Re: [Rife-users] A couple of questions before starting with RIFE

2005-12-06 Thread Emmanuel Okyere
sounds good :)


On 12/5/05, Geert Bevin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Geert did mention a book down the line; i for one won't mind
  contributing a few chapters to that endeavor.

 Cool Emmanuel, I'll keep that in mind. I postponed the book proposal
 for a couple of months since I'm swamped with work at the moment and
 the new-year festivities are coming soon. In January or February I'll
 resume working on the TOC. I'll ping you then.

 Geert Bevin   Uwyn bvba
 Use what you need   Avenue de Scailmont 34   7170 Manage, Belgium
 gbevin[remove] at uwyn dot comTel +32 64 84 80 03

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 Rife-users mailing list

Rife-users mailing list

Re: [Rife-users] A couple of questions before starting with RIFE

2005-12-05 Thread Geert Bevin

Hi John,

1. If RIFE is really all it appears to be (e.g., a complete answer  
to the questions Ruby on Rails has posed to the Java community),  
how come it is not more widely used? It is still a very minor  
player (whether or not this is justified). I was wondering why this  
might be. Could it be to do with its Belgian (i.e., non-US) origins?

People have said this to me before, but I don't think that's the real  
reason. Of course any answer to this is pure speculation, but as it  
turns out I talked about this very issue with Bruce Tate (Beyond Java  
author) and David Heinemeier Hansson (Rails' creator).

This is what Bruce says about it : I push RIFE every other weekend  
or so, when I do the nofluffjuststuff symposiums. I also pointed big  
name toward your frameworks. Usually, the biggest fear is that the  
project wouldn't get too far without you, so they view it as risky.  
I'd really work hard toward Spring integration, and work on ways to  
hide that integration from the user.

My remark to David: I fear though that not many people doing Java  
are open for the 'quick results without a headache' approach unless  
they totally switch over to another language or platform. RIFE  
walking a middle road doesn't help much for its adoption though, but  
that's another story ;-)

His response: I think that's a very precise analysis. As long as  
people are in denial of a world outside, Struts will seem like the  
only way. And a rebel framework like RIFE stand as little chance as  
Rails. But as soon as they open up, I think they want to distance as  
much as possible (and thus Rails provide the exact opposite of the  
Struts in a lot of ways).

I personally think that RIFE is in a difficult position for both  
people coming from Java and people coming from PHP.

Those who come from Java are usually tied to the frameworks they  
already chose and thus very often can't switch to another view on the  
problem nor another technology stack. If they choose to change, they  
tend to go for the solutions that already have a large user-base (if  
10 people chose it, it can't be bad). Even if they don't get the  
nicest solution, they at least get one that works well enough and has  
a pool of knowledge that can be capitalized on. If they choose to  
change radically, then the memory of the over-zealous complexity of  
what they already used drives them as far away from Java as they can:  

Those who come from PHP are used to a scripting language and know of  
a lot of the monstrous Java-based setups and their complexity. They  
don't risk getting close to it and go towards RoR instead.

A last part that plays against it is that while RIFE aims to provide  
as much productivity and development fun as possible, we value  
maintainability and clarity above that. This means that there is a  
site-structure as a central point of declaration with the data and  
logic flow inside it. Several people already told me first hand that  
when they read the features, they loved what they read, but once they  
saw the site-structure they remembered the XML declarations of other  
frameworks and concluded that it was just a variation on the same  
theme, without looking at what is really done in there.

2. How long do you think it would take a reasonably experienced  
Java developer, who has worked mainly with the Struts/Spring/ 
Hibernate approach to web apps, to get comfortable and productive  
with RIFE's very different way of thinking/working?

Depends on what you're doing. RIFE is setup (jumpstart) so that you  
can start right away without having to plan, configure and setup a  
whole collection or things before you even try something out. So,  
getting your first results is almost instantaneous and, as Eddy says,  
within a day you'll have something going. The next stage is a bit  
more difficult though, since RIFE does a number of things totally  
differently from what you already know: no servlet-side sessions,  
logicless templates, declaration of data-flow, url == state, ... I  
have never been in the situation of having to learn that (since I  
designed the features), but most people just need time to get the  
aha! feeling. Once they've switched to the mindset we rarely get  
any questions, except for bugs, holes in the documentation, missing  
features or complex aspects of the framework.

3. Are there any tips anyone could give me about how to start  
'thinking in RIFE'? I.e., how to approach the design of a web  
application with RIFE in mind. Perhaps something along the lines of  
planning it as a flow diagram, thinking of possible exits from each  
page view?

Some things have helped people lately:
* the URL drives a RIFE application: URL == state
* the templates don't drive the pages: they are logicless blueprints

When I begin with a new app, I start from the jumpstart and write a  
simple version of my domain model first. I add RIFE/Crud to get an  
instant admin interface to be 

Re: [Rife-users] A couple of questions before starting with RIFE

2005-12-05 Thread Geert Bevin
1. If RIFE is really all it appears to be (e.g., a complete answer  
to the questions Ruby on Rails has posed to the Java community),  
how come it is not more widely used? It is still a very minor  
player (whether or not this is justified). I was wondering why this  
might be. Could it be to do with its Belgian (i.e., non-US) origins?

I just wanted to add to this that RIFE never was and still is not  
intended to be a RoR-clone for Java. We have been working on the  
framework for almost 4 years now and only recently prepped RIFE/Crud  
for public release after having used it a long time internally. We  
have our own ideals and ideas. Some go intro the same direction as  
RoR, but many are also the opposite. It just happens that RoR took  
the community by a storm and that people compare RIFE with it.

Personally I think that the best thing in RoR is Ruby, I don't like  
the framework itself very much. Since a wealth of JVM scripting  
languages are supported in RIFE (like Groovy), you can get much of  
agility that scripting languages give you.

Geert Bevin   Uwyn bvba
Use what you need   Avenue de Scailmont 34   7170 Manage, Belgium
gbevin[remove] at uwyn dot comTel +32 64 84 80 03

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Rife-users mailing list

Re: [Rife-users] A couple of questions before starting with RIFE

2005-12-05 Thread Emmanuel Okyere
Let me just add that, once you know java, the learning curve is not
that steep; it took me about 2 weeks of on/off playing around with the
framework to finally get it. My personal path was:

1. I read and understood the basic building blocks for templates...
value(v), block (B, BV), include (I) [ ]

2. I followed the in-depth simple blog video, which iteratively
introduces most of the key features of rife, essential for app
development. [ ]

After that, I started to move this about, get into the code to
understand what's going on for some of the parts (especially with
Authentication), asked questions on the list (it's a great community
here, and one of the things that got me to get this far into the
framework), search the wiki (
and most of it finally makes sense now.

Apart from a few extensions you have to make of the Rife classes to
take advantage of some Rife features, such as Rife's validation
implementations, the framework assumes very little about your code.

And if I've not mentioned it yet, the feature I'm loving the most now
is Rife's out-of-container testing ( ); just
sweet! :)

-- eokyere

On 12/5/05, Geert Bevin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  1. If RIFE is really all it appears to be (e.g., a complete answer
  to the questions Ruby on Rails has posed to the Java community),
  how come it is not more widely used? It is still a very minor
  player (whether or not this is justified). I was wondering why this
  might be. Could it be to do with its Belgian (i.e., non-US) origins?

 I just wanted to add to this that RIFE never was and still is not
 intended to be a RoR-clone for Java. We have been working on the
 framework for almost 4 years now and only recently prepped RIFE/Crud
 for public release after having used it a long time internally. We
 have our own ideals and ideas. Some go intro the same direction as
 RoR, but many are also the opposite. It just happens that RoR took
 the community by a storm and that people compare RIFE with it.

 Personally I think that the best thing in RoR is Ruby, I don't like
 the framework itself very much. Since a wealth of JVM scripting
 languages are supported in RIFE (like Groovy), you can get much of
 agility that scripting languages give you.

 Geert Bevin   Uwyn bvba
 Use what you need   Avenue de Scailmont 34   7170 Manage, Belgium
 gbevin[remove] at uwyn dot comTel +32 64 84 80 03

 PGP Fingerprint : 4E21 6399 CD9E A384 6619  719A C8F4 D40D 309F D6A9
 Public PGP key  : available at servers,

 Rife-users mailing list

Rife-users mailing list

Re: [Rife-users] A couple of questions before starting with RIFE

2005-12-05 Thread Geert Bevin
Thanks a lot Emmanuel, it's nice to hear how someone got into using  
RIFE from scratch.

Apart from a few extensions you have to make of the Rife classes to
take advantage of some Rife features, such as Rife's validation
implementations, the framework assumes very little about your code.

I still think that this needs to be better and I'll start working on  
it after the next release (which should be this week, right before  
JavaPolis), according to the discussion we had about true POJO  
support (

And if I've not mentioned it yet, the feature I'm loving the most now
is Rife's out-of-container testing ( ); just
sweet! :)

Yeah, after having added that I had the same feeling. I really feels  
nice once you start working with it.

Geert Bevin   Uwyn bvba
Use what you need   Avenue de Scailmont 34   7170 Manage, Belgium
gbevin[remove] at uwyn dot comTel +32 64 84 80 03

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Public PGP key  : available at servers,

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