expect it shows after days. (Do I understand correctly on expectation for 
eventual consistency on S3?) That said, (ts for (timestamp - some margin) + 
processed files within margin) could be used for timestamp instead. We can 
leverage purge timestamp in SeenFileMap, though I think 7 days are too long. 
And latestFirst should be replaced with something else, because it just simply 
defeats maxFilesAge and unable to apply offset-like approach.
   Does it make sense?

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To r

[GitHub] [spark] viirya commented on pull request #28916: [SPARK-32083][SQL] Coalesce to one partition when all partitions are empty in AQE

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

viirya commented on pull request #28916:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28916#issuecomment-650899063

   > It's because `ShuffleRowedRDD` is created with default number of shuffle 
partitions here 
   When `partitionSpecs` is empty, `CustomShuffleReaderExec` creates 
`ShuffledRowRDD` with empty `partitionSpecs`. 
   The shuffle is changed by AQE and `CustomShuffleReaderExec` will replace 
original `ShuffleExchangeExec`, I think the code you pointed is replaced by 
above code path. So it should be empty partition.

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[GitHub] [spark] cchighman commented on pull request #28841: [SPARK-31962][SQL][SS] Provide option to load files after a specified date when reading from a folder path

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

cchighman commented on pull request #28841:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28841#issuecomment-650899177

   It's in effect no different than a path globular filter except that instead 
instead of my wildcard specifying a file extension, it's a wildcard on other 
metadata, the modified date.  `pathGlobFilter` doesn't use offset-based 
   What it sounds like, though, is the ability to use a timestamp so that you 
can replay some segment of an event sourced stream that's acting as an 
append-only transaction log.  This would allow much better control of playing 
back streaming data from files.  I believe that would be an awesome feature but 
not what this is trying to achieve.
   Here's a clear example of the difference: suppose I'm reading from a folder 
path having files from 2008.  If I were using offset by timestamp, the 
timestamp may refer to a point in time when I had consumed a particular file 
with no context to when the file itself was modified last.  So, this would mean 
if my goal was to only begin streaming with files in the path that began after 
2019, I'd still be consuming older files.
   Let me know if my train of thought here is off, I appreciate your patience.
   @gengliangwang for comment as the current implementation followed guidance 
for `pathGlobFilter`.

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[GitHub] [spark] HeartSaVioR commented on pull request #28841: [SPARK-31962][SQL][SS] Provide option to load files after a specified date when reading from a folder path

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

HeartSaVioR commented on pull request #28841:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28841#issuecomment-650898695

   > I wonder though if structured streaming always implied an event source, 
particularly when streaming from a file source?
   Ideally it should be. It's not 100% really for file stream source (as it 
doesn't store offset and allows reading late files), but it's partially 
considered as file stream source "sorts" the files by its timestamp, in both 
directions, forward and backward. Probably you're thinking about "offset" as a 
file offset, while I mean "offset" to mark where we read so far. In this case, 
modified time, with some processed files as there could be new files having 
same modified time (some of files may not be picked up due to max number of 
files per trigger).
   > For example, modifiedDateFilter applies specifically to a point in time 
when you begin structured streaming on a file data source. You would not have 
an offset yet in commitedOffsets. The offset use case would imply you are 
restarting an existing, checkpointed stream or attempting to read from a 
checkpointed location, right?
   Yes, but you'll want to consider the case where end users "changes" 
modifiedDataFilter before restaring the query from the checkpoint. Every 
options can be changed during restart, which makes things very complicated. 
You'll need to consider combinations of `modifiedDataFilter`, `latestFirst`, 
`maxFilesAge`. And also make sure the behavior is intuitive to the end users. 
Please refer #28422 for what I proposed and which review comments it got.
   > When using an offset with a Kafka data source, some write has occurred by 
which a written checkpoint exists. With the file data source for files that 
have not yet been read or written, I'm curious how I would apply offset bounds 
in this way. I was thinking I would have to be reading from a data source that 
had used structured streaming with checkpointing in order for the offset to 
exist (committed).
   > Does this make sense? It seems like once you've written a checkpoint while 
writing to a stream from the readStream dataframe that's loading files, you 
would have clear context to apply offset-based semantics.
   Yeah, that should be ideally an "offset" instead of file stream source's own 
metadata, but I'm not sure how far we want to go. Probably I've been thinking 
too far, but there's a real issue on file stream source metadata growing, and I 
support the way it also clearly fixes the issue. I'm worried that once we 
introduce a relevent option without enough consideration, that would bug us via 
respecting backward compatiblity.
   > With_startingOffsetByTimestamp_, you have the ability to indicate 
start/end offsets per topic such as TopicA or TopicB. If this concept were 
applied to a file data source with the underlying intent that each file name 
represented a topic, problems begin to emerge. For example, if there are 
multiple files, they would have different file names, different file names may 
imply a new topic.
   `underlying intent that each file name represented a topic` I don't think 
so. Do you remember a file is an unit of processing on file source? Spark 
doesn't process the file partially, in other words, Spark never splits the file 
across micro-batches. If you reflect the file source as Kafka data source, an 
record in Kafka data source = a file in File data source.
   So the timestamp can represent the offset how Spark has been read so far - 
though there're some issues below:
   1) We allowed to read late files - there's new updated file but modified 
time being set to "previous time". I don't think it should be, but current File 
data source allows to do so, so that's arguable topic.
   2) There can be lots of files in same timestamp, and Spark has max files to 
process in a batch. That means there's a case only partial files get processed. 
That's why only storing timestamp doesn't work here and we still need to store 
some processed files as well to mitigate.
   3) That's technically really odd, but considering eventual consistency like 
S3... Listing operation may not show some of available files. This may be a 
blocker to use timestamp as an offset, but even with eventual consistency we 
don't expect it shows after days. (Do I understand correctly on expectation for 
eventual consistency on S3?) That said, (ts for (timestamp - some margin) + 
processed files within margin) could be used for timestamp instead. We can 
leverage purge timestamp in SeenFileMap, though I think 7 days are too long. 
And latestFirst should be replaced with something else, because it just simply 
defeats maxFilesAge and unable to apply offset-like approach.
   Does it make sense?

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[GitHub] [spark] dongjoon-hyun commented on a change in pull request #28939: [SPARK-32119][CORE] ExecutorPlugin doesn't work with Standalone Cluster

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

dongjoon-hyun commented on a change in pull request #28939:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28939#discussion_r446766094

File path: core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/SparkSubmitSuite.scala
@@ -1254,7 +1255,7 @@ class SparkSubmitSuite
 |public void init(PluginContext ctx, Map extraConf) {
 |  String str = null;
 |  try (BufferedReader reader =
-|new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new 
FileInputStream($tempFileName {
+|new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new 
FileInputStream("$tempFileName" {

Review comment:
   Oh, interesting. Previously, this test case succeeds with `"`? 

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[GitHub] [spark] pan3793 commented on a change in pull request #28940: [SPARK-32121][SHUFFLE][TEST] Fix ExternalShuffleBlockResolverSuite failed on Windows

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

pan3793 commented on a change in pull request #28940:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28940#discussion_r446766066

File path: 
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 public class ExecutorDiskUtils {
-  private static final Pattern MULTIPLE_SEPARATORS = 
Pattern.compile(File.separator + "{2,}");
+  private static final Pattern MULTIPLE_SEPARATORS = 

Review comment:
   You are right, `\\` is legal char in filename on Unix-like OS, but not 
on Windows, use different pattern is a better choice.

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[GitHub] [spark] dongjoon-hyun commented on pull request #28938: [SPARK-32118][SQL] Use fine-grained read write lock for each database in HiveExternalCatalog

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

dongjoon-hyun commented on pull request #28938:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28938#issuecomment-650898036

   Please put that on the PR description. That will be a commit log permanantly.

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[GitHub] [spark] dongjoon-hyun commented on a change in pull request #28935: [SPARK-20680][SQL] Adding HiveVoidType in Spark to be compatible with Hive

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

dongjoon-hyun commented on a change in pull request #28935:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28935#discussion_r446765171

File path: 
@@ -47,9 +47,7 @@ object HiveStringType {
 case MapType(kt, vt, nullable) =>
   MapType(replaceCharType(kt), replaceCharType(vt), nullable)
 case StructType(fields) =>
-  StructType(fields.map { field =>
-field.copy(dataType = replaceCharType(field.dataType))
-  })
+  StructType(fields.map(f => f.copy(dataType = 

Review comment:
   @LantaoJin . I understand that you want to match the style, but a PR 
should be minimal and should not touch irrelevant parts.

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[GitHub] [spark] dongjoon-hyun commented on a change in pull request #28935: [SPARK-20680][SQL] Adding HiveVoidType in Spark to be compatible with Hive

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

dongjoon-hyun commented on a change in pull request #28935:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28935#discussion_r44676

File path: 
@@ -47,9 +47,7 @@ object HiveStringType {
 case MapType(kt, vt, nullable) =>
   MapType(replaceCharType(kt), replaceCharType(vt), nullable)
 case StructType(fields) =>
-  StructType(fields.map { field =>
-field.copy(dataType = replaceCharType(field.dataType))
-  })
+  StructType(fields.map(f => f.copy(dataType = 

Review comment:
   Ur, is this relevant to this `HiveVoidType` PR?

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[GitHub] [spark] dongjoon-hyun commented on pull request #28941: [SPARK-32124][CORE][SHS] Fix taskEndReasonFromJson to handle event logs from old Spark versions

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

dongjoon-hyun commented on pull request #28941:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28941#issuecomment-650893785

   SPARK-32124 is assigned to you, @warrenzhu25 .

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[GitHub] [spark] HyukjinKwon commented on a change in pull request #28761: [SPARK-25557][SQL] Nested column predicate pushdown for ORC

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

HyukjinKwon commented on a change in pull request #28761:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28761#discussion_r446761037

File path: 
@@ -78,12 +78,16 @@ abstract class OrcTest extends QueryTest with 
FileBasedDataSourceTest with Befor
   (f: String => Unit): Unit = withDataSourceFile(data)(f)
-   * Writes `data` to a Orc file and reads it back as a `DataFrame`,
+   * Writes `df` dataframe to a Orc file and reads it back as a `DataFrame`,
* which is then passed to `f`. The Orc file will be deleted after `f` 
-  protected def withOrcDataFrame[T <: Product: ClassTag: TypeTag]
-  (data: Seq[T], testVectorized: Boolean = true)
-  (f: DataFrame => Unit): Unit = withDataSourceDataFrame(data, 
+  protected def withOrcDataFrame(df: DataFrame, testVectorized: Boolean = true)

Review comment:
   @viirya why do we need to change this? Looks we can just add the 
overridden version to test nested DataFrame without touching other tests.

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[GitHub] [spark] dongjoon-hyun closed pull request #28941: [SPARK-32124][CORE][SHS] Fix taskEndReasonFromJson to handle event logs from old Spark versions

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

dongjoon-hyun closed pull request #28941:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28941


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[GitHub] [spark] cloud-fan commented on pull request #28895: [SPARK-32055][CORE][SQL] Unify getReader and getReaderForRange in ShuffleManager

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

cloud-fan commented on pull request #28895:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28895#issuecomment-650892863

   retest this please

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[GitHub] [spark] cloud-fan commented on pull request #28916: [SPARK-32083][SQL] Coalesce to one partition when all partitions are empty in AQE

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

cloud-fan commented on pull request #28916:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28916#issuecomment-650892593

   Ideally we should launch no task for empty partitions. Launching one task is 
still not the best solution.

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[GitHub] [spark] HyukjinKwon commented on a change in pull request #28761: [SPARK-25557][SQL] Nested column predicate pushdown for ORC

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

HyukjinKwon commented on a change in pull request #28761:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28761#discussion_r446759277

File path: 
@@ -74,9 +75,9 @@ class OrcFilterSuite extends OrcTest with SharedSparkSession {
   protected def checkFilterPredicate

Review comment:
   Seems we don't need to change here

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[GitHub] [spark] HeartSaVioR commented on pull request #28904: [SPARK-30462][SS] Streamline the logic on file stream source and sink to avoid memory issue

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

HeartSaVioR commented on pull request #28904:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28904#issuecomment-650889370

   UPDATE: SPARK-30946 + SPARK-30462 with lower down driver memory to 1.5G now 
writes batch 9039 which RES is around 1.3g. I guess the process uses up 
available memory if possible, but not leads to OOME.

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[GitHub] [spark] manuzhang edited a comment on pull request #28916: [SPARK-32083][SQL] Coalesce to one partition when all partitions are empty in AQE

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

manuzhang edited a comment on pull request #28916:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28916#issuecomment-650888636

   It's because `ShuffleRowedRDD` is created with default number of shuffle 
partitions here 

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[GitHub] [spark] manuzhang commented on pull request #28916: [SPARK-32083][SQL] Coalesce to one partition when all partitions are empty in AQE

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

manuzhang commented on pull request #28916:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28916#issuecomment-650888636

   It's because of `ShuffleRowedRDD` is created with default number of shuffle 
partitions here 

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[GitHub] [spark] HyukjinKwon commented on pull request #27983: [SPARK-32105][SQL]Implement ScriptTransformation in sql/core

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

HyukjinKwon commented on pull request #27983:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/27983#issuecomment-650886614

   Let's keep the PR description and title up-to-date. 

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[GitHub] [spark] HyukjinKwon commented on a change in pull request #27983: [SPARK-32105][SQL]Implement ScriptTransformation in sql/core

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

HyukjinKwon commented on a change in pull request #27983:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/27983#discussion_r446754091

File path: 
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import java.util.Locale
 import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, Path}
-import org.apache.spark.sql._
+import org.apache.spark.sql.{Strategy, _}

Review comment:
   This change seems not needed.

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[GitHub] [spark] HyukjinKwon commented on a change in pull request #27983: [SPARK-32105][SQL]Implement ScriptTransformation in sql/core

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

HyukjinKwon commented on a change in pull request #27983:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/27983#discussion_r446753971

File path: 
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@

Review comment:
   @AngersZh, let's rename this file later when you actually add 
`ScriptTransformationExec`. If we do the renaming first in this PR and merge, I 
think that will keep file renaming.

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[GitHub] [spark] AmplabJenkins removed a comment on pull request #28882: [SPARK-31751][SQL]Serde property `path` overwrites hive table property location

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

AmplabJenkins removed a comment on pull request #28882:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28882#issuecomment-650885129

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[GitHub] [spark] AmplabJenkins commented on pull request #28882: [SPARK-31751][SQL]Serde property `path` overwrites hive table property location

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

AmplabJenkins commented on pull request #28882:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28882#issuecomment-650885129

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[GitHub] [spark] SparkQA removed a comment on pull request #28754: [SPARK-10520][SQL] Allow average out of DateType

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

SparkQA removed a comment on pull request #28754:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28754#issuecomment-650828437

   **[Test build #124611 has 
 for PR 28754 at commit 

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[GitHub] [spark] SparkQA commented on pull request #28754: [SPARK-10520][SQL] Allow average out of DateType

2020-06-28 Thread GitBox

SparkQA commented on pull request #28754:
URL: https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/28754#issuecomment-650882399

   **[Test build #124611 has 
 for PR 28754 at commit 
* This patch passes all tests.
* This patch merges cleanly.
* This patch adds no public classes.

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