[rrd-users] Help! Resize difficulties.

2000-12-07 Thread Sean R McNamara

I'm in a very desperate situation here;  my rrds are out of space, and
now data is being lost; as of the moment i've lost about a month of
data, and I really cannot afford to lose anymore.   I know the resize
command, but it doesn't seem to be doing what it should be.First
question, do you specify a DS or an RRA?For sake of example, and to
help my understanding:

rra[0].rows = 1200   is saying that the RRA number (that would be used
in resize) is 0 -- yes?

and if a DS was or could be used:

ds[rxPeakByteRate14].type = GAUGE  is saying that the DS 'number' (or
name in this case) that I would use is rxPeakByteRate14, correct?

This information was taken from rrdtool info.

This will clear up which name I should be using; as in a previous post
on Tuesday, the author mentioned DS, and not RRA as written in the
documentation.   I have tried all combinations (all 96) of both DS names
and the RRA number from below though, and it doesn't seem to correct the
problem..   rra[0].rows = 1200  remains exactly the same, and the
filesize does not grow, though, rrdtool pauses for about 30 seconds
while it's doing 'something'.

Each RRD contains about 96 + 1  DSs, and there is only one RRA that I
need to pull from.   I know that's a lot, but that shouldn't cause a
problem outside of very large files, correct?

Here are some examples of the commands I have used for this

When trying to use DSs

# rrdtool resize bkup.rrd Default GROW 1
# ls -al bkup.rrd
-rw---   1 root other1814136 Dec  6 11:33 bkup.rrd
# rrdtool resize bkup.rrd Default GROW 10
# ls -al bkup.rrd
-rw---   1 root other1814136 Dec  6 11:33 bkup.rrd

... etc.

Now when using the RRA number

# rrdtool resize bkup.rrd 0 GROW 1000
# ls -al bkup.rrd
-rw---   1 root other1814136 Dec  6 11:33 bkup.rrd
# rrdtool resize bkup.rrd 0 GROW 1
# ls -al bkup.rrd
-rw---   1 root other1814136 Dec  6 11:33 bkup.rrd

Oh, and yes..  I know the first thing someone would wonder is:

# id
uid=0(root) gid=1(other)

and another thing that I would like to note is:

# date
Thu Dec  7 09:51:47 EST 2000

.. which means that the file is not even being written to at all
(bkup.rrd is obviously not live data, but a copy of it used to try to
figure this out)

If anyone at all can please help me, I'd appreciate it very much; thank
you everyone.


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[rrd-users] Re: previous message.

2000-12-07 Thread Sean R McNamara

In regards to my previous message, I just noticed a rather large file
named resize.rrd sitting in the same directory; I'd not noticed this
previously because there are a very large number of rrd files in this
directory -- and well, on top of the fact; I found absolutely no
documentation suggesting that it would use another filename.   Can
someone please confirm for me if this is the actual resized rrd file?
And if it is, please disregard the previous message..

Oh, and if whoever that monitors the rrd documentation is reading: I
think this would be a worthwhile note in the rrd resize manual page.

I apologize if this was covered in the past; I attempted to search the
list archive, but it's been timing out.

Thanks again for your help.


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[rrd-users] Re: Help! Resize difficulties.

2000-12-07 Thread Sean R McNamara

Mike Fisher wrote:

 I ran into this earlier in the week.  The resize does not modify the
 existing RRD file, it creates a new one in the current directory called
 resize.rrd with the new size and the old data.  Just move this over your
 old on and you should be ok.  This should probably be dealt with in the


Thank you Mike, that was the problem; and it seems to be working at this
point. Now it's just a matter of waiting while my script updates all of the

I'm not sure if you'd happen to know -- but, is there a convenient way to
merge a backup of the the overwritten data with the current database?
There is no overlapping between the two, and unfortunately there is a
missing gap of about 2 weeks, but there's nothing to be done about that now.

Thanks again Mike,


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[rrd-users] Problem with upper-limit option

2000-11-15 Thread Sean R McNamara

Hello everyone-

I've run into a bit of an issue when working with the --upper-limit
option -- it appears to round up to the next highest whole place value.
I'm not sure if this is supposed to happen by default, or if so, if
there is a way to work around it.   Let me explain exactly what I'm
trying to do, and then my results.  Any help would be greatly

What I am trying to accomplish is to graph network utilization
statistics of various data speeds.Mainly we're looking at 100mbps,
1000mbps, and a 34mbps connection.There is an file which contains an
index of the datasources though multiple RRDs, and it's maximum line
speed (in bits); I wrote a cgi to parse and display this data in order
to create on demand user configurable graphs.The cgi works fine, the
data is displayed correctly; the problem occurs when I attempt to choose
the option to 'scale' the graph to the maximum data speed.  The cgi uses
the value from the index file corresponding to dataspeed; being that
this is in bits, it's converted to bytes; the conversion has of course
been verified that it works correctly.

So basically we're here -- assuming a 10Mbps line, we do
bytes = bits / 8
to get 125, and that is what we give to the --upper-limit option.
When I submit this graph, I expect to see a graph with a y-axis ranging
from 0 - 1.25M;
but instead it ranges from 0 - 2.0M.   All of the data is within range
of 1.25, of course; and in the cases of  most links is less than 1Mb.  I
have tried the --rigid option, and it had no effect.  Has anyone
seen a 'problem' like this before, and if so, is there a solution to
it?   Thank you in advance for any and all help that can be provided.
I will attach a copy of the actual arguements I use to create the graph
at the bottom of the message.

Thank you again,

..Sean R. McNamara.
Network Systems Administrator

Villanova University
UNIT - Data Networks


rrdtool graph graphs/Graph-974321766-  \
-w 750 \
-h 275 \
-s 14:00 11/14/2000 \
-e 14:00 11/15/2000 \
--title=(11/14/2000 14:00 - 11/15/2000 14:00) \
-v Bytes Per Second \
--upper-limit 1250 \
HRULE:1250#FF:Maximum Data Speed\  \
DEF:read1=rrd/3500-65.9..rrd:rxByteRate10:AVERAGE \
LINE2:item1#00:O'Dwyer Hall Average Bytes  eceived \
GPRINT:item1:MIN:Min %lf  \
GPRINT:item1:MAX:Max %lf \
GPRINT:item1:AVERAGE:Avg %lf\

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