[RDD] Fonts

2012-08-07 Thread Gavin Stephens
I've had a bit of a Google on Suse 10.0 and Rivendell, but I can't seem to 
find something to fix my fonts in Rivendell.

They are a bit yucky and not the same as the font screenshot on the 
www.rivendellaudio.org gallery web site.

I've got anti-aliasing on to smooth them out (which makes a difference in 
the SuSe desktop), but still doesn't quite make RD look as smooth as the 

I have the dafualt icons installed in Suse 10.0, including Adobe Helvetica. 
Do I need to install a different Helvetica font to get things looking nicer?

I've got the default SuSE theme, with the style set to Kermic (style only, 
because I like the buttons).

So far I've figured out it may be to do with something called bitmap fonts 
and enabling them, but from what I've also read Adobe Helvetia is a bitmap 
font? I'm only tackling this finally because I can read the current font, it 
just looks a little jaggered, but I'm replacing monitors to LCD with native 
1024x768 today (finally replacing some CRT's) and thought I might tackle 
that at the same time.

Any ideas what else I'm missing with the font thing? 

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Simple Script Not Running Using RN

2012-08-07 Thread Jimmy Stinson
Thanks, that fixed mine!


On 8/6/2012 10:49 PM, Stan Fotinos wrote:
 Hi All

 I just gave 777 access permissions to all the users to the /home
 directory and all it's subfolders and their contents and now RN works!

 Thank you


 On 2/08/12 11:39 PM, sf...@xs4all.nl wrote:
 Hi Fred,

 Done so, but unfortunately it does not work.
 I am not stuck as I use CRON but it would be nice if it can be solve.

 Cheers, Stephan

 On Aug 2, 2012, at 10:10 56, Wayne Merricks wrote:

 touch ~/hello_from_rivendell_RN

 Then run the script from a macro and see if you get the file?  I'm
 trying to figure out if you have the same problem I do.
 There are a couple of problems here.  First of all, using shell constructs
 like '~' won't give the expected results as the environment in which the
 script executes will be completely different from that of the local user.
 Use the full path instead, like 'touch /home/rd/hello_from_rivendell_RN'.
 Secondly, by default the 'rivendell' user/group won't have write access to
 your home directory.  Try something like this:

 *** snip snip ***
 mkdir test
 chmod 777 test
 *** snip snip ***

 Then, fire up RMLSend and do:

 RN touch /home/rd/test/hello_from_rivendell_RN!

 You should now see the expected file in the 'test/' directory.


 | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |   Chief Developer
 |   |   Paravel Systems
 |  No, `Eureka!' is Greek for `This bath is too hot!'
 |  -- Dr. Who

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Re: [RDD] dropbox question

2012-08-07 Thread Robert Jeffares
If it's just the air date you are lucky, you can set cuts start date and
end date offset by any number of days from today.

Bit of jiggery pokery required with a script 

read filename
figure out offset in days
set paramaters for rdimport
go to next file

but you can't set a daypart [ start time end time] using rdimport

this requires a lot of delving into MySQL in the current setup

It could be a feature in rdimport

we have discussed a format: StartTime MMDDHHMM EndTime MMDDHHMM

which has to be such that rdimport can read and parse the dates and

and it is on Fred's to do list

deleting expired cuts is set up in rdadmin  groups

bit flakey I find but if you have to delete a bunch it's a few clicks.



On Tue, 2012-08-07 at 15:14 -0400, Nathan Steele wrote:
 I have a one minute spot that I get a months worth of at a time they 
 have the airdate in the file name, is it possible to use that to set the 
 dayparting in the cut during import, ie I want them all in the same cart 
 with dayparting set to only be played on the date in the filename, and 
 if they can be purged afterwards that would be great too.

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Underwriters Scheduler?

2012-08-07 Thread Bill Putney
Has any one got a slick underwriters/advertiser scheduler they like?

We're looking for something we can put in an underwriter/advertiser 
information (like how many spots, how many times a week, any preference 
for when it's played) and have this thing go through all the spots and 
create a schedule where there are so many spots per hour in these hours 
on these days. You know the drill.

Of course it would be cool if it would set up Rivendell with the right 
carts at the right times but even an output to a calendar (like Google 
Docs Calendar) would work.

Bill Putney - KPTZ Port Townsend, WA

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Underwriters Scheduler?

2012-08-07 Thread Robert Jeffares
I use 

because it's low cost and does the job

imports into Rivendell

Few quirks, but developer is 100% willing to shape it to customer needs.



On Tue, 2012-08-07 at 16:17 -0700, Bill Putney wrote:
 Has any one got a slick underwriters/advertiser scheduler they like?
 We're looking for something we can put in an underwriter/advertiser 
 information (like how many spots, how many times a week, any preference 
 for when it's played) and have this thing go through all the spots and 
 create a schedule where there are so many spots per hour in these hours 
 on these days. You know the drill.
 Of course it would be cool if it would set up Rivendell with the right 
 carts at the right times but even an output to a calendar (like Google 
 Docs Calendar) would work.
 Bill Putney - KPTZ Port Townsend, WA
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