Re: [atlas] Discrepancy in documentation?

2022-06-09 Thread Chris Amin

Hi Stephane,

On 08/06/2022 16:58, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:

In the documentation
, various
HTTP methods are used (for instance DELETE to delete a measurement),
which is nice, but the examples ("Try it") always show the method GET.

You are right, this is incorrect currently on the "beta-docs" site. In 
fact, the Try it functionality doesn't work at all for  It will be fixed 
in the new "docs" site, which will be available fairly soon.


ripe-atlas mailing list

Re: [atlas] How to get DNS return codes and TTLs

2022-06-09 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer
On Wed, Jun 08, 2022 at 06:16:30PM -0600,
 Dallan Adamson  wrote 
 a message of 39 lines which said:

> I'm doing research that requires me to use DNS recursive resolvers
> around the world. At a minimum from these recursive resolvers I need
> to know what return code the probe received from the recursive
> resolver as well as the TTL of the record from the same request. I
> haven't found a way to get both of these when doing DNS measurements
> with Ripe Atlas probes, is there a way to do this?

Some DNS information is parsed by Atlas and returned in the JSON
answer (such as the length of the various DNS sections) but, if you
want all the DNS data, you'll have to parse yourself the DNS blob
included in the JSON answer (field "abuf"). You can get inspiration
from the source code of the official client, or from Blaeu's
blaeu-resolve .

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