Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Replay gain on whole collection, or not?

2019-03-25 Thread kidstypike

Fahzz wrote: 
> So just to confirm Foobar2000 will apply album gain and track gain by
> default if I follow the above procedure? I guess I have some rescanning
> to do!
> BTW: I saw Ms Muldaur perform too many years ago.

Yes it will.

*Study/Server - LMS 7.9.2 -* Pi3B+/pCP 4.1.0/pi screen/HiFiBerry
DAC+/jivelite, 25K library and playlists on WDMyCloud, LMS cache on a
USB stick (formatted ntfs).
*Lounge* - Pi2/pCP 4.1.0 > HiFiBerry DIGI+ > AudioEngine DAC1 > AVI DM5
*Dining Room* - Squeezebox Boom
*Garage* - Pi3B/Pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/pCP 4.1.0 > Edifier R980T
*In car* - RPi3B/pCP in AP mode > HiFiBerry DAC+ > car's audio (files on
a 2TB USB drive)
*Spares* - 2xTouch, 1xSB3, 1xRadio, 4xRPi

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Replay gain on whole collection, or not?

2019-03-25 Thread Fahzz

kidstypike wrote: 
> As Stig's post above  - Foobar 2000 > ReplayGain -> Scan as albums (by
> tags). It takes ~10 seconds per album on my PC.
> In a multi album playlist smart gain would read "Track gain" tags.
> I couldn't do without it!
> 27033
> 27034

So just to confirm Foobar2000 will apply album gain and track gain by
default if I follow the above procedure? I guess I have some rescanning
to do!
BTW: I saw Ms Muldaur perform too many years ago.

Living Room: Pi3 w/Allo Digione Player (Wired), Max2Play w/LMS Server
7.9 and SqueezeLite
Pioneer Elite VSX 80, Parasound 2125 v2
KEF LS50's, Paradigm SE Center, SVS SB12-NSD Subwoofer, Paradigm Atom
v.5 Surrounds
Harmony Smart Control w/Hub and iPeng
Dining Room: KEF Q100's
Bedroom: Logitech Boom
Porch: Boston Acoustics Voyager Metro II
Router: Asus RT-N56U

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Greatest Hits album with embedded single covers

2019-03-25 Thread emalvick

BJW wrote: 
> Personally, I have never had to set a comp=0 tag, ever, for anything.  
> I have never had server call something with no comp tags AND album
> artist tags a comp.  if it ever has done so, I would love to know the
> criteria necessary to cause it?
> My understanding is this:
> There are only 2 circumstances u would need a comp=0 tag:
> 1. Server is identifying something as a comp, for whatever reason, and
> the user wants to force server to NOT recognize whatever it is as a
> comp.
> (Again, not something I ever have an issue with, since I put album
> artist tags on everything)
> 2. A user has a CD ripped such that different tracks are in different
> folders, (like iTunes did, and maybe still does), and by setting comp=0
> the CD shows as one album, but not a comp.  imagine a CD like Duets. 
> The differing folders would have made server think it's differing albums
> when it isn't, (I think, or maybe the different artists in different
> folders, etc) but it's also not a comp.  so the comp=0 tag "fixes" the
> issue.
> (Again, not something I ever have an issue with, since I always rip one
> CD to one folder.  Imo, server shouldn't accommodate bad behavior by
> crap like iTunes, but there it is)
> So bottom line is most people shouldn't need or use comp=0 tags.  Even
> if they have some justification by the 2 usage cases above, server is
> buggy enough to where u still can get weird results.  The two links in
> my sig and bugzilla have documentation of such bizarre behaviors.

This happened to me with LMS (or its predecessor, around v 7.3).  That's
why I ended up going that route. I have AlbumArtist tags on EVERYTHING
and I would still have tracks and albums pop up as compilations.  My
circumstances did not split albums across folders (I don't use ITunes
and it would drive me crazy).  But, it was happening quite often.  Now
was there something else on my end causing the problem?  maybe.  This
was right when I started with a Squeezebox of any type, and I was
definitely cleaning up files and tags.  Most of the files at the time
were MP3's. I never saw a fix being implemented (successfully), so I
just created an action in MP3Tag that forces comp=0 for all files I run
through it, even as I have been working to put everything into FLAC

So your bottom line statement is correct, of course.  Heck I was
criticized for using comp=0 then, but my reasons even met your reason,
and I only mention it now because it did solve my issues and it can
force a no compilation determination from the server if all else fails. 
Plus, it doesn't seem to hurt anything. 

On a side note, I work as a regulator for seismic and flood safety.  We
often recommend that people put redundant measures in place for safety
because it all but assures safety.  I guess I always felt that the
comp=0 tag was a nice redundancy for the album artist tag.  Afterall, I
am still amazed at how many software and hardware still don't recognize
Album Artist as a tag.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Replay gain on whole collection, or not?

2019-03-25 Thread emalvick

I do think care needs to be taken as some software gives the option of
actually adjusting the levels in the file?  

I don't recommend that option, but watch out for it.  It is a permanent
change that it would seem rare that someone would want (at least in this
day and age).  I suspect it was more useful before RG tags became more
widely supported.  For instance, I use MediaMonkey, and it gives options
for applying levels not just analyzing/tagging. 

Anyway, I just mention it so that anyone new to the process applies a
little caution.  

Now in terms of processing 24k+ files, I probably wouldn't do it all at
once.  I would test it out on a few albums to start with and investigate
how it works; understand what the process is.  I know most of us that
have done this know what it is, but it's worth understanding.  I would
then process on larger batches of files in a method you can keep track
of.  I had about 15k tracks at the time I did it, and my computer would
hang up on trying to queue up more than 1,500 tracks.  Of course that
was 10+ years ago, but I think a lot of software get hung up with a
large queue, and if you get a crash, it can be hard to figure out how
far along your process got. It ended up being a little easier to just go
through 10 to 50 albums at a time and know exactly where I was at.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Ripping] Replay gain on whole collection, or not?

2019-03-25 Thread Stig Nygaard

garym wrote: 
> I use foobar2000 to add ReplayGain tags often. After installing the RG
> component in foobar2000, it is available.  I see no settings for this in
> foobar, but I can confirm that it adds both track and album RG tags.

Thanks garym - and kidstypike (who posted while I was very slowly typing
my previous post).

Okay, so you MIGHT have to install the ReplayGain component first in
foobar2000 before my instructions work (File->Preferences->Components),
though I think it is default included?

My component is called ReplayGain Scanner 2.3 (foo_rgscan). And its
About page says:

> ReplayGain Scanner for foobar2000
> Copyright (C) 2003-2018 Peter Pawlowski
> libebur128
> Copyright (C) 2011 Jan Kokemüller

I assume -libebur128- means it is the R128 version BJW talks about.

'*rockland*.dk' ( - '**/user/rockland'
( - '*discogs*.com/user/StigNygaard'
( -
'**.com/+StigNygaard' (
*Server:* LMS 7.9.2 ('LmsUpdate'
( -
0018.1548605546 @ Sun Jan 27 2019 on Synology DS716+II.  *Clients:*
'RPi3 (Max2Play, 7\" touch, HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro)'
(, SB
Touch, OrangeSqueeze/SqueezePlayer. *Livingroom HiFi:* Marantz PM6005
and F3/Lyd Audiovector 2.
Try my *'Art Grabr' (* for
fetching big *cover-art* from various sites - And *'Album Linkr'
(* for a better ** desktop
browser experience...

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