[rohrpost] Texte zur Theorie des Internets :: Paul Virilio

2020-09-09 Diskussionsfäden Karl Dietz
Hallo leute,

die wdh vom lit hinweis, den ich via rohrpost las als aufhänger für die
erinnerung an:

Paul Virilio +2018
Donnerstag, 10. September
Jährlich am 10. September

>> > >  *Tilman Baumgärtel (Hrsg.): Texte zur Theorie des Internets,
>> Stuttgart 2017
>> > >  (Reclams Universalbibliothek), 14 Euro 80
>> > >  ISBN-978-3-15-019478-8
>> > >  https://www.book2look.com/book/jjLtxD14tq&euid=84684110&ruid=0/
>> > > 
>> https://www.buchhandel.de/buch/Texte-zur-Theorie-des-Internets-9783150194768
>> > > 
>> > >  /Das Internet hat die Art, wie wir leben, die Welt und uns selbst
>> > >  wahrnehmen, von Grund auf verändert. Wir arbeiten und kaufen,
>> informieren
>> > >  uns und kommunizieren, treffen unsere ›Freunde‹ und verlieben
>> uns – alles
>> > >  online. Erschien das Netz in den Anfangsjahren noch als Utopie
>> der
>> > >  herrschaftsfreien Kommunikation, haben inzwischen auch
>> Wirtschaft und
>> > >  Politik erkannt, wie einfach sich online (richtige wie falsche)
>> > >  Informationen streuen und Stimmungen erzeugen lassen. Die
>> tiefgreifenden
>> > >  politischen, sozialen und kulturellen Transformationen, die mit
>> dem
>> > >  Siegeszug des Internets einhergehen, sind von Intellektuellen in
>> den letzten
>> > >  Jahren vielfältig reflektiert worden. Dieser Band vereint die
>> wichtigsten
>> > >  Stimmen. /
>> > > 
>> > >  /Der Herausgeber ist Professor für Medientheorie an der
>> Hochschule Mainz./
>> > > 
>> > >  *Inhaltsverzeichnis
>> > >  *
>> > >  _I. Prolog_
>> > > 
>> > >  /Einleitung /
>> > >  Bertolt Brecht: /Der Rundfunk als Kommunikationsapparat. Rede
>> über die
>> > >  Funktion des Rundfunks/
>> > >  Marshall Mcluhan: /Geschlechtsorgan der Maschinen.
>> Playboy-Interview mit
>> > >  Eric Norden/
>> > >  Friedrich Kittler: /Die Informationsbombe. Gespräch mit Paul
>> Virilio/

siehe oben

> > > 
>> > >  _II. Programme und Manifeste
>> > >  _/
>> > >  Einleitung /
>> > >  Chaos Computer Club: /Hackerethik/
>> > >  The Mentor: /Das Hackermanifest/
>> > >  John Perry Barlow: /Unabhängigkeitserklärung des Cyberspace/
>> > >  VNS Matrix: /Cyberfeministisches Manifest/
>> > >  Tim Berners-Lee: /Lang lebe das Web/
>> > >  Anonymous: /Rules of the Internet/
>> > > 
>> > >  _III. Gesellschaft und Philosophie
>> > >  _/
>> > >  Einleitung /
>> > >  Pierre Levy: /Was ist kollektive Intelligenz?/
>> > >  Howard Rheingold: /Virtuelle Gemeinschaft/
>> > >  Sadie Plant: /Die Webstühle einer drohenden Zukunft. Webende
>> Frauen und
>> > >  Kybernetik/
>> > > 
>> > >  _IV. Ökonomie
>> > >  _/
>> > >  Einleitung /
>> > >  Richard Barbrook / Andy Cameron: /Die kalifornische Ideologie/
>> > >  Michael H. Goldhaber: /Die Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie und das Netz.
>> Über das
>> > >  knappe Gut der Informationsgesellschaft /
>> > > 
>> > >  _V. Politik
>> > >  _/
>> > >  Einleitung /
> > >  Julian Assange: /Aufruf zum Kryptokampf/
> s.a.
> http://wiki.aki-stuttgart.de/mediawiki/index.php/2020#FriedensGala_im_Theaterhaus_Stuttgart_-_12.2020
>> > >  Glenn Greenwald: /Dankesrede zur Verleihung des
>> Geschwister-Scholl-Preises
>> > >  2014/
>> > >  Viktor Mayer-Schönberger: /Vergessen und das digitale Gedächtnis/
>> > >  Christian Heller: /Post-Privacy/
>> > > 
>> > >  _VI. Psychologie
>> > >  _/
>> > >  Einleitung /
>> > >  Sherry Turkle: /Identität im Zeitalter des Internet/
>> > >  Nicolas Carr: /HAL und ich/
>> > >  Limor Shifman: /Wenn Meme digital werden/
>> > >  Byung-Chul Han: /Big Data/
>> > > 
>> > >  _VII. Kunst und Kultur
>> > >  _/
>> > >  Einleitung /
>> > >  Nam June Paik: /La Vie – Satelliten. Eine Begegnung – Ein Leben /
>> > >  Agentur Bilwet: /Der Datendandy/
>> > >  Dirk von Gehlen: /Plädoyer für einen neuen Begriff des Originals/
>> > >  Tilman Baumgärtel: /Netzkunst und Post-Internet-Art/
>> > >  Simon Reynolds: /Die totale Erinnerung. Musik und Gedächtnis im
>> > >  YouTube-Zeitalter/
>> > > 
>> > >  Textnachweise
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[rohrpost] Global Surveillance in the Data Society - Disruptive Fridays #12, Sept 11 5PM CEST

2020-09-09 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

we are back with our Disruptive Fridays and we are looking forward to
seeing you online at our upcoming event this Friday, September 11:

Disruptive Fridays #12:
Global Surveillance in the Data Society
September 11, 5PM CEST

With Sonia Kennebeck (Film Director, MY/DE/US), Assia Boundaoui
(Journalist, Filmmaker, Artists, DZA/US), Jer Thorp (Artist, Writer and
Teacher, CA/US). Moderated by Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director,
Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE), Mauro Mondello (Investigative
Journalist, Filmmaker, IT).

On September 11, Disruption Network Lab is organising Disruptive Fridays
12#: Global Surveillance in the Data Society, a preview of the
conference DATA CITIES: Smart Technologies, Tracking & Human Rights -
which Tatiana Bazzichelli is curating together with investigative
journalist Mauro Mondello (September 25-27, Kunstquartier Bethanien,

The conversation will reflect on the discourse of surveillance and human
rights during the coronavirus crisis, and will reconnect it to another
event that reshaped our society: 9/11.
We decided to host it on 9/11 as a symbolic date, which signed
unprecedented measures on the level of security and surveillance,
compromising our privacy and freedom, and changing the way we perceived
our society. To unfold the discussion we invited three speakers that
have been dealing with the issues of data, tracking and human rights
since long time.

Sonia Kennebeck will introduce her last film UNITED STATES VS. REALITY
WINNER, currently in post-production. The film is the story of
25-year-old NSA contractor Reality Winner who disclosed a document about
Russian election interference to the media and became the number one
leak target of the Trump administration. In the framework of the
discussion on post-9/11 surveillance and whistleblowing, she will trace
a line that connects her three films: National Bird (the story of three
whistleblowers who blow the whistle on the US drone war), Enemies of the
State (about the case of hacker Matt DeHart), and United States vs.
Reality Winner.

Assia Boundaoui will present her work combining community storytelling,
visual arts, and artificial intelligence. Her work, The Inverse
Surveillance Project, is an AI program analysing hundreds of thousands
of documents collated by the FBI on people of colour over the past 100
years, revealing historic patterns on tactics it used during operations.
An Algerian-American journalist and filmmaker based in Chicago, she
directed the film The Feeling of Being Watched, a documentary
investigating a decade of FBI surveillance in Boundaoui's
Muslim-American community, which had its world premiere at the 2018
Tribeca Film Festival.

Jer Thorp, a data artist that designed (with Jake Barton) an algorithm
and a software tool to aid in the placement of the names on the 9/11
Memorial in Manhattan, will discuss his data artistic practice. His 9/11
Memorial Project allowed to arrange the names of those killed in the
9/11 attacks, respecting their familial, personal and business
relationships with each other. He also collaborated with Mark Hansen,
Ben Rubin, and Local Projects to create an interactive timeline of the
attacks. Author of many data-inspired artworks, his forthcoming book
Living in Data will be published in 2021.

We will discuss the issue of surveillance and human rights, reflecting
on the transformation of our lives when security measures have been
extensively implemented in the US and worldwide. Tatiana Bazzichelli and
Mauro Mondello will moderate the talk.


Sonia Kennebeck, Film Director, MY/DE/US

Sonia Kennebeck is an independent documentary filmmaker and
investigative journalist with more than 15 years of directing and
producing experience. She has directed eight television documentaries
and more than 50 investigative reports. National Bird, her first
feature-length film, premiered at the Berlin Film Festival 2016 and was
also selected for Tribeca, Sheffield, and IDFA. In March 2017, National
Bird received the prestigious Ridenhour Documentary Film Prize that is
awarded to one documentary a year “that defends the public interest,
advances or promotes social justice, or illuminates a more just vision
of society.” Kennebeck received a master’s degree in international
affairs from American University in Washington, D.C. She was born in
Malacca, Malaysia, and lives in New York.

Assia Boundaoui, Journalist, Filmmaker, Artists, DZA/US

Assia Boundaoui is an Algerian-American journalist and filmmaker based
in Chicago. She has reported for the BBC, NPR, PRI, Al Jazeera, VICE,
and CNN. Her debut short film about hijabi hair salons for the HBO LENNY
documentary series premiered at the 2018 Sundance Film Festival. Her
feature length debut THE FEELING OF BEING WATCHED, a documentary
investigating a decade of FBI surveillance in Assia's Muslim-American
community, had its world premiere at the 2018 Tribeca Film Festival. She
is cur

[rohrpost] Berlin als Technopolis: SILENT WORKS Warm-up Event am 23.9.

2020-09-09 Diskussionsfäden Krystian Woznicki
Hallo rohrpostler,

ich möchte Euch zu einer Podiumsdiskussion mit Aktivist*innen von
"Berlin vs. Amazon" und "Berlin Tech Workers Coalition" einladen. Dies
ist eine englischsprachige Warm-Up-Veranstaltung zu dem Berliner Gazette
Ausstellungs- und Konferenz-Projekt SILENT WORKS
(https://silentworks.info) und wird von Magdalena Taube (Berliner
Gazette) moderiert.

*Berlin as Technopolis*

Big tech is using the Covid-19 pandemic to take over Berlin. Amazon, for
instance, one of the biggest profiteers of the crisis, is turning its
logistical empire into ‘critical infrastructure.’ Meanwhile, workers are
being romanticized as an ‘essential’ labor force in order to suppress
their bargaining power: ‘heroes’ are expected to sacrifice themselves
for ‘the greater good’ rather than go on strike. This big tech-driven
neo-feudalism is crowned by Amazon’s soon-to-be erected tower in the
heart of the city. How can workers, that is: how can we, join forces
against the rising Technopolis?

This event takes place in cooperation with and in the context of MODELL

Date: September 23, 2020
Time: 7 p.m.
Language: English
Free admission

Location: Kirche Sankt Matthäus am Kulturforum
Address: Matthäikirchplatz 1
Public transport: U-Bahnlinie U2 or S-Bahn-Linien S1, S2, S25, Station:
Potsdamer Platz; Bus-Linien: 200, M48 und M85 (Stop: Philharmonie)
Map: https://www.stiftung-stmatthaeus.de/direkteinstieg/besucherinformation/

Bitte weitersagen!

Viele Grüße,

Krystian (für das BG team)


BG – Berliner Gazette | since 1999 | https://berlinergazette.de


SILENT WORKS – The Hidden Human Labor in AI-Driven Capitalism  
BG Project 2020: Exhibition, Conference + Text Series


MORE WORLD – How Can We Cooperate Across Borders to Tackle Climate Change?
Results from BG’s 20th Anniversary Event: Videos, Audios, Projects + Texts 


rohrpost - deutschsprachige Liste zur Kultur digitaler Medien und Netze
Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost 
Ent/Subskribieren: http://post.in-mind.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/rohrpost/