On Feb 19, 2022, at 01:56, Gavin Stephens <ga...@stephens.net.nz> wrote:

> If I can only select the input digital type on my Audioscience AS5111 in 
> rdadmin, do I take it that my card's digital output type selection is not 
> currently supported by the HPI driver or RD 3.6.2?
> The only output changes I can make are to the analogue ref. level from what I 
> can see. I know the card can do both AES/EBU or S/PDIF output but I can't 
> find any selection for this.

It’s been awhile (and I don’t have one handy to check), but I do recall that 
that card is an oddball in several ways; one of which is that there are 
actually *two* independent capture inputs: the first one via the analog input 
and the second via the digital. You should see this reflected in the ‘Audio 
Resources’ page in rdadmin(1), which should report two inputs. Set the channel 
input assignments to use port 1 on the card and you should get digital. IIRC, 
it’s AES3 only; I don’t believe S/PDIF is supported on that card.

You can find the mixer diagram on page 1 of the data sheet, at:



| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer             |
|                           |             Paravel Systems             |
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