[rohrpost] interview mit Sebastian Giessmann

2016-07-16 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
Just out: A philosophy of weaving the web: An interview with German media 
theorist Sebastian Giessmann, in Necsus 

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[rohrpost] Berlin May 18th: Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation

2016-04-22 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink

> From: 
> Subject: Berlin May 18th: Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability 
> and Social Innovation
> Date: 22 April 2016 5:36:26 pm GMT+2
> To: Undisclosed recipients:;
> We are glad to invite you to the CAPS community meeting and workshop which 
> will take place on May 18th in Berlin, at UFA. It's a free event, open to 
> everybody involved or just interested in new participatory approaches to 
> social innovation, collective awareness and collective action. Registration 
> and agenda: 
> https://www.eventbrite.com/e/caps-community-meeting-and-workshop-tickets-24782588389

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Re: [rohrpost] 5.2.16, Podiumsdiskussion "Wie - Gegenwartskunst?" am ZfL Berlin

2016-01-14 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink

> On 14 Jan 2016, at 12:02 pm, Margarete Vöhringer  wrote:
> Fr, 05.02.2016 
> 18.00 Uhr
> Öffentliche Podiumsdiskussion
> Wie – Gegenwartskunst?
> ZfL, Schützenstr. 18, 10117 Berlin, 3. Et., Trajekte-Tagungsraum
> Programm
> mit Alexander García Düttmann (UdK Berlin) und Juliane Rebentisch (HfG 
> Offenbach).
> Moderation: Eva Geulen (ZfL/HU Berlin) und Peter Geimer (FU Berlin)
> Ist nicht jede Kunst immer auch Gegenwartskunst? Oder mindestens einmal 
> gewesen? Nein, behaupten Juliane Rebentisch und Alexander Garcia Düttmann, 
> Gegenwartskunst ist ein besonderer Name, mit dem sich die Kunst unserer Zeit 
> von der modernen Kunst und ihren vergangenen Gegenwarten unterscheidet. 
> Darüber herrscht Einigkeit zwischen der Kunstphilosophin und dem 
> Kunstphilosoph. Aber weit auseinander gehen ihre Meinungen bei der 
> anschließenden Frage nach den Kriterien, der Bedeutung und Bewertung der 
> Unterschiede zwischen dieser Gegenwartskunst und der Kunst, die ihr 
> voranging. Während Rebentisch eine kritische Selbstüberwindung der Moderne am 
> Werk sieht, befürchtet Düttmann, dass sich die Gegenwartskunst in ein Abseits 
> manövriert hat und dort feststeckt. 

OK… Aber sogar hier wird das Digitale, neue Medienkunst, Internet, 
Post-Internetkunst, new aesthetics, post-digitale Kunst und so weiter nicht mal 
erwaehnt… Warum? Was ist daran so schwer? Welche Hemmungen und Tabus gibt es 
da, bei Alexander und Juliane, die Organisatoren usw.? Denkverbote? 
Schuldkomplexe? Komputerängste? Verblendungszusammehaenge? Was, um 
Gotteswillen, macht es so schwer die durchdigitalisierte und vernetzte 
Techno-Gegenwart zu betrachten—und die Negation voranzutreiben, statt immer nur 
so zu tun alsob es ganze gar nicht gibt.


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[rohrpost] Hackademia: empirical studies in computing cultures

2015-11-19 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
DCRL Digital Cultures Research Lab
Leuphana University 
Am Sande 5
21335 Lüneburg

15. November 2015
Call For Participants

Hackademia: empirical studies in computing cultures 
A Digital Cultures Research Lab (DCRL) Summer School 
August 28th – September 2nd, 2016
Leuphana University 

Curated by 

Paula Bialski, Leuphana University
Gabriella Coleman, McGill University  
Marcell Mars, Leuphana University


Studying digital media today means studying those technologists—hackers, 
security resarchers, game developers, system administrators, and designers—who 
create and maintain the digital worlds we live in. How much agency lies in the 
hands of programmers, coders, and engineers to create our digital worlds is 
still up for debate, yet this much is true: various hacking and related 
subcultures form critical nodes of practice that help shape and condition the 
contemporary technologies we use everyday. Whether it is an analyst or coder 
implementing algorithms at a large financial institution, a group of designers 
working on improving the user interface for a cryptographic tool, a privacy 
team securing a browser, a developer coding her own app, cryptographers working 
on an open source anoymized system, a programmer working on a p2p file-sharing 
platform, hackers buying and selling zero days in a grey market, a team of 
system administrators at Google working to scale up services, a 
journalist-coder developing visualization tools, indie game developers seeking 
to write a politically minded game, or a hacker-leaker whistleblowing to 
salavage privacy - all have something to say about how digital technology can 
and should be created.

These technology workers/experts are now central to every field of social, 
political, and economic import. They secure our communications networks; shape 
the design and portals we use to connect to our banks, our friends, our loved 
ones, our colleagues, our business partners; inform us about the activities of 
our governments; design novel currencies; exfiltrate intellectual property and 
proof of wrongdoing from corporate actors; offer us alternative ways of 
organizing our political voices whether through political projects or games; 
function as conduits and warriors between nations; and allow us to confront the 
laws we don’t like – through democratic engagements, as in the Free Software 
movement, or tools that enable outright circumvention.

This is an ideal time to understand and ultimately appraise their activities, 
actions, their desires, and intentions. While an increasing number of scholars 
– ethnographers, cultural anthropologists, sociologists, and media historians – 
are undertaking the study of hacker cultures,there are many methodological 
questions to pose and explore: How much technical knowledge is necessary to 
study the worlds of computing and programming?  How does one gain access to 
secret nooks of hacking or corporate sites – whether a security company, gaming 
outfit, or blackhat computer forum – where codes, designers, and hackers labor? 
How is the study of hackers similar and different to the study of other experts 
such as scientists? As participant observers, how can we fully understand the 
engineering culture of the hackers we are studying, and what shortcuts in our 
methods must be taken in order to create an understanding?

Who Should Apply?  

This summer school invites doctoral students in the field of ethnography, 
cultural anthropology, media studies, software studies, sociology, science, 
technology studies, history, or other, who are currently working on a 
dissertation on the life-worlds, practices, cultures, or platforms of hackers. 
Hackers here are understood broadly as programmers, coders, pirates, and 
computer engineers of all shapes and forms – and do not necessarily have to be 
engaged in illegal or subversive activity or self identify as hackers. 
Applicants who are struggling with field entry, are learning to code, or seek 
to expand their methods, are particularly welcome.

Who Will Attend?

This summer school will provide a dialogue between hackers and academics. As 
such, we will additionally invite a number of hackers, coders, programmers, and 
technologists. These guests will lead sessions around the topic of field 
entrance, knowledge transfer, work organization and hacker communication 
practices, feminist critiques, and standards/protocols. Keynote speakers will 
also provide evening lectures, and help lead sessions.

Where and when will this take place?

The Hackademia summer school will take place at the Digital Cultures Research 
Lab (DCRL), Leuphana University in Luneburg, Germany (30 minutes away from 
Hamburg), between August 28th – September 2nd, 2016. 

How to apply:

Please submit your CV along with a 500-word abstract of your dissertation, and 
a 500-word explanation on why you would like to attend this summer school. The 
deadline for applications for the summer school is 

[rohrpost] AoIR 2016 in Berlin: Call for Proposals--Internet Rules!

2015-10-29 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
AoIR 2016 in Berlin: Call for Proposals

Internet Rules!

Workshop Day: 5 October 2016

Conference Dates: 6-8 October 2016

AoIR 2016 is the 17th annual conference of the Association of Internet 
Researchers, a transdisciplinary gathering of scholars interested in the place 
of networked technologies in social processes. It will take place at 
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany from October 5-8, 2016.
AoIR 2016 will emphasize the relevance of the Internet in today’s culture and 
politics. The conference theme addresses the significance of the codes and 
rules that frame the Internet, as well as their playful circumvention, from 
technical protocols and popular platforms to the emerging, established, and 
contested conventions of online communities. Who are the actors both in 
practices of rule-making and rule-breaking, what are their motivations and 
resources, and how can their power relations and communicative figurations be 
described? How does the Internet influence the proliferation of the values that 
its platforms, services and infrastructures embody and what spaces of creative 
resistance persist? How do various forms of technical, social, and cultural 
hacking subvert these orders? In which ways do the affordances of platforms and 
devices, the ubiquity of digital data and routine personal practices inform 
each other?
The committee calls for proposals for papers, panels, workshops, roundtables, 
and other events that engage with the conference theme or the field more 
generally. Topics could include (but are not limited to):

• coordination and rule-making online
• media, culture and identity
• (h)activism and social justice
• critical approaches to algorithms, platform studies
• codes and practices of internet culture
• connected devices and the internet of things
• big data and predictive analytics
• techno-social interfaces
• digital labor, crowdsourcing and co-creation
• internet governance and regulation
• (global) social media
• communication, participation and polarization online
• philosophy of information and knowledge

We particularly invite submissions that engage with or challenge the conference 
theme in new and exciting ways, are innovative, or present a novel approach to 
the topic. We encourage “experimental sessions” that extend research in unusual 
directions (via method, topic or presentation structure). We also welcome 
submissions on topics that address social, cultural, political, legal, 
aesthetic, economic, and/or philosophical aspects of the internet beyond the 
conference theme. The committee extends a special invitation to students, 
researchers, and practitioners who have previously not participated in an 
Internet Research event to submit proposals.

We seek proposals for several different kinds of contributions to encompass the 
breadth of relevant research. We welcome proposals for traditional academic 

CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS. We invite proposals that will focus on discussion and 
interaction among conference delegates. Finally, doctoral students are invited 
to participate in the DOCTORAL COLLOQUIUM preceding the main conference.

Traditional papers: Paper submissions should articulate the issue or research 
question to be discussed, the methodological or critical framework used, and 
indicate the findings or conclusions to be presented and/or the relevance to 
wider conference themes. Papers can present any kind of research or analysis, 
but should be written so that the importance of the work can be understood by 
reviewers working in different disciplines or using different approaches. 
Cross- or trans-disciplinary work is especially encouraged. Paper submissions 
should be approximately 1200 words long, including references. Please note that 
paper submissions need not adhere to a pre-formatted template, but should give 
an indication as to the consistency, rigor and relevance of the work. 
Presentations at the IR conference are generally intended to be dynamic, and 
provide a broad overview of the scholarship being engaged, with the hope of 
generating useful conversation.
Preconstituted panels: Panels should present a coherent group of papers on a 
single theme. Panel proposals should include 1200-word abstracts as above for 
each of the constituent papers, as well as a brief statement articulating the 
papers’ relationship to each other. It is recommended that panels include four 
papers, although submissions of three to five papers will also be considered. 
The organizer is responsible for compiling the proposal into a single document 
for submission.
Preconference workshops: Workshops may be either half or full-day events that 
occur on the first day of the conference and focus on a particular topic. They 
may be a workshop of 

[rohrpost] Berlin Series of Art Talks incorporating the Saas Fee "White Mountain" legacy

2015-10-11 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
I'm giving a series of talks which will include my archeology of Wolfgang 
Schirmacher's (R)EVOLUTION IN SAAS FEE  

as it pertains to a global art movement I have been tracking since I began 
writing newspaper art criticism in 1997. 

This personal pinnacle was reflected in my experience of BERLIN ART WEEK 2015, 
which I reviewed for the Huffington Post.

It was published today at the following link:


The talks are being sponsored by the most exciting "art market subversive" 
project in Berlin: 

Organization for the Democratization of the Visual Arts, launched by David 
Hadmann, founder of the Meet-up Berlin Art Lovers Group 

The link for the talks:

14 October

this is programmed for the 14th of October.

21 October

programmed for the 21th of October

The final talk is from a paper I delivered to the Wroclaw 2013 "Sustainable 
Art" Conference, which is being published this month.  
It applies the Saas Fee collaborative "Conversion" philosophy 
 arising out of 
Schirmacher's laboratory to Berlin's reunification
9 November

The format will be a slide show presentation followed by discussion.  If you 
are in Berlin at any of these times, please stop by and contribute!

Best Wishes,

Lisa Paul Streitfeld 


The European Graduate School
Division of Philosophy, Art & Critical Thought
Alter Kehr 20, CH-3953 Leuk-Stadt
T: +41 (0)27 474 9917
F: +41 (0)27 474 9918
http://www.egs.edu  <>--
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[rohrpost] MONEYLAB#2: ECONOMIES OF DISSENT (Amsterdam, 3/4.12.2015)

2015-09-11 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink

December 3 - 4, 2015
Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam 
Organized by the Institute of Network Cultures (HvA)

Tickets: 30 euro/day and 60 euro/both days. Students: 15 euro/day and 30 
euro/both days. All tickets include lunch.

Program and tickets:

The Institute of Network Cultures presents MONEYLAB#2: ECONOMIES OF DISSENT – 
an international symposium hosting artists, activists, programmers and 
academics that probe, challenge and hack today’s global economy. 

What political imperatives shape the economy of dissent? What different views 
on the redistribution of wealth and the exchange of value are out there? How 
can we re-design our financial infrastructures? 

The important first steps are being taken beyond moral outrage and towards 
systemic interventions in the global austerity economy. We witness an 
impressive amount of financial counter-concepts, works of art, digital 
currencies, tools and hacks giving shape to an emerging economy of dissent. 
This economy operates across borders, on different scales, from sole acts of 
defiance to a sovereign ‘oxi’, and is expressed variously as: strategy, 
circumvention, innovation, visualization, and making-do.

Two days of talks, performances, and workshops provide a stage for a variety of 
financial interventions such as visualizations of shadow economies, a guidebook 
how to extort money from banks, Robin Hood-style financial hacks, peer-to-peer 
insurance companies, financial leak platforms, and blockchain initiatives for 
the commons. 

Confirmed speakers: Robert van Boeschoten / Enric Duran / Rachel O’ Dwyer 
/Eduard de Jong / Primavera De Filippi / David Golumbia / Núria Güell  / Max 
Haiven / Femke Herregraven / Cecile Landman / Silvio Lorusso /  Paul Radu /  
Jip de Ridder / Lena Rethel / Robin Hood Minor Asset Management / Stephanie 
Rothenberg / Brett Scott

Topics: Bringing the Dark Side of Money to Light | Financial Literacy | 
Artistic Interventions in Finance | Digital Revenue Models in the Arts | 
Crypto-Currencies and their Future | Tactics for Economic Dissent | Blockchain 
Technologies and Initiatives | Distributed Insurance | Digital Currencies | 
Financial Leak Platforms | Hacking Global Finance | Bank Extortion | Web-based 
offshore corruption games | Sharia Banking | Ethereum | Exposing Shadow 
Economies | 

Discussion List: 
Blog: http://networkcultures.org/moneylab/
MoneyLab Reader: 

Editors: Geert Lovink, Patricia de Vries
Advisors: Nathaniel Tkacz, Brett Scott, Patrice Riemens


We witness the development and production of an impressive amount of financial 
counter-concepts, tools, platforms, works of art, digital currencies, and 
payment services giving shape to an emerging economy of dissent. This economy 
operates across borders, on different scales, from sole acts of defiance to 
sovereign refusal, and is expressed variously as: strategy, circumvention, 
innovation, visualization, making-do, and whatever else can be done with 
limited resources. 

What political imperatives shape the economy of dissent? What different views 
on the redistribution of wealth and the exchange of value are out there? How 
can we re-design our financial infrastructures? What types of experiments do we 
need? Can we formalize value without relying on central mediators or the money 

Amidst crashing markets there are dangers of falling back on populism, nihilism 
or anti-globalism. We need to channel our outrage, talk innovation, and help 
foster alternatives in the service of the commons. We need to develop scalable 
models that allow for more autonomy and a sense of ownership.

This second edition of MoneyLab provides a podium for a variety of financial 
interventions such as visualizations of shadow economies, a Robin Hood-style 
financial hack asset bank, peer-to-peer insurance companies, financial leak 
platforms, blockchain initiatives for the commons, and a guidebook on how to 
extort money from banks. 

These forms of dissent face serious challenges, ranging from funding, scaling 
and competition with central monetary institutions to issues of power, security 
and trust. Despite these challenges, the development of these alternatives 
represents a move away from the legacy powers and monetary institutions of our 
previous centuries. It is a move toward more bottom up and smaller-scale 
initiatives, a call for more ownership and control by citizens, a need for a 
more participatory form of finance. They are nascent organizational forms and 
initiatives, operating on smaller-scales, aiming to harness network effects so 
that the economy of dissent will, at some point, reach a critical mass and 

[rohrpost] Gerade erschienen: In the Facebook Aquarium—The Resistable Rise of Anarcho-Capitalism

2015-06-24 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
Last night, at the Facebook Farewell Party in the National Theater in Amsterdam 
on Leidseplein our Institute of Network Cultures proudly presented its latest 

In the Facebook Aquarium—The Resistable Rise of Anarcho-Capitalism by Ippolita

Read it online or download the publication here:


In their new work research collective Ippolita provides a critical 
investigation of the inner workings of Facebook as a model for all commercial 
social networks. Facebook is an extraordinary platform that can generate large 
profit from the daily activities of its users. Facebook may appear to be a form 
of free entertainment and self-promotion but in reality its users are working 
for the development of a new type of market where they trade relationships. As 
users of social media we have willingly submitted to a vast social, economic 
and cultural experiment.

By critically examining the theories of Californian right-libertarians, 
Ippolita show the thread con- necting Facebook to the European Pirate Parties, 
WikiLeaks and beyond. An important task today is to reverse the logic of 
radical transparency and apply it to the technologies we use on a daily basis. 
The algorithms used for online advertising by the new masters of the digital 
world – Facebook, Apple, Google and Amazon – are the same as those used by 
despotic governments for personalized repression. Ippolita argues we should not 
give in to the logic of conspiracy or paranoia instead we must seek to develop 
new ways of autonomous living in our networked society.

Ippolita are an interdisciplinary research group active since 2005. They 
conduct wide-ranging re- search on technology and its social effects. Their 
published works include Open non è Free (2005), The Dark Side of Google (2013) 
and La Rete è libera e democratica. FALSO! (2014). The collective also run 
workshops on digital self-defense for girls, children, academics, affinity 
groups, computer geeks and curious people. See: http://ippolita.net

First published in Italian, 2012.
English edition revised and updated, June 2015.

Author: Ippolita. Translator: Patrice Riemens and Cecile Landman. Copy-editing: 
Matt Beros. Editorial support: Miriam Rasch. Design: Katja van Stiphout. EPUB 
development: Gottfried Haider. Printer: ‘Print on Demand’. Publisher: Institute 
of Network Cultures, Amsterdam 2015. ISBN: 978-94-92302-00-7.
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Re: [rohrpost] Conference in Wrocław: What can art do for science? May 14, 2015, 16th Media Art Biennale WRO 2015 TEST EXPOSURE!

2015-05-14 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink

 On 13 May 2015, at 9:15 am, Ingeborg Reichle 
 ingeborg.reic...@kunstgeschichte.de wrote:
 Conference in Wrocław: What can art do for science?
 16th Media Art Biennale WRO 2015 TEST EXPOSURE!
 The conference is curated by Ryszard W. Kluszczyński. The conference
 will be interpreted to Polish and English.
 What can art do for science?

Wrong question. What kind of masochism is this? Aritsts as servants or slaves? 
What a disastrous discourse this is, thanks bio art!


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[rohrpost] call to make your initiatives more visible

2014-10-06 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
Join www.digitalsocial.eu!

NESTA is leading a pioneering research on Digital Social Innovation (DSI) 
funded by the European Commission. Insights from the research will help 
formulating advices to the  Commission on how best support grassroots 
innovation to grow and increase its impact. In the context of the research, the 
definition of DSI is ‘a type of social and collaborative innovation in which 
innovators, users and communities collaborate using digital technologies to 
co-create knowledge and solutions for a wide range of social needs and at a 
scale that was unimaginable before the rise of the Internet’.

At the heart of the research is www.digitalsocial.eu, a dynamic and 
crowdsourced map of organisations that work on digital social innovation. The 
main purposes of the DSI site are:

1.  Learn about DSI and get inspired. Showing citizens and the general 
audience the potential of DSI, being able to explore projects and organisations 
in the field, learn about new technology trends, learn about emerging digital 
social innovation areas, explore case studies examples

2.  Discover funding opportunities and support you can get from investors, 
incubators, accelerators or policy makers. Funders can also discover great DSI 
projects on the living map.

3.  Find potential partners to collaborate with, interact and discover 
other interesting DSI projects

4.  Enhance and visualise your network of collaborators and raise your 

By registering on digitalsocial.eu and mapping your organisation and your 
projects, you will have the opportunity to join a network of potential 
collaborators and showcase your work to funders of DSI and policy makers, 
including the European Commission. The map is rapidly evolving – to date more 
than 770 organisations have crowdmapped their projects and collaborative 
networks. However, we are sure there is still lots great work happening DSI 
around Europe that still isn’t mapped.

Therefore, if you work on digital social innovation I would be grateful if you 
could map your organisation and your projects. It will only take 5 minutes. You 
can read more about the research and the work to date in these two interim 
study reports and by following @Digi_Si on twitter. If you have any other 
question about the research send an email to cont...@digtalsocial.eu.

Thank you
Kelly Armstrong | EU Project Manager | Nesta | Creative Economy | t: +44 (0)20 
7438 2557 | m: +44 (0) 7463799470

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[rohrpost] BPjM blacklist reversed

2014-07-09 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
 From: Eugen Leitl eu...@leitl.org
 Subject: BPjM blacklist reversed
 Date: 9 July 2014 2:23:28 PM GMT+02:00
 To: cypherpu...@cpunks.org
 tl;dr: Germany has a censorship federal agency called BPjM which maintains a
 secret list of about 3000 URLs. To keep the list secret it is distributed in
 the form of md5 or sha1 hashes as the BPJM-Modul. They think this is safe.
 This leak explains in detail that it is in fact very easy to extract the
 hashed censorship list from home routers or child protection software and
 calculate the cleartext entries. It provides a first analysis of the
 sometimes absurd entries on such a governmental Internet censorship list. 

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[rohrpost] Buchpräsentation »Verteilte Aufmerksamkeit«

2014-06-29 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
03.07.2014 20:00: Buchpräsentation »Verteilte Aufmerksamkeit«: Geert Lovink im 
Gespräch mit Petra Löffler
Ort: Verlag Diaphanes, Dresdener Str. 118, 10999 Berlin

Zerstreut die Informationsflut moderner Massenmedien unweigerlich unsere 
Aufmerksamkeit? Müssen wir Strategien entwickeln, um unsere Aufmerksamkeit 
effektiver zu fokussieren? Oder muss eine solche verteilte Aufmerksamkeit gar 
gefördert werden als eine notwendige Wahrnehmungstechnik? Mit einer 
Mediengeschichte der Zerstreuung spürt Petra Löffler diesen Fragen nach. Zur 
Buchpräsentation von »Verteilte Aufmerksamkeit«, mit Petra Löffler und Geert 
Lovink, laden wir Sie herzlich ein.

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[rohrpost] Forum zur Genealogie des MedienDenkens

2014-06-29 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
Forum zur Genealogie des MedienDenkens


02.07.14, 19-21 Uhr

Geert Lovink Amsterdam
Medientheoretiker und -aktivist
institute of network cultures

im Gespraech mit Siegfried Zielinski

Medienhaus / UdK Berlin
Grunewaldstraße 2–5
10823 Berlin-Schöneberg

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Re: [rohrpost] Florian Cramer ueber den Preis fuer Lanier

2014-06-11 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
habe gerade gehoert von jemand wie er sich letzte woche oder so in new york bei 
cooper union verhalten hat… total arrogant. nix vorbereitet. kein 
zusammenhaengendes statement. keine verweise nach kunst usw. plus selbst musik 
machen. das schon. das gehoert immer dazu. gespannt ob er das in frankfurt auch 
machen wird. gruss, geert 

On 11 Jun 2014, at 5:02 PM, Manuel Bonik man...@nightacademy.net wrote:

 Über die Frisur lässt sich streiten - andere Netz-Promis tragen Iro -,
 aber der Punkt ist doch, dass Lanier anscheinend aus völlig falschen
 Gründen den altehrwürdigen Friedenspreis des deutschen Buchhandels
 kriegen soll. Peinlich für den Börsenverein, peinlich für die diversen
 Zeitungen, die da offensichtlich (wie es Florian ja beschreibt) nicht
 richtig recherchiert haben. Angesichts von NSA wollen die jetzt alle auf
 Internet-Versteher machen und blamieren sich damit gründlich.
 Klaro. War ja immer ein Musterbeispiel der 
 Californian Ideology, der dickbedreadlockte Herr.
 Internet ohne Open Source? - Da könnten sie es gleich abschalten
 (Stichwort Apache Server). Ist der womöglich auch noch inkompetent?
 Lanier ist übrigens auch ein erklärter Gegner 
 der Open-Source-Bewegung, weil diese den Markt 
 verzerre und Einkommensmöglichkeiten der Mittelklasse beschränke.
 Die Vergangenheit wird halt gern verklärt. Leider.
 frank richter
 Florian Cramer: Virtuelle Realität. Der 
 Friedenspreis für Jaron Lanier ­ und die 
 Missverständnisse, auf denen er beruht
 Betreff:Â Florian Cramer ueber den Preis fuer Lanier
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[rohrpost] The new Prix Italia Web Competition

2014-06-05 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
From: Redazione Prix Web prix...@rai.it

The new Prix Italia Web Competition 

Prix Italia ( http://www.prixitalia.rai.it ) is one of the largest 
international associations of broadcasters, and we run the oldest, prestigious 
competition for radio/TV programmes. 

The Web Competition is the youngest of the three Prix Italia main competitions. 
Yet young is a relative concept: we created it in 1998, when the internet was 
just emerging from its infancy, and is it therefore one of the most established 
and respected of its kind.Prix Italia bet on the media convergence, the second 
screen, audio/video streaming and online digital archives way before anyone 
else, and sometimes even before these concepts were technologically possible.

In the last 16 years the Web Competition has always awarded the cutting edge of 
technological, creative, cultural innovation of radio/TV broadcasting on the 

But the Web Competition is still growing, as this year we experience a new 
major innovation – to open also to organizations that are not among Prix Italia 

It's the first time that one of the main competitions of Prix Italia opens to 
non-members: we become convinced that it’s a necessary step, opening new 
perspectives for the future. We are aware that today many independent 
producers, who do not fall in the classical definition of radio/TV broadcaster, 
are publishing online audio/video/multimedia products of great quality. On the 
other side, Prix Italia broadcasters are turning into global media publishers, 
increasing their online presence and integrating the web into their radio/TV 
formats. This multiplication of actors on the industry, and the convergence of 
the platforms are still in their early days –  which means, it’s just the right 
time for Prix Italia to be the first to study, recognize and award their 

Who can participate in the Web Competition?

As in the past, radio/TV broadcasters which are members of Prix Italia. Also, 
starting this year, any external organizations may participate, producing 
cross-media projects and trans-media narratives on the internet, with a 
prevalence (or centrality) of audio/video content.

Independent producers, cultural institutions, online newspapers, etc. may 
submit their works to the Competition. The project(s) submitted must be 
available online at least for the duration of the evaluation process (up to end 
September 2014) .

Why participate in the Prix Italia Web Competition?

Because it is an opportunity to participate in the most prestigious and oldest 
competition so far reserved for the radio/TV broadcasters. Because Prix Italia 
is an event followed (live and online) by a selected and very attentive 
audience of broadcasters’ delegates from all over the world: participation will 
guarantee visibility to your project, and valuable opportunities to meet people 
and exchange ideas. Because your project will be evaluated by a Jury of 
international experts, composed of Prix Italia broadcasters’ delegates, and 
external professionals. Because the ten finalists will be invited to present 
their project in person to the Jury and the public of Prix Italia, and 
therefore they will have the opportunity to attend the event and its rich 
calendar of panels, meetings, presentations. And then because there is a prize, 
of course.

How to participate in the Web Competition?

To enter the competition, you first need to read the Regulations 

If your Internet project may fall into one of two categories of the 
competition, send an email to prix...@rai.it asking to participate: you will 
receive the link to our entry form, and credentials for submissions.

Riccardo Polignieri
Prix Italia
Web Competition Staff

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[rohrpost] aus: eurozine

2014-06-03 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
Perlentaucher ueber Eurozine:

Im Schweizer Monat unterhalten sich Marc Beise, Frank Schirrmacher und Peter 
Sloterdijk (online gestellt von Eurozine) über die amerikanischen 
Digitalgiganten, und Peter Sloterdijk macht einen etwas überraschenden Punkt, 
als er Frank Schirrmacher zur Idee für ein europäisches Google beglückwünscht, 
als hätte Schirrmacher mit seinen apokalyptischen Visionen nicht kräftig dazu 
beigetragen, jeden Gedanken an digitale Innovationen zu ersticken. Diese 
Haltung kommt nicht von ungefähr: In Europa, so Sloterdijk, haben wir uns 
als Opfer empfunden, als Spielmasse der russisch-amerikanischen Konfrontation, 
und haben Lichterketten gebildet. Damit schafft man aber noch keine Kompetenz; 
es gibt hier ein europäisches Versäumnis, für das wir einen hohen Preis 
bezahlen. Es ist ja nicht so, dass der Computer ausschließlich auf 
amerikanischem Boden entstanden ist. Konrad Zuse hat für seinen genialen 
Computer, den er Ende der vierziger Jahre entwickelt hat, nach 20-jährigem 
Prozess vor dem Deutschen Patentamt eine endgültige Ablehnung seines 
Patentantrages erhalten, mit dem Argument, hier liege ein Produkt von 
mangelnder Erfindungshöhe vor. Das ist ein Ausdruck, den man sich auf der Zunge 
zergehen lassen muss!


Außerdem interviewt Geert Lovink in Eurozine die Filmemacherin und Aktivistin 
Astra Taylor, die in ihrem Buch The People's Platform über Internet und 
Kapital schreibt und eine große Lücke ausmacht: Kritisches Denken ist nicht 
auf dem Stand der heutigen Realität mit ihrem vernetzten Kapiatlismus - 
Deleuze' kurzes Postskriptum über die Kontrollgesellschaften ist so ziemlich 
das beste, was man zu diesem Thema bekommen, und er erwähnt nicht einmal 
explizit das Internet. 


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[rohrpost] Robin Hood opens Stuttgart office

2014-06-02 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
 From: Akseli Virtanen akseli.virta...@gmail.com
 1. Robin Hood opens office in Stuttgart
 2. Power at the End of the Economy - a n-1 seminar with Brian Massumi, 
 Mauririzio Lazzarato and Peter Pál Pelbart

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[rohrpost] HyperKult

2014-06-02 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
 From: Moderator IuG i...@leuphana.de
 Subject: HyperKult
 Date: 2 June 2014 5:35:10 PM GMT+02:00
 To: Hyperkult Verteiler hyperkult0...@leuphana.de
 Martin Warnke war...@leuphana.de schrieb:
 Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, Freundinnen und Freunde!
 Das Programmkomitee hat getagt und beschlossen, in diesem Jahr keine 
 HyperKult zu veranstalten. Die Zahl der Einreichungen reichte einfach nicht 
 hin, um ein anspruchsvolles Programm zusammen zu stellen.
 Wir deuten das so, dass die HyperKult als offenes Forum ihren Zweck erfüllt 
 hat. Die Szene wissenschaftlicher Tagungen hat sich so weit ausdifferenziert, 
 dass generische Formate mit offenem Call nicht mehr in demselben Maß 
 gebraucht werden, wie das von fünfundzwanzig Jahren der Fall war. Wir sind 
 der Überzeugung, dass wir eine die HyperKult selbst resümierende 
 Veranstaltung machen sollten, dies aber nicht mehr in diesem Jahr. Also: 
 erwarten Sie durchaus noch einmal ein Ereignis, das Ihrer Verbundenheit zur 
 Tagungsreihe entspricht! Sie werden noch von uns hören.
 Mit herzlichem Dank und ebensolchen Grüßen, im Namen des ganzen 
 Martin Warnke

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[rohrpost] 'unzeitgemaesse betrachtungen' wenn man einiges verpasst hat?

2014-05-10 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
Der Kunsthistoriker Horst Bredekamp beschreibt das Internet im Interview mit 
der SZ als rechtsfreien Raum, den es eigentlich gar nicht geben dürfe: Das 
Internet ist als künstlich geschaffener Naturzustand absoluter Freiheit im 
Sinne des Philosophen Thomas Hobbes in manchen Bereichen ein antiwestlicher wie 
auch antiislamischer Hetzraum und ein Hort widerwärtiger Pornografie. Um das zu 
lösen und das Internet auch wieder von den Geheimdiensten zu trennen, bräuchte 
es Blauhelme, eine von der UN legitimierte digitale Weltregierung. 

hat jemanden es gelesen? /geert
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[rohrpost] INC Reader ueber Suchmaschinen gerade erschienen

2014-04-23 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
The Institute of Network Cultures is proud to present INC Reader #9, Society of 
the Query: Reflections on Web Search, edited by René König (Karlsruhe) and 
Miriam Rasch (Rotterdam).

Order a copy of the print book for free, read it online, or download the pdf 

Read the Introduction to the book here: 

About the book: Looking up something online is one of the most common 
applications of the web. Whether with a laptop or smartphone, we search the web 
from wherever we are, at any given moment. ‘Googling’ has become so entwined in 
our daily routines that we rarely question it. However, search engines such as 
Google or Bing determine what part of the web we get to see, shaping our 
knowledge and perceptions of the world. But there is a world beyond Google – 
geographically, culturally, and technologically.

The Society of the Query network was founded in 2009 to delve into the larger 
societal and cultural consequences that are triggered by search technology. In 
this Reader, which is published after two conferences held in Amsterdam in 2009 
and 2013, twenty authors – new media scholars, historians, computer scientists, 
and artists – try to answer a number of pressing questions about online search. 
What are the  foundations of web search? What ideologies and assumptions are 
inscribed in search engine algorithms? What solution can be formulated to deal 
with Google’s monopoly in the future? Are alternatives to Google even 
thinkable? What influence does online search have on education practices? How 
do artists use the abundance of data that search engines provide in their 
creative work? By bringing researchers together from a variety of relevant 
disciplines, we aim at opening up new perspectives on the Society of the Query.


Contributors: Aharon 
Amir, Vito Campanelli, Dave Crusoe, Angela Daly, Vicențiu Dîngă, Martin Feuz, 
Ulrich Gehmann, Olivier Glassey, Richard Graham, Mél Hogan, Ippolita, Kylie 
Jarrett, Min Jiang, Anna Jobin, Phil Jones, Simon Knight, Dirk Lewandowski, 
M.E. Luka, Astrid Mager, Martina Mahnke, Andrea Miconi, Jacob Ørmen, Martin 
Reiche, Amanda Scardamaglia, Anton Tanter, and Emma Uprichard.

Editors: René König and Miriam Rasch. Copy-editing: Morgan Currie. Design: 
Katja van Stiphout. Cover Design: Studio Inherent. Printer: Tuijtel, 
Hardinxveld-Giessendam. Publisher: Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam. 
Supported by: Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (Hogeschool van 
Amsterdam), Amsterdam Creative Industries Publishing, and Stichting Democratie 
en Media.

René König and Miriam Rasch (eds), Society of the Query Reader: Reflections on 
Web Search, Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures, 2014. ISBN: 
978-90-818575-8-1, paperback, 292 pages.

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[rohrpost] MoneyLab--Alternative Revenuemodels for Artists--Amsterdam March 21/22

2014-01-31 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
17 February 2014

MoneyLab: Coining Alternatives – International Conference  Alternatives Bazaar
21-22 March 2014
@ Lab 111 (Arie Biemondstraat 111, Amsterdam).
Topics: Bitcoin | Crowdfunding | Mobile Money | Digital Currencies | Local 
Currencies | Alternative Banking Systems | Economic Crisis  Activism | Money 
and Art
Speakers: Saskia Sassen, Bill Maurer, Franco Berardi, Tiziana Terranova, Eduard 
de Jong, Aaron Koenig, Brian Holmes, Matthew Slater, Lana Swartz and more.
MoneyLab is a two-day international conference organized by the Institute of 
Network Cultures on 21-22 March 2014, at Lab 111 (Arie Biemondstraat 111, 
What is the future of internet-based currencies like Bitcoin? Can revenue 
models such as crowdfunding function only as additional sources of income? What 
lessons are to be learned from mobile money payment systems in Africa? Is it 
possible to imagine a sustainable network-economy? How should we understand the 
politics and governance of alternative digital-economic forms? And, what can be 
done now?
The conference brings bringing together top international speakers - 
researchers, activists, artists, designers and programmers - to critically 
probe alternative economic models, payment systems, revenue models and 
currencies against the backdrop of the ongoing global economic stagnation.

The conference is complemented by the MoneyLab Alternatives Bazaar. The Bazaar 
presents organizations and initiatives directly involved with alternative 
revenue models and currencies such as Qoin, Noppes, STRO, Next Nature  Eco 
Currency, Timebank CC, and a Bitcoin ATM. The Alternatives Bazaar provides a 
platform to network, exchange ideas and get involved and is open throughout the 
22nd of March.
Further activities at the event include video projections, art performances, a 
hackathon and workshops. For more information, tickets and updates on the 
Tickets are € 30,- (regular) and € 15,- (student discount) per day.
MoneyLab: Coining Alternatives is an initiative of the Institute of Network 
Cultures and Hogeschool van Amsterdam, with the support of CREATE-IT and 
Amsterdam Creative Industries - Centre of Expertise.
For further information or inquiries:
Institute of Network Cultures
Patricia de Vries: patri...@networkcultures.org // tel: +31 (0)20 595 1883
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[rohrpost] e-mail made in germany

2013-11-12 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
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[rohrpost] Crowdmapping Digital Social Innovation in Europe

2013-10-31 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
Crowdmapping Digital Social Innovation in Europe

This is an invitation to join a crowdmapping exercise to constitute a network 
of organisations and communities involved in supporting and delivering Digital 
Social Innovation across Europe.
The network is part of a Europe-wide research project in to Digital Social 
Innovation (DSI) funded by the European Commission, DG Connect and run by 
Nesta, in partnership with the Waag Society, ESADE, IRI and Future Everything
This network is specifically for organisations and communities that harness the 
network effect of the Internet for social good. If your organisation and the 
projects you are engaged in meet the criteria listed below, please put yourself 
on the map and help us grow the DSI network across Europe!
• Engage grass-roots networks and bottom-up  communities of users
• Use a combination of digital tools, systems or methods in a 
disruptive way (open networks, data, open hardware, open knowledge)
• Make a positive social impact in a variety of domains (health, 
wellbeing, sustainability, collaborative economies, access to knowledge and 
education, public services etc)
• Work and collaborate across Europe
• Creates a network effect through online collaboration ie the larger 
number of users a service has, the better it works.

Being part of DSI allows your organisation to:
· Collaborate with other DSI projects across Europe
· Showcase your work and network to access potential EC funding and to 
reach other investors
· Achieve visibility being on the map
· Promote grassroots civic innovation and truly impact policy in the EU
For regular updates about the project follow @Digi_Si.
Please direct any questions to cont...@digitalsocial.eu.
All best wishes,
The DSI research partnership

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[rohrpost] bitte weiterleiten: Bayer Pensionskasse droht mit Räumung in Amsterdam

2013-10-30 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink

Seit einem Jahr kämpfen 200 Flüchtlinge in Amsterdam um ihr Bleiberecht. 
Ähnlich wie in Wien besetzten sie zuerst eine Kirche und nun ein Bürohaus 
mitten in der Innenstadt. 

See also: http://wijzijnhier.org/
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[rohrpost] INC launches new project on revenue models

2013-10-13 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
 The Institute of Network Cultures presents: MoneyLab: Coining Alternatives

Over the past few years, while the economic downturn endures and budget cuts 
prevail, we have witnessed the emergence and rise of alternative payment 
systems and revenue models in digital media. Online bartering sites, a plethora 
of crowdfunding platforms, new forms of valuation, e-wallets and 
crypto-currencies like Bitcoin, are but a few examples. These coincide with the 
huge growth of mobile money transfer services across Asia and Africa and the 
general convergence of digital and financial industries.

Is this where a healthy economic future lies? Do these economic ventures 
testify to a paradigm shift from a market-based economy towards a network 
economy? What are the possibilities, pitfalls and issues at hand? Will these 
experiments gain wider ‘over the counter’ usage, effectively becoming 
mainstream? Beyond Hayekian notions of ‘currency competition’, what theories 
and concepts can help us engage with these developments?

MoneyLab: Coining Alternatives aims to critically explore, map and probe the 
politics, inner-workings and governance of these alternative digital economic 
forms.It is not enough to merely promote and further develop (technical) 
alternatives, we also need time to ask ourselves critical questions and 
re-examine the very underpinnings of our endeavors.  

What’s Cooking?

MoneyLab: Discussion List
You can join our project by subscribing to the MoneyLab: Coining Alternatives 
Mailinglist. We are always looking for radical submissions that closely reflect 
the stated aim of the MoneyLab: Coining Alternatives project. Subscribe 

MoneyLab: Blog
Over the next few weeks we will launch the MoneyLab: Coining Alternatives Blog 
where you can find our position paper, interesting background articles, blog 
posts, and info on our upcoming events. We will send out a notice to our 
listservice members as soon as the Blog is live.

MoneyLab: Conference
We will be hosting a two-day conference event in Amsterdam, on March 21-22, 
2014. The purpose of this conference is to launch the network by gathering 
artists, designers, programmers, activists and researchers. The aim will be to 
map the field, reflect upon theories and experiences
and clarify the key constituents, discourses and architectures at work in the
different kinds of network economies.

MoneyLab: Conference Reader
One of the intended outcomes of the conference will be to publish the 
discussions and debates as an
INC reader, which will serve as a resource on alternatives in networked 
economies.This publication is due to come late 2014 and will be published both 
in a paper version in a variety of electronic versions (pdf, e-pub etc.). 

MoneyLab: Toolkit
In addition, we will develop a toolkit built on the results of our research 
project that maps the field of alternative revenue models and payments systems 
geared to freelancers and organizations in the creative industries.

 Join Us!
Of central importance to this project is the formation of a collaborative 
network of researchers, artists, developers, engineers, and others interested 
in sharing, coining, critiquing, and ushering in alternative network economies. 
Did you read or write an interesting article on this matter, or maybe you also 
want to host a similar conference, hackathon or other types of conspiratorial 
gatherings?  – let us know!

MoneyLab Coordinator: Patricia de Vries
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences | HvA
Room 04A07
Rhijnspoorplein 1
NL-1091 GC Amsterdam
t: +31 20 5951883
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[rohrpost] interview mit Petra Loeffler (auf Englisch)

2013-09-24 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
Aesthetics of Dispersed Attention
Interview with German Media Theorist Petra Loeffler
By Geert Lovink

When I met Petra Loeffler in the summer of 2012 in Weimar I was amazed to find 
out about her habilitation topic. She had just finished a study on the history 
of distraction from a German media theory perspective. After I read the 
manuscript (in German) we decided to do an email interview in English so that 
more people could find out about her research. The study will appear late 2013 
(in German) with Diaphanes Verlag under the title Verteilte Aufmerksamkeit. 
Eine Mediengeschichte der Zerstreuung (Distributed Attention, a Media History 
of Distraction). Since October 2011 Petra Loeffler has replaced Lorenz Engell 
as media philosophy professor at Bauhaus University in Weimar. Before this 
appointment she worked in Regensburg, Vienna and Siegen. Her main research 
areas are affect theory, media archaeology, early cinema, visual culture and 
digital archives.

With the hyper growth of internet, video, mobile phones, games, txt messaging, 
the new media debate gets narrowed down to this one question:  what do you 
think of attention? The supposed decline in concentration and today's inability 
to read longer, complicated texts is starting to affect the future of research 
as such. Social media only make things worse. Human kind is, once again, on the 
way down hill, this time busy multitasking on their smart phones. Like any 
issue this one must have a genealogy too, but if we look at the current 
literature, from Bernard Stiegler to Nicolas Carr and Frank Schirrmacher, from 
Sherry Turkle to Franco Berardi, and Andrew Keen to Jaron Lanier, including my 
own contribution, the long view is entirely missing. Bernard Stiegler digs into 
Greek philosophy, yes, but also leaves out the historical media theory angle. 
This also counts for those who stress solutions such as training and abstinence 
(a field ranging from Peter Sloterdijk to Howard Rheingold). But can a 
contemporary critique of attention really do without proper historical 

While the education sector and the IT industry promote the use of tablets in 
classrooms (with MOOCs as the most current hype), there is only a hand full of 
experts that warn against the long-term consequences. The absence of a serious 
discussion and policy then gives way to a range of popular myths. Quickly the 
debate gets polarized and any unease is reduced to generational issues and 
technophobia. Deceases amongst millions of computer workers vary from damaged 
eyesight, ADHD and related medication problems (Retalin), Carpal Tunnel 
Syndrome, RSI and bad postures due to badly designed peripherals, leading to 
widespread spinal disk problems. There is talk of mutations in the brain (see 
for instance the work of the German psychiatrist Manfred Spitzer). Within this 
worrying spread of postmodern deceases, who would talk about  the 'healing 
effects of daydreaming'? Petra Loeffler does, and she refers to Michel de 
Montaigne, who, already many centuries ago, recommended diversion as a comfort 
against suffering of the souls. Why can't we acknowledge the distribution of 
attention as an art form, a gift, in fact a high skill?

Geert Lovink: How did you come up with the idea to write the history of 
distraction? When you told me about your work and I read your habilitation (a 
major study in German speaking countries after your PhD if you want to become 
professor) it occurred to me how obvious this intellectual undertaken was from 
a media theory perspective97and yet I wondered why it wasn't done before. Would 
you call its history a classic black spot? You didn't go along the 
institutional knowledge road a la Foucault, nor do you use the hermeneutical 
method, the Latourian history of science approach or mentality history, for 
that matter. How did you come up with your angle?

Petra Loeffler: That's a long story. Around 2000, with my colleague Albert 
Kuemmel, I was working at an anthology about ephemeral discourses dealing with 
media dating back to the second half of the nineteenth century. We found a lot 
of interesting stuff in scientific journals from very different disciplines. 
Out of this rich material we developed a classification system consisting of 
discourse-relevant terms we found in the articles, and published a book 
representing our research results (Albert Kuemmel and Petra Loeffler, 
Medientheorie 1888-1933, Texte und Kommentare, 2002). One of the topics was 
Aufmerksamkeit' (attention). Later I reviewed the material, much of it was 
unpublished, and came across a collection of related texts, which focussed on 
'Zerstreuung' (distraction). Like you now, I then was wondering why, in media 
theory, a conceptualization of distraction was missing up to date, although 
important early theoreticians such as Siegfried Kracauer and Walter Benjamin, 
in the 1930s have formulated powerful concepts of mass entertainment, cinema 
and the political


2013-09-18 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
From: Berg, B. van den b.van.den.b...@law.leidenuniv.nl

Dear reader,

On 14 and 15 November 2013 eLaw, the Center for Law in the Information Society 
at Leiden University's Law School (NL) will organize its biannual 
international, multidisciplinary conference. This year's theme is 


Six internationally renowned keynotes will shed their legal, philosophical and 
social-scientific light on the various advantages, risks, opportunities and 
pitfalls that this emerging technology offers. There will be parallel sessions 
in which both starting and senior researchers will present their papers on 3D 
printing. Moreover, businesses and artists will present their products at a 
market. And there is a conference dinner on Thursday night, during which the 
Berenschot Law  IT Best Paper Award will be handed out to the best paper at 
this conference. 

REGISTRATION for this conference is OPEN NOW. Please note that only a LIMITED 
NUMBER OF SEATS are available, so make sure you book as soon as possible!

To register, or to find out more about this conference, please visit the 
conference website at www.elawconferences.org.

We hope to welcome you in Leiden on 14 and 15 November!

On behalf of the organizing committee,

Dr. Bibi van den Berg
Leiden University - Leiden Law School - eLaw


eLaw Conference 2013
'3D printing: destiny, doom or dream?'
14-15 November 2013, Leiden University, The Netherlands
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[rohrpost] Suchmaschinenkonferenz in Amsterdam (7-8 nov.)

2013-07-02 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
Society of the Query #2
Online Search: about 4.720.000.000 results
November 7 – 8, 2013
Main Building Amsterdam Public Library (OBA)
Amsterdam (NL)
This fall the Institute of Network Cultures invites you to the second Society 
of the Query conference on search and search engines, 7 and 8 November in the 
OBA (public library) in Amsterdam. Together with René König from the ITAS 
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, we are working on putting together the 
program with different sessions and discussions, that will hopefully be 
complemented with exciting workshops, an art program and a hackathon. We aim to 
give new energy to the discussion on search and search engines by bringing 
together researchers from different disciplines, with artists, programmers and 
designers. In early 2014 this will also result in the publication of the 
Society of the Query Reader. 

Preliminary program:

November 7 (afternoon):

1. Google domination
Even though it is the aim of the Society of the Query to broaden the scope of 
search beyond Google, it is nonetheless inevitable to pay attention to the 
dominance of Google in the search engine market - especially from the 
perspective of the Netherlands, where Google has a market share of around 95%. 
Despite the growing diversification of Google in terms of revenue, search is 
still its main source of income, while users still see Google as a free 
service. Lately the battlefield has shifted to search on mobile phones - could 
this change or even end Google's domination? What are the implications of the 
low resistance of the Google monopoly against PRISM? Has the time come for 
alternative, independent search engines?
With Siva Vaidhyanathan (US), Astrid Mager (AT), Dirk Lewandowski (GE)

2. Search across the border
It is little known in the west that elsewhere in the world Google is not a 
major player. Can we speak of cultural differences in the architecture of 
search technology? And in the way users search in for example the rural parts 
of India? In China there is a separate search engine domain, leading to a 
different political economy of online search - geopolitical, linguistically and 
culturally. How can we oppose this to the libertarian, North-American values of 
With Payal Arora (NL), Min Jiang (US)

3. Reflections on search
Is it possible to analyze the search engine as a cultural artifact? Does it 
have a philosophical agenda and how can we read it? Search is often overlooked 
as an important part in the fast changing field of knowledge production. It is 
only dealt with in a mathematical and statistical fashion or with a focus on 
its economic significance as a tool of corporate power. But search did not 
commence in the late 90s - it has been around for centuries. It's important to 
stress the media-archeological approach, since the history of search, digital 
or analogue, offers many insights into its cultural meaning. 
With Antoinette Rouvroy (BE), Anton Tantner (AT), Kylie Jarrett (IRE)

November 8

4. Search in context
There is a long-term cultural shift in trust happening, away from the library, 
the book store, even the school towards Google's algorithms. What does that 
mean? How are search engines used in today's classrooms and do teachers have 
enough critical understanding of what it means to hand over authority? We think 
we find more and in a faster way, while we might actually find less or useless 
information. The way we search is related to the way we see the world - how do 
we learn to operate in this context?
With Simon Knight (UK), Thomas Petzold (GE), Sanne Koevoets (NL)

5. The filter bubble show
Since Eli Pariser's influential book The Filter Bubble appeared in 2011, a 
range of researchers have empirically tried to validate or debunk the 
proposition of the filter bubble. Is it truly so that the person sitting next 
to you gets a different search result while using in the same keywords? What do 
you actually see when you type ‘9/11’ in the Google autocomplete search bar in 
Baghdad and in New York? What are the long-term effects of personalization and 
localization and their tendency to a 'relative truth'? We need to find a way to 
take our Twitter, Facebook and search engine profiles to burst the bubble and 
understand society. 
With Martin Feuz (UK), Noortje Marres (NL), Carolin Gerlitz (NL), René König 
(GE) and others

The Society of the Query project started in 2009 with a conference and research 
blog, in parallel to the Deep Search series of events, organized by the 
World-Information Institute in Vienna. While these efforts have contributed to 
a better understanding of the impact of search engines, many open questions 
remain. Moreover, dynamics in the field have led to new questions: How does the 
rise of the social web affect search engines and the practices around them? 
Which consequences do innovations like personalization, localization or 
autocomplete have? How can we re-think the established search routines?

If you 

Re: [rohrpost] Einladung zur Buchpräsentation: CONTEXT HACKING: How to Mess with Art, Media, Law and the Market

2013-04-09 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink

Context Hacking
How to Mess with Art, Media, Law and the Market

Congratulate the Good Soldier Švejk of the 21st Century with the  
maginificant European title of this book!

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[rohrpost] Postdoctoral Fellow in Infrastructure Studies

2013-02-02 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink

Postdoctoral Fellow in Infrastructure Studies

The University of Michigan announces an eleven-month postdoctoral  
fellowship position. The position will start September 1, 2013.

Salary: $50-60,000 per year (depending on negotiated duties), plus a  
competitive benefits package, $5,000 in discretionary funding, and the  
opportunity to appoint and supervise one or more paid undergraduate  
research assistants to work on projects of your choice.

To apply:

Candidates should submit the following materials electronically to  
Prof. Christian Sandvig at infra-post...@umich.edu

Email infra-post...@umich.edu one PDF file which includes:

1.   A statement of interest describing your relevant background  
and skills

2.   A current curriculum vitae

3.   The name and contact information for three references. (One  
reference should be your doctoral advisor.) Letters of recommendation  
will only be solicited from finalists.

4.   Two publications or other writing samples

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the  
position is filled.

Position Description

The Department of Communication Studies (in the College of Literature,  
Science, and the Arts) and the School of Information are jointly  
offering a postdoctoral fellow position in the multidisciplinary area  
of “infrastructure studies.”

The addition of information technology is transforming the way society  
provides important infrastructures, including those that support  
media, telecommunications, power, and transport, but also those that  
support  knowledge, culture, and scientific data. Thanks to new  
capabilities in computing and control, every year our infrastructures  
claim to be “smarter,” with new capacities for distributed processing,  
analysis, sensing, adapting, and autonomous self-improvement. This  
radical transformation is well underway, but the assessment of its  
consequences is still in its infancy. For example, infrastructure  
unevenly distributes benefits and capabilities, with complex and  
sometimes unforeseen implications for politics, economics, knowledge,  
and social justice (to name just a few domains). This position will  
fund a researcher who will have the opportunity to work alongside  
senior collaborators to define and shape this new area of scholarship.


The successful applicant will have completed the Ph.D. in a related  
area by the start date with a dissertation related to information and/ 
or media infrastructures, broadly defined. The ideal candidate may be  
trained in science  technology studies, information science, media  
theory, computer-supported collaborative work, and/or human-computer  
interaction. Applicants should have some familiarity with qualitative  
research methods. Applicants who also have some technical background  
related to the infrastructure(s) they study are of particular  
interest, but this is not required.

This position is jointly sponsored by two academic units located on  
adjacent floors of the same building. The postdoctoral fellow will  
have office space in the Department of Communication Studies and may  
have the opportunity to teach one course in the School of Information  
(to be negotiated). The postdoctoral fellow will pursue his or her own  
independent research agenda, but will also be expected to collaborate  
with the faculty on the convening committee (listed below).

The postdoctoral fellow will be an equal member of the research group.  
S/he will be expected not only to conduct independent research, but  
also to collaborate actively in joint research projects with faculty,  
graduate students, and undergraduate research assistants. This  
responsibility includes regular communication and coordination with  
the project team. The postdoc will also be expected to contribute  
substantially to publications related to “infrastructure studies,”  
acting as first author on some and as a secondary author on others.

Convening committee:

Prof. Christian Sandvig (chair) csand...@umich.edu
Prof. Carl Lagoze clag...@umich.edu
Prof. Paul N. Edwards p...@umich.edu

Please feel free to contact any member of the convening committee with  
questions about this position. As mentioned above, please send  
application materials to the search committee infra- 
post...@umich.edu and not to individual committee members.

Non-Discrimination Policy Notice

The University of Michigan, as an equal opportunity/affirmative action  
employer, complies with all applicable federal and state laws  
regarding nondiscrimination and affirmative action. The University of  
Michigan is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all persons  
and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national  
origin, age, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity,  
gender expression, disability, religion, height, weight, or veteran  
status in employment, educational programs and activities, and  

[rohrpost] Neuerscheinung »Der Kulturinfarkt«

2012-08-02 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
From: Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft e.V. verteiler-newslet...@kupoge.de 

Date: 2 August 2012 2:55:03 PM
To: ge...@xs4all.nl
Subject: Neuerscheinung »Der Kulturinfarkt«

Das Buch »Der Kulturinfarkt« hat die öffentliche Diskussion über die  
Ausrichtung der Kulturpolitik und die Rolle des Kultur... (?!? /GL)
Dies hat die Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft veranlasst, in einem  
Sonderheft der Kulturpolitischen Mitteilungen die Kulturinfarkt- 
Debatte zu dokumentieren und zu kommentieren. Der Titel »Von allem  
zu viel und überall das Gleiche?« nimmt die These des  
Buchuntertitels auf und versieht sie mit einem Fragezeichen.rstaates  
in den letzten Monaten mächtig angefacht. Wie kaum eine andere  
kulturpolitische Veröffentlichung hat die Polemik der vier Autoren  
Dieter Haselbach, Armin Klein, Pius Knüsel und Stephan Opitz heftige  
Reaktionen in sämtlichen Medien und eine Flut von einschlägigen  
Diskussionsveranstaltungen ausgelöst.

Der Kulturpolitischen Gesellschaft geht es seit ihrer Gründung 1976  
darum, Reflexionen zur künftigen Ausgestaltung unserer kulturellen  
Infrastruktur voranzutreiben, welche auch die Autoren anmahnen.

Das Sonderheft enthält sowohl Beiträge aus unserem Blog (http://kupoge.wordpress.com 
) , als auch Originalbeiträge für diese Publikation, so etwa auch  
eine Reaktion der Kulturinfarkt-Autoren auf die von ihnen aus  
gelöste Diskussion. Besonders hingewiesen sei auf das Interview mit  
Oliver Scheytt und Norbert Sievers, in dem diese die Position der  
Kulturpolitischen Gesellschaft zur Infarkt-Debatte erläutern, sowie  
auf den ausführlichen Beitrag von Bernd Wagner mit zahlreichen  
empirischen Daten zu den von den »Infarkt»-Autoren beschriebenen  
Entwicklungen. Auszüge aus seinem Beitrag sind ab sofort in unserem  
Blog zu lesen.

Mit diesem Heft soll die Debatte um eine Reform der Kulturpolitik  
jenseits jeglichen Debattenhypes sachorientiert vorangetrieben werden.

Die Printversion des Beihefts zum »Kulturinfarkt« können Sie hier  
bestellen. Wir wünschen eine angenehme und aufschlussreiche Lektüre!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft e.V.

Inhaltsverzeichnis und Vorwort

Bestellmöglichkeit sowie weitere Infos:

Wenn Sie sich aus dem Verteiler wieder austragen wollen, klicken Sie  
bitte hier:

www.kupoge.de/ newsletter.html

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[rohrpost] NMI 2012 - Neue Medien in der Deformationsgesellschaft

2012-07-01 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink


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[rohrpost] Ausschreibungen

2012-05-16 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
GV20 -- Sozial-, Kultur- oder Medienwissenschaften + Informatik --  
Promo: Peer-Strukturen


GV19 -- Soziologie, Politologie, Kultur- oder Medienwissenschaften  
-- Promo: Öffentlichkeit


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[rohrpost] 3 assistant professor positions in New Media and Digital Culture at the University of Amsterdam

2012-03-10 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink
There are three vacant positions for assistant professor in New Media  
and Digital Culture at the University of Amsterdam.

Assistant Professor New Media and Digital Culture
for 38 hours per week
vacancy number W12-043

The ideal candidate would have familiarity with the study of digital  
media in the humanities, and have made acquaintance with such areas as  
digital humanities, information aesthetics and visualization, Internet  
studies, media arts, media history, media theory, social media  and/or  
virtual ethnography. Internet skills are essential, as is up-to-date  
knowledge of Internet culture. Practical experience in working with  
Web-based applications (e.g., blogs and wikis) is desirable.

The new media and digital culture team is part of the Media Studies  
department and concerns itself with research strategies for the  
critical study of Internet culture. The Assistant Professor is  
expected to teach on both the bachelor's and master's degree levels,  
in courses concerned with such topics as digital journalism, digital  
aesthetics, Internet research methods and techniques, media  
archaeology as well as the politics of code.

Candidates also should have a new media research agenda.


	• teaching and developing teaching activities both as part of and  
outside the Media and Culture programme;

• (co-)supervising Bachelor's and Master's theses;
	• independently conducting research in the area mentioned, resulting  
in contributions to leading international publications;

• co-supervising PhD candidates;
• making a contribution to raising contract and indirect funding.


• relevant PhD degree;
	• experience in research and excellent research skills, evidenced by  
publications in renowned international professional journals / book  
	• teaching experience at the university level and demonstrable  
didactic abilities and / or training, evidence by an educational  
	• experience with digital and audio-visual equipment; affinity with  
ICT in academic education;
	• team spirit and capable of functioning at all levels of more than  
one study programme;
	• willingness to develop in a multidisciplinary capacity in order to  
be able to participate in multiple areas of the Faculty's curriculum;

• organisational experience and skills;
	• thorough knowledge of Dutch and English; non-native Dutch speakers  
must achieve fluency in Dutch within two years.

Further information
Further information about this vacancy can be obtained from professor  
dr. P.P.R.W. Pisters, e-mail p.p.r.w.pist...@uva.nl.

As a result of the Faculty policy pertaining to the flexibilisation of  
its workforce, this vacancy has been marked as a ‘transfer position’.  
Transfer positions are only part-time. This means that when a staff  
member is employed in a transfer position, he/she will not be given a  
permanent contract and will be required to transfer to a new position  
within the UvA when the period of employment formally ends. If no  
alternative position is available at the University, termination of  
employment will follow. In such cases, the University will provide the  
necessary support.

There are three vacant positions for the assistant professor New Media:

	• For the 1,0 position, the initial appointment will be on a  
temporary basis for a period of two years. Subject to satisfactory  
performance, this will be followed by a permanent appointment.
	• For two positions (0,8 and 0,7) appointment will be on a temporary  
basis for a period of no more than two years. There will be no  
permanent position for these two positions.

You are asked to let us know in the application, if you are applying  
for only the permanent position, or also for the temporary positions.

The gross monthly salary will range from € 3,195 (scale 11) - € 4,970  
(scale 12), based on a full-time appointment (38 hours a week).

Job application
Applications should include a curriculum vitae and should be sent  
before 24 March 2012 to the Universiteit van Amsterdam, to the  
attention of the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Prof.dr. F.P.I.M.  
van Vree, Spuistraat 210, 1012 VT Amsterdam.

Please state the vacancy number in the upper left corner of the  
envelope, and make clear in your application which position(s) you are  
applying for (permanent or also temporary position).You may also  
submit your application by e-mail; solliciteren2012-...@uva.nl. In  
this case please state the vacancy number in the subject field.

The selection process will include a trial lecture.
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[rohrpost] Geert Lovink and Nathaniel Tkacz (eds), Critical Point of View: A Wikipedia Reader (INC Reader #7)

2011-05-07 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink

INC Reader #7

Critical Point of View: A Wikipedia Reader
Geert Lovink and Nathaniel Tkacz (eds)

For millions of internet users around the globe, the search for new  
knowledge begins with Wikipedia. The encyclopedia’s rapid rise, novel  
organization, and freely offered content have been marveled at and  
denounced by a host of commentators. Critical Point of View moves  
beyond unflagging praise, well-worn facts, and questions about its  
reliability and accuracy, to unveil the complex, messy, and  
controversial realities of a distributed knowledge platform.

The essays, interviews and artworks brought together in this reader  
form part of the overarching Critical Point of View research  
initiative, which began with a conference in Bangalore (January 2010),  
followed by events in Amsterdam (March 2010) and Leipzig (September  
2010). With an emphasis on theoretical reflection, cultural difference  
and indeed, critique, contributions to this collection ask: What  
values are embedded in Wikipedia’s software? On what basis are  
Wikipedia’s claims to neutrality made? How can Wikipedia give voice to  
those outside the Western tradition of Enlightenment, or even its own  
administrative hierarchies? Critical Point of View collects original  
insights on the next generation of wiki-related research, from radical  
artistic interventions and the significant role of bots to hidden  
trajectories of encyclopedic knowledge and the politics of agency and  

Contributors: Amila Akdag Salah, Nicholas Carr, Shun-ling Chen,  
Florian Cramer, Morgan Currie, Edgar Enyedy, Andrew Famiglietti,  
Heather Ford, Mayo Fuster Morell, Cheng Gao, R. Stuart Geiger, Mark  
Graham, Gautam John, Dror Kamir, Peter B. Kaufman, Scott Kildall,  
Lawrence Liang, Patrick Lichty, Geert Lovink, Hans Varghese Mathews,  
Johanna Niesyto, Matheiu O’Neil, Dan O’Sullivan, Joseph Reagle, Andrea  
Scharnhorst, Alan Shapiro, Christian Stegbauer, Nathaniel Stern,  
Krzystztof Suchecki, Nathaniel Tkacz, Maja van der Velden.

Colophon: Editors: Geert Lovink and Nathaniel Tkacz. Editorial  
Assistance: Ivy Roberts and Morgan Currie. Copy-Editing: Cielo Lutino.  
Design: Katja van Stiphout. Cover Image: Ayumi Higuchi. Priner: Ten  
Klei, Amsterdam. Publisher: Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam.  
Supported by: The School for Communication and Design at the Amsterdam  
University of Applied Sciences (Hogeschool van Amsterdam DMCI), the  
Centre for Internet and Society (CIS) in Bangalore and the Kusuma Trust.

You can download the pdf for free here: 

To order a hard copy of the reader, send an email to bo...@networkcultures.org

Geert Lovink and Nathaniel Tkacz (eds), Critical Point of View: A  
Wikpedia Reader, Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures, 2011. ISBN:  
978-90-78146-13-1, paperback, 385 pages.

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[rohrpost] free work easyjetset konferenz in berlin (ohne berlin partners?)

2011-03-17 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink

Final deadline for abstracts: 14 March 2011

Call for papers for an ephemera conference in collaboration with Essex  
Business School, University of Essex

Free Work

Berlin, Germany, 11-13 May 2011

How do we understand the relation between freedom and work? For some,  
'freedom' and 'work' are inevitably contradictory terms, while for  
others new forms of work such as knowledge or creative work offer the  
opportunity of freeing ourselves. In times of unemployment and job  
precariousness, the freedom to work is of great concern, especially  
when working for 'free' - whether as an unpaid intern or a  
professional required to work overtime - is increasingly becoming an  
essential component of contemporary working life.

Many thinkers have conceptualised the relation between freedom and  
work. For Karl Marx, a clear incompatibility exists between the realm  
of freedom and the realm of labour. The sphere of production is one in  
which labour is determined by necessity and external expediency, and  
we can only hope to organise it collectively. True freedom, defined as  
'the development of human powers as an end in itself', is at odds with  
the realm of labour, although 'it can only flourish with this realm of  
necessity as its basis' (1991: 959). It is this insight that drives  
hopes for a freedom from work, in a leisure or post-work society  
(Aronowitz et al., 1998).

A similar idea guides Hannah Arendt's (1958) distinction between  
labour and work. For Arendt, labour is governed entirely by biological  
need, whereas work exceeds the realm of necessity to include the  
freedom to produce a world. Much of the hope of the nineteenth and  
twentieth century lay in attempts to transform labour into work and  
thus allow for the possibility of free work. But Arendt saw the  
opposite trend: the twentieth century, she said, is best understood as  
a 'society of labourers', which seeks to reduce work (and action) to  
'a job necessary for the life of society' (1958: 5).

In Max Weber's (2002) protestant work ethic, we see the quest for free  
work infused with a theology of redemption, with freedom to be  
gainedthrough work. In contemporary business gospel, we once again  
recognise the theme of redemption through work. The knowledge worker,  
or 'creative class' (Florida, 2002), is thought capable of finding  
freedom from earthly demands in a realm of pure expressivity where  
work cannot be distinguished from play. The internet is the latest in  
a line of technologies sustaining a hope for a technology-enabled  
freedom at work(e.g. Blauner, 1964).

Where freedom in work is promised to all of us, and work even  
necessitates the exercise of our creativity, innovation and  
authenticity at work, it is nonetheless often unpaid. So contemporary  
capitalism relies on incorporating the free labour of those who  
produce culture in the digital economy (Böhm and Land, 2009;  
Terranova, 2000); it appropriates the work of 'culturepreneurs' for  
the branding of the 'creative city' (Lange, 2005; Lanz, 2009); and  
develops techniques of crowd sourcing that blur the boundaries between  
creative potential and corporate interest (Arvidsson, 2007). The  
possibility of free work is also conditioned upon its socio-spatial  
opportunities. 'Free' spaces such as the digital commons or abandoned,  
vacant city areas that seem less determined by ownership, capital, or  
institutionalisation enable alternative working practices of artistic,  
activist or open source communities (e.g. Sheridan, 2007). Yet, these  
productive, innovative and creative free work forces taking place in a  
space beyond monetary value creation seem to be increasingly  
instrumentalised in line with the 'new spirit of  
capitalism' (Boltanski and Chiapello, 2005).

Freedom to work today also means workfare, precarity, sweatshops and  
child labour. As the French multitudes take to the streets, their 35- 
hour-week is extended and their retirement age is increased.  
Meanwhile, work in the humane workplaces of the new economy comes with  
hidden costs (Ross, 2004), and the post-bureaucratic organization  
makes freedom a privilege for those with potential and pushes all  
others into vicious cycles of opportunism (Maravelias, 2007). It is  
perhaps no wonder that here some of the most radical responses to  
contemporary forms of work involve attempting to free the soul from  
work, to move from alienation to autonomy (Berardi, 2009), or to  
insist on communism as the necessary condition of freedom (Badiou,  


We invite contributions to this conference that seek to discuss all  
the ways in which freedom and work are juxtaposed today. Possible  
topics for investigation might include:

- Facebook, cyber-slavery and other forms of digital labour
- Artistic work and production in the creative industries
- Socio-spatial conditions of possibility for 'free work'
- Value creation through 'free work'
- 'Free 

[rohrpost] CPOV Leipzig: Videos Fotos online

2010-10-29 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink

From: Niesyto, Johanna johanna.nies...@uni-siegen.de

auf dem Konferenzblog www.cpov.de können nun Fotos sowie Videos zu  
den einzelnen Beiträgen und Diskussionsrunden abgerufen werden. Auf  
der Startseite sind die Beiträge jeweils direkt verlinkt. Über  
Kommentare zu den verschiedenen Blogeinträgen und  
Sessionzusammenfassungen freuen wir uns.

Schöne Grüße und bis bald
Johanna (Niesyto)

Universität Siegen
Fachbereich 1 / Politikwissenschaft
Adolf-Reichwein-Straße 2
Raum AR-B 2217
57068 Siegen

Tel.: 0271 / 740 2279

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[rohrpost] Nun erschienen: Magnetismus - Eine Geschichte der Orientierung

2010-09-09 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink

From: nils.roel...@zhdk.ch
Date: 8 September 2010 7:57:00 PM
To: romanform...@vmk.zhdk.ch
Subject: [romanform.ch] Nun erschienen: Magnetismus - Eine  
Geschichte der Orientierung

Das Buch „Magnetismus – Eine Geschichte der Orientierung“ (München:  
Fink, 2010) mit zahlreichen Abbildungen ist nun erhältlich;  
Informationen zum Buch (Cover, Zusammenfassung, Inhaltsverzeichnis,  
Einleitung) finden sich unter www.romanform.ch.
Mit besten Grüssen dankt allen, die das Buch  und die Ausstellung in  
der Zürcher Zentralbibliothek durch ihr Interesse gefördert und  
begleitet haben,

Nils Röller

Prof. Dr. Nils Röller
ZHDK - Zurich University of the Arts
Department for Media Arts
Sihlquai 131
CH-8031 Zürich

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[rohrpost] Berlin - Podiumsgespräch am 21.7 . Ich ist ein Anderer

2010-07-15 Diskussionsfäden Geert Lovink

From: Bernd Brincken brincken...@kanka.de
Date: 2010/7/14
Subject: [Open Data Network] Podiumsgespräch am 21.7. Ich ist ein  

To: opendata-netw...@lists.metasync.org

# Einladung zum Podiumsgespräch am 21.7. #

Ich ist ein Anderer -
Digitale Demokratie - im Wettstreit mit Datenschutz?

Während die Politikverdrossenheit weithin beklagt wird, entstehen in
der Netzszene neue Formen der politischen Teilhabe: Das digitale Netz
soll nicht nur neue Freunde verschaffen, sondern mehr politische
Meinungs- und Willensbildung ermöglichen, Stichwort: Liquid Democracy.

In aktuellen Debatten kam nun die Frage hoch, ob der politisch Aktive
in solchen Medien auch stets offen mit Namen auftreten muss - oder ob
Anonymität und Datenschutz auch hier gelten.
Wie vertragen sich Privatsphäre und politische Teilhabe, wo wird der
Bürger zum Politiker? Wo beginnt der Staat, dessen Transparenz häufig
gefordert wird? Ist die Politik der Gesellschaft etwas anderes als die
Summe der politisch Aktiven?

Im Podiumsgespräch treffen die Perspektiven von Datenschützer,
Software-Entwickler und Soziologe zusammen:

- Dr. Alexander Dix, Berliner Datenschutzbeauftragter
- Dr. Kai-Uwe Hellmann, Soziologe an der TU Berlin
- Hans Hübner, Systemprogrammierer
- Friedrich Lindenberg, Entwickler von 'Adhocracy'
- Moderation: Bernd Brincken, Organisationsberater

- Mittwoch 21. Juli 2010 um 19:30
- c-base, Rungestr. 20 (2. HH), 10179 Berlin-Mitte
 (U/S-Bahn Jannowitzbrücke), Eintritt kostenlos



Bernd Brincken
Fehrbelliner Str. 28
10119 Berlin

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Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost 
Ent/Subskribieren: http://post.in-mind.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/rohrpost/

[rohrpost] Erklärung zur fristlosen Kündigung von Julian Kücklich

2010-07-10 Diskussionsfäden geert lovink

Erklärung zur fristlosen Kündigung meiner Professorenstelle an der Media
Design Hochschule Berlin

Liebe Studenten, Kollegen und Freunde,

am Dienstag, den 6. Juli 2010, ist mir vom Rektor der
Mediadesign-Hochschule (MDH) Berlin, Herrn Hartmut Bode, die fristlose
Kündigung ausgesprochen worden und ich bin von allen meinen Pflichten
als Professor für Game Design an der MDH entbunden worden. Die Kündigung
erfolgte nur einen Monat nach meiner Berufung zum Professor.

Ich habe mich gegenüber der Hochschulleitung bis zuletzt gesprächsbereit
und kooperativ gezeigt und versucht, der Eskalation der Situation
entgegenzuwirken. Auch nach der Kündigung habe ich Herrn Bode und seiner
Stellvertreterin, Frau Georgine Seidl, mehrfach persönlich und durch
ehemalige Kollegen aus dem Fachbereich Gesprächsbereitschaft  

Ich und meine Wissenschaftlerkollegen im In- und Ausland haben uns seit
Dienstag bemüht, die Hochschule zu bewegen, eine Erklärung zu meiner
Entlassung abzugeben. Die Hochschulleitung und die Senatsverwaltung für
Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung sind in zahlreichen Emails dazu
aufgefordert worden, dazu Stellung nehmen. Unter denjenigen, die sich
dafür eingesetzt haben, befanden sich auch namhafte Wissenschaftler, die
eine tragende Rolle in der internationalen Forschung spielen.

Da sich weder die Hochschule noch der Senat zu meiner Entlassung
geäußert hat, sehe ich mich gezwungen diese Erklärung abzugeben, auch
wenn mir dieser Schritt nicht leicht fällt. Auch wenn ich natürlich
gerichtlich gegen die Kündigung vorgehen werde, möchte ich ausdrücklich
betonen, dass es mir nicht darum geht, der Hochschule oder ihren
Mitarbeitern in irgendeiner Weise zu schaden. Mir geht es einzig und
allein darum, Spekulationen und Gerüchten vorzubeugen. Da ich in den
letzten Tagen von meinen ehemaligen Studenten, meinen Kollegen und
Freunden mit Nachfragen überhäuft wurde, kann ich nicht länger  

Mit besonderem Unverständnis stehe ich der Entscheidung der
Hochschulleitung gegenüber, mich von meinen Pflichten in der Lehre und
bei der Betreuung von Abschlussarbeiten zu entbinden, die bereits vor
der Kündigung getroffen und ausgesprochen wurde. Meines Erachtens ist
dieses Verhalten der Hochschulleitung gegenüber den Studenten und den
Bacheloranden, die ich bis 6.7. betreut habe, unfair und für mich und
viele meiner Kollegen aus Wissenschaft und Forschung nicht  

Ich habe mich in dieser Erklärung bemüht, meinen vertraglichen
Verpflichtungen nachzukommen, die auch nach Beendigung des
Vertragsverhältnisses seitens der Hochschule fortbestehen, indem ich auf
die Weitergabe von Interna verzichte. Ich bin jedoch der Meinung, dass
eine private Hochschule, die staatlich akkreditiert ist, gegenüber der
Öffentlichkeit Verantwortung für ihr Handeln übernehmen muss, um ihrem
Bildungsauftrag nachzukommen.

Berlin, den 09.07.2010.

Dr. Julian Kücklich.

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Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost 
Ent/Subskribieren: http://post.in-mind.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/rohrpost/

[rohrpost] 3 Lecturers in Media Studies, University of Amsterdam

2010-03-07 Diskussionsfäden geert lovink

3 Lecturers in Media Studies, University of Amsterdam
0.6 FTE

vacancy number 10-3019

The Department of Media Studies invites applications for three 0.6 FTE
non-tenure-track lecturer positions, beginning in August 2010.  
should have proven familiarity and experience with teaching and  
research in

the field of Media Studies, preferably with a (almost) completed PhD.

Teaching will mainly focus on classes in the Bachelor's programme of  

Studies; more general courses, e.g. philosophy of science, as well as
classes in the field of television and new media. Candidates with a
PhD-degree will most likely also teach and supervise within the Master's
programmes of Media Studies.

The Department is interested in candidates in the fields of:

   • Theory and analysis of new media and digital cultures
   • Television and popular culture
   • Media Technology and Media Culture

Familiarity with related fields such as Film Studies, Journalism or
preservation and presentation of audiovisual heritage is considered an


   • Prepare and conduct teaching activities both as part of and  

the media and culture programme
   • Monitor professional literature and the integration of new  

into the courses taught
   • Coach and supervise students
   • Identify and integrate improvements in didactic aspects and/or  

   • Contribute to the evaluation of the programme setup and  

   • participate in committees of study groups and perform assigned
management and administrative duties


   • A relevant university degree and demonstrable affinity with  
research, evidenced by publications, research plans and/or other  

   • Teaching experience at the university level and didactic abilities
   • Experience with digital and audio-visual equipment; affinity  
with ICT

in academic education
   • Team spirit and capable of functioning at all levels of more  
than one

study programme
   • Willing to develop in a multidisciplinary capacity in order to  
be able

to participate in multiple areas of the Faculty's curriculum
   • Organisational experience and skills
   • Thorough knowledge of Dutch and English; non-native Dutch speakers
must achieve fluency in Dutch within two years

Further information
Further information about this vacancy can be obtained from Prof. Dr
F.P.I.M. van Vree: F.P.I.M.vanVree {at} uva.nl

This is a temporary appointment for 2 years. The gross monthly salary  

range from €2,379 (scale 10) to €4,374 (scale 11), based on a full-time
appointment (38 hours a week).

Job application
Applications should include a curriculum vitae and should be sent  
before 28
March 2010 to the Universiteit van Amsterdam, to the attention of the  

of the Faculty of Humanities, Ms Prof. Dr J.F.T.M. van Dijck, Spuistraat
210, 1012 VT Amsterdam.

Please state the vacancy number in the upper left corner of the  

The selection procedure will include a lecture.

You may also submit your application by e-mail to solliciteren2010-fgw  
uva.nl. In that case please state the vacancy number in the subject  

The Faculty of Humanities provides education and conducts research  
with a
strong international profile in a large number of disciplines in the  

of language and culture. Located in the heart of Amsterdam, the Faculty
maintains close ties with many cultural institutes in the capital city.
There are almost 1,250 employees affiliated with the Faculty, which has
about 6,800 students.

New impulses are required in order to further develop education and  
in the field of language and culture into committed humanities. A  
perspective provides the insight necessary to both understand and  
steer all

sorts of social developments, for example relating to information and
communication technology.

Therefore, the Faculty of Humanities is looking for academics who can  
as the new generation of lecturers. Candidates are expected to hold a  
or even better a PhD degree and to have a background in the  
humanities. They
should be familiar with the latest developments in their field.  
didactic qualities and an affinity with students are required. The new  

academics will contribute to the Faculty's envisioned expansion and
modernisation by bridging the gap between the various disciplines.
Consequently, all lecturers must be capable of teaching courses for more
than one specific study programme.

The Faculty of Humanities offers you the opportunity to collaborate with
leading researchers at research institutes that - partly as a result of
their multidisciplinary approach - are world-renowned. Moreover, you  
will be

teaching in a dynamic context in which new educational methods are being

Together with the other new lecturers you will participate in a
comprehensive introductory programme. You will be supervised closely  

[rohrpost] Wikipediakonferenz in Amsterdam (26/27.3)

2010-02-01 Diskussionsfäden geert lovink
Critical Point of View: Second international conference of the CPOV  
Wikipedia Research Initiative

Date: 26-27 March 2010

Location: OBA (Public Library Amsterdam, next to Amsterdam central  
station), Oosterdokskade 143, Amsterdam

Organized by the Institute of Network Cultures Amsterdam, in  
cooperation with the Centre for Internet and Society in Bangalore,  

Website: www.networkcultures.org/cpov

Discussion List: 

Wikipedia is at the brink of becoming the de facto global reference of  
dynamic knowledge. The heated debates over its accuracy, anonymity,  
trust, vandalism and expertise only seem to fuel further growth of  
Wikipedia and its user base. Apart from leaving its modern  
counterparts Britannica and Encarta in the dust, such scale and  
breadth places Wikipedia on par with such historical milestones as  
Pliny the Elder's Naturalis Historia, the Ming Dynasty's Wen-hsien ta- 
ch' eng, and the key work of French Enlightenment, the Encyclopédie.  
The multilingual Wikipedia as digital collaborative and fluid  
knowledge production platform might be said to be the most visible and  
successful example of the migration of FLOSS (Free/Libre/Open Source  
Software) principles into mainstream culture. However, such  
celebration should contain critical insights, informed by the changing  
realities of the Internet at large and the Wikipedia project in  

The CPOV Research Initiative was founded from the urge to stimulate  
critical Wikipedia research: quantitative and qualitative research  
that could benefit both the wide user-base and the active Wikipedia  
community itself. On top of this, Wikipedia offers critical insights  
into the contemporary status of knowledge, its organizing principles,  
function, and impact; its production styles, mechanisms for conflict  
resolution and power (re-)constitution. The overarching research  
agenda is at once a philosophical, epistemological and theoretical  
investigation of knowledge artifacts, cultural production and social  
relations, and an empirical investigation of the specific phenomenon  
of the Wikipedia.

Conference Themes: Wiki Theory, Encyclopedia Histories, Wiki Art,  
Wikipedia Analytics, Designing Debate and Global Issues and Outlooks.

Confirmed speakers: Florian Cramer (DE/NL), Andrew Famiglietti (UK),  
Stuart Geiger (USA), Hendrik-Jan Grievink (NL), Charles van den Heuvel  
(NL), Jeanette Hofmann (DE), Athina Karatzogianni (UK), Scott Kildall  
(USA), Patrick Lichty (USA), Hans Varghese Mathews (IN), Teemu  
Mikkonen (FI), Mayo Fuster Morell (IT), Mathieu O'Neil (AU), Felipe  
Ortega (ES), Dan O'Sullivan (UK), Joseph Reagle (USA), Ramón Reichert  
(AU), Richard Rogers (USA/NL), Alan Shapiro (USA/DE), Maja van der  
Velden (NL/NO), Gérard Wormser (FR).

Editorial team: Sabine Niederer and Geert Lovink (Amsterdam),  Nishant  
Shah and Sunil Abraham (Bangalore), Johanna Niesyto (Siegen),  
Nathaniel Tkacz (Melbourne). Project manager CPOV Amsterdam: Margreet  
Riphagen. Research intern: Juliana Brunello. Production intern: Serena  

The CPOV conference in Amsterdam will be the second conference of the  
CPOV Wikipedia Research Initiative. The launch of the initiative took  
place in Bangalore India, with the conference WikiWars in January  
2010. After the first two events, the CPOV organization will work on  
producing a reader, to be launched early 2011. For more information or  
submitting a reader contribution: http://networkcultures.org/wpmu/cpov/reader/ 

Buy your ticket online at: http://networkcultures.org/wpmu/cpov/practical-info/tickets/ 
 (with iDeal), or register by sending an email to: info (at)  
networkcultures.org. One day ticket: €25, students and OBA members:  
€12,50. Full conference pass (2 days): €40, students and OBA members:  

More info: www.networkcultures.org/cpov. Contact: info (at)  
networkcultures.org, phone: +3120 5951866

rohrpost - deutschsprachige Liste zur Kultur digitaler Medien und Netze
Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost 
Ent/Subskribieren: http://post.in-mind.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/rohrpost/

[rohrpost] 10 Jahre indymedia-CMS

2009-12-30 Diskussionsfäden geert lovink

10 Jahre indymedia-CMS

Nach zehn Jahren ist das Indymedia-Content-ManagementSystem (CMS),  
welches uns die Seiten täglich produziert in die Jahre gekommen. Am  
Anfang stand Indymedia mit Free Speech alleine da, heute droht es  
zwischen den unterschiedlichsten kostenlosen Angeboten für Blogs und  
Co unterzugehen. Der Spam und die Kritik an den Mods nimmt zu, die  
Beteiligung ab. Die Lösung: Die NutzerInnen der Seite mehr Möglichkeit  
der Betiligung einräumen! Nur wie? Ein neues CMS muss her...

Das Netzwerk Indymedia wurde dieses Jahr 10 Jahre alt. Im November  
1999 ging begleitend zu den Protesten gegen die Tagung der  
Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) in Seattle das erste Mal ein IMC, ein  
Indymedia Center online. Es bildete eine Gegenöffentlichkeit zur  
restlichen sensationshungrigen etablierten Presse. Die Information  
über Repression und Gewalt von staatlicher Seite konnte nicht mehr  
verheimlicht und die Mär der gewaltbereiten DemonstrantInnen nicht  
mehr aufrechterhalten werden. Der technische Fortschritt wurde der  
Graswurzelbewegung zugänglich gemacht. Menschen ohne technischen  
Sachverstand konnten Artikel und Bilder veröffentlichen - AutorInnen  

Ermöglicht wurde dies durch die Entwicklung von offenen Content- 
Management-Systemen (CMS), welche das Erstellen eines Artikel so  
einfach gestaltet wie das Schreiben einer Email. Von den mittlerweile  
über 180 IMCs weltweit verwenden eine Vielzahl entweder Mir oder SF- 

Die Situation 1999

Der Inhalt im Internet wurde noch überwiegend von verhältnismäßig  
wenigen kommerziellen Betreibern erstellt und kontrolliert. Wer  
Informationen ins Netz bringen wollte, musste technisch versiert sein,  
d.h. HTML-Kenntnisse besitzen. Der breiten Masse stand zwar die  
Bandbreite zur Verfügung, sie konnte jedoch nicht Inhalte öffentlich  
produzieren. In diesem Umfeld war Indymedia ein Wegbereiter.

Web 2.0

Durch die Weiterentwicklung und Verbesserung der Techniken im Netz  
steht nun allen eine großer Werkzeugkasten zur Verbreitung von  
Informationen zur Verfügung. Die Technik wurde grundsätzlich schon in  
der ersten DotCom-Phase entwickelt, für Laien einsetzbare Frameworks  
und Anwendungen entstanden aber erst in der zweiten DotCom-Welle.  
Ferner ist die verfügbare Bandbreite zur Übertragung von Daten  
gewachsen. Der Transfer auch von großen Videos und Streams stellen  
keine Hürde mehr dar. Ein nicht unbeträchtlicher Anteil der  
InternetbenutzerInnen beteiligt sich ganz selbstverständlich an  
sozialen Netzwerken, zwitschert mit dem Handy und konsumiert sowie  
(und das ist viel wichtiger!) produziert Filme auf der Seite der  
größten Suchmaschine der Welt.

Und Indymedia?

Die beiden Indymedia-Content-Management-Systeme Mir und SF-Active  
wurden zu Beginn des Jahrtausends von AktivistInnen entwickelt, da es  
zu diesem Zeitpunkt keine Anwendungen gab, um das Ziel der  
MedienaktivistInnen zu verwirklichen: Die Menschen an der  
Medienlandschaft als ProduzentInnen zu beteiligen, in dem Leute  
anonym, ohne Kenntnis der Web-Sprache HTML und ohne Zensurinstanz wie  
etwa einer Redaktion Inhalte wie Texte oder Bilder veröffentlichen  
können. Die politisch Aktiven sollten lernen, sich nicht auf die  
kommerziellen bürgerlichen Medien zu verlassen, sondern aktive  
JournalistInnen zu werden, die Zensur zu umgehen und den Free Speech- 
Gedanken zu verwirklichen.

Mittlerweile ist es hingegen kein Problem mehr, Inhalte ins Internet  
zu stellen. Kommerzielle Anbieter schaffen die Möglichkeit, dass jedeR  
kinderleicht eigene Seiten für Lau zusammenstellen kann. Die für  
Indymedia eingesetzten Systeme jedoch wurden über Jahre nicht mehr  
weiter entwickelt. Vieles daran ist selbst geschrieben, es werden  
nunmehr veraltete Frameworks verwendet und die EntwicklerInnen sind  
nicht mehr verfügbar. Moderne Techniken wie etwa Flash sind nicht  
realisiert. Ferner existieren eine Vielzahl von Beschränkungen wie  
etwa die mangelnde BenutzerInnenverwaltung, die Möglichkeit, eigene  
Texte noch einmal zu ändern oder die das Größenlimit für  
Mediendateien. Trotzdem besitzen sie aber immer noch eine immense  
Stärke und Alleinstellungsmerkmal, die von den ursprünglichen  
EnticklerInnen als zentrales Element enwickelt wurde: Nach der Eingabe  
des Artikels erstellt der Server (Producer) statische HTML-Seiten aus  
der Datenbank, die dann sehr leicht auf Spiegel-Server (Mirrors)  
kopiert werden können. Da die Anforderung an solche Mirrors sehr  
gering sind, ist es leichter, welche zur Verfügung gestellt zu  
bekommen. Die Vergangenheit hat gezeigt, wie es wichtig ist, den  
Inhalt der Seiten auf viele Mirrors zu verteilen, denn so kann  
einerseits eine größere Zugriffszahl verarbeitet werden und zweitens  
Zensur und Repression erschwert werden.
Dennoch: Die Situation heute ist skurril: Die Indymedia-BenutzerInnen  
sind mittlerweile teilweise auf sehr hohem journalistischen Niveau und  
durchaus gewohnt, wie Inhalte