[rlug] [anunt] [yate] Yate and OpenSIPS partnership to build IP based clusters

2008-08-08 Fir de Conversatie Anunt Bouncer
6th of August 2008, Yate and OpenSIPS (former OpenSER) join to build IP 
based clusters

Bucharest, Romania - August 6, 2008 - YATE Project and OpenSIPS decided 
to enhance the already informal collaboration by strengthening their 
common efforts for delivering industry-grade, robust modular platforms 
for IP-based clustered VoIP systems.

OpenSIPS is an industry grade SIP server, unifying under one roof voice,
video, IM and presence. Recently, OpenSIPS launched as a fork of the
previously OpenSER project, following a will of cofounder Bogdan-Andrei 
Iancu to boost the quality and features of OpenSER.

YATE is a softswitch with PBX capabilities. His strengths are 
flexibility, scalability and stability. Yate is also known for his very 
powerful conference and IVR, and also for supporting several scripting 
languages like PHP, Python and Perl.

By combining the exhaustive expertise each project is bringing in the 
venture, clients will have the chance to benefit from a integrated 
approach and problem-solving solution in the turmoiled and diverse VoIP 

Based on SIP, the common working platform will interoperate seamlessly 
and efficiently for a diverse realm of VoIP service platforms, from a 
small hundreds accounts project up to major implementations of over 
hundreds thousands subscribers. All upgrading smoothly up to any 
dimension clients will require.

The partnership will likely to produce an integrated solution, combining 
the latest releases from both projects.

About YATE
Yate is a next-generation telephony engine. While currently focused on 
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and PSTN, its power lies in its 
ability to be easily extended. Voice, video, data and instant messaging 
can all be unified under Yate's flexible routing engine, maximizing 
communications efficiency and minimizing infrastructure costs for 

About OpenSIPS
OpenSIPS (Open SIP Server) is a mature Open Source implementation of a 
SIP server. OpenSIPS is more than a SIP proxy/router as it includes
application-level functionalities. OpenSIPS, as a SIP server, is the 
core component of any SIP-based VoIP solution. With a very flexible and
customizable routing engine, OpenSIPS unifies voice, video, IM and 
presence services in a highly efficient way, thanks to its scalable and 
modular design.


anunt mailing list

RLUG mailing list

Re: [rlug] Layer 7 (Application) routing

2008-08-08 Fir de Conversatie Mircea MITU
On Fri, 2008-08-08 at 11:28 +0300, nedland wrote:
> 2008/8/8 Mircea MITU <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > as dori sa redirectez prin vpn
> > doar traficul generat de aplicatiile x, y, z (de ex evolution, firefox
> > si ssh), unde x, y si z sunt la 
> > alegere.
> >
> tc cu u32 selector si netfilter classify target

Poti detalia cu un exemplu, te rog?

RLUG mailing list

Re: [rlug] Layer 7 (Application) routing

2008-08-08 Fir de Conversatie Mircea MITU
On Fri, 2008-08-08 at 17:37 +0300, Bogdan Cehan wrote:
> On Friday 08 August 2008 11:28:51 nedland wrote:
> > 2008/8/8 Mircea MITU <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > > as dori sa redirectez prin vpn
> > > doar traficul generat de aplicatiile x, y, z (de ex evolution,
> > > firefox si ssh), unde x, y si z sunt la
> > > alegere.
> >
> > tc cu u32 selector si netfilter classify target
> > ___
> > RLUG mailing list
> > RLUG@lists.lug.ro
> > http://lists.lug.ro/mailman/listinfo/rlug
> Fratilor , scuzati-ma ca ma bag si eu in seama 
> dar eu nu prea inteleg ce vrea omul asta aici 
> el vrea ssh (port 22 tcp ) , firefox (80,443 tcp) si evolution 
> (25,110,143,465,993,995) sa le scoata prin alta parte ???


>  sau aici vorbim la nivel de layer 7 ? 


> si doar aplicatiile alea sa 
> iasa prin alta parte ? 


> daca vrea prima o face extraordinar de rpd din 
> iptables MARK si iproute2 
> daca vrea aplicatiile nu-i asa de complicat ... se lucreaza cu patchul 
> de layer 7 pentru kernel ("http://l7-filter.sourceforge.net/";) si tot 
> la fel iptables + iproute2 


Ma intereseaza ca tot traficul generat de acele aplicatii (ce poate fi
de tz-spe feluri, gen http pe tcp/x porturi + dns tcp+udp + icmp + etc)
sa il redirectez pe undeva.

RLUG mailing list

Re: [rlug] Layer 7 (Application) routing

2008-08-08 Fir de Conversatie Vali Dragnuta
El vrea ca anumite aplicatii sa se duca prin alta parte, pe alta ruta
daca vrei. Numai ca daca la clientul de mail spre exemplu poti cit de
cit sa faci o regula bazata pe ip destinatie/port pentru ca banuiesc ca
nu are decit citeva servere prin care trimite mail si din care ia mail,
cu firefox e mai complicat, ca de multe ori nu faci requesturi numai pe
80 si 443, mai ai si aplicatii pe alte porturi, mai sint si flashuri
care se conecteaza pe un 8000 sau ceva de genul  sa ia un stream video,
samd. In acelasi timp exista si alte aplicatii care s-ar duce catre port
8000 dar poate sint lucruri pe care nu le vrea trimise prin vpn - de
aici se pune problema la a face doar anumite _aplicatii_ sa mearga prin

RLUG mailing list

Re: [rlug] Layer 7 (Application) routing

2008-08-08 Fir de Conversatie Serghei Amelian
On Friday 08 August 2008 17:37:12 Bogdan Cehan wrote:


> Fratilor , scuzati-ma ca ma bag si eu in seama
> dar eu nu prea inteleg ce vrea omul asta aici
> el vrea ssh (port 22 tcp ) , firefox (80,443 tcp) si evolution
> (25,110,143,465,993,995) sa le scoata prin alta parte ???
>  sau aici vorbim la nivel de layer 7 ? si doar aplicatiile alea sa
> iasa prin alta parte ? daca vrea prima o face extraordinar de rpd din
> iptables MARK si iproute2

"Our intent is for l7-filter to be used in conjunction with Linux QoS to do 
bandwith arbitration ("packet shaping") or traffic accounting."


Q: How can I use l7-filter to redirect some of my traffic (to a proxy, etc.)?
A: You pretty much can't, at least not in any straightforward way. L7-filter 
can't possibly identifiy what protocol a connection is using until it sees a 
packet with data in it. For TCP, this is the third packet, far too late to 
start redirecting anything. (Convoluted schemes involving duplicating all 
your packets until you get a match may be possible, but we don't recommend 
it.) For UDP, it could work, providing that l7-filter gets enough data in the 
first packet to make a decision. Making sure this works is not our focus, 
This can be done if you match on some quality that every packet has (such as 
port or IP number) rather than using l7-filter.


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RLUG mailing list

Re: [rlug] Layer 7 (Application) routing

2008-08-08 Fir de Conversatie Bogdan Cehan
On Friday 08 August 2008 11:28:51 nedland wrote:
> 2008/8/8 Mircea MITU <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > as dori sa redirectez prin vpn
> > doar traficul generat de aplicatiile x, y, z (de ex evolution,
> > firefox si ssh), unde x, y si z sunt la
> > alegere.
> tc cu u32 selector si netfilter classify target
> ___
> RLUG mailing list
> RLUG@lists.lug.ro
> http://lists.lug.ro/mailman/listinfo/rlug

Fratilor , scuzati-ma ca ma bag si eu in seama 
dar eu nu prea inteleg ce vrea omul asta aici 
el vrea ssh (port 22 tcp ) , firefox (80,443 tcp) si evolution 
(25,110,143,465,993,995) sa le scoata prin alta parte ???
 sau aici vorbim la nivel de layer 7 ? si doar aplicatiile alea sa 
iasa prin alta parte ? daca vrea prima o face extraordinar de rpd din 
iptables MARK si iproute2 

daca vrea aplicatiile nu-i asa de complicat ... se lucreaza cu patchul 
de layer 7 pentru kernel ("http://l7-filter.sourceforge.net/";) si tot 
la fel iptables + iproute2 

ce atatea complicatii cu squid sau alte proxiuri ?

eu pentru prima problema folosesc in cateva locuri combinatia iptables 
MARK si ip route & ip rule si merge perfect 

RLUG mailing list

Re: [rlug] logrotate

2008-08-08 Fir de Conversatie Octavian CHELU
On Friday 08 August 2008 15:45:29 Dan Uscatu wrote:
> Salut
> In directorul /var/log/iptraf se afla un singur fisier, anume
> rvnamed.log. dupa o vreme, au aparut aberatii de genul:
> rvnamed.log.1
> rvnamed.log.1.1
> rvnamed.log.1.1.1
> ...
> sau chiar din astea:
> rvnamed.log.
> rvnamed.log.
> In total, in directorul respectiv sint acum peste un milion de fisiere.
> Stie cineva cum i se poate explica lui logrotate sa nu mai faca astfel
> de cretinatati ?
> Continutul lui /etc/logrotate.d/iptraf este:
> # Logrotate file for iptraf
> /var/log/iptraf/* {
ce ar fi sa incerci aici:
/var/log/iptraf/*.log {
> compress
> delaycompress
> missingok
> notifempty
> rotate 4
> create 0600 root root
> }
> Multumesc
> Dan Uscatu

RLUG mailing list

[rlug] logrotate

2008-08-08 Fir de Conversatie Dan Uscatu


In directorul /var/log/iptraf se afla un singur fisier, anume 
rvnamed.log. dupa o vreme, au aparut aberatii de genul:

sau chiar din astea:


In total, in directorul respectiv sint acum peste un milion de fisiere.

Stie cineva cum i se poate explica lui logrotate sa nu mai faca astfel 
de cretinatati ?

Continutul lui /etc/logrotate.d/iptraf este:

# Logrotate file for iptraf
/var/log/iptraf/* {
   rotate 4
   create 0600 root root


Dan Uscatu
Sas Exploitation
Mood Media Romania
Tel: +40 21 223 51 73

RLUG mailing list

Re: [rlug] Layer 7 (Application) routing

2008-08-08 Fir de Conversatie nedland
2008/8/8 Mircea MITU <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> as dori sa redirectez prin vpn
> doar traficul generat de aplicatiile x, y, z (de ex evolution, firefox
> si ssh), unde x, y si z sunt la 
> alegere.

tc cu u32 selector si netfilter classify target
RLUG mailing list