Hi all.

I'm newbie in rrdtool, but I almost understand this tool. I'm geting info
thought my 
snmp command based in Linux RedHat 7.2 using:  snmpget public 
. (example) each snmp value is saved in a perl script called
value 2 or value3.

I made my rrd database like:


# rrdtool create dbase1.rrd -s300  \
DS:valuea:GAUGE:600:U:U  \ 
DS:valueb:GAUGE:600:U:U \
DS:valuec:GAUGE:600:U:U  \
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:288  \ 
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:288  \ 
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:288  \ 
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:288   \
RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:288   \


I'm running my perl script wich contains the updates for each value. Every 
command called by snmpget is pasted into valuea, valueb and valuec, that's
way I fill this dbase1.rrd.

When I want to see what is contained in this rrd file, I get this values: 


# rrdtool fetch dbase1.rrd AVERAGE --start 1030986900
                   valuea        valueb        valuec

1030986900: nan nan nan
1030987200: 6.7515600000e+07 2.2172720000e+06 0.0000000000e+00
1030987500: 6.7524198907e+07 2.2186045333e+06 0.0000000000e+00
1030987800: 6.7543318293e+07 2.2196783467e+06 0.0000000000e+00
1030988100: 6.7605689333e+07 2.2237776000e+06 0.0000000000e+00
1030988400: 6.7604218227e+07 2.2234064000e+06 0.0000000000e+00
1030988700: 6.7576100000e+07 2.2222360000e+06 0.0000000000e+00
1030989000: 6.7576100000e+07 2.2222360000e+06 0.0000000000e+00
1030989300: 6.7431112000e+07 2.2326080000e+06 0.0000000000e+00
1030989600: nan nan nan


In my graph I can see graphed valuea, valueb, but not value c.

Each value is reciving information by memory usage from  a Cisco 2500 Router
each value is the same and not as different as it doesn't graph.

Can anyone help?

Please apologise my poor english.


Giovanni Enriquez
ICQ: 8266266
recuerda que, la información no es conocimiento,
                      el conocimiento no es sabiduria,
                         la sabiduria no es verdad,
                            la verdad no es belleza,
                               la belleza no es amor,
                                  el amor no es música,
                                     la música es lo mejor...

erinnern Sie sich, Informationen ist nicht Wissen,
                           Wissen ist nicht Klugheit,
                              Klugheit ist nicht Wahrheit,
                                 Wahrheit ist nicht Schönheit,
                                    Schönheit ist nicht Liebe,
                                       Liebe ist nicht Musik,
                                          Musik ist das beste...

remember, information is not knowledge,
                  knowledge is not wisdom,
                     wisdom is not truth,
                        truth is not beauty,
                           beauty is not love,
                              love is not music,
                                 music is the best...

--- Yo.


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