[rohrpost] I-A-M *08 / pp-moma

2011-02-12 Diskussionsfäden contact


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*PP–MOMA {robert porth} 

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polly pock museum of modern art
opening: 18. 02. 2010 / 7 pm
19. – 25. february 2011 @ i-a-m, schererstr.11, 13347 berlin
open daily 3 – 6 pm

a show by robert porth, berlin

for the opening there will be music from my harddrive and vodka from the fridge 

... everybody welcome ...

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please spread our news ... we would like it!
all the best! your I-A-M!

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[rohrpost] Urban Research - A Programme at Directors Lounge Media Art Festival

2011-02-12 Diskussionsfäden richfilm productions

Urban Research
Artists Exploring Contemporary Urban Space

The Urban Research Programme curated by Klaus W. 
Eisenlohr is a special theme-based programme at 
The International Directors Lounge Media Art 
Festival. Urban Research has become a steady pool 
for innovative work concerning public space and 
urban development. An increasing number or 
artists act in response to the accelerated 
changes in the urban environment, demanding 
different ideas on how public place should be 
defined and created. These artists use 
documentary and experimental forms to create 
novel ideas about the urban environments under 

The 7th Berlin International Directors Lounge 2011
Meinblau e.V. | Pfefferberg | Christinenstr. 18/19 | D-10119 Berlin
10-20 February 2011
Open Daily 18 - late
Free unlimited entrance

Sunday, 13 February 18:00
Urban Research I
Places and Locations - Reality Check

	Going on field research, the filmmakers 
and artists of this programme record peripheral, 
vernacular but still memorable moments of their 
surrounding. If place is connected with memory, 
constructed by memory, these artists make aware, 
that memories may be connected to vernacular 
artifacts, to shop signs, ugly corners, technical 
constructions, street furniture or even 
telephone booths. If those vanish, something may 
get lost with them. The spatial representations 
and a reading of spaces in these films prove that 
the experience of place and location can be much 
more than a depiction or collection of 

	Visual research thus may connect us with 
reality instead of just showing landmarks or 
sights,  the memorable and camera-aided fact 
of having been there or the representation of 
the representative.

Bill Brown US Chicago Corner 4 min 2010
Hope Tucker USA Puhelinkoppi (1882 -2007) 7min 30s 2010
Stephanie Gray US You know they want to disappear 
Hell's Kitchen as Clinton 17min 2010

Roberto Duarte CL 131 2min 32s 2009
Uwe Doebbeke DE Passagen 8min 2002
Paul Rascheja DE Spaces 2min12s 2010
Marjan Laaper NL At the Mall 1 min 26s 2009/2010
Ellen Lake USA Seaworthy 3min 10s 2010
Christina McPhee US Deep Horizon 7min:32 2010
Alla Kovgan US New London Calling 10 min 2010
Deborah Phillips DE Herman(n) 8 min 2011

Tuesday, 15 February 20:00
Urban Research II
Imaginary Spaces - Virtual Vision

	Imagination (of space) has once again 
intruded photography and image making.

	Perceptions are strongly influenced by 
images, by mental images as much as by media 
images.  The perceptions of space, as well as 
identification with a place thus depend on images.

	In the digital age, spatial 
representation may have lost its significant in 
the real world. In our perception it already is 
space. It is not the simulation of space 
(Beaudrillard) being relevant here, still 
connected with the duality of 
signifier-significant, but the ways mental 
mapping is including the virtual sphere. Space, 
our private and shared realm, thus may consist of 
an indistinguishable mix of virtual and real 

Anders Weberg SE Elsewhereness: Cape Town 2min 7s 2009
Marina Chernikova NL Metro V 2min 30s 2009
GUP-py DE/JP Out of the Sky - Back into the Sky 9min 4s 2010
Henry Gwiazda US something/the/you 4min 58s 2009
Morehshin Allahyari IR Over There Is Over Here 5min 43s 2010
Sarah Breen Lovett AU Expanded Architecture 04: Window Wound 1min 20sec 2010
Susanne Wiegner DE just midnight 3min 37s 2010
Valentina Ferrandes IT The Oyster Effect 11min 52s 2010
Anders Weberg SE Elsewhereness: Utrecht 4min 7s 2010
Vera Frenkel CN Once Near Water: Notes from the 
Scaffolding Archive 15min 26s 2008

Tina Willgren SE The Polymoids 2min 51s 2010
Julie Meyer FR Eclipse 1min 20s 2009
Andrew de Freitas NZ/ CN L'Espace Quotidien 10min 46s 2010
André Chi Sing Yueng DE The work 3min 35s 2010

Wednesday, 16. February 19:00
Urban Research III
Interventions - The Spaces of Politics

	According to Henri Lefébvre, the 
production of space is not happening without its 
use, its occupation, or responsibility for place. 
Since the 60's or maybe earlier with the 
Internationa Situationists, artists have tried to 
play a more active role in society - outside of 
the art world. Documentary projects, happenings 
and performances have since become a part of many 
artists' active life, and in one way or the 
other, they have had an influence on ideas, 
political practice or movements.

	With the new social media, they may reach 
an even larger audience, or on the other hand, 
artists have to deal with the new rising powers 
and to compete with other groups striving for 
media dominance: How do you deal with bombings 
(in your own country)?

Pilar Ortiz X CL Circunvalación 33min 2010
Andrew Norman Wilson US Workers Leaving the Googleplex 11min