Re: [RDD] Fwd: Re: FLAC support

2013-07-01 Thread Andy Sayler
On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 10:44 AM, Bill Putney wrote:


 I'm curious, what's on those 300,000 tracks? We have a pretty eclectic
 music mix here. Everything from Roma and Tribal to Hip-hop and Classical.
 With 25,000 cuts there's still a good percentage of those cuts that have
 never been played. 12 TB is about 18,460 hours of wav audio. You can play
 24 hours a day for about 2 years before you have to replay a piece of
 music. You'll have about 3 years of music before the existing disk runs
 out. With a little housekeeping that could last you for another couple of

We're a freeform station and we've ripped all of our existing collections
(CDs in every genre over the span of about 25 years) as well all new
incoming CDs. We do curate the collection (with an approximately 50% reject
rate), but since we're a freeform station, we keep pretty much anything of
significance in any genre. It's less about what gets played and more about
what somebody might want to play someday.

 An easier to implement solution might be to ask to be able to have
 /var/snd be able to be split across multiple volumes. Maybe by track range
 or by group. Then you could add another volume of 16TB on an external USB3
 drive array as a second volume. It's one more indirection from the track
 name in the data base or if the volumes were all sub-directories of
 /var/snd a volume prefix could be added to the track number in the db.

I agree that RD support for libraries spread across multiple directories
might be nice. Although it would cause issues in terms of managing which
directory new music goes to. Most file systems, etc allow some form of
aggregation for multiple back-end disks into a single virtual front-end
partition, so there are ways to do that without requiring native RD
support. But like I said, the issue is more one of metadata and widely
usebale format compatibility than one of pure storage space.
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Fwd: Re: FLAC support

2013-07-01 Thread Bill Putney


I wonder how you'd convert to FLAC and imbed the metadata from they 
library you have. You'd have to get the data out of the RD database and 
put it in the FLAC header? That's a big conversion job on it's own. I 
think RD will let you have chart-chunk metadata in sound files, it just 
won't do anything with it. I don't know what if any badness would accrue 
if you did a file by file header update. I don't think RD keeps track of 
a checksum of the sound files. So long as you don't change the length of 
the audio payload. The files would probably end up in different inodes 
when you wrote them back but I don't think RD cares about that either.

RD seems to want all the audio files in one flat directory. While you 
can do symbolic links to other volumes as subdirectories under /var/snd 
and individual audio files could live on other subdirectories 
symbolically linked back into /var/snd there isn't a way to divide it 
out systematically.

Right now you have a group named music (for instance) and it has a 
file number range. When you rip a CD RD tries to use the next available 
file number in that range. Hypothetically, RD could be changed so that 
the range could include a volume name prefix. All the audio file 
references in RD would have to change to reflect that change or at least 
the database would have to return the full (or a /var/snd relative) path 
name for each audio cut. You could keep every audio file name unique 
within RD and have everything do a table look up to find the path for 
that file name. That would include the subdirectory.

I don't know of a linux hack that would allow directory partitioning by 
leading character string without a delimiter. I suppose no one ever 
thought there'd be a use for it.


On 7/1/13 10:53 AM, Andy Sayler wrote:
On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 10:44 AM, Bill Putney wrote:


I'm curious, what's on those 300,000 tracks? We have a pretty
eclectic music mix here. Everything from Roma and Tribal to
Hip-hop and Classical. With 25,000 cuts there's still a good
percentage of those cuts that have never been played. 12 TB is
about 18,460 hours of wav audio. You can play 24 hours a day for
about 2 years before you have to replay a piece of music. You'll
have about 3 years of music before the existing disk runs out.
With a little housekeeping that could last you for another couple
of years.

We're a freeform station and we've ripped all of our existing 
collections (CDs in every genre over the span of about 25 years) as 
well all new incoming CDs. We do curate the collection (with an 
approximately 50% reject rate), but since we're a freeform station, we 
keep pretty much anything of significance in any genre. It's less 
about what gets played and more about what somebody might want to play 

An easier to implement solution might be to ask to be able to have
/var/snd be able to be split across multiple volumes. Maybe by
track range or by group. Then you could add another volume of 16TB
on an external USB3 drive array as a second volume. It's one more
indirection from the track name in the data base or if the volumes
were all sub-directories of /var/snd a volume prefix could be
added to the track number in the db.

I agree that RD support for libraries spread across multiple 
directories might be nice. Although it would cause issues in terms of 
managing which directory new music goes to. Most file systems, etc 
allow some form of aggregation for multiple back-end disks into a 
single virtual front-end partition, so there are ways to do that 
without requiring native RD support. But like I said, the issue is 
more one of metadata and widely usebale format compatibility than one 
of pure storage space.

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Fwd: Re: FLAC support

2013-07-01 Thread Andy Sayler
On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 12:24 PM, Bill Putney wrote:

 I wonder how you'd convert to FLAC and imbed the metadata from they
 library you have. You'd have to get the data out of the RD database and put
 it in the FLAC header? That's a big conversion job on it's own. I think RD
 will let you have chart-chunk metadata in sound files, it just won't do
 anything with it. I don't know what if any badness would accrue if you did
 a file by file header update. I don't think RD keeps track of a checksum of
 the sound files. So long as you don't change the length of the audio
 payload. The files would probably end up in different inodes when you wrote
 them back but I don't think RD cares about that either.

If flac support were ever added, conversion wouldn't be a big deal. Between
the Rivendell export tools and/or some raw SQL queries/scripting, and the
standard flac tool set, I'm sure we could hack together a conversion tool
without too much trouble.

 RD seems to want all the audio files in one flat directory. While you can
 do symbolic links to other volumes as subdirectories under /var/snd and
 individual audio files could live on other subdirectories symbolically
 linked back into /var/snd there isn't a way to divide it out systematically.

 Right now you have a group named music (for instance) and it has a file
 number range. When you rip a CD RD tries to use the next available file
 number in that range. Hypothetically, RD could be changed so that the range
 could include a volume name prefix. All the audio file references in RD
 would have to change to reflect that change or at least the database would
 have to return the full (or a /var/snd relative) path name for each audio
 cut. You could keep every audio file name unique within RD and have
 everything do a table look up to find the path for that file name. That
 would include the subdirectory.

 I don't know of a linux hack that would allow directory partitioning by
 leading character string without a delimiter. I suppose no one ever thought
 there'd be a use for it.

There are a lot of existing systems out there for making multiple back-end
stores look like a single location. From RAID0 and JBOD systems to LVM to
modern distributed files systems like Ceph, there are a lot of ways to
solve the many discreet storage devises to single logical partition
problem. If you really wanted to roll your own, you could whip together a
FUSE file-system that spread Rivendell files with their number-based names
across a multitude of directories or devices while still presenting a flat
front-end to Rivendell itself. But there's really no need to write you own
code with so many off the shelf solutions available.

Compression and multi-device mappings can all be handled at the file-system
level. It's the per-file metadata that would really require implicit
Rivendell support.
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Fwd: Re: FLAC support

2013-07-01 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

As many have noted - the best way to go about this is usually at the
filesystem block level, or driver level. Ceph represents a relatively
new approach - there are plenty of 'odd' filesystems via FUSE, and
rolling your own is not a particularly monumental task, and avoids
mucky hacks.

Until you get above 100 or so terabytes, though, I'd just put this in
a single box and use ZFS - it's not that complex. If you want
redundancy, pair up two boxes and rsync them.

James Harrison

On 01/07/2013 20:03, Bill Putney wrote:
 One could imagine a virtual delimiter based on position. If the
 first two characters of a file name within a specific directory
 were defined as the subdirectory part and the remainder as the file
 name within the subdirectory. I.e., 4350978.wav would be for
 instance ./43/50978.wav really.
 Like I said, I don't know of a hack like that.
 On Jul 1, 2013, at 11:30, Cowboy wrote:
 On Monday 01 July 2013 02:24:55 pm Bill Putney wrote:
 I don't know of a linux hack that would allow directory
 partitioning by leading character string without a delimiter.
 How would you delimit without a delimiter ?
 -- Cowboy
 Whom are you? said he, for he had been to night school. --
 George Ade
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