Re: [RDD] Overlay Event

2020-04-02 Thread nathaniel.steele
This may not apply if you are outside the US, but at least here the rule for
ID's is "as close as possible to the top of the hour as possible, given a
natural break in programming" (paraphrased). So playing 10 or 15 minutes in
after the dead jam would be fine, on the occasion that one happens to play
that close to the ID. How often is that? Another possibility would be
controlling your scheduler better to not play a long cart within 15 minutes
of TOH, which could be accomplished in different ways depending on your

-Original Message-
 On Behalf Of Steve
Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2020 10:08 AM
Subject: [RDD] Overlay Event


Is it possible to overlay an event on another cart while in automated mode?

Background: We have a Grateful Dead show that features some of their live
music.  Some of those songs can run 20 or more minutes but some run only 3
minutes.  We have clocks setup with music and normal timed events to try to
keep the clocks running on time.  One of those timed events is a Legal ID
event which is setup as Segue/Timed/MakeNext so that it makes itself the
next cart at the top of the hour.

That all works well for songs that are 3 or 4 minutes because the legal
plays out a couple minutes either side of the top of the hour.  However, if
one of the Grateful Dead songs starts at :50, it could easily go well past
the top of the hour.

I'd like to have an event that could play the legal but then continue the
current cart.  If there was a live jock in the booth it would be easy to do
through the soundpanel or just live on the air.  Is there a way to do that
or am I stuck putting a hard start time and cutting off the current Grateful
Dead jam and harshing everyone's mellow?

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Re: [RDD] Side Topic to ALSA Firmware

2019-12-12 Thread nathaniel.steele
Never used one, don’t know if it works with ALSA, But I”ve looked at these in 
the past:


It appears that it is unbalanced, specs only state “provides 2 stereo analog 
line inputs, 2 stereo line outputs,” and it has 4 TRS jacks so…..


But it could be useful in some applications and new is less than an ASI card. 
Not much out there new in a Card format, I think there are a couple “Gamer” 
oriented Cards out there by ASUS or Soundblaster


You get two


 On Behalf Of R. Choy
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: [RDD] Side Topic to ALSA Firmware


The MOTU 896mk2 is probably the Cadillac of all interfaces. Firewire and gobs 
of balanced I/O and AES/EBU S/PDIF, optical, etc. More than you will need but 
all you will ever need. Don't know if it's still a current product. Not cheap 

I think I have two of these and might try building an RD system to see if it 
will work.


On 12/10/2019 12:28 PM, Alan Smith wrote:

Ive occasionally peeked to see what the market has to offer as well.


The only thing I have been able to find are external interfaces using USB or 



On 12/10/2019 11:18 AM, Alan Peterson wrote:

The M-Audio 1010 has been around since 2000 and the company now considers it a 
"legacy" product. While it's a very good interface, there has to be something 
recent which is comparable and just as affordable today, up to the task of 
modern computing.  


I'm not pooh-poohing this card or anyone who has success using it (or the Delta 
44, 66, or 2496 interfaces). On the contrary, I applaud (and envy) your ability 
to get such long life out of your gear. But say one was to assemble a 
standalone RD studio system with new or recent PC hardware --- what affordable 
multichannel alternatives are there right now worth scoping out?



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Re: [RDD] alsa-firmware problem

2019-12-09 Thread nathaniel.steele
I had this happen to me after a power failure and subsequent reboot. For some 
reason had to go into alsa mixer and turn the channels back upMine was a 
delta 1010LT.
-Original Message-
 On Behalf Of Lorne Tyndale
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2019 3:20 PM
To: Rob Landry <>; Rivendell-Dev 

Subject: Re: [RDD] alsa-firmware problem


2 things with M-Audio cards.

If the M-Audio is an M-Audio Delta 1010 with the external breakout box, pull 
the breakout box apart.  There is a 470uF 63V capacitor (or there might be 2 of 
them in there, I can't recall) which goes bad.  When you take the top of the 
unit off the breakout box, the capacitor(s) are in the upper left corner, just 
to the right of where the power cable plugs in.  Replace the capacitor(s) and 
chances are you'll be good to go.

The second thing with M-Audio cards, I've had situations where the Delta's have 
occasionally ended up with channels muted or turned down. 
I also had one card which had a bug where it would appear that it was turned 
up, but didn't un-mute until running the audio for the channels in question all 
the way down then back up and toggling the mute option. 
The graphical Envy24 has been a good friend to fixing this a number of times.

Just some ideas.

Lorne Tyndale

> OK, so I've got RD 2.19.3 running via the standard CentOS 7 install on 
> a machine I am maintaining as a backup.
> The M-Audio sound card it's been running appears to have become 
> faulty; it no longer generates any output.
> So, I want to replace it with an Echo MIA Midi card I've had on the 
> shelf, but that card requires the alsa-firmware package, which CentOS 
> won't let me install, claiming that it conflicts with hpklinux.
> Now, I don't need hpklinux because this machine doesn't have an 
> AudioScience card, but if I try to remove it, it threatens to remove 
> Rivendell too.
> Does anyone know of an easier fix than recompiling Rivendell from source?
> Rob
> --
> Сквозь грозы сияло нам солнце свободы
> И Linus великий нам путь озарил;
> Нас вырастил Stallman на верность народу, На труд и на подвиги нас 
> вдохновил.___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Re: [RDD] RDImport and Disk Space

2019-12-05 Thread nathaniel.steele
Doeas anyone here have any opinions on ZFS? Does anyone host their /var/snd on 
a NAS? I’ve been looking at building a  freenas system to use around the 
office, which use ZFS.


In the past I used two Rivendell servers, with one rsyncing to the other 
nightly, and backing up the db nightly. I also rsynced to a NAS appliance, so 
the data lived in three places.


 On Behalf Of Alan Smith
Sent: Saturday, November 30, 2019 7:03 PM
To: User discussion about the Rivendell Radio Automation System 

Subject: Re: [RDD] RDImport and Disk Space


Again, still consider myself very new to this, but what I have started to do is 
use Raid1, and setup postfix to send email/text failure notifications. 


I haven't had a real failure yet, but during testing (including simulated 
failure on the bench) it works pretty well.




On 11/30/2019 6:47 PM, Rob Landry wrote:

On Thu, 28 Nov 2019, Lorne Tyndale wrote: 

That's overall good advice, the only things I'd add is that I'm not a 
big fan of Raid 5, I prefer Raid 1 which provides as full 1:1 mirror for 
better redundancy and robustness.  When hard disks cost a lot I could 

I don't like RAID at all. I prefer to build a second, fully functioning RD 
machine and have it mirror the first one. If I lose the first one, I switch to 
the backup. 

My problem with RAID boils down to the reality that most of the RD systems I 
build are for stations with no resident technical person. If a drive in a RAID 
array fails, no one will notice. I'll hear about it when a second drive fails 
and the station goes off the air. 


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Re: [RDD] something happened, now audio plays for a second then white noise.

2019-11-27 Thread nathaniel.steele
That seems to have been it. Except it looks like it needs to be on
48khz.which means either my source audio was 48khz, or it accidentally
got converted when I imported it.

Not a big deal it's just a Christmas stream that's going to run for a little
over a month. Then I can take it down and fix it for next year

If I did mess up the audio I suppose I can just reimport it and leave the
database alone?

Thanks everyone!

-Original Message-
 On Behalf Of David
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2019 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: [RDD] something happened, now audio plays for a second then
white noise.

Check the soundcard settings - more than likely it's changed from 44100 to
48 kHZ (or vice-versa) in RDAdmin. Hopefully that will solve the problem.

On 27/11/2019 15:49, wrote:
> something happened, now audio plays for a second then white noise. I 
> must have messed something up yesterday, that didn't apply till a 
> reboot? We had a power outage last night and the system was running on 
> my test bench (NO UPS) came in this morning, rebooted, and had no 
> audio card. Shutdown, pulled card (Delta 1010lt), pulled the other 
> card that wasn't recognized by alsa (an old Lynx one, guess it really 
> is useless
> now) Reboot, still nothing.check rdalsa config, card is there and 
> selected. Close out now I have a card showing up, but when I play 
> audio it plays for a second then white noise. I switched in a usb 
> lexicon alpha and the same thing is happening there..
> Any Ideas? This thing was supposed to go live tomorrow at midnight..
> I did have to go into alsamixer and turn up the outputs for the card 
> yesterday to get audio out of it, everything was turned down. It's 
> possible I could have fudged something up as I figured out the 
> navigation in the alsamixer terminal..Not sure why that would affect 
> the Lexicon card too though.
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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[RDD] something happened, now audio plays for a second then white noise.

2019-11-27 Thread nathaniel.steele
something happened, now audio plays for a second then white noise. I must
have messed something up yesterday, that didn't apply till a reboot? We had
a power outage last night and the system was running on my test bench (NO
UPS) came in this morning, rebooted, and had no audio card. Shutdown, pulled
card (Delta 1010lt), pulled the other card that wasn't recognized by alsa
(an old Lynx one, guess it really is useless now) Reboot, still
nothing.check rdalsa config, card is there and selected. Close out now I
have a card showing up, but when I play audio it plays for a second then
white noise. I switched in a usb lexicon alpha and the same thing is
happening there..


Any Ideas? This thing was supposed to go live tomorrow at midnight..


I did have to go into alsamixer and turn up the outputs for the card
yesterday to get audio out of it, everything was turned down. It's possible
I could have fudged something up as I figured out the navigation in the
alsamixer terminal..Not sure why that would affect the Lexicon card too

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[RDD] RD3, convert standalone to server

2019-11-26 Thread nathaniel.steele
I want to convert a standalone install to a server. I was looking over the
install script, but I'm not a great programmer..Can I just snip the commands
for a server install out of the script and run them? Or can I just re-run
the script with -server instead of -standalone? I have data in the database
and /var/snd that I would want to preserve obviously.



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Re: [RDD] I'm back, help needing importing library from RCS nexgen

2019-11-19 Thread nathaniel.steele
I got it worked out. Once the syntax was sorted and I remembered all the files 
exported where in caps and linux is case sensisitive about everything (so .XML, 
not .xml), I was on my way. I suppose there is no way to assign scheduler codes 
on import?




From: Fred Gleason  
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 9:11 AM
To: Rob Landry <>
Subject: Re: [RDD] I'm back, help needing importing library from RCS nexgen


On Nov 18, 2019, at 08:25, Rob Landry < 
 > wrote:


I had someone come to me a year or two ago with a bunch of Nexgen files to 
import. The nice thing about XML is that it's fairly easy to parse, and I ended 
up writing a Perl script using a module named perl-XML-Parse or some such. Then 
I fed everything into rdimport.


And that’s basically the way that ‘nexgen_filter’ works. The minimal invocation 
looks like this:


nexgen_filter --group=SOMEGROUP 
--audio-dir=/path/to/audio/files myfile.xml


There are various other switches that let you do things like control what cart 
number to use. Do ‘nexgen_filter --help’ to see all the options.






| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. | Chief Developer |

|   | Paravel Systems |


| A room without books is like a body without a soul. |

| |

| -- Cicero   |


Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] I'm back, help needing importing library from RCS nexgen

2019-11-15 Thread nathaniel.steele
Hi all,


Been away from Rivendell for a few years, though I've been checking in on it
from time to time. Things seem to have improved, at least installing a
standalone system is very easy now. I have a project (a web streaming
Christmas station) That I'm trying to get going. Our main stations are using
RCS Nexgen, which I'm still getting acquainted to after 2 years here. I want
to put the Christmas music from there into Rivendell. So when I "Backup"
songs I get a folder full of wav files, and another folder full of .xml
files that have the Data (title artist, start and end times, etc.). I've
seen references to a filter for importing audio from a Prophet NexGen
system, but can't locate any instructions on how to use it.


Any help or pointing in the right direction would be appreciated.


Also, I seem to be having issues with dropboxes, the test files I exported
from nexgen just sit in the dropbox. I've followed a few guides and have
*.wav at the end of the file path..and they are .wav extensions





Nathaniel C. Steele

Chief Engineer / IT Manager


Zimmer Broadcasting / Cookeville Communications LLC

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