[Citadel Development] Re: Write server PID to citadel.lock in addition to locking it.

2023-09-18 Thread IGnatius T Foobar
 Whoa, what font is that ?!! 
 I am aware that `/var/run` is the conventional location, and may yet move
it there.  Doing so would, however, prevent multiple instances of Citadel
Server from running on the same host.  There were definitely people doing
that in the past, but I wonder if nowadays that is still a thing, with everyone
now having virtual machines and jails and containers and all sorts of other
ways to isolate multiple workloads on the same machine. 

[Citadel Development] Re: Write server PID to citadel.lock in addition to locking it.

2023-09-18 Thread LadySerenaKitty

PID files are usually in /var/run and are suffixed with "pid" as seen in the attached screenshot of my /var/run

Mon Sep 18 2023 10:21:10 EDT from rss <>  Subject: Write server PID to citadel.lock in addition to locking it.
This will be useful for systems like FreeBSD that need to know a PID to monitor. 


[Citadel Development] (null)

2023-09-18 Thread IGnatius T Foobar
Quick update regarding GitLab and git itself:

 I've removed SSH access to the repository.  All access should be through
 This is much more secure.  And yes, you can store your creds.  The recommended
procedure if you plan to commit is to grab yourself a Personal Access Token
your profile, and then use that as your password.  You can edit .git/config
set up your creds like this:
 This gives you the ability to commit without typing in your password every
but without having to store your cleartext password on your dev machine. 
And of
course you can revoke the token at any time.
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[Citadel Development] removed some verbage, but really a git test

2023-09-18 Thread rss

[Citadel Development] Additional memory allocated since startup: %d bytes message now identical to ...

2023-09-18 Thread rss

[Citadel Development] Write server PID to citadel.lock in addition to locking it.

2023-09-18 Thread rss
This will be useful for systems like FreeBSD that need to know a PID to monitor.