RE: options for the CPP Repository address (in the registry)

2002-06-11 Thread Christopher J. Feahr, OD

I seem to have lost track of how Kepa's DNS model fits in with this 
registry/repository idea.  Was this an alternative registry concept... 
another way to point to the same repository that we would use with an ebXML 
implementation?  Not being familiar with DNS and MX record 
structure/function, I never did understand Kepa's proposal in great 
detail.  If that is still on the table, can you re-explain it?


At 07:47 PM 6/10/02 -0500, you wrote:

 1. Do we say that the CPP repository identification element in our CPP
 registry MUST be a URL?

I think it depends on the model that's adopted. If Kepa's DNS model becomes
the standard then I would expect a name service query to produce something


On the other hand, if the model follows ebXML Registry/Repository standards
then I would expect a response like that found in
section 8.x of:

 2. Is URL sufficiently well-defined to encompass any form of document
 address that a registry-user might reasonably want?

A URL certainly can contain enough information to identify a CPP
document, for example:


The inquirer can retrieve the document URL and would, of course, have to
know how to interpret the document returned.


Dick Brooks
Systrends, Inc
7855 South River Parkway, Suite 111
Tempe, Arizona 85284

-Original Message-
From: Christopher J. Feahr, OD [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2002 5:49 PM
Subject: options for the CPP Repository address (in the registry)

Dear Group:
It has been suggested that the CPP Registry could point to all sorts of
information sources, in which a healthcare entity could list its EDI
connection requirements... even including a 1-800 phone number to a
payor's EDI Customer Service department.  But for our official registry
specification, can we require this to be a URL in the form
http://regularwebaddress.something;?  I'm not sure of the official
definition of Uniform Resource Locator or what URLs might look like if they
pointed directly to an XML document rather than to a conventional HTLM

So I guess I'm asking two questions here:
1. Do we say that the CPP repository identification element in our CPP
registry MUST be a URL?
2. Is URL sufficiently well-defined to encompass any form of document
address that a registry-user might reasonably want?


Christopher J. Feahr, OD
Cell/Pager: 707-529-2268

Christopher J. Feahr, OD
Cell/Pager: 707-529-2268

RE: An Overview or Primer Document

2002-06-11 Thread Rachel Foerster

I continue to be concerned about the lack of problem definition and lack of
focus on some critical milestones for health care:

1. ASCA requires all covered entities which have submitted a plan and
extension request to begin testing with external trading partners by April,

2. ASCA requires all covered entities which have submitted a plan and
extension request to be fully compliant with the Electronic Transaction
Final Rule by October 16, 2003.

3. Covered entities which have NOT submitted a plan and extension request by
October 15, 2002 must be fully compliant with the Electronic Transaction
Final Rule by October 16, 2002.

Question: how does/can any working paper covering these topics:

(1) Identifiers
(2) Addresses and delivery channels
(3) Elements of the Healthcare Collaboration-Protocol Profile (CPP)
(4) Discovery of Healthcare CPPs (i.e., the Registry)

enable the industry to achieve any one or all of these milestones? And, what
problem(s) that are currently seen as barriers/obstacles to achieving these
milestones would any of these working papers address?

Lastly, how would any working paper covering any or all of these topics
provide any specificity to a problem not yet defined that any of the vendors
could evaluate and incorporate into their solutions offerings?

I'm all for being a visionarybut a vision without a starting point is
just a wish.

Rachel Foerster
Rachel Foerster  Associates, Ltd.
Professionals in EDI  Electronic Commerce
39432 North Avenue
Beach Park, IL 60099
Phone: 847-872-8070
Fax: 847-872-6860

-Original Message-
From: William J. Kammerer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 8:59 AM
To: WEDi/SNIP ID  Routing
Subject: An Overview or Primer Document

Our near-term plan is to generate four working papers.  These papers
will eventually be combined into a white paper or recommendation
containing implementable specifications for the Healthcare CPP
electronic partner profile and Registry.  The four working papers cover:

(1) Identifiers
(2) Addresses and delivery channels
(3) Elements of the Healthcare Collaboration-Protocol Profile (CPP)
(4) Discovery of Healthcare CPPs (i.e., the Registry)

A little more background on the project and working papers is available

Lynne Gilbertson's message reminds us that a primer (or Overview or
Background) document is really necessary - something that says in plain
English (or bloated, turgid English if I were to write it) just why
we're going to all this trouble to build an electronic partner profile -
and a Registry to point to it!  This document would include background
on the existing Healthcare EDI environment (where we are), the ideal
(where we want to go), Identifiers as they relate to routing of
transactions, a high-level description of an Electronic Partner Profile,
a high-level description of the Healthcare Registry, along with some
examples of how all this would look in practice.

I propose that the first Working paper, Identifiers, simply be changed
to an Overview document.  Currently, Ron Bowron and I are assigned to
the Identifiers document;  if there's no objection to turning the
working paper into a usable overview of the project, would there be
anyone else who would like to volunteer to assist us in writing it?  I
anticipate that a large part of the document will be an organized and
edited cut-and-paste of postings to the ID  Routing mailing list over
the last 4 months.

William J. Kammerer
Novannet, LLC.
Columbus, US-OH 43221-3859
+1 (614) 487-0320

- Original Message -
From: Lynne Gilbertson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 06 June, 2002 04:35 PM
Subject: RE: registry and repository

NCPDP has created a task group to assist in the routing registry
endeavor. As the task group is made up of business and technical folks
in the pharmacy industry, is there a primer document or something they
can read to come up to speed with the work being done? thank you

Re: digital certificates for access to CPP repository

2002-06-11 Thread William J. Kammerer

In the current version of the OASIS ebXML Registry specification, there
are no provisions for confidentiality of Registry content. All content
submitted to the Registry may be discovered and read by any client -
which means anybody can find out that an entity is accessible via the
registry, and where their CPP is located.

On the other hand, only authorized submitters who have been
authenticated using digital signatures can publish data in the registry.
I am assuming that this means there exists a fine-grained mechanism
whereby only the owner (or his agent) of information (e.g., the CPP) can
submit or change his own information - as opposed to having to submit
his information through a central authority for inclusion in the

The CPP owner may have some means of obfuscating his own CPP, or parts
thereof - revealing information only to authorized users-  since the CPP
itself could very well reside on his own server.

Of course, I'm making a lot of assumptions.  The details have to be
ferreted out by the folks responsible for the working paper on
Discovery of Healthcare CPPs: Peter Barry, Joe McVerry, and Dick
Brooks!  I think Joe only volunteered to look into UDDI.  That leaves
Peter and Dick to be the experts on the ebXML Registry.  Maybe I could
add Lisa Carnahan to the list, too. Does anyone else want to volunteer?

William J. Kammerer
Novannet, LLC.
Columbus, US-OH 43221-3859
+1 (614) 487-0320

- Original Message -
From: Christopher J. Feahr, OD [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, 10 June, 2002 06:31 PM
Subject: digital certificates for access to CPP repository

Dear Group:

I would like to know if we have agreement (or could agree) on the
following requirements regarding access to the CPP registry/repository

1. Allow any party to access the CPP registry, thus obtaining the URL
that points to an entity's repository record(s). 2. Require a standard
mechanism for entrance to the CPP repository record that somehow looks
for a valid digital ID certificate

If every CPP repository user was required to have a valid ID certificate
somewhere (e.g., the AMA/Verisign deal that was mentioned once) then
requiring that certificate as the entry pass to the repository would
seem to be a way to keep the riff-raff out. I think we may still need
ways to individually [further] secure sections of the repository record,
but would a dig. certificate be a reasonable way to secure the
repository front door? My suggestion would be to include a data element
in the repository (perhaps another URL) that pointed to a default
access denied message created by the repository record owner. (I guess
in the absence of an entity-specific access denied message that
provided an alt. means like a cust. service phone #, the user would
simply get a page not found error)

More questions (assuming that we do want to secure the front door with a
1. How tough are these to obtain?  Could Mr. Hacker apply for one and
thereby have the keys to the kingdom?
2. Are there standard protocols (possibly in the ebXML CPP
for implementing this type of auto-authentication when you attempt to
access a URL?
3. How many data elements would be necessary in the repository record to
handle auto-auth... and what would they be called?


Christopher J. Feahr, OD
Cell/Pager: 707-529-2268