[rlug] [anunt] AIX Administrator

2007-10-25 Fir de Conversatie Anunt Bouncer
AIX Administrator

Our prestigious client is a global provider of technology-based business 
solutions, offering a full array of services that support business strategies 
and facilitate improvements for customers in selected industries and the 
government sector. 

Our client’s team is one of knowledgeable, skilled professionals. At more 
than 140 locations in 30 countries, with over 20.000 Employees worldwide, their 
dedication to quality is reflected in their proven project and program 
management methodologies, their commitment to industry best practices, and 
their numerous professional certifications.

  Our client is a leading provider of healthcare industry solutions 
to the provider, payer, life sciences, and supply chain markets. Our client 
serves the government sector in many countries through solutions for national 
defense, homeland security, and federal civilian agencies, as well as the 
intelligence community. Our client also serves a wide range of commercial 
markets, such as the construction and manufacturing industries, as well as the 
financial services industry.

  CVO Technology is recruiting an AIX Administrator

   Will monitor, trouble shoot,  support and fix operating system  and 
hardware problems on several versions  of AIX systems
   Will aid in the installation or consolidation of applications, developing 
system administration scripts, planning version release upgrades and patches, 
Security administration and supporting the development of processes and 
policies surrounding server administration
   Will  also assist in performance tuning of the servers, routine backups of 
system and applications on the servers and the establishment of system recovery 
   Documentation of standards,  policies and system information is an 
integral part of the job
   Skills in IBM AIX administration  (2 years) and proficiency in UNIX 
system  administration in general
   Experience supporting AIX systems
   Experience with HACMP versions 5.2  and greater are prefered
   Understanding of GPFS is a big  plus
   Understanding of Tivoli Storage  Manager and other IBM backup tools such 
as NIM, Sysback, mksysb
   Understanding of OmniBack or  NetBackup is a plus
   Understanding of the Korn shell  scripting language and ability to 
write, troubleshoot, and support scripts
   Experience with IBM’s Power5  servers  is a plus
   Fluency in English
   Competitive salary package
   The opportunity to develop a career in a stable and well established  
multinational environment
   Good motivational system
For applications: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
0723 600 049

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[rlug] [anunt] job programatori java/ejb, ruby

2007-10-25 Fir de Conversatie Anunt Bouncer

Gemini Solutions ( http://www.geminisols.com/ ) angajeaza,
in Bucuresti, programatori experimentati de Java/EJB si Ruby.

Cei interesati sunt rugati sa trimita CV-ul pe adresa de email
cv AT geminisols.RO.

Viorel Anghel

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RLUG mailing list

[rlug] apache mod_speling/case insensivity

2007-10-25 Fir de Conversatie Tarhon-Onu Victor

	Din motive pe care nu le discut (prostgramatori PeHasPe) trebuie 
ca pe un director sa fac apache-ul sa fie case insensitive. Astfel, daca 
un gigel cere:

...iar local exista director/fila.html atunci eu sa i-o servesc.

	Din doacele lui apache treaba asta sepoate face cu mod_speling, 
problema este ca nu merge de nici o culoare. Am incercat sa-i pun 
CheckCaseOnly on pe directorul respectiv si apoi global, si apoi i-am pus 
si CheckSpelling on ca am zis ca poate nu se activeaza modulul. De ce??

	Versiunea de apache este 2.2 si da, mod_speling se incarca (altfel 
ar face scandal la directive).

Any views or opinions presented within this e-mail are solely those of
the author and do not necessarily represent those of any company, unless
otherwise expressly stated.

RLUG mailing list

Re: [rlug] apache mod_speling/case insensivity

2007-10-25 Fir de Conversatie Tarhon-Onu Victor

On Thu, 25 Oct 2007, Tarhon-Onu Victor wrote:

problema este ca nu merge de nici o culoare. Am incercat sa-i pun 
CheckCaseOnly on pe directorul respectiv si apoi global, si apoi i-am pus si 
CheckSpelling on ca am zis ca poate nu se activeaza modulul. De ce??

	De fapt dupa ce i-am pus CheckSpelling on a inceput sa mearga. Nu 
a mers cind am testat eu insa nu am facut decit un request, poare era 
cached sau mai stiu eu ce.

Any views or opinions presented within this e-mail are solely those of
the author and do not necessarily represent those of any company, unless
otherwise expressly stated.

RLUG mailing list

Re: [rlug] apache mod_speling/case insensivity

2007-10-25 Fir de Conversatie Dan Borlovan

Tarhon-Onu Victor wrote:

De fapt dupa ce i-am pus CheckSpelling on a inceput sa mearga. Nu a 
mers cind am testat eu insa nu am facut decit un request, poare era 
cached sau mai stiu eu ce.

shift-reload si clear cache sint prietenii tai in cazuri din astea

Din documentatie rezulta ca

CheckSpelling On
CheckCaseOnly On

e tot ce-ti trebe


RLUG mailing list

Re: [rlug] apache mod_speling/case insensivity

2007-10-25 Fir de Conversatie Tarhon-Onu Victor

On Thu, 25 Oct 2007, Dan Borlovan wrote:

shift-reload si clear cache sint prietenii tai in cazuri din astea

	Nu era cazul pentru ca incercam combinatii diferite, care nu mai 
fusesera incercate pina atunci, tocmai in ideea asta (nici nu stiu cum de 
te-ai gindit ca nu m-am gindit).

Din documentatie rezulta ca

CheckSpelling On
CheckCaseOnly On

e tot ce-ti trebe

	A fost si asa, si per directory si virtualhost (exact cum e acum 
si merge) insa am un mod_cache in fata pe care-l banuiesc ca mi-a facut 

Any views or opinions presented within this e-mail are solely those of
the author and do not necessarily represent those of any company, unless
otherwise expressly stated.

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