[Romania-News] Conferinta Basarabia, ora 17.00, Facultatea de Drept

2007-03-27 Thread Victor Roncea

Stimati prieteni si colegi,

Asociatia Civic Media  va invita la Conferinta publica

Basarabia Acum
Situatia relatiilor romano-romane la 89 de ani de la Actul Unirii

Astazi, 27 Martie, Ora 17, la Universitatea Bucuresti, Sala Senatului, 
Palatul Facultatii de Drept

Invitat de onoare: Alexandru Lesco, fost prizonier in Transnistria timp 
de 12 ani, va vorbi despre detinutii politic romani de la Tiraspol 
Andrei Ivantoc si Tudor Popa

Organizata impreuna cu Seniorii Ligii Studentilor si Universitatea din 
Bucuresti, dezbaterea se va bucura de patronajul academicianului Dinu C 
Giurescu. Vor fi analizate provocarile agresive ale politicii strategice 
rusesti de la Est de Prut si vor fi oferite mai multe solutii pentru 
facilitarea redobandirii cetateniei romane si a vizelor basarabenilor si 
bucovinenilor, in contextul accederii Romaniei in UE.

Participa: academicieni, profesori universitari, istorici, studenti, 
jurnalisti, oficiali ai Ministerelor de Interne, Externe, Integrarii.

Invitati speciali: reprezentanti ai Bisericii Ortodoxe Romane si ai 
Presedintiei Romaniei.

[Romania-News] Fwd: [Dacia Eterna] Spune NU taxei Furiceanu!

2007-03-27 Thread dac69rebel
Eddie M
-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, 27 Mar 2007 9:53 AM
Subject: [Dacia Eterna] Spune NU taxei Furiceanu!


Eddie M
Acolo este Tara mea
Si neamul meu cel românesc


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[Romania-News] Exista viata pe blog

2007-03-27 Thread Alin Cristea
“Ca instrument ce permite raspindirea publica a informatiilor cu o viteza 
foarte mare, blogul incepe sa reprezinte o sursa credibila pentru media 
clasica, dar si pentru publicul a carui incredere in media traditionala se afla 
in declin. ‘Lumea s-a saturat de stiri, la care sa i se «serveasca» lucruri. Pe 
blog informatia pleaca de jos in sus, de la tine, de la mine, si este filtrata 
prin audienta. In plus, exista dreptul la replica aproape in timp real’ – spune 
Dragos Novac. ‘Presa scrisa moare de mina contabililor’ – afirma si Comanescu. 
Totusi, nu putem vorbi de o deturnare a audientei dinspre media traditionale 
spre bloguri, decit poate la nivel de nisa. Dar cu siguranta editiile online 
ale ziarelor si blogurilor redactorilor ‘maninca’ multi cititori reali…”
  (Adina Rosetti, “Exista viata pe blog”, in Dilmea veche, Nr. 161, 9-15 martie 

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[Romania-News] Nadia - the most successful woman in Romania

2007-03-27 Thread Vali Nas
  - the most successful woman in Romania


Ana Diculescu Sova, Camelia Sucu and Georgiana Pogonaru top the standings.


published in issue 3901 page 6 at 2007-03-28


Bucharest - 'Capital' Magazine, the weekly economic and financial magazine,
has just launched the Top 100 supplement including the 100 most successful
women in Romania. According to the top, Nadia Comaneci and Ana Diculescu
Sova, senior partner at NNDKP law house are the most successful women in
Romania, ranking both on the first position, with 48 points. Camelia Sucu
(General Manager Class Mob) ranks on the third position, followed by
Georgiana Pogonaru (General Manager Romcolor).

The doctor Mihaela Leventer and the psychologist Aurora Liiceanu share the
fifth position of the top.  Cristiana Copos occupies the 12 position, while
Anca Boagiu, the Minister of Integration is on the 14 position. Most women
evaluated for the top were present in previous editions, but 36 new names
were added to the top for 2007 according to the authors of the publication
quoted by Mediafax. Eight women from the artistic world, 8 from the medical
world and 7 from mass-media were present in the top. The women selected as
the most successful in 2007 work in a great variety of areas such as law,
medicine, sports, politics, publicity or media.  The top includes as well a
classification of the best paid women in the world, published by the Fortune
Magazine, a top of the celebrities from 2005 and a classification of the
most powerful women in the world, with Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of
Germany on the leading position.

The selection criteria such as carrier and social involvement accounted for
15 per cent each, while the notoriety and the financial situation
represented 10 per cent of the final figure. The criteria successes in 2006
accounted for 50 per cent of the final score of each candidate.


by Silvia   Niculescu


(C) 2000-2005 Nine o'Clock


"Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness." (Carlo Goldoni)

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace." (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Balet Flamenco de Madrid first in Bucharest

2007-03-27 Thread Vali Nas
 Flamenco de Madrid first in Bucharest


Carmina Burana will open the series of 170 shows to be played in Italy,
Portugal and Spain.


published in issue 3901 page 12 at 2007-03-28


Bucharest - Tomorrow, at 19.00 h., is due the opening night of the show
Carmina Burana performed by the dance company Balet Flamenco de Madrid. The
artistic direction and the choreography of the ballet are signed by Luciano
Ruiz and Sara Lezana, two great names from the world of the flamenco shows.
"The fact that the Spanish artists were very well received by the Romanian
audience prompted the decision to organise the world first of the show in
Romania. It is the world first of this type that takes place in Romania and
it is one more proof that we have a country with a cultural potential and
spectators interested in high quality events," declared Pepino Popescu, the
producer of this show. The same also stressed that the show celebrates the
love and joy of living and the interpretation from Bucharest will observe
the music of the classical opera. The dancers of the Spanish company will
bring before the Romanian audience an opera that was used in the opening and
final of the concerts of some well-known troops and artists, like "The
Doors" or Michael Jackson.

The event appears the more interesting as the dance company Balet Flamenco
de Madrid has concluded contracts for all the season with the performance
Carmina Burana. The 170 shows will take place in Italy, Portugal and Spain,
in Romania being recorded also on DVD.

The prices of the tickets are between RON 60 and RON 185, and can be found
at the ticket offices on the second floor in Unirea Shopping Center,
Carrefour Orhideaa, Carrefour Feeria, the Palace Hall, Muzica shop, the
National Theater and on www.vreaubilet.ro   .

Carmina Burana is a collection of poems and songs, and short theatre plays,
found in 1803 by Benediktbeuern, a Benedictine monastery 100 km South of
Munchen. In 1847, Johann Andreas Schmeller, a librarian from Munchen,
published for the first time this collection calling it by the Latin name of
Carmina Burana, which could be translated through the "songs from Beuren,"
or more exactly "the songs from Benediktbeuren." Most of the original texts
are written in Latin, the language which was generally used in the literary
world at that time. Based on these writings, the German musician Carl Orff
composed one of the most appreciated musical operas, whose first performance
took place in 1937. Orff's opera contains 25 poems, based on extracts from
the more extensive text of the manuscript.


by George Grigoriu  


(C) 2000-2005 Nine o'Clock


"Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness." (Carlo Goldoni)

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace." (Jimi Hendrix)