> RIPE Atlas is primarily designed for INTERnet measurements, not Intranet.

Emphasize on the "primarily", that doesn't directly mean private
measurements shouldn't exist.

> If one has a problem with open-data philosophy, he shouldn't participate
in this project.

The existence of a token system already incentivizes contributing, without
just making good public measurements that contribute back open data.

> It shouldn't be necessary to run the same measurement multiple times. For
what reason?

Because things change in the wild?

> There's only one exception

Well... So in addition to lack of a good basis in principle, non-private
measurements might also pose an unnecessary additional information leakage.
In addition to that, many measurements are just absolutely useless for

I am also certain there are people who only contribute (by hosting a probe)
for that reason - running a few private measurements.
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