Dear colleagues,

The new version of the RIPE Atlas streaming API is now available.

As mentioned in the previous e-mail, the API can now be accessed using either plain WebSockets or plain GET requests.

Socket.IO support is being maintained for now, so you don't have to immediately change your installations, but the new interfaces should be preferred wherever possible.

The documentation can be found at:

Kind regards,
Chris Amin

On 30/11/2022 10:31, Chris Amin wrote:

In around three weeks we will be releasing a new version of the RIPE Atlas stream ( with an API based on WebSockets and plain HTTP requests.

The current Socket.IO interface will be maintained for backwards compatibility for the near future, but some subscription parameters will be dropped due to extremely low or no usage. These are:

* Historic playback (startTime, endTime) — note that this does not include sendBacklog, which will still work as now * Arbitrary server-side filtering of fields (equalsTo, greaterThan, lessThan) — note that filtering by "prb", "msm", "type" etc will work as now

We can see from the service logs that each of these parameters has either not been used at all or used by a single IP address in the past month, so the impact should be minimal. However, if you happen to be using one of these parameters then please get in touch with me.

Aside from these changes, existing use cases should continue to work as they do now, and we will be monitoring closely for any issues.

There will be more information on the new API, including complete documentation, closer to the time.

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