Re: [RDD] RDImport Notifications

2021-06-28 Thread Fred Gleason
On Jun 26, 2021, at 20:28, wa7skg  wrote:

> While working on another issue, I took a look at /var/log/boot.log. I had 
> recently imported a bunch of music to the library with rdimport. I find these 
> entries in boot.log:
> Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: sent notification: "NOTIFY CART MODIFY 35741" to 
> Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: closed connection 4
> Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: cleaned up connection 4
> Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: added new connection 4
> Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 rdxport.cgi: processing RDXPORT_COMMAND_TRIMAUDIO
> Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: sent notification: "NOTIFY CART MODIFY 35741" to 
> Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: closed connection 4
> Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: cleaned up connection 4
> Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: sent notification: "NOTIFY CART ADD 35741" to 
> First, I don't understand why there are a bunch of Rivendell status stuff in 
> the boot.log to begin with.
> Second, where/what is IP address and why is Rivendell sending 
> any notifications to it? Is this a security thing? Is it required? Can I stop 
> it?

As Chris mentioned earlier, those are local (‘administratively scoped’ to be 
precise) multicast messages. Starting with v3.x, Rivendell uses those to notify 
modules that some object (cart, log, whatever) has been added/deleted/changed. 
In the example you quote, cart 35741 was changed. Say, rdairplay(1) had a log 
loaded that included that cart, it would know to update the widgets displaying 
that cart. Likewise, other Rivendell instances can receive these messages and 
keep their views up to date.

Yes, it is required for proper operation. The exact address used for such 
updates can be set in RDAdmin->SystemSettings, although the default value 
should be fine for the overwhelming majority of situations.

As for these entries appearing in ‘boot.log’, I couldn’t say. Doesn’t sound 


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. | Chief Developer |
|   | Paravel Systems |
| A room without books is like a body without a soul. |
| |
| -- Cicero   |
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Local Audio Adapter Jackd Crosspoint gain

2021-06-28 Thread Alejandro olivan Alvarez

Hi List.

This weekend I've managed to setup a Head/National/main-terminal + 
Local/Regional/traffic-terminal lab  So far, so good, it works and 
I'm very happy, I'm learning a lot of this world! ... now but, comes the 

Since I don't have physical stuff, including an audio switcher (I'm 
using everything software: jack interface, Local Audio Switcher on Jack 
interface, audio sharing through jacktrip, and commands between head and 
terminal using essentially RML CC ... but, surprisingly, this all works 
very very well!!! I'm thinking that a fully virtualized radio network 
could be very much possible) my switcher is Rivendell Jackd interface as 
Local Audio Adapter. Here SA and SR macros do work. They're in fact the 
foundation of my setup: I can use SA/SR to program relaying audio from 
header or play local stuff instead.

My problem is that while SA does work, SX seems to not (or I'm failing 
completely somewhere). Ideally, What I would like is to be able to use 
SA to gradually (some seconds fading-up) return back to head/master 
audio content after a local traffic-break. I know this is not possible 
out-of-the-box, but I feel I could fake that using SX (or SL?) ... but 
they seem to not apply to my Jackd interface (Interface number 1) 
crosspoints. Here's a sample commands

- This works: switch from content coming from master (in enters in 
rivendell's jackd input 7L/R, so, input 8 on the switcher) and the 
removal/reverse command

SA 1 8 1

SR 1 8 1

- And this are my attempts on trying to control the crosspoint gain 
after SA it:

SX 1 8 1 -40! (try to set the crosspoint to -40 dBFs)

SX 1 8 1 0! (try to set it to 0)

Is that the way SX is intended to be used? wrong syntax on my own? Has 
anyone tried this or something similar?

Thanks, regards.

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Auto Mount of /var/snd On reboot Does Not Work

2021-06-28 Thread Alejandro olivan Alvarez

Hi All.

On 6/28/21 4:23 AM, wa7skg wrote:

Thanks, but nope. Still doesn't mount on reboot.


I would like to just drop some ideas here (hope not creating further 

- First and foremost, in my (short) experience with Rivendell (using 
Debian as base OS), I initially used the traditional approach of fstab 
the /var/snd mount for the audio storage on the radio network 
mockup/labs  just to realize that, in reality, when acting as a 
client, rivendell manages by itself the mounting of /var/snd (this is 
not probably, enough documented or highlighted due to its importance, in 
the documentation) by means of AUTOFS (so, in debian, I had to install 
the autofs package). The autofs parameters (very very similar to those 
on a regular fstab) are provided in /etc/rd.conf's an example:


It works very well to me and it is the 'native' or 'rivendellish' way to 
mount /var/snd on the client terminals... Moreover, I think it is worth 
to investigate on the /etc/rivendell.d multi-config, rdselect and 
rdmonitor because it all it deals with multiple, remote, storage (and 
database) mounting/umounting very very nicely (I have learnt to have, on 
every terminal on the radio network, two configurations: a local DB and 
/var/snd storage config, so it can go 'standalone' , and the networked 
DB / NFS /var/snd config)

- Regarding pure fstab issues (again Debian here) I would like to share 
that I have had issues too in the recent past, as the operating system 
moved deeper and deeper into the realms of systemd management, and I 
discovered that classic _netdev and other tricks didn't work anymore, 
and some new fstab options are usually required to make systemd managed 
machines to mount shares at boot.

If your system is systemd handled (I guess it is) I would look for and 
give a try on some fstab options such as x-systemd.automount , 
x-systemd.device-timeout , etc...

Hope this could help

Best regards. wrote on 6/27/21 5:48 PM:

This works for me:

# Rivendell
{IP address of Rivendell Server}:/var/snd /var/snd nfs 
auto,nofail,noatime,nolock,intr,tcp,actimeo=1800 0 0

On Sun, Jun 27, 2021 at 5:09 PM wa7skg > wrote:

    Two machines in client/server configuration. CentOS7 and RD 3.5.

    Set up export stuff on rd1 and fstab on rd2.

    rd1:/var/snd         /var/snd      nfs  _netdev,defaults,auto   0 0

    However, if I reboot rd2, it does not mount /var/snd from rd1. If I
    'sudo mount -a' it mounts fine.

    I have inquired about this on other forums with various results

    "Your mount does not work because your network/nfs is not up at 
the time

    /etc/fstab is evaluated."

    "NOTE: you mount external /var/snd to local /var/snd which is
    definitely bad idea."

    "Use autofs"

    "Use systemd"

    "In your fstab replace “auto” with “noauto,x-systemd.automount”"

    Perhaps some of these comments may be useful, but I don't know 
how to

    implement any of them.

    I've been out of this for a few years, and the whole systemd 
thing is

    still confusing to me.

    I've been given a number of setup guides which all have fstab
    configurations, but they may be for older versions of stuff.

    Is anybody up to date with modern equipment on this?

    Thanks for any ideas.

    --     73,
    Michael WA7SKG

    "Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
    Rivendell-dev mailing list

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