[rohrpost] Invitation to the conference "Non-Machines: Playground of Perspectives" at Bauhaus University Weimar

2023-06-28 Diskussionsfäden Mindaugas Gapševičius

Dear Rohrpost list,

it is my honor to invite everyone to the conference "Non-Machines: 
Playground of Perspectives" at Bauhaus University Weimar on July 21 and 
22. The conference aims to prompt a change of perspectives and to 
re-explore the relationships between machines and »non-machines«.

Admission is free, so perhaps someone will consider spending summer time 
in Thuringia.

Conference website: http://non-machines.eu/
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/789204142712481

On Friday, 21 July 2023, the conference will open with a keynote speech 
by Ursula Damm (Professor for Media Environments) entitled »Non-Machines 
Meet Art« on the special features of non-human actors in art. This will 
be followed by a session on the aesthetics of the maker culture with 
artistic associate Mindaugas Gapševičius, Prof. Dr Verena Kuni from the 
Goethe University Frankfurt and media theorist Dr Yvonne Volkart from 
the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland.

On the second conference day, Prof. Dr. Kristupas Sabolius from Vilnius 
University will give a keynote lecture on the »Technics of 
Compossibility«. Other topics addressed in the countless lectures will 
range from the do-it-yourself (DIY) and do-it-with-others (DIWO) 
aesthetics to big data in art and new ideas for multi-species connections.

The conference programme will be complemented with workshops, 
performances, an exhibition and a film programme. Here, the highlights 
will include a workshop with the clown David Tann and performances by a 
number of sound artists from Taiwan. The speakers are not only from 
other European countries, Lithuania, Greece, Cyprus, the UK and Spain. 
Important impetus will also come from America, Colombia and Japan.

The framework for this conference was developed by the Professorship for 
Media Environments (Prof. Ursula Damm) with the support of the 
Professorship for Urban Studies and Social Research (Prof. Dr. Frank 
Eckardt). The conference is being organised by Institutio Media in 
collaboration with the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar as part of the Action 
Toolkit of Care of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology 

Mindaugas Gapsevicius
Artistic Associate
Media Environments
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Faculty of Art and Design
Marienstrasse 5
99423 Weimar

phone +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 38 71
mobile +49 (0) 179 / 546 22 60
fax  +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 38 06

e-mail: mindaugas.gapsevic...@uni-weimar.de
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[rohrpost] We are building a biolab

2017-11-03 Diskussionsfäden Mindaugas Gapševičius

Hi guys,

Hi there! Tomorrow we are launching a crowdfunding campaign for the 
biolab tools. See info bellow. For the campaign news, please subscribe @ 


Saturday, 4 November 2017, at 7 PM – 11 PM

top Schillerpalais

Schillerpromenade 4, 12049 Neukölln, Berlin, Germany

We are building TopLab: a community bio laboratory for curiosity, 
creativity, education and interdisciplinary research.

Tomorrow on Saturday we are launching a crowdfunding campaign. This 
campaign will equip TopLab with the basic biolab tools needed by our 
community to develop new ideas. TopLab invites everyone to use these 
resources in order to develop their own experimental research and 
complete their projects.

This campaign is an important development for Top Lab’s long journey 
ahead, which is to become an open space with the interest for sharing 
resources and overcoming those barriers given by the lack of 
professional facilities, equipment and access to public knowledge and 
practice. The community of the future depends on people like us who are 
initiating new era of science and providing new solutions and 
opportunities for the planet we live on.

TopLab is supported by Top eV, an association for the promotion of 
cultural practice and social innovation which is situated at >top 
Schillerpalais, a project space in the heart of Berlin. Using borrowed, 
recycled and home-built equipment, we recreate a typical do-it-yourself 
biology (DIYbio) lab and bring synthetic biology to the public.

More info: http://lab.top-ev.de/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/344495982688877/
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Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost 
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[rohrpost] Stellenausschreibung an der Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

2017-02-06 Diskussionsfäden Mindaugas Gapševičius
An der Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar ist 
zum 1. April 2017 an der Professur Gestaltung medialer Umgebungen die 
Stelle einer/eines

künstlerischen Mitarbeiterin / Mitarbeiters

mit dem Ziel der Förderung der eigenen künstlerischen 
Weiterqualifikation zu besetzen. Die Stelle ist zunächst auf 8 Monate 
befristet. Vorbehaltlich der Haushaltslage ist eine Verlängerung ist 
nach den geltenden Regelungen des Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetzes 
(WissZeitVG) möglich. Es handelt sich um eine Teilzeitstelle. Die 
wöchentliche Arbeitszeit beträgt 24 Stunden.

Vorbereitung und Durchführung von Lehrveranstaltungen in Bereich der 
raumbasierten, digitalen Interaktion in Verbindung mit der Performance 
Plattform (DBL): Wartungen, Unterstützung und Programmierungen im 
Kontext des People Tracking (The Captury) und einer High-Speed Kamera. 
Mitarbeit bei den organisatorischen und forschenden Aktivitäten der 
Professur. Weiterqualifikation in einem selbstmotivierten Vorhaben.


Abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium der Fachrichtung Informatik, 
Medientechnik oder Medieninformatik oder vergleichbar

Solide Programmierkenntnisse (z. B. Javascript, Java, Python)
Interesse an Motion Capture
Fremdsprachenkenntnisse (Englisch)
Berufliche Praxis
Selbstständiges Arbeiten
Hohe Präsenz am Hochschulort
Erwünscht sind Kenntnisse in Game-Engines, z.B. Unity und/oder 
Die Vergütung richtet sich nach den Bestimmungen des Tarifvertrages für 
den öffentlichen Dienst der Länder (TV-L) entsprechend den persönlichen 
Voraussetzungen bis zur Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L.

Die Bauhaus-Universität Weimar verfolgt eine gleichstellungsfördernde, 
familienfreundliche Personalpolitik. Zu den strategischen Zielen der 
Universität gehört, den Frauenanteil in Lehre und Forschung zu erhöhen. 
Die Bauhaus-Universität Weimar bittet daher qualifizierte Künstlerinnen 
und Gestalterinnen ausdrücklich um ihre Bewerbung.

Schwerbehinderte Menschen werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt 

Ihre Bewerbung, mit den üblichen aussagekräftigen Unterlagen, richten 
Sie bitte unter Angabe der Kennziffer K+G/WP-02/17 bis zum 28. Februar 
2017 an:

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung
Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 7
99421 Weimar

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[rohrpost] Magazine Launch and Get-Together: ‘New Media Art’ Issue

2017-01-31 Diskussionsfäden Mindaugas Gapševičius

Upcoming Saturday
4.2.2017 21:00
@ Top Schillerpalais, Schillerpromenade 4, 12049 Berlin

Please come and join us on Saturday 4th February for an informal 
get-together and magazine launch at Top Schillerpalais. We just 
published Exhibist magazine’s issue #11 with a special focus on ‘New 
Media Art’ – grab your copy right there, meet the people featured and 
involved in this issue and have a drink with us to celebrate our last 

Issue #11 features interviews with media theorist and curator Ebru 
Yetiskin (by Mine Kaplangı) and Kristoffer Gansing, artistic director of 
transmediale – festival for art and digital culture berlin (by Tuce Erel)

The current issue includes an essay by Ceylan Onalp titled ‘A Journey 
Through Time in Turkey’s New Media Art Scene’ featuring Ayse Gul Suter, 
Ebru Kurbak, Can Buyukberber and Nihat Karatasli and a selection of 
texts and projects from ‘The 3D Additivist Cookbook’ edited by Daniel 
Rourke and Morehshin Allahyari: Daniel Rourke’s ‘Becoming Horror in The 
Plasticene’; A Parede’s ‘Cheat Sheet for a Non- (or Less-) Colonialist 
Speculative Design’ (Luiza Prado & Pedro Oliveira); Marija Bozinovska 
Jones + IYDES’ ‘Echoes of Earth: The Rocks of Us’; Symrin Chawla’s 
‘Blood Bath’ curated by Browntourage for the The 3D Additivist Cookbook

This edition introduces established artists working in the field of new 
media from Turkey such as Ali Miharbi, Erdal Inci, NOHlab, Pinar Yoldas, 
Burak Arıkan and Refik Anadol and the work of artists and collectives 
such as Memo Akten, Selcuk Artut, Busra Tunc, Ouchhh, DECOL, İskele47, 
Osman Koç, Bager Akbay, Zeynep Nal Sezer, Uğur Engin Deniz, epitome and 
Ozan Turkkan.

More info: http://www.top-ev.de/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/132152007292881/
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/top-schillerpalais/events/237351341/
top e.V. Mailingliste
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[rohrpost] Invitation to Join Work and Event Space in Neukölln

2016-12-05 Diskussionsfäden Mindaugas Gapševičius

Please distribute.

Invitation to Join Work and Event Space in Neukölln

Beginning in the new year, Schillerpalais will reopen as a newly 
designed co-working and event space, with an ongoing open call for 
others to join. We are particularly interested in finding new members 
working in intersection between art and science.

The project space is between U Boddinstr and Tempelhofer Feld, on the 
ground floor ─ warm, bright and calm ─ with WiFi and a shared kitchen. 
There will be ten workspaces available, designed with modular and 
movable furniture to be easily reorganised to suit members’ needs.

We offer:
– shared desks and shelves
– shared kitchen
– event space for workshops and exhibitions
– biolab use
– free workshops

For more information, please write to post[@]top-ev.de with a brief 
intro letter outlining your work practice and interest in using the space.

Cost: €80/ Month

More info: http://www.top-ev.de
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[rohrpost] Sat 3pm - 10pm. Workshop and Concert: All the Resonating Objects

2016-12-05 Diskussionsfäden Mindaugas Gapševičius

WORKSHOP 3pm – 7pm

by Rama Bielewski and Marco Schröder

Saturday 10th December 3-10pm
>top Schillerpalais, Schillerpromenade 4, 12049 Berlin

We invite you to explore sounds, the city is offering us with it´s 
surfaces. ‘All the Resonating Objects’ will give you the opportunity to 
use simple tools to generate self sustaining sound installations. 
Participants will be introduced to use feedback-systems for live composing.

In this workshop materials and objects will be tested and analysed for 
their physical properties according to sound. This can be a handy way 
for interesting sound synthesis but at the same time it is a good method 
for producing quite complex patterns and behaviours. Working with 
feedback is very delicate and sometimes difficult. Touching the objects, 
slightly changing their position and connections may have major effects 
on the feedback and resonances produced.

By strolling through the city we will find plenty of objects and 
materials that we can use for spontaneous sound experiments. 
Participants should also bring their own materials, objects, surfaces 
(like glasses, jars etc.), for using them. The aim of the workshop is to 
set up a network of resonating objects (aka a proper sound 
installation). We will provide all the necessary hardware like DIY mini 
amplifiers, transducers and contact microphones to work with.

The workshop starts at 15h until around 19h, so that we will have enough 
time to come up with some interesting auto-poetic sound structures.

If you would like to participate send us an email:
resonatingobjects [at] gmail [dot] com
Subject: ‘Workshop’
Registration will end on Thursday the 8th of December

At 20h, Marco Schröder will perform a closing live jam, using generative 
computer processes, different objects and contact microphones. His sound 
excursions spanning between ambient meditation, drones and abstract 
noise. www.soundcloud.com/item

Rama Bielewski is studying Media Art and Design at the Bauhaus 
University Weimar. His work deals with matters of sense perception in 
the context of interfaces between human, machine and nature. He creates 
interfaces that allow us new experiences of our environment. He often 
uses sound and the modeling of sound as a medium for interaction within 
his installations. www.vimeo.com/ramabielewski

Marco Schröder studied philosophy and musicology at the University of 
Cologne. Currently he is finishing his master studies in Media Art and 
Design at the Bauhaus University Weimar. His major interests are 
philosophy of science and aesthetics. He is working around experimental 
sound design with live improvisations, generative composition and sound 
installations. www.spekulativegesellschaft.org

More info:
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[rohrpost] Machine Copy: A PCR workshop ─ Day 1 & 2

2016-08-10 Diskussionsfäden Mindaugas Gapševičius
Join us this Friday and Saturday for the next Forever Alpha meetup: a 
workshop on DIY machinery for biolabs. While attendance is limited, the 
PCR machine constructed during the workshop will be available for 
further public use in the developing biohacking kitchenlab at >top 

Friday, August 12, 2016 10:00 AM
to Saturday, August 13, 2016, 6:45 PM

@ >top Schillerpalais, Schillerpromenade 4, 12049 Berlin

Please RSVP for the event on Meetup to reserve your space @ 

IMPORTANT: The workshop will take place over the course of two days*, 
from 10h─19h on Friday 12 August and 9h─19h on Saturday 13 August. While 
it is short notice, preference may be given to those who can attend both 
days of the workshop. Please comment on the meetup with your 
availability if it is less than the full schedule of the workshop, and 
we'll do our best to accommodate everyone!

Workshop Description

At the beginning of the 20th century, we were beginning to use code to 
handle machines. Now, at the beginning of the 21st century, we are using 
machines to alter genetic code. The aim of the workshop is to 
investigate methods to explore, multiply and prepare DNA for analysis 
through self-made devices.

The daily sessions will focus on building your own PCR Machine, a common 
piece of biolab equipment used to amplify segments of DNA, and a gel 
chamber for electrophoresis. Using an Arduino as a base design and 
Python for programming the machine, the DIY machine opens avenues for 
conceptual implementation of biohacking projects.

The workshop is open to beginner and experienced bio-intrepids alike.

Recommended donation of €20 per person. Given the short-notice nature of 
the workshop, there will be future events using the PCR machine, and for 
which a donation is not requested.

Please view the two-day schedule here: 

Cand. MSc. (Biotechnology) Philipp Bayer,
MSc. (Physics) Michael Blessenohl

More info:
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[rohrpost] Fwd: >top II Technoshamanism Meeting in Berlin!!

2016-07-16 Diskussionsfäden Mindaugas Gapševičius


 Forwarded Message 
Subject: >top II Technoshamanism Meeting in Berlin!!
Date: Sat, 16 Jul 2016 11:18:37 +0200
From: >top e.V. 
To: top-l...@top-ev.de

Once again, we are calling all the cyborgs, witches, heretics, 
technoshamans, programmers, hackers, artists, alchemists, thinkers and 
everyone who might be curious to gather on

Sunday  July 17, from 14:00  to midnight,

in order to create discussions and practices regarding technoshamanism, 
thus strenghtening our networking in Berlin.


We want to take the opportunity of our stay in Berlin to make the II 
meeting to in order to strengthen the network and introduce the theme of 
the II Festival, that is “resistance and networks in the anthropocene”. 
We willfollow the principles of technoshamanism, which aims to connect 
new technologies with ancestral ones in order to repair the historical 
division between the two kinds of knowledge. Technoshamanism intends to 
create new inputs for  unorthodox ways of thinking regarding the 
development of free technology.

Organised by Fabiane M. Borges (Brazil) and Carsten Agger (Denmark) in 
collaboration with >top Schillerpalais and Freifunk Berlin. Supported by 
 >top e.V.

For the programme and more info please refer to

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[rohrpost] Fwd: >top The Radical Outside: An Introduction to #Additivism

2016-06-09 Diskussionsfäden Mindaugas Gapševičius

#Additivism manifesto and talk might be of interest for some of you.


 Forwarded Message 
Subject: >top The Radical Outside: An Introduction to #Additivism
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2016 23:33:17 +0200
From: >top e.V. 
To: top-l...@top-ev.de

the time is running and the new talk is on the table again! I 
propose for the next session a talk and Q by Morehshin Allahyari and 
Daniel Rourke about The 3D Additivist Manifesto + The 3D Additivist 

11 June 2016 @ 19:00
 >top Schillerpalais, Schillerpromenade 4, 12049 Berlin

The session will focus on the artist’s own research and practice in 
relationship to #Additivism, activism, and critical/poetic approaches to 
3D printing. It is a sort of a cutting-edge in techy arts. Be sure to 
read the Additivist Manifesto before coming (follow links bellow).

#Additivism is a collaboration between artist and activist Morehshin 
Allahyari and writer/artist/academic Daniel Rourke. In March 2015 they 
released The 3D Additivist Manifesto: a call to push additive 
manufacturing technologies to their absolute limits and beyond, into the 
realm of the speculative, the provocative and the weird. They then 
issued a call for submissions for a radical ‘Cookbook‘of blueprints, 
designs, 3D print templates, and essays on the topics raised by their 
Manifesto including text and projects on environmental ethics, objects 
in movements for social and political change, the renewed contemporary 
significance of the artist manifesto by the likes of the Accelerationist 
and Xenofeminist movements, and the potential of radical intervention in 
contemporary technocapitalism.

More info:
top e.V. Mailingliste
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Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost 
Ent/Subskribieren: http://post.in-mind.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/rohrpost/

[rohrpost] Fwd: >top Galen Gibson-Cornell. Invisible Cities : Berlin

2016-06-01 Diskussionsfäden Mindaugas Gapševičius

FYI Exhibition opening with a talk @ >top e.V. Schillerpalais

 Forwarded Message 
Subject: >top Galen Gibson-Cornell. Invisible Cities : Berlin
Date: Tue, 31 May 2016 23:15:55 +0200
From: >top e.V. 
To: top-l...@top-ev.de

Invisible Cities : Berlin. Exhibition opening with a talk

@ >top e.V. Schillerpalais, Schillerpromenade 4, 12049 Berlin
Friday 03|06|2016 6pm-9pm

Galen Gibson-Cornell. Invisible Cities: The silent, unnoticed networks 
that permeate urban areas and fill the interstices of daily life in a city.

Thick layers of street posters, flyers, and advertisements color the 
external appearance of many neighborhoods of Berlin. These structures 
have a purpose- to communicate events, politics, and ideologies to 
passers-by. However, they are quickly ripped, vandalized, written on, 
and covered up; thus each voice altered, muddled, covered, and lost in 
time to the buzz of the vibrating city.

Gibson-Cornell renders these invisible signs visible. He deconstructs 
the universal system of street posters by pointing to the moment when 
its function ceases, and its individual voices lost. It is within this 
moment that his artwork begins. His materials are those of the street- 
found posters, tape, and paper—and he dissects, rearranges, and builds 
unique and curious artworks that question the systems at work invisibly 
in our cities.

Galen Gibson-Cornell (United States, b. 1987) is a visual artist working 
at the intersection of printmaking, photography, and urban commentary.

His work questions the role of prints and printed matter in urban 
landscapes--particularly dealing with posters, street artwork, 
advertisements, and other ephemera that cover the exterior walls of many 
of the world’s cities.

More info:
top e.V. Mailingliste
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Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost 
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[rohrpost] Fwd: >top Brendan Howell and the Superficial Intelligence

2016-05-11 Diskussionsfäden Mindaugas Gapševičius

 Forwarded Message 
Subject: >top Brendan Howell and the Superficial Intelligence
Date: Thu, 12 May 2016 01:07:44 +0200
From: >top e.V. 
To: top-l...@top-ev.de

The next in our Artist Talk and Soup series is Brendan Howell and his 
position towards Artificial Intelligence. All are welcome!

14 May 2016 @ 19:00
@Schillerpalais, Schillerpromenade 4, 12049 Berlin

Despite 60+ years of research in Artificial Intelligence, we are, 
arguably, not much closer to human-like talking, reasoning machines than 
we were in the 1950s. This is less due to failure on the part of 
computer scientists, and more to the semantic gap between academic and 
pop cultural understanding. While this might sound like disappointment 
(or relief), examining our fears of and desires for „Superficial 
Intelligence“ reveal some fun things about human relations in the valley 
of technological mediation. Join us for an uncanny lecture.

Brendan Howell was born in Manchester, CT, USA in 1976. He is an artist 
and a reluctant engineer who has created various software works and 
interactive electronic inventions. Currently, he lives in Berlin, Germany.

More information: http://www.top-ev.de

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Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost 
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[rohrpost] Fwd: >top Tarsh Bates: creature that is more-than-human

2016-04-28 Diskussionsfäden Mindaugas Gapševičius
Curious about relations between humans and yeasts? Welcome on Saturday 
to Schillerpalais! And/or to Art Laboratory Berlin which features for 
the last day Tarsh Bates among other artists.

See for more info bellow.


 Forwarded Message 
Subject: >top Tarsh Bates: creature that is more-than-human
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2016 18:14:19 +0200
From: >top e.V. 
To: top-l...@top-ev.de

For the next Artist Talk & Soup series Tarsh Bates asks the audience to
consider the human body as an ecology, an ecosystem of microbial life,
as a creature that is more-than-human. What might this ecology be like
from a microbial perspective?

30 April 2016 @ 19:00
Schillerpalais, Schillerpromenade 4, 12049 Berlin

Microbiological artist Tarsh Bates considers the human body to be an
ecology, an ecosystem of microbial life, as a creature that is
more-than-human. The human microbiome has received a lot of attention in
the last ten years, with claims that human cells are outnumbered at
least two to one by bacteria, fungi, arachnid, and insect cells, and an
explosion of scientific research into the importance of such
microorganisms to human evolution and health. This plethora of
scientific research has been mirrored by an outbreak of artistic
interest in the relationship between human and microbial cultures. This
edition of Artist Talk and Soup explores what the human ecology might be
like from a microbial perspective through a series of enactments of

More info: http://www.top-ev.de/
Website: https://tarshbates.com/
ArtLaboratoryBerlin: http://artlaboratory-berlin.org/home_eng.htm
SymbioticA: http://www.symbiotica.uwa.edu.au/

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Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost 
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[rohrpost] Forever Alpha Biohacking Meetup

2016-04-11 Diskussionsfäden Mindaugas Gapševičius
Join us for a social night of biohacking-inspired activities and 
presentations. This will be the first in a series of events over the 
next six months to bring together the DIY Bio-interested community here 
in Berlin and build momentum for opening a public biohackspace in late 
2016. Come hang out and have a DNAquiri!

Saturday, April 16 at 6:30 PM
@Schillerpalais. Schillerpromenade 4. 12049 Berlin

We kindly ask for a €5 donation, but we do not want this contribution to 
limit anyone’s ability to participate. In-kind donations through used 
lab equipment are welcome too!

Beginning at 1830h, the event includes:

#Cellfie Station
Lucy Patterson
Capture yourself in a new light (bring a smartphone).

Kitchen Lab Installation (you may still donate your artwork, see website 
for more information)

As the top e.V. crew packs up their kitchen lab to head to Stockholm for 
the Supermarket fair, artworks contributed to the space around the 
kitchen as laboratory theme will be on display.

Book presentation and reading with Rüdiger Trojok
Biohacking – Genetic engineering for all, Franzis Verlag

Lesung auf Deutsch: For years now, a global scene of civil scientists 
working on modern biology has been growing, and their work is generally 
known as biohacking. For all those interested, and newcomers to the 
subject, this should serve as a guide book for basic understanding of 
the world of molecular biology. Starting with the beginning of life, the 
history of evolution is explained in broad terms by the present state of 
knowledge, alongside practical examples on how to apply theoretical 
knowledge. Using advanced software, synthetic biology can rewrite the 
digital code of life. With this new ability, we now face a public debate 
on how to deal meaningfully with this knowledge and the resultant 
technical possibilities.

Website: http://www.top-ev.de
Meetup group: http://www.meetup.com/forever-alpha
Twitter: http://twitter.com/foreveralphalab
Project: http://foreveralpha.club/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/781615345306930/
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Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost 
Ent/Subskribieren: http://post.in-mind.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/rohrpost/

[rohrpost] Agar! Agar!

2016-04-06 Diskussionsfäden Mindaugas Gapševičius
You are cordially invited to the opening of the exhibition,"Agar! Agar!" 
The exhibition is a result of the course on bioart which was offered at 
the Bauhaus University Weimar in winter semester 2015/6.

Opening reception Saturday 9 April 2016, 19:00.
@Schillerpalais, Schillerpromenade 4, 12049 Berlin

The Bio art course was designed as an introduction to work with live 
tissues, bacteria, mycelium, plants and other organisms. During the 
theoretical part we have discussed artworks in relation to Bio art, 
tried to overview them within the up to date discourses ranging from 
interspecies collaboration to plant communication to symbiotic 
relationships to transgenic organisms. In addition we have been working 
with non-living systems demonstrating life-like processes like crystal 
growing and automata patterns. Work in the biolab focused on the 
analysis of living systems (acetobacter, physarum, yeasts, euglena, 
etc.) and their relations to habitat. Living and non-living systems have 
been considered while sensing and recording their shifts with the help 
of microscopes and cameras, analyzing and interacting with them while 
bridging with electronics and computers, and sharing and documenting 
experiments online and on paper.

The exhibition is kindly supported by the Bauhaus University Weimar and 
its Media Environments chair (Prof. Ursula Damm).

Participants: Leon Billerbeck, Christian Doeller, Liese Endler, Ioannis 
Oriwol, Azucena Sanchez, Iremnur Tokac, Trina Ukmata, Tim Vischer

Lecturer: Mindaugas Gapsevicius

Image: Physarum maps by Azucena Sanchez

More information: http://www.top-ev.de
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Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost 
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[rohrpost] Artist Talk and Soup. Subject: Aquatic Ape: Online Useletics /ᘓ.com

2016-03-15 Diskussionsfäden Mindaugas Gapševičius
JODI? — The featured guest for the next „Artist talk and soup“ series is 
the new >top e.V. member Dirk Paesmans from JODI collective. All welcome!

19 March 2016 @ 19:00
>top e.V. Scillerpalais, Schillerpromenade 4, 12049 Berlin

From:  DI⬇ JOID,
Subject:  SCHILLER/TOP;evA$CuI/JODI_SOUP--Blabla$$CIIT-berlin.date- 
()--T-+oo font fuJjjJjj7aa88|0404-74 OO4O 

Date:  February 23,  2016 11:51:47 AM GMT+01:00,
To: Mindaugas Gapševičius ,
Bcc:( $$4OO77O, )
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Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost 
Ent/Subskribieren: http://post.in-mind.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/rohrpost/

[rohrpost] Sharing space and knowledge at Schillerpalais

2016-03-01 Diskussionsfäden Mindaugas Gapševičius

Hello everybody

from March 1st 2016, we have some spare space to share with you at our 
new project space @ Schillerpalais, Schillerpromenade 4.

Interested? The donations for our shared space are from 50 eur a month. 
We would expect from you to be involved in >top eV and Schillerpalais 
activities, would it be a programme, an application or a cooking session.

More info @ http://www.top-ev.de/

All the best,

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Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost 
Ent/Subskribieren: http://post.in-mind.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/rohrpost/

[rohrpost] technoshamanism meeting in Berlin

2016-02-15 Diskussionsfäden Mindaugas Gapševičius

Hi guys,

have you ever heard about technoshamanism? -- During the 19th and 20th 
of February 2016 rede technoshamanism and TOP eV invite you to 
Schillerpalais, Schillerpromenade 4 where will be a technoshamanism 
meeting. This meeting intends to gather people that are interested in 
the intersection between DIY technologies and ancestor futuristic 
knowledge. For the programme please refer to 

By "ancestor futuristic knowledge" we understand the approximation of 
ancestral knowledge, cosmovisions, alquimy, shamanisms, magic, free 
cosmogonies with foresight technologies and possible futurologies.

If rationalism and individualism somehow exhaust a way to produce an 
ecologically and socially balanced existence, and if the Earth presents 
emergencies that the anthropocentrism can't take care of, what can we do 
to reach other relations of states between human / nature / cosmos?

All this discussion about interspecifcs, subjectivity of matter, 
anthropocene, and theoretical speculative discussions is something that 
moves us / touches, or is it just the latest intellectual agenda in 
international meetings, which soon will sound as obsolete concepts?

You can approach if you feel called by the junction of these terms 
(techno + shamanism, ancestrality + futurism). You can come to the 
workshops, discussions and rituals that will be made during the whole 
weekend in free radio format, with free expression and listening space 
for many different backgrounds.

The event is a collaboration between TOP eV and rede technoshamanism 


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Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost 
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[rohrpost] Thinking & talking about identity in times of cognitive dissonance with Robert Sakrowski

2016-01-21 Diskussionsfäden Mindaugas Gapševičius

Hi there

lets talk about incompatibility and glitches in human thinking @
the next Artist Talk and Soup. Auf Deutsch oder Englisch. Up to you. All 
are welcome!

23 January 2016 @ 19:00
@Schillerpalais, Schillerpromenade 4, 12049 Berlin

Cognitive Dissonance refers to an emotional state caused by the fact 
that a person has multiple and not necessarily incompatible cognitions – 
perceptions, thoughts, opinions, attitudes, wishes or intentions. 
Everyone wants to leave Facebook but nobody does it. No one wants to 
accept the dominance of Apple in the market, but everyone uses their 
products. These and related questions will be highlighted by Robert 
Sakrowski acting in virtual networks as CuratingYouTube.

Art critic and curator Robert Sakrowski (1966) works with art practices 
related to Web 2.0. He initiated a number of online and offline projects 
including netart-datenbank.org (1999), CuratingYouTube.net (since 2007) 
and gridr.org (since 2012). In 2014 he worked as curator for the 
Transmediale Festival 2015 „capture all“. Recently Sakrowski has curated 
the Newman Festival in Lithuania.

Organised by >top e.V. Association for the Promotion of Cultural 
Practice in collaboration with schillerpalais e.V.

More info www.top-ev.de

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[rohrpost] Staying with the Trouble: Deep Listening Lecture

2015-12-06 Diskussionsfäden Mindaugas Gapševičius

Dear Rohrposters

top e.V. Association for the Promotion of Cultural Practice is pleased
to invite you to the next „Artist talk and soup“ series with Kei 
Kreutler, who will propose a discourse on less human terrain. Bring your 

12 December 2015 @ 19:00
Schillerpromenade 4, 12049 Berlin

The Anthropocene has taken hold as a concept in contemporary discourse, 
a concept which posits the Anthropos, the human and its technology, as 
the primary accelerating force in ecological change and crisis. While 
the term intends to codify the vast extent to which humans destroying 
the planet, many believe it sublimates fundamental points: our technical 
categorizations are always political first; and We, whatever we are, are 
not at their center. Some others try to speak of something else 
not-yet-finished, the abyssal, generative and destructive Chthulucene. 
Drawing from microbiology, cultural productions of “global scale,” and 
staying with that which sits beside, inside, above or below us, this 
Deep Listening Lecture will introduce work by those thinking within the 
Chthulucene concept and move toward ways to think less human terrain.

Sound Archives. Guided Sessions. Please Bring Examples.

Participants are asked to RSVP at c...@cthulhucene.net.

Kei Kreutler is a researcher, developer and sometimes-artist interested 
in supporting applied autonomy and practices for distributed 
communities. She currently works on @unMonastery, @OSObservatory, 
secondfoundation.systems, and @TransforMap. www.keikreutler.cc

More info:

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Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost 
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[rohrpost] Fwd: Invitation to Migrating Art Academies laboratory in Kaunas, Lithuania - March 27 – April 4, 2015

2015-02-16 Diskussionsfäden Mindaugas Gapševičius

 Forwarded Message 
Subject: Invitation to Migrating Art Academies laboratory in
Kaunas, Lithuania - March 27 – April 4, 2015
Date:   Tue, 10 Feb 2015 10:50:20 +0200
From:   Lina Rukeviciute i...@migaa.eu

Dear Emerging Artists,

Migrating Art Academies invite you to take part in the new creative 
laboratory -

Forensic Flâneur

March 27 – April 4, 2015. Kaunas, Lithuania

Application deadline for the new MigAA laboratory is 20 February 2015. 
For statements, please use our online application form. Invited emerging 
artists will be granted travel costs and accommodation.

Within the context of social anguish created by late political and 
economical conditions we are intending to organize Migrating Art 
Academies laboratory in Kaunas focusing on collection of evidence. 
Emerging artists in collaboration with curators, scientists and 
established artists will explore the theme of breaking 
law/rule/believe/routine from different vantage points including not 
only social activism and civil participation, which became a new norm in 
contemporary art practices but also revising individualistic surrealist 
revolt against institutionalized reality and also radical situationist 
practices of questioning established communicative acts.

The planed array of activities will primarily focus on parameters of 
group dynamic in relationship to existing administrative, aesthetic, 
urban and the other larger formative structures. As a location Kaunas is 
marked with disobedience ranging from revolt—a political criminality as 
resistance to the imposed order to organized crime as a radical 
compliance with the mythos of gain. On a broader scale, if one would 
fancy to browse through the late news one couldn’t but notice abundance 
of the mirroring misère-en-scènes of the slowly spinning political 
kaleidoscope: Greece convulsive under the suffocating burden of numeric 
obligations relentlessly preached by troika and fed by symmetric 
aesthetics of justice enshrined in the neo-calvinist psycho of its 
Nordic neighbours; Ukraine ravaged by strangely drawn territorial 
desires fed by supremacy of idealized aesthetics of the “old” space; 
rabid builders of the Caliphate energized by the fountain of truth which 
in turn is being filled by the aesthetics of pious austerity of an 
ancient regime. Supremacy of reason—an opus magnum of 
Enlightenment—formalized into tenets of elective democracy and human 
rights is being challenged not just by already classical post-modernist 
project but also by variety of new fringe systems.

Led by Žilvinas Lilas and Mindaugas Gapševičius (LT/DE) the laboratory 
will last one week including public lectures, expeditions and 
collaborative intensive work focusing on theoretical and practical 
production with interdisciplinary and critical approach. Expected 
outcome of the Forensic Flâneur will be collection of (audio-visual or 
verbatim) ideas dealing with non-sanctioned ruptures. At the end of the 
laboratory exhibition with leading discussions will be scheduled.

The Migrating Art Academies laboratory in Kaunas is organized by 
Institutio Media in collaboration with the Kaunas University of 
Technology. Forensic Flâneur is supported by the Nordic Culture Point.

Application form and more information www.migaa.eu

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Archiv: http://www.nettime.org/rohrpost 
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[rohrpost] self-tracing / self-watching @ transmediale

2015-01-30 Diskussionsfäden Mindaugas Gapševičius
On Sunday, February 1st 2015 at the transmediale festival, students from 
the Weißensee Academy of Art develop a social sculpture in the cafe 
stage of the HKW.

DAY: Sun 01.02.
DUR: 360 min
PLC: hkw cafe stage

The recent issues on surveillance systems create a sense of how fragile 
digital communication is and also shows how easily our personal data can 
be accessed. On the other hand the average user of social networks like 
Facebook or Twitter doesn’t care so much whether private information 
goes public or not. Far from it: self-tracing, self-watching, 
self-publicity and self-quantification is considered useful for 
individual purposes. In Fall 2014 weißensee academy of art berlin 
offered a seminar on above issues. As a result a social sculpture is 
developed in the cafe stage of the Haus der Kulturen der Welt during one 
day of the transmediale. In a collective approach while arranging and 
rearranging individual contributions, the installation changes its 
shape. At the same time the installation builds its own story.

Contributions to the installation by: Anne Brouwer, Louise 
Douet-Sinenberg, Hannah Fiand, Jana Jedermann, Elizabeth Johnson, Lukas 
Jakob Löcker, Dora Petrova, Pascal Reinhard, Phillip Schaefer, Stefanie 
Schwarzwimmer, Carme Servalls Munar, Vera van de Seyp, Dafna Stoilkova, 
Daniele Tognozzi, Maria Turik

Coordination by: Hannes Brunner, Mindaugas Gapševičius, Felix Groll
Organized by: Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin
Supported by: transmediale, top e.V.

More information: http://self-tracing.com

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[rohrpost] 0.30402944246776265. Installation. Mindaugas Gapševičius

2014-08-19 Diskussionsfäden Mindaugas Gapševičius
Friday, August 22nd, 2014
20:00 @ OKK/Raum29 Gallery, Prinzenallee 29, 13359 Berlin

Installation. Mindaugas Gapševičius

We are pleased to invite you to the exhibition of media artist Mindaugas
Gapševičius, who is showing his most recent installation, entitled
0.30402944246776265. In his installation, Gapševičius investigates
artificial intelligence and brings a number of computers into the space
for the consideration of artificial networks in terms of social and
neural networks. The installation assembles an imaginative artificial
neural network wherein computers act as neurons and network cables
represent axones connecting neurones. The title number indicates the
location of a computer in the proposed framework.

The computers run the distributed data storage system Freenet, which
operates as a self-organizing network using the allocated free space of
personal computers to create a collaborative virtual file system. The
system functions in such a way that any given computer within the system
cannot trace any other computer beyond the computer it is connected to.
It follows that the system is not representable in full. This
installation provides a visual interface to trace the exchange of data
between several computers in order to grasp an idea of the functioning
system. Inso doing, a space introducing n number of computers could
help the viewer of the installation see how data is transmitted within
the network and how computers connect to each other.

Mindaugas Gapševičius is an artist, facilitator, and curator living and
working in Berlin and Vilnius. Gapševičius has been an active
participant in international new media art networks, which stimulated
the formation of networks between Western countries and the Baltic
States in the 1990s. His work is most associated with net art, software,
and interactive user interface.

Website: http://triple-double-u.com/0.30402944246776265
OKK/Raum29: http://kritische-kunst.org

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[rohrpost] Fwd: Support the exhibition in Russia! --- Нам нужна ваша поддержка!

2014-06-17 Diskussionsfäden Mindaugas Gapševičius
English below

 Original Message 
Subject: Support the exhibition in Russia! --- Нам нужна ваша поддержка!
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2014 19:07:09 +0100
From: Juste Kostikovaite

*Свершилось! *

Mы запустили наш Kickstarter. Давайте вместе остановим культурный бойкот
- нам нужна ваша поддержка!


 Целью Kickstarter станет сбор средств для проекта Что Думает Меня -
долгосрочной серии выставок в России и Европе, которая начнется в
Санкт-Петербурге этим летом.

Мы собираем средства, чтобы оплатить доставку работ художников , а также
дорогу участников проекта в Россию и обратно, чтобы посетить открытие
выставки. Kickstarter также является способом продемонстрировать, что
проведение таких мероприятий, как художественные выставки в России может
стать способом бойкотировать культурный бойкот.

*Что Думает Меня

 *Выставка с серией мероприятий*

*27 июня - 21 июля*

Художники и участники проекта: *Джон Балдессари, Дэвид Бернштейн, Рагна
Блей, Жак Гаспар  **Биберкопф, Дэвид Реймонд Конрой, Джесси Дарлинг,
Югедамос, Никита Кадан, Ребекка Ла Мар,  **Лина Лапелите, Таус Макачева,
Мария Олшаускайте, Роман Осминкин, Яако Палласвуо, Юргис **Пашкевичиус,
Даниель Шанкен, Виктор Тимофеев, Юлийонас Урбонас, Робин Ванбезьен, Техно-*

*Кураторы Юсте Костиковаите и Моника Липшиц*


После успешного уик-энда 2 июня мы собрали *£1,096!* Мы очень благодарны
нашим замечательным спонсорам! Нo нам все еще нужно собрать £3900 в
течение *16
дней*. Пожалуйста, зайдите на нашу страницу на Kickstarter и поддержите наш
проект. Нам нужны ВЫ!


Dear friends,

If you believe that:

Cultural boycott
is not an effective measure to change political decisions of the
governments, but, on the contrary, it further marginalizes and weakens
artists, independent art spaces, and therefore the development of the civic
society at large,

then -  please support What Thinks Me exhibition in the independent art
space in St.Petersburg called TAIGA NOW by donating £££ to our KICKSTARTER-



*What Thinks Me*

An exhibition and a series of events
June 27th – July 21st
TAIGA Art Space

ARTISTS: John Baldessari, David Bernstein, Ragna Bley, Jacques Gaspard
Biberkopf, David Raymond Conroy, Jesse Darling, Jugedamos, Nikita Kadan,
Rebecca La Marre, Lina Lapelytė, Taus Makhacheva, Marija Olšauskaitė, Roman
Osminkin, Maija Rudovska, Jaakko Pallasvuo, Jurgis Paškevičius, Daniel
Shanken, Viktor Timofeev, Julijonas Urbonas, Robin Vanbesien, Technopoezia


Juste Kostikovaite and Monika Lipsic

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[rohrpost] After afterglow and the Migrating Art Academies. /state in between/ idea preview

2014-02-03 Diskussionsfäden Mindaugas Gapševičius

idea preview
4 February 18:00 @ OKK/raum29 gallery, Prinzenallee 29, 13359 Berlin

transmediale festival of art and digital culture in 2014 suggests that
digital revolution is over. On the other side humanity approaches
cultures loaded by transhumanistic and posthumanistic ideas. How one
exists at the edge of ending and starting moments, shapes and
attitudes? What is the dimension we live in and what is the state of 
being in between?

 top association in Berlin is hosting Migrating Art Academies’ one week
long laboratory /state in between/. Invited emerging artists from
Vilnius Academy of Arts, Weißensee Academy of Art Berlin and Berlin
University of the Arts have experienced the proposed theme in the
framework of the festival.

The laboratory is partly supported by Culture Programme 2007-2013.
Migrating Art Academies is a platform for innovation and exchange in
arts teaching and research across Europe. More information

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