The NomCom Final report is now also published a RIPE document:

Personally I am eagerly looking forward to the general evaluation of this first run of a RIPE NomCom by the community. You can find the particular suggestions from the report below.

Daniel Karrenberg
Who burnt his proverbial NomCom Chair hat in the proverbial bonfire.


Recommendations to the RIPE Community

1. Document community consensus on the relationship between RIPE and the RIPE NCC; in particular consensus how RIPE NCC staff can participate in RIPE including nominations for RIPE Chair.

2. Document community consensus about remuneration of the RIPE Chairs. Consider documenting relevant procedures together with the RIPE NCC.

3. Consider changing ripe-728 to codify the use of a reserve list of volunteers in case voting members resign from the committee.

4. Consider clarifying the example time-lines in ripe-727 and ripe-728 in the light of experience

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