[Romania-News] Romania, mereu surprinzatoare

2007-12-16 Fir de Conversatie Vali

"Dead" Romanian Retiree Renews Identification Papers

December 14, 2007 6:56 p.m. EST

Harriette Cecilio - AHN News Writer

Timisoara, Romania (AHN) - Gheorghe Stirbu, 61, got the shock of his life
when authorities refused to renew his identity papers last week, insisting
that their records showed he has been dead for eight years.

A clerk even showed him a death certificate that proves that he passed away
on March 3, 1999 due to breathing difficulties. He was also supposedly
buried shortly thereafter.

Stirbu's daughter Iuliana Mocanu thought the mix-up was funny but neither
her father nor Vasile Tarciatu, the head of the bureau that issues identity
papers, was laughing.

Taciatu admitted there were mistakes in record-keeping in the past but
nothing as serious as showing someone had died.

"When I saw it I couldn't believe it. How can someone who is fully alive be
declared dead?" Stirbu said Thursday.

Mocanu said his father could not sleep after receiving the news.

Stirbu insisted he was not suffering from illness at the supposed time of
his death.

He is also bent to prove to the government that he is alive and to have them
renew his papers soonest.

C 2007 by AHN Media Corp.

"Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness." (Carlo Goldoni)
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace." (Jimi Hendrix)
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[Romania-News] Trainers for Romania needed

2007-12-16 Fir de Conversatie Vali
  For a current project native
speaking trainers for Romania and Bulgaria needed to present themselves in
WOT - World of Training 
by Andreas "Telefon Training"  
Wiedow   on 16-Dec-07 1:34pm
Dear all,

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and years and in order to make my search more easy join
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Your Investment: One minute to join. Two minutes to complete one single
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The Vision: Winning by sharing. Make this network grow to the source that's
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card. The Sequoia  

  WOT - World of Training
will become THE gate and entry completely free from unnecessary
advertisement. And that's exactly what HRD responsibles want. Your

  Join now.

Act now. Join   WOT.
today !

Have fun, Andreas   Wiedow
C The Ecademy Ltd

"Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness." (Carlo Goldoni)
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace." (Jimi Hendrix)
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[Romania-News] 16-22 decembrie EROII NU MOR NICIODATA

2007-12-16 Fir de Conversatie George
Prea multa lume a uitat deja. Prea repede, prea usor, martirii
libertatii au iesit din vietile noastre pentru a intra în ceata
istoriei. Ne consideram importanti, puternici, atotcunoscatori si,
totusi, suntem atât de mici, de lasi, de insignifianti. Tocmai de
aceea în fiecare decembrie e timpul sa ne plecam capul si sa ne
gândim, o clipa macar, la cei ce nu mai sunt.

Eroii nu mor niciodata!

Oricine doreste sa participe în aceasta campanie menita a cinsti
memoria martirilor cazuti în revolutia româna din 1989, poate sa o
faca în perioada 16-22 decembrie

- lipind afisul campaniei

- afisand pe Internet logoul campaniei

- realizând stenciluri, grafitiuri, bannere cu emblema campaniei
precum si orice alta metoda, oricât de neconventionala ar fi.

- Purtand insignele, tricoul sau hanoracul campaniei (disponibile
decat pentru cei care participa activ la aceasta actiune) - cei
interesati ne pot scrie la [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- participand la actiunile de comemorare a eroilor, care vor avea loc la:

* Timisoara, pe 16 decembrie, la ora 15.00 in Piata Maria (se va
merge catre Cimitirul Eroilor)
* Bucuresti, pe 21 decembrie, la ora 18.00 in Piata Revolutiei (se
va merge catre Sala Dalles, locul unde au murit primii revolutionari
din Bucuresti, pentru a se aprinde lumanari).

Mai multe informatii pe siteul http://www.eroiinumor.ro

[Romania-News] Unsr si www.pentrustudenti.ro iti ofera trei laptop-uri cadou de Craciun

2007-12-16 Fir de Conversatie marian ion
UNSR va ureaza sarbatori fericite si va invita sa participati la dezvoltarea 
portalului www.pentrustudenti.ro  . Cadourile noastre pentru voi sunt 3 
laptop-uri .Trimite-ne cea mai buna idee de imbunatatire a portalului ,fii 
activ pe forum sau creaza pagini interesante pe wiki si noi iti vom face cadoul 
potrivit de sarbatori.
 Detalii pe www.pentrustudenti.ro
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