
dieses Mal auf Englisch, weil die Stelle in USA ist:

Theater and Performance Studies, Stanford University is searching for an assistant professor of theatre practice, specializing in next-generation design technologies for live performance.

Matt Smith, who is leading the search committee, is very interested in getting applications from abroad. He is the author of the book "The Total Work Of Art: From Bayreuth to Cyberspace" - which ends with a chapter on virtual reality as a theatrical medium (full disclosure: including my VR work Beyond Manzanar). He's also a wonderful person, highly recommended!

Details below.

- Tamiko Thiel (www.tamikothiel.com)

Apply here: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/8120

Position ID:    Stanford-Theater and Performance Studies-APTD [#8120]
Position Title:     Assistant Professor of Theatrical Design
Position Type:    Tenured/Tenure-track faculty
Position Location:    Stanford, California 94305, United States

Subject Areas:     Digital Media & Design / Next-generation Design

Technologies for Live Performance
Theater Studies

Starting Date:    2017/09/01
Appl Deadline:    2016/11/15** (posted 2016/09/27)

Position Description:

The Department of Theater and Performance Studies at Stanford University is seeking applicants for an assistant professor of theatre practice, specializing in next-generation design technologies for live performance. Faculty in this position would teach classes, contribute to the department’s main-stage productions, advise graduate and undergraduate student performance projects, and take on relevant responsibilities in the department’s production shops. The successful candidate will have a demonstrable potential for developing a career in design for professional theater and performance. We are especially interested in candidates who can help bridge the worlds of art and scholarship through hands-on experimentation and research on performance technologies.

The expected starting date of the appointment is September 1, 2017. Applicants should send a cover letter describing their work to date and outlining its future direction and a cv. In an effort to make the search process more efficient we also ask applicants to send a portfolio of creative work and/or a writing sample (no longer than 40 pages), two brief course descriptions, and three letters of reference to:

Prof. Matthew Smith
Search Committee Chair
Department of Theater and Performance Studies
551 Serra Mall
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-5010

Applicants must have all requirements for a graduate degree in theater and performance design, performance studies, or a related field completed by September 2, 2017. For full consideration, application materials must be received by Monday November 14 at 5PM California time. No email applications accepted.

Please apply on line at https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/8120 Job posting number: 8120

Stanford is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty. It welcomes nominations of, and applications from, women, members of minority groups, protected veterans and individuals with disabilities, as well as others who would bring additional dimensions to the university's research, teaching and clinical missions.

Application Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website:
Apply here: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/8120

Cover Letter
Curriculum Vitae
Portfolio of Creative Work/Writing Sample
Two Brief Course Descriptions
Three Reference Letters (to be submitted by the reference writers at this site help popup)
And anything else requested in the position description.

Further Info:

Stanford University
Theater and Performance Studies
551 Serra Mall
Stanford, CA 94305
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