You can update you new SSH Key on your probe's page such as 
https://atlas.ripe.net/probes/1000000/ on the bottom you see "Update SSH Key"
Otherwise you can backup your two key files [/var/atlas-probe/etc/probe_key and 
/var/atlas-probe/etc/probe_key.pub] before any update/reinstallation, and 
overwrite them back after new installation and reboot.


> Od: "Enrico Ardizzoni" <enrico.ardizz...@unife.it>
> Komu: "Philip Homburg" <philip.homb...@ripe.net>
> Datum: 02.03.2020 12:57
> Předmět: Re: [atlas] RIPE Atlas Software Probes
> CC: <ripe-atlas@ripe.net, mat...@ripe.net>
>Il giorno mer 12 feb 2020 alle ore 10:53 Philip Homburg <
>philip.homb...@ripe.net> ha scritto:
>For more details, see our new article on RIPE Labs:
>> https://labs.ripe.net/Members/alun_davies/ripe-atlas-software-probes
>What about upgrading a software probe?
>I just do a "git pull", make a new .deb and "dpkg -i
>atlasswprobe-5010-2.deb", but something went wrong.
>My probe is now disconnected (
>*systemctl status atlas*
>● atlas.service - Atlas Probe
>   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/atlas.service; enabled; vendor
>preset: enabled)
>   Active: active (running) since Mon 2020-03-02 12:39:16 CET; 8min ago
> Main PID: 13550 (ATLAS)
>    Tasks: 7 (limit: 2299)
>   Memory: 3.1M
>   CGroup: /system.slice/atlas.service
>           ├─13550 /bin/sh /usr/local/atlas/bin/ATLAS
>           ├─13596 /usr/local/atlas/bb-13.3/usr/sbin/telnetd -b
>-p 2023 -P /var/atlas-probe/run/telnetd-port2023-pid.vol
>           ├─13617 /usr/local/atlas/bb-13.3/bin/perd -c
>/var/atlas-probe/crons/main -A 9801 -P
>           ├─13619 /usr/local/atlas/bb-13.3/bin/eperd -c
>/var/atlas-probe/crons/7 -A 9807 -P /var/atlas-probe/run/perd-7.pid.vol -O
>/home/atlas/data/new/7 -i 7
>           ├─13620 /bin/sh /usr/local/atlas/bin/ATLAS
>           ├─13622 /usr/local/atlas/bb-13.3/bin/eooqd
>/var/atlas-probe/crons/oneoff -A 9809 -P /var/atlas-probe/run/eooqd.pid.vol
>-i 9
>           └─19503 sleep 180
>Mar 02 12:45:27 ... ATLAS[13550]: Ping works
>Mar 02 12:45:27 ... ATLAS[13550]: start reg
>Mar 02 12:45:27 ... ATLAS[13550]: ATLAS registeration starting
>Mar 02 12:45:27 ... ATLAS[13550]: REASON_FOR_REGISTRATION NEW NO previous
>state files
>Mar 02 12:45:27 ... ATLAS[13550]: REGHOSTS reg03.atlas.ripe.net
> 2001:67c:2e8:11::c100:13f6 reg04.atlas.ripe.net
>Mar 02 12:45:27 ... ATLAS[13550]: ssh -i /var/atlas-probe/etc/probe_key -p
>443 atlas@ INIT
>Mar 02 12:45:27 ... ATLAS[13550]: 255  REGINIT exit with error
>Mar 02 12:45:27 ... ATLAS[13550]: RESULT { "id": "9001", "time":
>1583149527, "macaddr": "fa163e790ec7", "uptime": 1830743, "buddyinfo": [ 1,
>0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1,
>Mar 02 12:45:27 ... ATLAS[13550]: condmv: not moving, destination
>'/var/atlas-probe/data/out/v6addr.txt' exists
>Mar 02 12:45:27 ... ATLAS[13550]: condmv: not moving, destination
>'/var/atlas-probe/data/out/simpleping' exists
>I think that "dpkg -i ..." generates a *new ssh key pair*:
>ls -l /var/atlas-probe/etc/
>total 8
>-rw------- 1 atlas nogroup 1811 *Mar  2 12:36* probe_key
>-rw-r--r-- 1 atlas nogroup  387 *Mar  2 12:36* probe_key.pub
>1) It's possible to upload the new pub key without re-register my probe?
>2) it's possibile to preserve the keys during upgrade (mark as conf  file
>in .deb? ) or I need to make a backup before upgrading?
>| Responsabile Ufficio Reti e Sistemi
>| Università degli Studi di Ferrara

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