The following command:

 rdimport --autotrim-level=0 --normalization-level=-13 \
--metadata-pattern=%u. --delete-source SPORTS '/var/dropbox/SPORTS/b.wav'

will successfullly import an audio file. Most of the files are from an AudioVault system, so rdimport pulls the title from the CART or AV10 chunk and all is well.

I'm specifying --metadata-pattern=%u. to save the origianal file name in the USER DEFINED field so I can tell which previously imported file corresponds to an AudioVault original.

However, if I run this command on a plain old .wav file --say,from Adobe Audition -- the resulting Rivendell cart has no title. I can't immediately think of a way to provide one other than manually.

This is on Rivendell version 2.5.5, by the way.

Have any of y'all encountered this problem?


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