Re: [RDD] Linux Mint

2021-03-31 Thread Jonathan Cohen

Just to stick my head above the parapet. 

I’m actually the person behind the Radiotools site, so I just wanted to make 
clear that “Airpro” exists really in name only to refer to Rivendell 2.19.3 
with a few patches and internationalisations for the UK. The naming is because 
I provide volunteer IT support for several community radio (LPFM) stations and 
got fed up with people confusing “normal” Rivendell with our patched version 
that corrects the UK date format and backports a few bug fixes, so it seemed 
wrong to be distributing something that was branded “Rivendell” but might cause 
support issues for other people if they couldn’t tell that it had been modified 

Having said that, my station (First 105.1 FM in Oxford, UK) has been running it 
24/7 on Mint 19 for several years with rock solid stability so far (touch 
wood). This includes at least 6 RD machines including those used for remote 
voicetracking and admin. However, we’re currently stuck on Rivendell 2.19.3 as 
I’ve just not been able to get 3.x working on Mint 19 or 20 to the level I feel 
comfortable with and we also have a lot of bodged scripts that talk directly to 
the database and would need updating for the new schema (not a major issue but 
the current system works so there is risk in changing it without extensive 

Best regards,


 On Behalf Of Alan Peterson
Sent: 30 March 2021 19:24
To: User discussion about the Rivendell Radio Automation System 

Subject: [RDD] Linux Mint

Everyone may already know the folks at RadioTools broadcast software in the UK 
have devised a way to run Rivendell under Linux Mint; a desktop distro based on 
Ubuntu. They call their incarnation "AirPro".

There have been some good packages created such as RRAbuntu and Edge Radio's 
RPi version with Raspbian, but has anyone here tried Mint as a suitable and 
stable OS? If so, what were your impressions?



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Re: [RDD] CentOS 8 short-lived, only rolling versions after that

2020-12-19 Thread Jonathan Cohen
Be aware this is Oracle, if you ever shake hands on a deal with them, count 
your fingers afterwards. It's "binary compatible" but the upgrade script and 
installer don't make it binary compatible, that requires hoops to be jumped 
through. Instead by default the upgrade or install will use Oracle's 
"Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel" which is not binary compatible and deviates 
from Redhat more and more on every release.


-Original message-
From: Andy Higginson 
Sent: Thursday 17th December 2020 9:11
To: Rivendell-dev mailing list 
Subject: Re: [RDD] CentOS 8 short-lived, only rolling versions after that


Following on from all of this discussion, I’ve just seen this article on The 
Register -  One of 
the alternatives mentioned is Oracle Linux, and they say that they are 100% 
application binary compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux  Is this a possible alternative to CentOS?

They have this interesting blog post, which has a script on it to convert from 
CentOS to Oracle Linux  They also say 
that it is totally free and the same code as their paying customers - they 
charge for support.

Any thoughts?


On 9 Dec 2020, at 17:33, Ryan Williams> > wrote:

Thanks for the comments, Fred. I was hoping you were going to chime in.

The commentary on Hacker News and elsewhere is far gloomier than yours. I hope 
you are correct.


On Wed, Dec 9, 2020 at 11:22 AM Fred Gleason> > wrote:
On Dec 8, 2020, at 19:46, Mike Carroll> > wrote:

Not a popular decision, going by the comments on the post.

I’m not actually sure that it’s The End of the World for Rivendell on CentOS 
just yet.

A lot will depend on what exactly changes between CentOS 8 and CentOS 8 Stream. 
At first look, it appears that CentOS is merely moving their release cycle to 
be just *ahead* of RHEL releases, instead of just *after*. If that’s truly all 
it is, and, all importantly, provided the CentOS 8 ABI is being held stable, 
then I see no reason *per se* that we couldn’t support Rivendell just fine on 
CentOS 8 Stream. I do know that there has been a lot of frustration within the 
CentOS Project about churn (particularly in the package management realm) from 
Upstream; this move to CentOS 8 Stream I suspect is an attempt to get a better 
handle on that problem by what might be called a ‘pre-emptive release’ strategy 
that allows them to better synchronize the state of their own port from 

A lot will also depend on where EPEL lands with all of this. EPEL is part of 
Fedora (not CentOS), and has historically always based their builds on RHEL. 
Provided that the ABI is stable, it shouldn’t much matter, but the devil is in 
the details. I’ve sensed a bit of the same ‘churn angst’ WRT Upstream with many 
of the EPEL maintainers as well.

We’ll see. Given that we don’t currently have a shipping CentOS 8 integration, 
it’s definitely too early to panic. Indeed, holding off on that integration is 
starting to look like a rather fortuitous move.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer             |
|                           |             Paravel Systems             |
|         A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
|                                                                     |
|                                                         -- Cicero   |
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Re: [RDD] Ubuntu 20.04

2020-09-25 Thread Jonathan Cohen
I have 2.19.3 running on 20.04 with a backported QT3. 3.x has defeated me so 


First 105.1 FM Oxford, UK

-Original message-
From: Brian McGlynn 
Sent: Friday 25th September 2020 13:21
To: jorge soto 
Cc: User discussion about the Rivendell Radio Automation System 

Subject: Re: [RDD] Ubuntu 20.04


It won't run on Ubuntu 20.04.  QT4 has been discontinued and the PPA with QT4 
does not have MySQL support.


Brian P. McGlynn
585-785-4495 x202  


On Thu, Sep 24, 2020 at 11:53 PM jorge soto> > wrote:
Has anybody successfully configured, compiled and installed latest rivendell on 
ubuntu 20.04?
If so, care to share how?

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Re: [RDD] Network cluster problem

2020-02-17 Thread Jonathan Cohen

Since you’ve added the hostname to RDadmin it should “just work”. I’d double 
check the new machine actually does have exactly the entered hostname just in 
case and also check your user has permissions for the service in RDadmin.

Having said that, I wrote those instructions on and I’ve had a 
few issues with 3.2.0 randomly quitting RDairplay during certain macro carts 
(hence the “stability” warning). I don’t think this is Rivendell as I’ve not 
seen it reported for the official CentOS build, so there might be some other 
issue or dependency on Mint/Ubuntu, though this could also just be an issue 
with my database.

Best regards,


[] On Behalf Of Mike Cox
Sent: 15 February 2020 16:55
Subject: [RDD] Network cluster problem

I've got an interesting problem I could do with some pointers on.

I have a Centos 7 standard installation which works fine. I have created a 
second host in RDAdmin on it and have now built a Mint PC and installed RD as 

The new Mint server can see the /var/snd directory on the main server and 
contents in the file manager. RD can connect to the MySQL server on the main 
server as I can run RDAdmin and edit both hosts. I can also access the remote 
DB using mysql on the command line.

However, when I run RDLibrary I cannot see any cuts listed. I'm not sure what 
I'm, missing but has anyone got any ideas where to start looking?

If you're interested why I've chosen to use Mint instead of Centos for the 2nd 
workstation, it's because I can't find various bits of software that I need 
which will run on Centos. Ideally I would prefer to use Centos as it's so easy 
to install RD on.

Many thanks



Mike Cox
Managing Director The Rosetta Group Ltd

Phone: 03 004 004 004

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Re: [RDD] rdairplay other bugs/err

2020-01-04 Thread Jonathan Cohen
1.   Looks exactly like the issue I logged in Github ticket 519 but 
unfortunately I’ve not had the ability to do a backtrace yet. On my Ubuntu 
system RDairplay terminates with the following:

"core dumped" qstring.h, line 699 error (#519)

Best regards,


[] On Behalf Of Mircea Paun
Sent: 04 January 2020 14:58
Subject: [RDD] rdairplay other bugs/err

Greetings everyone!

I'm back with few remarks about the dj console.

Rive 3.2.0 / CenOS 7.6.1810


When a Macro have wrong typo... let's say  "PX 11 050001!" instead of "PX 1 

Then RdAirplay crash. 

2. Spacebar KB - Next PLAY 

Next play with spacebar has a strange behavior.

Sometimes, without doing anything, it happens to play two slots at a single 

3. Other times, when you upload a playlist, it doesn't work anymore and does 
something else. 

4.And the hotkeys setup function doesn't work at all


+40 724232195   


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Re: [RDD] Major Problems

2019-12-30 Thread Jonathan Cohen
I’ve seen this very behaviour in 3.2.0 but I’ve only tested it with my rather 
Rube Golberg like Ubuntu build, so assumed it was that. Rivendell gets to the 
top of the hour and on the “make next” event does a “core dumped" qstring.h, 
line 699 error. I’ve opened a ticket but not yet been able to do a backtrace.

While I’m a bit out of my depth here, if this happens on 3.2.0 maybe try 2.19.2 
and see if the same thing happens?

Best regards


First 105.1 FM Oxford, UK

[] On Behalf Of Mark 
Sent: 30 December 2019 16:51
To: ''
Subject: [RDD] Major Problems

We were planning to put Rivendell on the air for the first time officially next 
Monday, but unless I can solve a major problem that came up Friday, it’s not 
going to happen. We use Music1 for our scheduling software, and it’s set up to 
generate Rivendell schedules, and seems to work fine. The trouble seems to be 
with the legal ID at the top of the hour. We overschedule our hours by a song 
or two, and we need the ID to run at or near the top of the hour after whatever 
is playing from the previous hour, and then throw out any songs or elements 
that are left over from the previous hour and go into the new hour. Scheduling 
the ID in Music1 had the ID running after everything from the previous hour had 
finished, obviously putting the ID too late. So, I tried scheduling the ID in 
RD, setting the “Start at” time at the top of the hour and ticking the “make 
next” selection. When I play it back in RDAirPlay and it gets to the ID, it 
will start to play it, and then totally crashes. RDAirPlay just quits. I’ve 
observed this several times. Maybe I don’t understand how the “hard time” event 
works? I set the “transition type” to Segue, if that makes any difference.

Thanks for any help!

Mark Murdock


90 E. 16th St.

Merced, CA 95340

(209) 723-1015  




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Re: [RDD] replication recommendations?

2019-12-27 Thread Jonathan Cohen
We use a Nextcloud server for this. /var/snd is synced between all machines (on 
and off site) and once a day a shell script makes a database backup to the same 
folder. This allows us to make a production machine a master in minutes (just 
edit rc.conf to use the machines local MySQL server and import the backup) and 
also means remote machines can do production via a VPN without noticeable lag. 
They also act as off site backups so I can copy the entire folder to a USB 
drive at home as a “proper” backup.


First 105.1 FM Oxford UK

 On Behalf Of Tom Van Gorkom
Sent: 27 December 2019 23:04
To: Rivendell-Dev 
Subject: [RDD] replication recommendations?

In October, a question about replication came up and someone asked if Aman was 
still a recommended solution. No answer followed that I saw.  If it is still 
useful on centos 7 and Riv 2.19 or higher, are there updated instructions since 

If not Aman, what do you all recommend as a fairly fail-safe way for a small 
station that isn't very technical to have an automatic backup, be able to make 
changes on one production machine and have it copied to the on-air machine?

Tom Van Gorkom
Radio Esperanza Engineering, KRIO AM/FM, KOIR FM

Office: 956-380-8150   
Cell: 865-803-7427  

Director of Media

Rio Grande Bible Ministries
4300 S US Hwy 281
Edinburg, TX 78539  


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Re: [RDD] RDImport

2019-11-27 Thread Jonathan Cohen
This sounds like the crazy defaults of CentOS where the majority of space can 
end up allocated to /home rather than the system as a whole. You might want to 
check your disk partitioning.


 On Behalf Of Mark Murdock
Sent: 27 November 2019 01:00
To: '' 

Subject: [RDD] RDImport

OK, need some help. I’ve been using rdimport to import a bunch of songs from 
our SS32 system into Rivendell, and just as I was about to finish up, I started 
getting an error that said, “Audio Converter Error: No space left on device, 
skipping [file name].” The drive is a 1.5 TB drive, and there’s plenty of space 
left on it, but when I looked at the properties of /var/snd it said that 49.5 
GB had been used of 53.7 GB, and that there is only 133 MB left (99% used). Is 
there a way to expand the space allocated for /var/snd? Is there a solution for 


Mark Murdock


90 E. 16th St.

Merced, CA 95340

(209) 723-1015  




Rivendell-dev mailing list 

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Bulk change removes year in 2.19.2. Is this fixed in later versions?

2019-10-31 Thread Jonathan Cohen
Many thanks Fred. 

 On Behalf Of Fred Gleason
Sent: 31 October 2019 21:43
To: Rivendell Users Group 
Subject: Re: [RDD] Bulk change removes year in 2.19.2. Is this fixed in later 

On Oct 31, 2019, at 16:59, Jonathan Cohen> > wrote:


It’s taken me ages to work out what caused the year field on random carts to 
vanish, but by pure chance I’ve found it. We’re running 2.19.2 in on air at the 
moment, so I was wondering if this has been reported or fixed in later versions 
(my Google foo is weak tonight) or if it’s an issue with our build on Mint 19.2.


The issue is: If you open RDlibrary, select several carts, click “Edit”, then 
remove the carts from one group and add to another, when you look at any cart 
everything has happened as expected, except the date field is now empty!

Fixed in v3.1.0.



| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer             |

|                           |             Paravel Systems             |


|         A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |

|                                                                     |

|                                                         -- Cicero   |



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[RDD] Bulk change removes year in 2.19.2. Is this fixed in later versions?

2019-10-31 Thread Jonathan Cohen
Hi all,


It’s taken me ages to work out what caused the year field on random carts to 
vanish, but by pure chance I’ve found it. We’re running 2.19.2 in on air at the 
moment, so I was wondering if this has been reported or fixed in later versions 
(my Google foo is weak tonight) or if it’s an issue with our build on Mint 19.2.


The issue is: If you open RDlibrary, select several carts, click “Edit”, then 
remove the carts from one group and add to another, when you look at any cart 
everything has happened as expected, except the date field is now empty!


Best regards,


First 105.1 FM Oxford, UK
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] PyPad

2019-09-27 Thread Jonathan Cohen
Is the file in the same directory?

Best regards,


 On Behalf Of broadcast
Sent: 27 September 2019 03:09
Subject: Re: [RDD] PyPad


So I have installed Ubuntu 18.04 on a home test machine. I use CentOS for 
actual playout =-)  I have everything working great, except PyPad. It stays red 

The Error I am getting is: 

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/local/lib64/rivendell/pypad/", line 25, in 

import pypad

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pypad'

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated =-) 

Thomas E. 


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Re: [RDD] Full ssh remote clients

2019-08-07 Thread Jonathan Cohen
We use Nextcloud to sync the entire /var/snd folder to each client rather than 
rsync. Advantages are it can work securely with or without a VPN, which is then 
only required for remote clients to connect to the SQL database (we use OpenVPN 
for that part).

Best regards,


 On Behalf Of Peter Claes
Sent: 30 July 2019 00:55
To: User discussion about the Rivendell Radio Automation System 

Subject: [RDD] Full ssh remote clients

Hi Guys,

I am looking into getting some remote voicetrack clients installed.
Currently I am still using a PPTP to get things running.
I am graduately trying to get it full ssh. (rsync over ssh and MariaDb over a 
ssh tunnel)

Is there anyone who is already doing this?

If so, would you mind sharing your approach ?




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Re: [RDD] Remote Sync

2019-03-02 Thread Jonathan Cohen
Just FYI, we use Owncloud to sync /var/snd between all machines, even local 
ones, which seems to work well and also means any machine can be made a 
standalone machine at short notice. However for remote users we have then 
remote desktop to a local machine using Guacamole and share the audio using 
JACK and using the Chromium browser. That makes remote VT easy 
from Windows machines, but does need a reasonable internet connection to avoid 
any glitches.


First 105.1 FM, Oxford UK.

[] On Behalf Of Peter Claes
Sent: 02 March 2019 01:54
To: Mark Murdock
Subject: Re: [RDD] Remote Sync


I have the same question. 

We log in over VPN. so we can access the database on server, works pretty neat.

At the moment I am only syncing from server to client. (mounting 
/var/snd.server, and copying that to /var/snd)

But for syncing client to server (certainly multiple clients) I am not sure yet.

I was considering something like nextcloud to handle this.

But since the question is out here, I might as well see what other solutions 
are possible.



Op za 2 mrt. 2019 om 01:27 schreef Mark Murdock> >:

I’ve been wondering how one might go about providing a remote staff member or 
voice tracker with a full copy of a Rivendell system featuring all of the audio 
and other data and then synchronizing their system with the system back at the 
radio station? Is there a fairly easy way to do this? Is anyone doing such a 


Mark Murdock

Production Director


90 E. 16th St.

Merced, CA 95340

(209) 723-1015  

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Re: [RDD] Importing and Exporting ranges of cuts from the library

2018-11-02 Thread Jonathan Cohen
Hi Fred,

In my tests I found that some metadata (the carts notes field springs to mind) 
did not transfer using the rdexport/rdimport method with its XML file. As a 
result I wrote a set of PHP scripts to export and import carts, or groups of 
carts, with also allows them to be moved between groups and renumbered etc. The 
code is rather messy but might be of use to someone: 

Best regards,


[] On Behalf Of Fred 
Sent: 02 November 2018 15:59
Subject: Re: [RDD] Importing and Exporting ranges of cuts from the library

On Nov 2, 2018, at 11:40, Andy Higginson> > wrote:

The export and import would need to include a full set of meta data, including 
all of the talk times, segues etc.  It would however be a part of the library, 
and not the whole library.  Should this be done using rdexport/rdimport or 
should rivendell_filter be used?

You’re best bet would be to use rdexport(1) and then rdimport(1). Assuming that 
you use reasonably recent Rivendell (2.19.x) on both ends, you should get 100% 
transfer of the relevant metadata.


If using rdexport/rdimport, does some kindly soul have the correct command line 
syntax that I should be using for this?

The specifics will depend on precisely what you need to export and where you 
need it to go on the destination. There are man pages for both commands that 
should point you in the right direction. One suggestion: you probably want to 
defeat normalization [--normalization-level=0] on both the import and export 
(unless you have gross level errors in the original that you want to correct, 
in which case applying normalization on the import pass would be appropriate).



| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |              Chief Developer             |

|                           |              Paravel Systems             |


|          A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |

|                                         -- Cicero                    |



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Re: [RDD] USA: Satellite Downlink Sites - Interactive Map

2018-10-24 Thread Jonathan Cohen
I'm not in the US but I find this highly interesting. We don't use C-band here 
for radio, but I have previously used it for links to African TV channels and 
had not considered that might be impacted in future by 5G.

Thanks for the heads-up. :-)


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sherrod 
Sent: 24 October 2018 02:48
To: Rivendell-Dev
Subject: [RDD] USA: Satellite Downlink Sites - Interactive Map

(For everyone who doesn’t live here, please pardon the United States-centric 
nature of this post.  I realize there’s a fair contingent of international 
folks on this listserv, but this is very relevant to broadcasters in the United 

Here is an interactive, zoomable map of all 13,993 C-band satellite downlink 
sites registered as of 10/22/2018 with the Federal Communications Commission.

If you haven’t registered your sites yet with the FCC, you have until October 
31, 2018 to do so if you want to have any protection against future 
interference from 5G.  

See for instructions how.

And in case you haven’t heard, the C-Band Alliance (“CBA”) has now upped their 
ante to 200 MHz of bandwidth they think they can clear out of the C-band 4 GHz 
spectrum.  See for an article about the updated offer.

Sherrod Munday

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Re: [RDD] Dynamic RDS methods

2018-08-29 Thread Jonathan Cohen
For FM RDS and online, I’ve written a small Windows program that receives the 
data via UDP from Rivendell and saves it to a text file. This is then used to 
feed the RDS encoder, using it’s own app that polls the saved file. If that app 
is of any use it’s available free on my site (shameless plug J )  

Best regards,


[] On Behalf Of Tom Van 
Sent: 28 August 2018 15:07
To: Rivendell-Dev
Subject: [RDD] Dynamic RDS methods

Using Riv 2.19, we send a Now & Next UDP  string to our streaming computer 
which uses a proprietary middleware to organize the metadata for the server and 
audio streamer. It is capable of forwarding the data to another host but the 
format seems to follow what it gets from Riv and does not work for the RDS 
unit. It lacks a CR and no matter what I have tried, I can only get one or the 
other to work at a time. The streaming service likes the usual %n|%g|%t|%a...   
and the RDS unit wants DPS=%t by %a.

What solutions do you all use? Is Tagstation a good solution? It seems like I 
could write a script to gather title and artist for the RDS but haven't figured 
it out yet. 

Thanks for suggestions,

Tom Van Gorkom
Radio Esperanza Engineering, KRIO AM/FM, KOIR FM

Office: 956-380-8150   
Cell: 865-803-7427

Rio Grande Bible Institute
4300 S US Hwy 281
Edinburg, TX 78539


Rivendell-dev mailing list 

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Re: [RDD] rivendell_filter

2018-08-13 Thread Jonathan Cohen
Not related to Rivendell_filter and I'm not sure it would cope with 6 
tracks, but I wrote some crude PHP scripts that export and import carts in bulk 
between 2.19.2 systems, keeping all the segue and other data and also allowing 
export and import between systems with different sample rates. They did take 
about 12 hours to do around 5000 tracks though and are far from polished.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Robert 
Sent: 14 August 2018 01:43
Subject: [RDD] rivendell_filter

I have discovered that replicating systems from a master which has been used 
for a number of different stations carries a lot of additional mysql data which 
is not all deleted when clocks or dropboxes are deleted in the QT3 interface.
There are some tables that look like they are no longer used in the current 
schema but remain to bloat the system which is now running very slow.
eg DROPBOX_PATHS had data in it from 2011 which possibly should have been 
deleted when I deleted them in the GUI.

Looking through the mailing list rivendell_filter will enable me to copy the 
60,000 audio tracks onto a new pristine system bringing just CART CUTS and 
associated schedule codes, perms etc.

Lots of links that go nowhere and a line on the wiki saying the file should be 
in docs which it's not.

Anyone got a copy of rivendell_filter somewhere please?

Robert Jeffares

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] rdairplay dies, out of memory

2018-08-13 Thread Jonathan Cohen
Once a week! I doubt if we reboot more than once a year on average and even 
then only for other reasons such as power cuts etc.  J

Running out of memory does not sound normal, no matter how long the machine has 
been up, unless it’s something else running on the same machine?


[] On Behalf Of David 
Sent: 13 August 2018 21:41
Subject: Re: [RDD] rdairplay dies, out of memory

Just wondering if the machine gets rebooted regularly or if it is left running 
indefinitely. I usually try and reboot once a week.

Sent from my Huawei Mobile 

 Original Message 
Subject: [RDD] rdairplay dies, out of memory
From: Rob Landry <  >

A station emailed me just now to report that rdairplay died in the middle 
of a piece of music.

/var/log/messages shows that the OS ran out of memory and killed 

This is RD 2.16 running under CentOS 6 on older hardware with 1 GB RAM. 
The machine doesn't do anything but run Rivendell with no manual 
intervention. It's been running for at least a year with no problems.

What would cause the OS to run out of memory, I wonder? The machine has an 
AudioScience ASI5111 card that was almost certainly bought in 2007; I've 
seen these cards go bad after this many years, but differently than this; 
they've stopped producing audio and/or ceased to be recognized by 
Rivendell. This card still works; the client restarted rdairplay and it's 
running fine now.

Any thoughts from the list?


Я там, где ребята толковые,
Я там, где плакаты "Вперёд",
Где песни рабочие новые
Страна трудовая поёт.

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Re: [RDD] Tryphon server is dead

2018-08-01 Thread Jonathan Cohen
I suspected that might happen and made a private mirror. If there’s demand from 
people who are stuck building systems I could make it public, but there’s no 
way to update it past 2.10.3 (though I use the Tryphon QT3 install to install 
2.19.2 from source).


[] On Behalf Of Andy 
Sent: 01 August 2018 11:50
Subject: [RDD] Tryphon server is dead


It looks like the end of the Tryphon server is finally here.  I'm currently not 
getting any response from or  

As a community of users, we need to be ready for any questions that might be 
asked here on the list.  What might be useful to know is the status of any 
projects that are on the go to create a new Debian / Ubuntu repository.

Lastly I think all that remains is to say a big thanks for everything that 
Alban and the Tryphon team have given to the community.




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Re: [RDD] question on relationship /var/snd and database

2018-07-20 Thread Jonathan Cohen
Not sure if it's useful, but I have this issue quite often so built some PHP 
scripts to export and import carts between systems. This has the advantage that 
you can export and import individual carts or whole groups including basically 
all their metadata (not just the data exported by RDexport) and on importing 
you can have new sequential cart numbers (useful if the new system has a 
different range) or even change sample rates.

The scripts aren't pretty, they use RDexport and RDimport to export the audio 
to a FLAC file and create an additional file for each with the extra metadata 
along with the data file created by Rivendell. However I have successfully used 
these to move over 5000 carts between various 2.19.2 systems without issue, 
though I please backup your entire library first as I can make no assurance  it 
won't corrupt things in some strange way as I know we're not really meant to 
read and write to the database directly.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Lorne 
Sent: 20 July 2018 16:09
To: Rick;
Subject: Re: [RDD] question on relationship /var/snd and database

For copying from 1 rivendell install to another, the easiest is to use

It will copy carts (including audio) from one Rivendell machine to
another.  A few things to keep in mind though.

-It will use the same cart numbers on the destination machine as the
source machine.  So if you already have carts on your destination
machine with the same cart numbers, they will be over-written

-It does not do any audio processing.  It simply will copy the audio
files as-is and copy across the needed database entries

-The 2 machines need to be networked and you'll have to mount your
/var/snd from your source machine to somewhere on your destination
machine other then /var/share for the purpose of copying your audio
(once the audio is copied over you can unmount the source /var/share)

-The database on the source machine needs to be accessible over the

For syntax, do a:

rivendell_filter --help

Hope this helps.

Lorne Tyndale

> I have an existing RD install on which I would like to replace /var/snd 
> by a different from another server. That means I would have to import 
> cards and cuts also from that install. Any other tables that need to be 
> replaced?
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Re: [RDD] Substitute Voice Track If Missing

2018-07-16 Thread Jonathan Cohen
So following this thread, I spent the weekend writing just this. What I've done 
is put special voicetrack markers in the log, created a group for just the 
liners and tied each liner to a particular music cart so it will only get 
inserted in front of that cart (this is for "power intros" and other similar 
presentation. The script in PHP is below if it's of use to anyone. Please tell 
me if what I'm doing (rewriting the LOG table on the fly is even crazier than I 
think it is). :-)


connect_error) {
die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);

  // Create database connection.
  $conn1 = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
  // Check connection
  if ($conn1->connect_error) {
die("Connection failed: " . $conn1->connect_error);

  // Create database connection.
  $conn2 = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
  // Check connection
  if ($conn2->connect_error) {
die("Connection failed: " . $conn2->connect_error);

  // Create database connection.
  $conn3 = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
  // Check connection
  if ($conn3->connect_error) {
die("Connection failed: " . $conn3->connect_error);

  // Work through the days log.
  $count_replacements=0;// Keep a count of how many were changed for 
display at the end.
  $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$log_selected." ORDER BY ID ASC";
  $result = $conn->query($sql);
  if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
// output data of each row
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
  $ret_ID = $row['ID'];
  $ret_TYPE = $row['TYPE'];
  $ret_SOURCE = $row['SOURCE'];
  $ret_CART_NUMBER = $row['CART_NUMBER'];
  $ret_COMMENT = $row['COMMENT'];
//echo "Logline ID: ".$ret_ID." - CartID: ".$ret_CART_NUMBER." - ".$ret_TYPE." 
- ".$ret_SOURCE." - ".$ret_COMMENT."\n";   // Show the current line of the log
  if ($ret_TYPE=='6' && $ret_SOURCE=='3' && $ret_COMMENT=='VOICE-INTRO') {
// We have a VOICE-INTRO event!
echo "\nFound VOICE-INTRO line ID: ".$ret_ID." - CartID: 
".$ret_CART_NUMBER." - ".$ret_TYPE." - ".$ret_SOURCE." - ".$ret_COMMENT."\n";   
// Show the current line of the log
// Let's get the next log ID line to find out if it's a MUSIC cart and 
if so, if it has an intro we should use!
echo "Attempting to retreve next line :".$newid."\n";
// Retreve the next line using a seperate database connection so we 
don't mess up the current loop.
$sql1 = "SELECT * FROM ".$log_selected." WHERE ID='".$newid."'";
$result1 = $conn1->query($sql1);
while($row1 = $result1->fetch_assoc()) {
  $ret_ID1 = $row1['ID'];
  $ret_TYPE1 = $row1['TYPE'];
  $ret_SOURCE1 = $row1['SOURCE'];
  $ret_CART_NUMBER1 = $row1['CART_NUMBER'];
  $ret_COMMENT1 = $row1['COMMENT'];
echo "Next line ID: ".$ret_ID1." - CartID: ".$ret_CART_NUMBER1." - 
".$ret_TYPE1." - ".$ret_SOURCE1." - ".$ret_COMMENT1."\n";
// if the $ret_CART_NUMBER1 length is >4 then we should have a valid 
card number so we look this up.
if (strlen($ret_CART_NUMBER1) > 4){
// This looks like a valid cart number
echo "Next cart number ".$ret_CART_NUMBER1." looks valid.\n";
// Now we have the number of the next cart, we need to see if it 
matches the ALBUM field of any of our IMGINTRO carts.   
$result2 = $conn1->query($sql2);
// Reset variables to ensure no accidental repeats.
while($row2 = $result2->fetch_assoc()) {
  $ret_NUMBER = $row2['NUMBER'];
  $ret_ARTIST = $row2['ARTIST'];
  $ret_TITLE = $row2['TITLE'];
if ($ret_NUMBER != '') {
  // We appear to have a valid intro cart!
  echo " Found intro cart as ALBUM in IMGINTRO: 
".$ret_NUMBER.". \n";
  $count_replacements=$count_replacements+1;  // Keep a count 
for display later.
  // Now we need to replace the current voicetrack cart with this 
  echo "Intro cart found: ".$ret_NUMBER." - ".$ret_ARTIST." - 
  echo "Replacing log entry ID: ".$ret_ID." with 
CART_NUMBER=".$ret_NUMBER.", TYPE=0, SOURCE=2, COMMENT=Broadcast.\n";
  $sql2 = "UPDATE ".$log_selected." SET 
  $result2 = $conn1->query($sql2);
  } else {
echo "ERROR: No entries in log!";

  echo "\nTotal changed: ".$count_replacements."\n\n";


-Original Message-

Re: [RDD] Substitute Voice Track If Missing

2018-07-12 Thread Jonathan Cohen
I’ve been looking at exactly the same situation, though we also want to add 
“power intros” to songs if the presenter doesn’t voicetrack a link (where the 
intro contains audio relating to the next track to be played).

The solution I’m working on breaks all the Rivendell rules about not editing 
the database, but as it’s only the current log I’m hoping the opportunity for 
damage is minimal. Basically we have VT markers in the log before tracks which 
get voicetracked. Then we have a PHP script that will run just before midnight 
when the log is due to be loaded. Basically this will (it’s not finished yet) 
find any VT track that’s not been allocated a card number, get the cart number 
of the next track and then do a lookup on the ALBUM field of any cart in a 
special IMGINT group. This group contains just the intros and in the album 
field we put the cart number of the related music track.

If a matching intro cart is found the cart number is swapped in the log table 
with the power intro cart (this seems to work, but might be unwise). If one is 
not found, a generic station ID is used.


[] On Behalf Of Steve 
Sent: 12 July 2018 17:44
Subject: Re: [RDD] Substitute Voice Track If Missing

Another possible way to handle it is to schedule liners in front of the voice 
track break. When the announcer records their voice tracks, they remove the 
liners. That way the default is that if the hour has not been voice tracked, 
the liner will play.

Steve Varholy
President and General Manager

The Historic Barringer Building

1338 Main Street - Suite 202

Columbia, South Carolina 29201

Office: (803) 753-7260 x 251

Direct: (803) 404-5535

Cell: (703) 585-2101

A Service of the Independent Media Foundation

 on behalf of 
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2018 12:39:03 PM
Subject: [RDD] Substitute Voice Track If Missing 


I have a unique situation whereby we have numerous student volunteers 

who do airshifts.  Sometimes they fail to show up for their shift, 
leaving the Program Director to scramble.  

To alleviate some of the load on the PD, I'd like to figure out a way to 
substitute a liner or similar content if a voicetrack is missing.  For 
example, if we have three or four announcer breaks an hour and the jock 
doesn't show up, I'd like the automation to pop a liner in there without 
needing human intervention.

I'm new enough to Rivendell that I think there's a way to do it but I 

don't quite have the knowledge to make it happen or the vocabulary to 

adequately search for an answer either.  Maybe a macro?

Rivendell-dev mailing list 


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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Several questions Voice Track & Logs Backups

2018-03-01 Thread Jonathan Cohen
Hi All!

The site is actually one of mine and that's how we do remote 
voicetracking at First 105.1 FM in Oxford, UK. :-)

Basically you install the ALSA/Jack bridge and set Rivendell up to talk to 
that. Then any ALSA application (VoIP, Chromium etc) can send and receive audio 
to it. We no longer use VoIP but a website called with Chromium 
installed as a web browser on the Rivendell machine people will remote to. We 
also use Guacamole for remote desktop access.

So all a remote presenter has to do is open Chrome, click two links (one for 
the remote desktop in the browser and the other for the Cleanfeed site for 
audio) and they're ready to go as if they were in the studio. This also means 
there's no software for the remote user to install (no need for VoIP, 
Teamviewer, VPN or RDP setup as we used to have).

If there are any questions I'll try and answer them. :-)


Jonathan Cohen
Director - Broadcast Ltd, Oxford UK.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Chuck
Sent: 21 February 2018 17:33
Subject: Re: [RDD] Several questions Voice Track & Logs Backups

  We have not tried the following, but we do have a Telecom guy who is looking 
into it.  Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the remote 
voice-tracking link.  Looks much simpler than a solution that involves 
exporting logs, recording tracks, then having someone drop them back into a log.

--Chuck W.

On Wed, 21 Feb 2018 03:06:29 -0500 wrote:
> Subject: [RDD] Several questions Voice Track & Logs Backups

>   1.)I would like to know if anyone has a solution for voice tracking. 
> I am thinking to have a couple people voice track for us There are 
> several ways to do it but the easiest is to have the record the Tracks 
> and send them Thru a Drop Box acount.  We look in to having them log 
> in to the computer Thru Like a log me in account but we don't feel 
> Comfortable doing that. Do anyone have any solutions on this.
>   2.) We area also Looking at trying to get the logs out of rivendell. 
> Its a tedious process. You have to convert ever log in a text file. 
> the send it over the netorn to another machine. How can  you get 
> access to the logs Does anyone have a better solution.
> 3.) Does any on know if there is a way to display the log in a web 
> Page format Like running a web server.
> 4.) Has anyone tried loading PHPMYADMIN On CENOS6.
> 5. Backing Up Database and Music Library Does anyone have a easy way 
> to do this. I would like to Make backups Of both and mysql data Base. 
> I prefer GUI Solution
> Thanks

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