[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-22 Thread maropu
Github user maropu commented on the issue:

my bad, this pr doesn't affect cache tables in webui. I'll drop these.
Actually, this affects hive tables and rdds only;
>> Hive table case
sql("CREATE TABLE t(c1 int) USING hive")

>> RDD case
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
val data = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Row(1, "abc") :: 
Nil).setName("existing RDD1")
val df = spark.createDataFrame(data, StructType.fromDDL("c0 int, c1 
> spark-v2.3.1 for hive tables

> master w/this pr for hive tables

> spark-v2.3.1 for rdds

> master w/this pr for rdds


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-22 Thread cloud-fan
Github user cloud-fan commented on the issue:

In the screenshot, do you know where we generate "in-memory table t 


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-22 Thread AmplabJenkins
Github user AmplabJenkins commented on the issue:

Merged build finished. Test PASSed.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-22 Thread AmplabJenkins
Github user AmplabJenkins commented on the issue:

Test PASSed.
Refer to this link for build results (access rights to CI server needed): 
Test PASSed.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-22 Thread SparkQA
Github user SparkQA commented on the issue:

**[Test build #95089 has 
 for PR 22153 at commit 
 * This patch passes all tests.
 * This patch merges cleanly.
 * This patch adds no public classes.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-22 Thread SparkQA
Github user SparkQA commented on the issue:

**[Test build #95089 has 
 for PR 22153 at commit 


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-22 Thread AmplabJenkins
Github user AmplabJenkins commented on the issue:

Merged build finished. Test PASSed.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-22 Thread AmplabJenkins
Github user AmplabJenkins commented on the issue:

Test PASSed.
Refer to this link for build results (access rights to CI server needed): 

Test PASSed.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-21 Thread AmplabJenkins
Github user AmplabJenkins commented on the issue:

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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-21 Thread maropu
Github user maropu commented on the issue:

@gatorsmile @cloud-fan 


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-21 Thread AmplabJenkins
Github user AmplabJenkins commented on the issue:

Test PASSed.
Refer to this link for build results (access rights to CI server needed): 
Test PASSed.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-21 Thread SparkQA
Github user SparkQA commented on the issue:

**[Test build #95008 has 
 for PR 22153 at commit 
 * This patch passes all tests.
 * This patch merges cleanly.
 * This patch adds no public classes.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-21 Thread SparkQA
Github user SparkQA commented on the issue:

**[Test build #95008 has 
 for PR 22153 at commit 


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-21 Thread AmplabJenkins
Github user AmplabJenkins commented on the issue:

Test PASSed.
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Test PASSed.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-21 Thread AmplabJenkins
Github user AmplabJenkins commented on the issue:

Merged build finished. Test PASSed.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-21 Thread maropu
Github user maropu commented on the issue:

retest this please


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-21 Thread AmplabJenkins
Github user AmplabJenkins commented on the issue:

Test FAILed.
Refer to this link for build results (access rights to CI server needed): 
Test FAILed.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-21 Thread SparkQA
Github user SparkQA commented on the issue:

**[Test build #94997 has 
 for PR 22153 at commit 
 * This patch **fails due to an unknown error code, -9**.
 * This patch merges cleanly.
 * This patch adds no public classes.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-21 Thread AmplabJenkins
Github user AmplabJenkins commented on the issue:

Merged build finished. Test FAILed.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-20 Thread AmplabJenkins
Github user AmplabJenkins commented on the issue:

Merged build finished. Test PASSed.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-20 Thread AmplabJenkins
Github user AmplabJenkins commented on the issue:

Test PASSed.
Refer to this link for build results (access rights to CI server needed): 

Test PASSed.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-20 Thread SparkQA
Github user SparkQA commented on the issue:

**[Test build #94997 has 
 for PR 22153 at commit 


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-20 Thread AmplabJenkins
Github user AmplabJenkins commented on the issue:

Test FAILed.
Refer to this link for build results (access rights to CI server needed): 
Test FAILed.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-20 Thread SparkQA
Github user SparkQA commented on the issue:

**[Test build #94995 has 
 for PR 22153 at commit 
 * This patch **fails Scala style tests**.
 * This patch merges cleanly.
 * This patch adds no public classes.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-20 Thread AmplabJenkins
Github user AmplabJenkins commented on the issue:

Merged build finished. Test FAILed.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-20 Thread AmplabJenkins
Github user AmplabJenkins commented on the issue:

Test PASSed.
Refer to this link for build results (access rights to CI server needed): 

Test PASSed.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-20 Thread SparkQA
Github user SparkQA commented on the issue:

**[Test build #94995 has 
 for PR 22153 at commit 


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-20 Thread AmplabJenkins
Github user AmplabJenkins commented on the issue:

Merged build finished. Test PASSed.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-20 Thread AmplabJenkins
Github user AmplabJenkins commented on the issue:

Test FAILed.
Refer to this link for build results (access rights to CI server needed): 
Test FAILed.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-20 Thread AmplabJenkins
Github user AmplabJenkins commented on the issue:

Merged build finished. Test FAILed.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-20 Thread SparkQA
Github user SparkQA commented on the issue:

**[Test build #94986 has 
 for PR 22153 at commit 
 * This patch **fails Spark unit tests**.
 * This patch merges cleanly.
 * This patch adds no public classes.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-20 Thread SparkQA
Github user SparkQA commented on the issue:

**[Test build #94986 has 
 for PR 22153 at commit 


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-20 Thread AmplabJenkins
Github user AmplabJenkins commented on the issue:

Merged build finished. Test PASSed.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-20 Thread AmplabJenkins
Github user AmplabJenkins commented on the issue:

Test PASSed.
Refer to this link for build results (access rights to CI server needed): 

Test PASSed.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-20 Thread AmplabJenkins
Github user AmplabJenkins commented on the issue:

Merged build finished. Test FAILed.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-20 Thread AmplabJenkins
Github user AmplabJenkins commented on the issue:

Test FAILed.
Refer to this link for build results (access rights to CI server needed): 
Test FAILed.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-20 Thread SparkQA
Github user SparkQA commented on the issue:

**[Test build #94981 has 
 for PR 22153 at commit 
 * This patch **fails Spark unit tests**.
 * This patch merges cleanly.
 * This patch adds no public classes.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-20 Thread AmplabJenkins
Github user AmplabJenkins commented on the issue:

Test PASSed.
Refer to this link for build results (access rights to CI server needed): 

Test PASSed.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-20 Thread AmplabJenkins
Github user AmplabJenkins commented on the issue:

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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-20 Thread SparkQA
Github user SparkQA commented on the issue:

**[Test build #94981 has 
 for PR 22153 at commit 


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-20 Thread maropu
Github user maropu commented on the issue:

retest this please


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-20 Thread AmplabJenkins
Github user AmplabJenkins commented on the issue:

Merged build finished. Test FAILed.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-20 Thread AmplabJenkins
Github user AmplabJenkins commented on the issue:

Test FAILed.
Refer to this link for build results (access rights to CI server needed): 
Test FAILed.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-20 Thread SparkQA
Github user SparkQA commented on the issue:

**[Test build #94956 has 
 for PR 22153 at commit 
 * This patch **fails Spark unit tests**.
 * This patch merges cleanly.
 * This patch adds no public classes.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-20 Thread AmplabJenkins
Github user AmplabJenkins commented on the issue:

Test PASSed.
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Test PASSed.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-20 Thread AmplabJenkins
Github user AmplabJenkins commented on the issue:

Merged build finished. Test PASSed.


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[GitHub] spark issue #22153: [SPARK-23034][SQL] Show RDD/relation names in RDD/In-Mem...

2018-08-20 Thread SparkQA
Github user SparkQA commented on the issue:

**[Test build #94956 has 
 for PR 22153 at commit 


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