Hi Phil,

the folders will be on a drive somewhere which you can mount on your Rivendell machine.

lets call it /home/rd/tempimport

if you create the folder as rd user the permissions should be OK

$ mkdir /home/rd/tempimport

in a command line window something like

find /home/rd/tempimport -type f -iname '*.wav' -exec rdimport --verbose --fix-broken-formats --metadata-pattern=%a-%t.wav --set-string-user-defined='wav from from my old library' MUSIC {} \;

run the find /home/rd/tempimport -type f -iname '*.wav' bit first to see what it shows you.

You need to set the GROUP and adjust wav or mp3 or whatever and the metadata pattern to reflect how the songs are labelled.

That will copy the lot into the MUSIC group.

If your folders and sub folders have songs arranged by categories like 'Country' you can refine the search and add --set-scheduler-code=country

It's a good idea to create the scheduler code 'country' in RDADMIN > Scheduler Codes before you do. Repeat as necessary.

I use the User Defined field to identify the source of music. Handy when you are weeding out duplicates.

There are drawbacks with this method. If you stop and restart you will get duplicates.

Better method is to copy the whole lot to a temporary folder. That takes time. Add --delete-source to the import command.

What's left is what didn't import.

Rivendell will reject audio files for a number of reasons. mp3diags  mp3gain   mp3info   mp3val will help. Funny characters in filenames can be a problem.

Some systems show different characters on filenames. You can use find to move [ mv ] all the rejected files into one folder and work through them.

I would run a test on say 20 cuts and then check how they are importing. You may need to adjust the metadata pattern. [man rdimport]

You can set segue criteria and all sorts of stuff.

If you have defined GROUPS you can find songs that fit the group and import them directly but I prefer to have a single import group then work through it to look for duplicates and check levels, tweak segues, and set talk over points.

Depending on your previous system there may be an import template already created.

Some data may be stored in tags on your library. Smetimes you don't need to set metadata.

Be prepared to do a bit of testing, then once it's set up you can import several thousand tracks. Don't forget to allocate the GROUP enough Cart Numbers



On 11/03/20 8:43 am, Phil Biehl wrote:


I have a large number of music files I want to import to Riv that are divided up into folders and subfolders. I’m hoping that there is a way to get rdimport to process these files, traversing all these subfolders. Is there a way to do this?



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