[rohrpost] On time. Temporal & Normative Orderings of Mobilities (CfA, Siegen 13-14 Sep)

2018-01-05 Diskussionsfäden Carolin Gerlitz
Call for Papers
Workshop: On time. Temporal and normative ordering of mobilities
University of Siegen, Germany | September 13–14, 2018

with lectures by MONIKA BÜSCHER (Lancaster), ROB KITCHIN (Maynooth), SVEN OPITZ 

More info: http://blogs.uni-siegen.de/on-time/ 

Organizers: Claudio Coletta (Antwerp), Jörg Potthast (Siegen), Tobias Röhl 
(Siegen), Susann Wagenknecht (Siegen)

Temporality and normativity are interwoven with one another: Timings convey 
norms and norma-tive shifts. Rhythms enforce forms of life, convey-ing rules 
and principles. Flows of time fit experi-ence and expectation to one another 
producing specific versions of past, present and future. The end of time 
conjures up both utopian and dysto-pian visions.

Yet, while the plurality of normative orders has emerged as a crucial issue of 
social theory (Boltanski & Thévenot, 1999), its temporal dy-namics have 
received little attention so far. And while the accelerating dynamics of time 
(Rosa, 2015; Simmel, 1903; Benjamin, 1999; Virilio, 1997; Wajcman & Dodd, 2017) 
as well as the plurality of temporal orders have been recog-nized (Lefebvre, 
2004), implications for theoriz-ing normative orders remain unclear. In social 
theory, time has been addressed as a social ordering principle  (Zerubavel, 
1982) emphasiz-ing the symbolic dimension and the normative aspects of social 
regularities. Especially with industrialization processes (Adam, 2004) clock 
time has been naturalized as commodified, com-pressed, colonized and controlled 
resource which regulates social relations. Normativity, on the other hand, is 
typically understood through spa-tial and static imagery, in terms of already 
given normative “spheres,” “reach” and “binding force.” The normativity of 
time, in turn, is com-monly backgrounded and kept “still” as a rather 
unproblematic, uncontested convention guarded by technology. By temporalizing 
phenomena—e.g. systems of gift exchange (Bourdieu, 1977)—a praxeological 
perspective questions such static views on normative orders and shows how 
issues of timing are integral to social practices.

To discuss the nexus of temporal and normative orders in empirical detail and 
with ethnographic sensibility, we propose to focus on various forms of (traffic 
and transport) mobility. With real-timing, punctuality and synchronization as 
its crucial requirements, mobility brings the plurality of temporal orders to 
the fore. Traffic and transport mobilities rely on and create rhythms as 
“active producers of realities” (Revill, 2013). Furthermore, mobile practices 
perform hybrid public spaces where the plurality of temporal and normative 
orders becomes especially palpable. In these spaces temporal and normative 
orders are automated, technically embedded and mobi-lized—increasingly through 
software and code (Kitchin and Dodge, 2011; Kitchin, in press). Consequently, 
being mobile and/or mobilizing others makes the plurality of normative and 
tem-poral orders an issue: distant spheres have to be linked, gaps to be 
bridged, connections forged, groups coordinated, timelines met, processes 
aligned etc. 

Through the study of traffic and transport mobili-ties we direct attention to 
the intricate relations that multiple temporal and normative orders unfold in 
practice. Temporal and normative or-ders overlap and interfere; they support 
and challenge one another.  We seek to develop both a normative notion of time 
as well as a dynamic notion of normativity: temporality as a fundamen-tal 
normative issue, normativity as a temporal phenomenon through and through. In 
so doing, we aim to reconcile a praxeological account (so-cial order as 
practical accomplishment) with normative notions of sociality (social order as 
moral order)—a notion present in proto-praxeological social theory (most 
prominently, ethnomethodology and interactionism) but ab-sent in most 
theorizing thereafter, only gaining weight again in current theorizing. With 
this theo-retical interest in traffic and transport mobilities, we propose to 
expand on recent mobility studies (e.g. Büscher, Urry, & Witchger, 2010; 
Cresswell, 2006; Krämer & Schindler, 2016; Jensen, 2015; Urry, 2007), for which 
theoretical and empirical issues are always intertwined.

To explore the nexus of temporal and normative orders, we invite papers that 
deal empirically and/or conceptually with the relation of norma-tive and 
temporal orders in the field of mobilities. Possible questions include:

Punctuality: Why is punctuality a norm frequently encountered when dealing with 
organized traffic and transport? Why is it still upheld despite trains, 
flights, ferries, cars, and busses often being late? How are different forms of 
mobilities linked to punctuality? What does it mean to be punctual when driving 
by car or travelling by plane?

Real-timeness, synchronization, anticipation, prediction/prioritization: How do 
different forms of temporal

[rohrpost] Akademische Rätin/Akademischen Rates auf Zeit in der Medienwissenschaft / Uni Siegen

2017-06-08 Diskussionsfäden Carolin Gerlitz
Liebe alle,

die Siegener Medienwissenschaft hat eine befristete AR Stelle im Bereich 
Medienwissenschaft (Sensormedien, Smart Environments, Robotik oder 
algorithmische Kulturen) für drei plus drei Jahre ausgeschrieben: 

Mit den besten Grüßen,
Carolin Gerlitz

Prof. Dr. Carolin Gerlitz
Professor Digital Media and Methods 
Co-Speaker Graduate School Locating Media 

University of Siegen
Room AH 129
Herrengarten 3 
D-57072 Siegen

Sekretariat: Vera Beer, AR-H 410
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[rohrpost] Vacancy: 3 year post-doc position in media research & methods at "Locating Media" graduate school, University of Siegen

2016-12-16 Diskussionsfäden Carolin Gerlitz
Dear all,

the graduate school “Locating Media” at the University of Siegen 
<https://www.uni-siegen.de/start/index.html.en> has a post-doc vacancy for 3 
years with the possibility of extension. “Locating Media” focuses on studying 
media ‘in motion’ and ‘in situ’ and aims to develop inventive mobile and 
digital methods for media research: www.locatingmedia.uni-siegen.de 

Please spread the word and get in touch if you are interested in applying! 

Best wishes
Carolin Gerlitz


The University of Siegen is an innovative institution with an emphasis on an 
interdisciplinary orientation and has about 20,000 students and 2,000 
employees, including 1,200 academic positions. There is a broad spectrum of 
departments, ranging from liberal arts, social sciences, and economics through 
to natural sciences and engineering, and the University of Siegen provides an 
outstanding teaching and research environment with numerous 
inter/transdisciplinary research projects. The University of Siegen offers 
diverse options for combining professional and family life. For this reason, it 
has been certified as a family-friendly university since 2006 and provides a 
dual career service.

Starting on April 1st 2017, 
one full-time (100% fte) post-doctoral post
(salary category TV-L 13)

is available at the University of Siegen in the German Research Foundation 
(DFG) Graduate School, GRK 1769 "Locating Media", for the fixed-term period of 
three years, with the possibility for extension (according to DFG standards). 
The duration of the contract complies with the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz.

Locating Media
The Graduate School "Locating Media" was set up in 2012 and has focused on 
researching historical and current media practices 'in motion' and 'in situ'. 
The main objective of “Locating Media” is to facilitate a methodological 
re-orientation of interdisciplinary media research by engaging with locational 
and situational analyses and the development of new methods for the analysis 
and design of mobile digital media. In the second phase of funding, the 
existing expertise in ethnographic methodologies will be expanded to include 
digital and mobile methods, to investigate the increased mobility and 
distributed spatiality of media and data processes.

The German Research Foundation (DFG) Graduate School provides an international 
environment for inventive and interdisciplinary media research by offering an 
intensive training programme, joint events with collaboration partners, 
training in relevant ethnographic, digital and mobile methods and the 
possibility of field research and research abroad. The research program will be 
realised in close collaboration with international partners and supporters, 
such as the Digital Ethnography Research Centre in Melbourne (RMIT), the 
Digital Methods Initiative (University of Amsterdam), the Centre for 
Interdisciplinary Methodologies (Warwick University), Centre for Science 
Studies and Mobilities Lab at Lancaster University and other collaborators.

More information on the profile and program can be found here: 
www.locatingmedia.uni-siegen.de <http://www.locatingmedia.uni-siegen.de/>

Job description:
We expect:
– attendance of the Research Training Group events such as workshops, 
international conferences, intensive workshops and summer schools.
–  regular presentation of interim findings of individual research projects 
during internal events (Research Colloquium, Lecture Series) and during 
– co-organisation of workshops and international conferences in collaboration 
with our international partners
–  publication of the research project in relevant specialist journals and 
supervision of publications.

This is a position for obtaining further academic qualifications 
(Habilitation), for which the ongoing media research in Siegen, for instance in 
the context of the collaborative research centre 1187 "Media of Cooperation" 
<https://www.mediacoop.uni-siegen.de/en/>  provides a stimulating environment. 
The opportunity for this is provided within the scope of official duties.

Your profile:
− outstanding doctoral degree in one of the following areas of study: media 
studies, history, information science, cultural studies, literary studies, 
linguistics, ethnology, political science, sociology, Science and Technology 
–  outstanding scholarly achievements.
–  research project in one of the areas of study listed above (10-page project 
prospectus including timetable).
–  familiarity with media research and social science methods and interest in 
methodological innovation.
–  willingness to participate in the Graduate School’s activities and to 
contribute toward their conceptual development.
–  good spoken and written German and English.
The University of Siegen is an equal opportunity employer. In accordance with 
its pol

[rohrpost] Call for participation - Digital Methods Winter School 2017 - Amsterdam

2016-10-08 Diskussionsfäden Carolin Gerlitz
ected to find 
their own housing (airbnb and other short-stay sites are helpful), or we have 
available accommodations at the Student Hotel:

The Student Hotel Amsterdam
Jan van Galenstraat 335
1061 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 20 760 4000
info-amsterdam [at] thestudenthotel.com <http://thestudenthotel.com/>
Arrival: 8 January 2017
Departure: 14 January 2017
The Student Hotel Amsterdam West website 

If you would like to have accommodations at the Student Hotel, please write to 
the student hotel directly. To avoid disappointment, please write to them as 
early as possible. 

The Winter School closes on Friday with a festive event, after the final 
presentations. Here is a guide to the Amsterdam new media scene 
<https://www.digitalmethods.net/MoM/NewMediaAmsterdam>. For further questions, 
please contact the organizers, Alex Gekker, Jonathan Gray and Liliana Bounegru 
at winterschool [at] digitalmethods.net <http://digitalmethods.net/>.

Please bring your laptop computer, your European plug as well as the VGA 
adaptor for connecting to the projector.

About DMI
The Digital Methods Winter School is part of the Digital Methods Initiative 
(DMI), Amsterdam, dedicated to developing methods for Internet-related 
research. The Digital Methods Initiative holds the annual Digital Methods 
Summer Schools <https://wiki.digitalmethods.net/Dmi/DmiSummerSchool> (ten to 
date), which are intensive and full time, 2-week undertakings in the 
Summertime. The 2017 Summer School (dedicated to ‘Visual Methodologies’) will 
take place from 26th June to the 7th July 2017.
The Digital Methods <http://mitpress.mit.edu/books/digital-methods> book (MIT 
Press, 2015) provides an introduction to the methodological outlook that frames 
and informs the work of the DMI. There is also a companion volume about mapping 
social and political issues with digital methods: Issue Mapping for an Ageing 
(Amsterdam University Press, 2015), which is also freely available on the web 
<http://www.oapen.org/download?type=document&docid=569806> as an open access 
monograph. Further information and resources about digital methods can be found 
at digitalmethods.net <http://www.digitalmethods.net/> - including links to 
example projects <https://wiki.digitalmethods.net/Dmi/ProjectsByTheme>, 
publications <https://wiki.digitalmethods.net/Dmi/PapersPublications> and tools 
<https://wiki.digitalmethods.net/Dmi/ToolDatabase> as well as an introductory 
"founding narrative <https://wiki.digitalmethods.net/Dmi/MoreIntro>" about the 
Digital Methods Initiative and details about associated researchers 
The coordinators of the Digital Methods Initiative are Dr. Sabine Niederer and 
Dr. Esther Weltevrede, and the director is Richard Rogers, Professor of New 
Media & Digital Culture, University of Amsterdam. Liliana Bounegru is the 
managing director.

For those of you that use Twitter we are using the #DMI17 hashtag 
<https://twitter.com/search?q=DMI17> as the backchannel for communication. Some 
pictures from Winter School 2015 <https://www.flickr.com/photos/130167703@N08>. 
Here is the Facebook Group 
<https://www.facebook.com/groups/DMIWinterSchool2015/> from one year. Here are 
pictures from a variety of DMI Summer and Winter School 
<https://www.flickr.com/search/?text=digital%20methods> flickr streams.

We would very much look forward to welcoming you to Amsterdam!

Prof. Dr. Carolin Gerlitz
Professor for Media Studies, Digital Media and Methods / Professur Digitale 

University of Siegen
Room AE-B 108
Am Eichenhang 50 
57076 Siegen

Sekretariat: Vera Beer, AR-H 410

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Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost 
Ent/Subskribieren: http://post.in-mind.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/rohrpost/

[rohrpost] Job opening for an Associate Professor in New Media at the University of Amsterdam

2016-04-14 Diskussionsfäden Carolin Gerlitz
nt prior to 2 
May 2016 to the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Prof. F.P.I.M. van Vree via 
solliciteren2016-...@uva.nl <mailto:solliciteren2016-...@uva.nl>. Please state 
job vacancy number 16-156  in the subject field. 

Dr. Carolin Gerlitz
Assistant Professor in New Media
Program Director MA New Media & Digital Culture

University of Amsterdam
Turfdraagsterpad 9
1012 XT Amsterdam


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Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost 
Ent/Subskribieren: http://post.in-mind.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/rohrpost/

[rohrpost] Digital Methods Winter School 2016 - Call for Participation

2015-10-08 Diskussionsfäden Carolin Gerlitz
hods.net <http://digitalmethods.net/>
. To attend 
the Winter School, you need not participate in the mini-conference. The full 
program and schedule of the Winter School and Mini-conference are available on 
7 January 2016.

 <>Fees & Logistics 
The fee for the Digital Methods Winter School 2016 is EUR 595, or if you would 
like to receive 6 ECTS credits the fee is EUR 695. Bank transfer information 
will be sent along with the notification on 11 December 2015. 
Students at the University of Amsterdam do not pay fees. Participants from LERU 
<http://www.leru.org/index.php/public/home/> as well as U21 
<http://www.universitas21.com/member> universities receive a tuition waver of 
EUR 500 
The Winter School is self-catered. The venue is in the center of Amsterdam with 
abundant coffee houses and lunch places. Participants are expected to find 
their own housing (airbnb and other short-stay sites are helpful), or we have 
available accommodations at the Student Hotel:
The Student Hotel Amsterdam
Jan van Galenstraat 335
1061 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 20 760 4000
info-amsterdam [at] thestudenthotel.com <http://thestudenthotel.com/>
Arrival: 10 January 2016
Departure: 16 January 2016
EUR 440
The Student Hotel Amsterdam West website 
If you would like to have accommodations at the Student Hotel, please notify 
the organizers when applying on 10 December.
The Winter School closes on Friday with a festive event, after the final 
presentations. Here is a guide to the Amsterdam new media scene 
<https://www.digitalmethods.net/MoM/NewMediaAmsterdam>. For further questions, 
please contact the organizers, Jonathan Gray and Natalia Sanchez at 
winterschool[at] digitalmethods.net <http://digitalmethods.net/>
Please bring your laptop computer, your European plug as well as the VGA 
adaptor for connecting to the projector. 

About DMI
The Digital Methods Winter School is part of the Digital Methods Initiative, 
Amsterdam, dedicated to reworking method for Internet-related research. The 
Digital Methods Initiative holds the annual Digital Methods Summer Schools 
(nine to date), which are intensive and full time, 2-week undertakings in the 
Summertime. The 2016 Summer School will take place 27 June - 8 July 2016. The 
coordinators of the Digital Methods Initiative are Sabine Niederer and Esther 
Weltevrede (PhD candidates in New Media & Digital Culture, University of 
Amsterdam), and the director is Richard Rogers, Professor of New Media & 
Digital Culture, University of Amsterdam. Liliana Bounegru is the managing 
director. Digital methods are online at http://www.digitalmethods.net/ 
<http://www.digitalmethods.net/>. The DMI about page 
<https://wiki.digitalmethods.net/Dmi/DmiAbout> includes a substantive 
introduction <https://wiki.digitalmethods.net/Dmi/MoreIntro> (or founding 
narrative), and also a list of Digital Methods people 
<https://wiki.digitalmethods.net/Dmi/DmiPeople>, with bios. DMI holds 
occasional Autumn and Spring workshops, such as ones on mapping climate change 
and vulnerability indexes 
<https://wiki.digitalmethods.net/Dmi/ClimateConflicts> as well as on studying 
right-wing extremism and populism 
<https://wiki.digitalmethods.net/Dmi/RightWingPopulismStudy> online. There are 
also a Digital Methods book <http://mitpress.mit.edu/books/digital-methods> 
(MIT Press, 2013), papers and articles 
<https://wiki.digitalmethods.net/Dmi/PapersPublications> by DMI researchers as 
well as Digital Methods tools 
<https://wiki.digitalmethods.net/Dmi/ToolDatabase>. Recently a complimentary 
Issue Mapping book 
was published.

For those of you that use Twitter we are using the #DMI16 hashtag 
<https://twitter.com/search?q=DMI16> as the backchannel for communication. Some 
pictures from Winter School 2015 <https://www.flickr.com/photos/130167703@N08>. 
Here is the Facebook Group 
<https://www.facebook.com/groups/DMIWinterSchool2015/> from last year's Winter 
School. Here are pictures from a variety of DMI Summer and Winter School 
<https://www.flickr.com/search/?text=digital%20methods> flickr streams.
We look forward to welcoming you to Amsterdam in January.

Dr. Carolin Gerlitz
Assistant Professor in New Media
Program Director MA New Media & Digital Culture

University of Amsterdam
Turfdraagsterpad 9
1012 XT Amsterdam

c.gerl...@uva.nl <mailto:c.gerl...@uva.nl>
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