Re: [atlas] RIPE Atlas Software Probes

2020-03-04 Thread Philip Homburg
On 2020/03/04 11:14 , Enrico Ardizzoni wrote:
> This is the "prerm" script ( a little bit overkill :) )

I'm not an expert in debian packaging. Does the prerm get executed
during an upgrade?

What I remember is that upgrading the debian package works, but maybe I
remember wrong.


Re: [atlas] RIPE Atlas Software Probes

2020-03-04 Thread Enrico Ardizzoni
Il giorno mar 3 mar 2020 alle ore 11:26  ha scritto:

> You can update you new SSH Key on your probe's page such as
> on the bottom you see "Update SSH
> Key"
> Otherwise you can backup your two key files
> [/var/atlas-probe/etc/probe_key and /var/atlas-probe/etc/]
> before any update/reinstallation, and overwrite them back after new
> installation and reboot.
Hi Jiri,

you're right! Thank You

This is the "prerm" script ( a little bit overkill :) )


 systemctl stop atlas

 systemctl disable atlas

 systemctl stop var-atlasdata.mount

 systemctl disable var-atlasdata.mount

 rmdir /var/atlasdata

 rm -r /var/atlas-probe/.ssh

 rm -r /var/atlas-probe/bin

 rm -r /var/atlas-probe/crons

* rm -r /var/atlas-probe/etc*

 rm -r /var/atlas-probe/run

 rm -r /var/atlas-probe/state

 rm -r /var/atlas-probe/status

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| Università degli Studi di Ferrara