Hey everyone, sorry for my relative silence for the last week or so ... I've
been building a new version of the Citadel virtual appliance, using a scripted
installation this time so that the appliance itself can be regenerated at
any time, on any hypervisor.  I'm just about done and will initially publish
downloadable versions for VMware and KVM.   If I can get an OpenVZ one running
(which shouldn't be too hard because the new appliance is based on Debian)
then I'd like to try to get into the ProxMox VE template library too. 
 After that's done I'm going to update the screenshots on the web site.  They
need to not only reflect the new look of Citadel 8, but also they need to
be bigger and they should slide around and highlight different reasons to
look around the web site, which seems to be the trend now. 
 Citadel 8.01 is still in "soft launch" mode right now.  Easy Install and
both offer 8.01 at this time, and no one seems to be having any big problems,
which is good news. 
 Are the .deb and .rpm packages of 8.01 built yet? 

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