[RDD] RDLibrary: Unable to create destination file

2012-07-05 Thread Marcelo Acuña
  ubuntu 12.04, rd 2.1.4 from repo of tryphon.
  I can't get that this work in the community radio of my little town.

  I can make like all tutorials said but when I try to import a mp3 file
into a cut I get the error message: Unable to create destination file.
  /var/snd have permissions for user
  /etc/rd.conf are ok
  apache have /etc/apache2/conf.d/rd-bin.conf 
  and I modified this file in lines 23 and 50 in accordance with Wayne Merricks

  But I can't make that RDLibrary work.
  Plus, I can't see any post in gmane.comp.radio.rivendell.user from Monday, 
please, if anyone have any help, send me a mail to aleph_nu...@yahoo.com.ar


Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] I apologize for the inconvenience (problem remain)

2012-07-03 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Wayne Merricks wrote to me (thanks!) and said that all my post are showed, but 
in http://post.gmane.org/post.php?group=gmane.comp.radio.rivendell.user I can't 
see any one. I apologize for the inconvenience.

I make all Wayne recipe.

In ubuntu precise

echo `whoami`

sudo chmod 0775 /var/snd 
sudo addgroup rivendell
sudo adduser `whoami` rivendell

in /etc/rd.conf



then copy rd-bin.conf to /etc/apache2/conf.d/

lines 23 and 50 said

ScriptAlias /rd-bin/ "${prefix}/lib/rivendell/"

and I changed for

ScriptAlias /rd-bin/ "/var/lib/rd-bin/"

then I created /var/www/rd-bin
sudo chown -R marcelo /var/www

then reboot
and problem remain: I can't delete carts and can't import mp3.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Unable to create destination file (RDLibrary)

2012-07-03 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Matt Hart  writes:

> I had this same problem once, and yes, it was Apache. I think I added the 
apache user to the rivendell group and
> made sure the audio folder was g+w (group writeable). 

 (I posted this 10 times and not appear and my time for put in production 
rivendell or go back to windows/zara is near to zero :-(

 Apache user in my system is www-data.
 I add it to rivendell and audio group but the problem remain.
 /var/snd have 777 permissions.
 I can't import mp3 files to a cut and can't delete carts.
 Is a apache o mysql problem?


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Unable to create destination file (RDLibrary)

2012-07-03 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Matt Hart  writes:

> I had this same problem once, and yes, it was Apache. I think I added the 
apache user to the rivendell group and
> made sure the audio folder was g+w (group writeable). 

 (I posted this 9 times and not appear and my time for put in production 
rivendell or go back to windows/zara is near to zero :-(

 Apache user in my system is www-data.
 I add it to rivendell and audio group but the problem remain.
 /var/snd have 777 permissions.
 I can't import mp3 files to a cut and can't delete carts.
 Is a apache o mysql problem?


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Unable to create destination file (RDLibrary)

2012-07-03 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Matt Hart  writes:

> I had this same problem once, and yes, it was Apache. I think I added the 
apache user to the rivendell group and
> made sure the audio folder was g+w (group writeable). 

 (I posted this 8 times and not appear and my time for put in production 
rivendell or go back to windows/zara is near to zero :-(

 Apache user in my system is www-data.
 I add it to rivendell and audio group but the problem remain.
 /var/snd have 777 permissions.
 I can't import mp3 files to a cut and can't delete carts.
 Is a apache o mysql problem?


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Unable to create destination file (RDLibrary)

2012-07-03 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Matt Hart  writes:

> I had this same problem once, and yes, it was Apache. I think I added the 
apache user to the rivendell group and
> made sure the audio folder was g+w (group writeable). 

 (I posted this 7 times and not appear :-(

 Apache user in my system is www-data.
 I add it to rivendell and audio group but the problem remain.
 /var/snd have 777 permissions.
 I can't import mp3 files to a cut and can't delete carts.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Unable to create destination file (again)

2012-07-02 Thread Marcelo Acuña
(I posted this 6 times and not appears, then I init a new thread)

 Apache user in ubuntu is www-data.
 I added www-data to rivendell and audio groups but problem remain.
 I can't get import mp3 into a cut and can't delete carts.

 I asked to me if is a apache problem or mysql problem, or another problem)


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Unable to create destination file (RDLibrary)

2012-07-02 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Matt Hart  writes:

> I had this same problem once, and yes, it was Apache. I think I added the 
apache user to the rivendell group and
> made sure the audio folder was g+w (group writeable). 

(I post this 5 times and not appears in gmane.org :-(

 The user of apache is www-data.
 I added www-data to rivendell and audio groups.
 Then reboot.
 The problems remain.
 I can't import mp3 into a cut and I can't delete a cart.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Unable to create destination file (RDLibrary)

2012-07-02 Thread Marcelo Acuña
> I had this same problem once, and yes, it was Apache.
> I think I added the apache user to the rivendell group and
> made sure the audio folder was g+w (group writeable). 

 The apache user is www-data.
 I added this user to rivendell and audio group.
 And /var/snd have 777 permission.
 But problem remain.
 I cant't get import mp3 to a cut in RDLibrary.
 And I can't get delete a cart in RDLibrary.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Unable to create destination file (RDLibrary)

2012-07-02 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Matt Hart  writes:

> I had this same problem once, and yes, it was Apache. I think I added the 
apache user to the rivendell group and
> made sure the audio folder was g+w (group writeable). 

 (excuseme, I send this post 3 times and I can't get be accepted.)

 The apache user is www-data. I added this user to rivendell, then reboot, but 
the problem remain. I can't get import mp3 and I can't get delete carts.
 May be a mysql problem?
 Or is another apache problem?


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Unable to create destination file (RDLibrary)

2012-07-02 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Matt Hart  writes:

> I had this same problem once, and yes, it was Apache. I think I added the 
apache user to the rivendell group and
> made sure the audio folder was g+w (group writeable). 

 The apache user is www-data. I add this user to the rivendell group, reboot 
the problem remain: I can't get import mp3 and can't not delete carts.
 May be a mysql problem?


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Unable to create destination file (RDLibrary)

2012-07-02 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Matt Hart  writes:

> I had this same problem once, and yes, it was Apache. I think I added the 
apache user to the rivendell group and
> made sure the audio folder was g+w (group writeable). 

 I found that www-data is the apache user.
 I add www-data to rivendell group and reboot, but the problem remain.
 (/var/snd was set with 777 permission)


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Unable to create destination file (RDLibrary)

2012-07-02 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Matt Hart  writes:

> I had this same problem once, and yes, it was Apache. I think I added the 
apache user to the rivendell group and
> made sure the audio folder was g+w (group writeable). 

 /var/snd have all permissions.
 Who is apache user?
 I put
 sudo adduser apache rivendell
and get that apache is not an user (same with apache2)


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Unable to create destination file (RDLibrary)

2012-07-01 Thread Marcelo Acuña

> On Alban's Instructions for installing the Tryphon Rivendell 2.1.4
> packages on Ubuntu did you do Steps 4 and 5?


> Step 4 : Add user who needs to use Rivendell in the rivendell group.
> For example, to use yourself in this group : sudo adduser $USER rivendell
> Check if this user is specified at AudioOwner line in file
> /etc/rd.conf . If you used sudo to install package, your username will
> be used. This information will configurable during the package
> installation.

 I declare en ubuntu a user (garabato) and then put this user in /etc/rd.conf, 
and make sudo adduser garabato rivendell and sudo adduser garabato audio.

> Step 5 : Log out to start a new session (Gnome, KDE, …) to load
> changes on group and permissions.
> I found sometimes its easier to reboot the system to get the
> permissions correct.
> Many thanks
> Geoff Barkman

 Yes. I reboot the system, too.
 Now, I think that the problem is in apache, but I don't know how to solve it.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] I can't get any sound in RDAirPlay

2012-07-01 Thread Marcelo Acuña
Marcelo Acuña  writes:

I removed rivendell, install libqt3-headers, re install and get sound.

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Unable to create destination file (RDLibrary)

2012-07-01 Thread Marcelo Acuña
In a fresh instalation (ubuntu 12.04, rivendell 2.1.4 from tryphon repository
and libqt3-headers installed), I can get that RDAirPlay work,
but when I import mp3 to a cut in RDLibrary I get message:

Unable to create destination file

Plus, I can't delete carts.
How I can solve this problem?
(Thanks for previous help)


Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] I can't get any sound in RDAirPlay

2012-06-29 Thread Marcelo Acuña
   I can't get any sound in RDAirPlay. I need help.
   I have installed ubuntu 12.04 and Rivendell 2.1.4 from Tryphon.
   I can't get resolved this problem. I have one week into this and if I do not 
run Rivendell, the radio will return to Windows/Zara.
   I have another problem: in RDLibrary, may be a permission problem. When I 
to import a mp3 to a cut, y get Unable to create destination file.
   But the user (garabato) is owner of /var/snd.
   I tryed with source, but compilation fail with:

configure: error: Failed to find matching components of a complete
  Qt installation.


Rivendell-dev mailing list