[Romania-News] Ionatan Pirosca

2010-04-19 Fir de Conversatie Alin Cristea

Azi, 19
aprilie 2010, are loc inmormintarea lui Ionatan Pirosca, cel mai bun 
poet pe
care l-au avut vreodata evanghelicii romani:




Poetul brailean,
membru al Uniunii Scriitorilor din 2008, ne-a lasat 7 volume de poezii 
tematica crestina.


Cu fata la
cruce (1994)

Tabla inmultirii
cu cerul (1998)

Poema iubirii

dintre doua taceri (2004)

Ferestrele Imparatiei

pentru ghimpi (2007)

Trecerea prin
icoana 1 (2009)


Primele 4
volume pot fi descarcate de pe blogul lui Ionatan Pirosca:





2010-04-19 Fir de Conversatie Noua Acropola



Conferinta la Biblioteca Metropolitana Bucuresti 

Tache Ionescu nr. 4 – zona Piata Amzei) 




Arta lemnului in traditia

Marti, 20 aprilie 2010, ora 17:00 

Prezinta: Carmen Chifiriuc 


Intrarea la conferinta este libera! 














[Romania-News] World's largest land-based wind-energy development planned in Romania

2010-04-19 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Iberdrola Plans World's Largest Wind-Energy Complex in Romania
Monday, April 19, 2010

April 19 (Bloomberg) -- Iberdrola SA plans to build 50 wind parks in Romania
in what would be the world's largest land-based wind-energy development.

Aiming to supply electricity to almost 1 million homes, the Spanish company
acquired development rights from the Romanian government to build 1,500
megawatts of capacity through 2017, its Iberdrola Renovables SA unit said
today in a statement.

In less than a decade, Bilbao-based Iberdrola expanded a Spanish wind
business into more than 10 new markets including the U.S., the U.K., Poland
and Hungary to be the world leader in low-carbon power generation from the
wind, followed by Florida-based FPL Group Inc. and China Guodian Corp. of
Beijing, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

This permission will permit Iberdrola Renovables to develop the Dobrogea
Project, the most ambitious developed yet in the world, the company said.

Iberdrola reported an installed capacity at the end of last year of about
44,000 megawatts, of which natural gas-fired plants account for 30 percent,
renewable energy 25 percent and hydropower stations 23 percent. Iberdrola
Renovables aims to increase its installed capacity to 16,000 megawatts by
2012 from 11,294 megawatts at the end of March.

Like Florida's FPL, Iberdrola has grown to be one of the largest
investor-owned utilities partly because of rapid expansion in wind energy.
Wind and biomass are typically the cheapest sources of renewable energy and
plants using them can be built faster than large-scale solar or geothermal

--With assistance from Joao Lima in Lisbon. Editors: Paul Tobin, Randall

C2010 Bloomberg News

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