Re: [PR] [SPARK-48307][SQL] InlineCTE should keep not-inlined relations in the original WithCTE node [spark]

2024-06-04 Thread via GitHub

cloud-fan closed pull request #46617: [SPARK-48307][SQL] InlineCTE should keep 
not-inlined relations in the original WithCTE node

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Re: [PR] [SPARK-48307][SQL] InlineCTE should keep not-inlined relations in the original WithCTE node [spark]

2024-06-04 Thread via GitHub

cloud-fan commented on PR #46617:

   thanks for the review, merging to master!

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Re: [PR] [SPARK-48307][SQL] InlineCTE should keep not-inlined relations in the original WithCTE node [spark]

2024-05-20 Thread via GitHub

cloud-fan commented on PR #46617:

   > Repartition? Do you mean Relation?
   It's Reparition, because we rely on shuffle reuse to reuse CTE relations.

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Re: [PR] [SPARK-48307][SQL] InlineCTE should keep not-inlined relations in the original WithCTE node [spark]

2024-05-20 Thread via GitHub

viirya commented on PR #46617:

   > This is not true anymore after 
. It's not a big deal as we replace not-inlined CTE relations with Repartition 
   `Repartition? Do you mean Relation?

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Re: [PR] [SPARK-48307][SQL] InlineCTE should keep not-inlined relations in the original WithCTE node [spark]

2024-05-20 Thread via GitHub

viirya commented on code in PR #46617:

@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.optimizer
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.TestRelation
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.expressions._
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.plans._
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.PlanTest
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{AppendData, 
CTERelationDef, CTERelationRef, LogicalPlan, OneRowRelation, WithCTE}
+import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.RuleExecutor
+class InlineCTESuite extends PlanTest {
+  object Optimize extends RuleExecutor[LogicalPlan] {
+val batches = Batch("inline CTE", FixedPoint(100), InlineCTE()) :: Nil
+  }
+  test("not-inlined CTE relation in command") {

Review Comment:
 test("SPARK-48307: not-inlined CTE relation in command") {

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Re: [PR] [SPARK-48307][SQL] InlineCTE should keep not-inlined relations in the original WithCTE node [spark]

2024-05-16 Thread via GitHub

amaliujia commented on code in PR #46617:

@@ -74,34 +70,33 @@ case class InlineCTE(alwaysInline: Boolean = false) extends 
Rule[LogicalPlan] {
* @param plan The plan to collect the CTEs from
* @param cteMap A mutable map that accumulates the CTEs and their reference 
information by CTE
-   *   ids. The value of the map is tuple whose elements are:
-   *   - The CTE definition
-   *   - The number of incoming references to the CTE. This 
includes references from
-   * other CTEs and regular places.
-   *   - A mutable inner map that tracks outgoing references 
(counts) to other CTEs.
+   *   ids.
* @param outerCTEId While collecting the map we use this optional CTE id to 
identify the
*   current outer CTE.
-  def buildCTEMap(
+  private def buildCTEMap(
   plan: LogicalPlan,
-  cteMap: mutable.Map[Long, (CTERelationDef, Int, mutable.Map[Long, Int])],
+  cteMap: mutable.Map[Long, CTEReferenceInfo],
   outerCTEId: Option[Long] = None): Unit = {
 plan match {
   case WithCTE(child, cteDefs) =>
 cteDefs.foreach { cteDef =>
-  cteMap( = (cteDef, 0, 
+  cteMap( = CTEReferenceInfo(
+cteDef = cteDef,
+refCount = 0,
+outgoingRefs = mutable.Map.empty.withDefaultValue(0),
+shouldInline = true
+  )
 cteDefs.foreach { cteDef =>
   buildCTEMap(cteDef, cteMap, Some(
 buildCTEMap(child, cteMap, outerCTEId)
   case ref: CTERelationRef =>
-val (cteDef, refCount, refMap) = cteMap(ref.cteId)
-cteMap(ref.cteId) = (cteDef, refCount + 1, refMap)
+cteMap(ref.cteId) = cteMap(ref.cteId).withRefCountIncreased(1)
 outerCTEId.foreach { cteId =>
-  val (_, _, outerRefMap) = cteMap(cteId)
-  outerRefMap(ref.cteId) += 1
+  cteMap(cteId).recordOutgoingReference(ref.cteId)

Review Comment:
   I personally like to not hide the `+1` implementation details here as I had 
troubles to understand it.
   Or the function name can be `IncreaseOutgoingReferenceByOne`?

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Re: [PR] [SPARK-48307][SQL] InlineCTE should keep not-inlined relations in the original WithCTE node [spark]

2024-05-16 Thread via GitHub

cloud-fan commented on PR #46617:

   cc @viirya @amaliujia @MaxGekk 

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[PR] [SPARK-48307][SQL] InlineCTE should keep not-inlined relations in the original WithCTE node [spark]

2024-05-16 Thread via GitHub

cloud-fan opened a new pull request, #46617:

   ### What changes were proposed in this pull request?
   I noticed an outdated comment in the rule `InlineCTE`
 // CTEs in SQL Commands have been inlined by `CTESubstitution` 
already, so it is safe to add
 // WithCTE as top node here.
   This is not true anymore after . 
It's not a big deal as we replace not-inlined CTE relations with `Repartition` 
during optimization, so it doesn't matter where we put the `WithCTE` node with 
not-inlined CTE relations, as it will disappear eventually. But it's still 
better to keep it at its original place, as third-party rules may be sensitive 
about the plan shape.
   ### Why are the changes needed?
   to keep the plan shape as much as can after inlining CTE relations.
   ### Does this PR introduce _any_ user-facing change?
   ### How was this patch tested?
   new test
   ### Was this patch authored or co-authored using generative AI tooling?

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