Re: password file problem.

2001-11-27 Thread Matt Anderson

Thanks everyone.  What a Monday I came back to after the long weekend.
If I had my head screwed on straight...  I already knew all this but forgot 
in the heat of non related issues.
Again!  Thanks!

Matt Anderson

On Monday 26 November 2001 2:53 pm, you wrote:
 Hello everyone.
 I can't seem to get the --password-file= option to work correctly.  I'm
 using ssh as the transport.  I've got the file 0600 and only the password
 with no carriage return.
 Can someone provide an example of use.  Here is my try:
 rsync -rtvvuz -e ssh --password-file=file /home/matt/*

 It still asks for a password which, if I type it manually, it then runs


 Matt Anderson

Re: Rsync: Re: patch to enable faster mirroring of large filesystems

2001-11-27 Thread Alberto Accomazzi

Dear all,

here's my own (renewed) pitch to throw in a --files-from patch.
As Dave has suggested in the past, transferring a list of files can be
accomplished using --include and --exclude, and has called for people
to test the performance gains of his old optimization when using these
options (see his original mail below).

I've finally decided to bite the bullet and try this out on a real-life
case, the syncronization of a directory tree containing just over 1 million
files in 400 directories.  Currently the whole directory tree is rsynced
to our mirror sites, although only a subset of the files (about 720,000) 
are really used in production mode.  Therefore having a good and simple 
way to specify the list of files to be syncronized may save time and disk 

In order to do the test, I built the list of files to be transferred
and then fed it to rsync 2.3.2 using --include followed by an 
--exclude '*', which should trigger the include optimization Dave has
talked about.  Not 100% sure that this was the right way to do it, I also 
created a second list which also contained the list of directories in 
addition to the plain filenames, as explained in

Either way, the results show that using the include/exclude mechanism
is highly inefficient: the regular rsync over the whole directory tree
of 1 million files takes about 15 minutes, while the include/exclude
solution takes over 2 hours in one case (no directories) and it just
hangs in the other case.  It's true that when using include/exclude
you have to account for the additional transfer of the file list from 
client to server, but bandwidth is clearly not the bottleneck in this
case since both machines are on the same gigabit LAN.  By trussing the
processes I noticed that building the local include/exclude structure
is very slow, but haven't looked into the details.  My guess is that
having to deal with regexps, file matching, and continuous reallocation 
of memory for the include/exclude file structure takes its toll on rsync.
As far as I can tell the overwhelming amount of time is spent in dealing
with manipulating the include/exclude lists rather than actually
performing operations on files.

Here are the numbers:

adstree-17: wc /tmp/bib.list /tmp/bib-dir.list
 722941  722941 13012938 /tmp/bib.list
 723277  723277 13014618 /tmp/bib-dir.list
1446218 1446218 26027556 total

adstree-18: time rsync-2.3.2 -avvn rsync:// .
receiving file list ... done
wrote 75 bytes  read 15233741 bytes  16460.09 bytes/sec
total size is 947471650  speedup is 62.20
83.88u 364.48s 15:25.50 48.4%

adstree-19: time rsync-2.3.2 -avvn --include-from /tmp/bib.list --exclude '*' 
rsync:// .
receiving file list ... done
wrote 16627723 bytes  read 72 bytes  2100.13 bytes/sec
total size is 0  speedup is 0.00
3618.25u 33.40s 2:11:56.90 46.1%

adstree-20: time rsync-2.3.2 -avvn --include-from /tmp/bib-dir.list --exclude '*' 
rsync:// .
Mon Nov 26 09:27:58 EST 2001
receiving file list ... ^C
3633.04u 61.41s 23:20:19.32 4.3%

In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Dave Dykstra writes:

 On Tue, Nov 20, 2001 at 11:45:44AM +, Lachlan Cranswick wrote:
  Is there any chance this can be added into the distribution as it sounds
  really nifty.
 I exchanged some off-list email with the patch author and besides the fact
 that it adds too many options I object to it because it only supports
 copying from the local side to remote, not also from remote to local.
 His option is essentially the same as the --files-from option that was
 discussed last January.  See the thread in the archives beginning at
 In summary, he can do pretty much what he wants by making an --include-from
 list that lists all the parent directories of the files he wants plus all
 the files he wants and end it with an --exclude '*', but before rsync 2.4.0
 I had an optimization (which I put in when I officially maintained rsync)
 that would directly read the included files in that situation rather than
 recurse through all the directories.  The author of rsync Andrew Tridgell
 took that optimization out in 2.4.0 because he thought it was confusing
 that the optimization didn't require explicitly listing the parent
 directories like an --exclude '*' otherwise does, and I couldn't prove that
 recursing through the directories made a significant performance impact.
 Later people argued that a new option --files-from would be worth doing
 just for convenience even if not for performance, but I said I still wanted
 people to do some performance testing before I'd implement it.  I wanted
 people to run version 2.3.2 on their systems and compare the time
 difference between running with and without my optimization, which you can
 force by simply putting in a single wildcard in one included 

Re: rsync server over SSH [includes code patches]

2001-11-27 Thread JD Paul

Hi --

Sorry for the delay getting back to you; Thanksgiving holiday
intervened and I'm only now catching up on my email backlog

1. You're entirely right about the --remote-user option.  I'll remove that.
2. I'll merge with the latest version from CVS.
3. I'll do that; I prefer -u myself. 

 That's better.  I read over the patch a little more closely this time and
 have a few more comments:
 1. The --remote-user option is unnecessary because you can instead
   specify '-e ssh -l user'.
 2. Please post the patch again against the latest development version
   of rsync out of CVS ( or
   rsync:// because that's the
   form it will need to be in order to get it in.  I'll test it out
   then and look at it closely.
 3. Please post the next patch with GNU diff's -u option.  It's easier
   to read.
 - Dave Dykstra

Re: rsync server over SSH [includes code patches]

2001-11-27 Thread JD Paul

Actually, my patch already has that in rsync_module():

if (is_a_socket(f_in)) {
addr = client_addr(f_in);
host = client_name(f_in);
} else {
char *ssh_client = getenv(SSH_CLIENT);
addr = ssh_client ? ssh_client : n/a;
host = remote shell connection;

The problem is that I was only looking at string usages of SSH_CLIENT
(debugging mostly) rather than allow_access() use.  That shouldn't be
hard to fix; we just need to truncate a copy of the SSH_CLIENT string
at the first whitespace.  I'll see if I can get that into the next
version of my patch.  


On Mon, 26 Nov 2001, Martin Pool wrote:

 On 25 Nov 2001, Jeremy Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Ok, I have the patch working, things seems to work except that using hosts 
  allow in the rsyncd.conf seems to break things.
 What an interesting bug. :-)
 The proximate connection to the rsync server will be from the sshd
 process which is running on the server host, so stdin will probably be
 a unix-domain socket.  In other words because rsync is not directly
 connected to the client, it can't use the usual mechanism to find the
 client's address.
 Perhaps we can get rsync to look at $SSH_CLIENT, which contains the
 necessary information.  We need to think carefully to make sure this
 is secure though.

Not all files synched - hard link problems???

2001-11-27 Thread Dave Madole

I am sorry if this has been covered before: I have done a couple of
futile searches in the bug reporting system and is there any way to
search the archive?

I am having a strange symptom:  I am synching directories (that have
very long file names, by the time the full path is specified) and a lot
of hard links.  It seems that the directory is being copied piecemeal -
is, if I run rsync enough times, the entire contents ultimately get
copied.  It seems like I am running into some hard limit in the size of
the filelist or something.

I am running 2.4.6 on linux - the source directory is remote mounted on
solaris, the destination is linux.

For instance, I have a directory that is in the tree that contains 173
files at the source - most of which are hard links - here is the  effect
of an ls | wc on the destination after five succesive identical runs of
rsync on the source (this is in a subdirectory of one of the directories
in the command below).  The directory did not exist before running the

[root@ks-s0-107-1- SC]# ls | wc
 49  491286
[root@ks-s0-107-1- SC]# ls | wc
 85  852234
[root@ks-s0-107-1- SC]# ls | wc
120 1203243
[root@ks-s0-107-1- SC]# ls | wc
152 1524112
[root@ks-s0-107-1- SC]# ls | wc
173 1734739

So that it seems to have synched 49, then 36, then 35, then 32, the
finally the last 21 files in the directory. (The increment seems to vary
if I try it again, i.e. from 49 to 90).

I get no error mesages (that I can see).  In fact, the first time I run
the program, it seems to notice all
the files and produces 163 messages that file blah-de-blah is a hard
link, but then doesn't
seem to make the link for file blah-de-blah - this behavior remains
constant with each succesive run.

Here is the rsync command (generated by a perl script and broken into
little pieces by my mailer)

rsync -e 'ssh -l root -p 8989' --rsync-path /usr/bin/rsync --stats
--progress -tpgoCHr -v -v   --include install/ --include
install/kickstart/ --include install/kickstart/zantaz_upgrade/ --include
install/kickstart/zantaz_upgrade/20011121/ --include install/redhat-7.1/
--include install/redhat-7.1/zantaz_rpm_upgrade/ --include
--include install/kickstart/zantaz_upgrade/20011121/** --include
--exclude *  /net/swdev/staging/* [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/



Rsync: Re: patch to enable faster mirroring of large filesystems

2001-11-27 Thread Lenny Foner

Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 10:49:11 -0600
From: Dave Dykstra [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you very much for doing the test Alberto.  I didn't have any set of
files that large on which I could do a test, and as I said when I tested
the worse case I could think of with my application I couldn't measure an
appreciable difference.

First, I want to make sure that you really did get the optimization turned
on.  [ . . . 3 paragraphs of clues on verifying optimization omitted . . . ]

I know you're trying to get reliable statistics so it's clear what
sort of performance we're talking about here.  But may I respectfully
suggest that -having- to be so careful about whether optimization
actually got turned on is a clue that there is still a big problem

Seriously, even if --files-from= was -not- as efficient as the
optimized case, if it's so difficult to ensure that you -are- in the
optimized case, what's the point?  If 90% of the users get it wrong---
and 90% of -those- can't even figure out how to -tell-, even if
they're trying to be careful---then clearly the optimization isn't
as useful as it might be.  (And btw, if it's that hard to figure out,
there should be a debugging switch that -tells- the user whether it
got turned on.  Yet another out-of-control command-line option, or
perhaps an addition to one of the verbose modes, but not one that
forces the user to drown in lots of other output, or cause unpatched
rsyncs to hang, or...  People shouldn't have to patch their local
rsync just be sure this is happening.)

Meanwhile, people are tying themselves in knots trying to figure out
how specify which files to transfer.  As I pointed out months ago when
this subject first came up, it seemed that about half the traffic on
the list was from people who were confused about how to specify the
list of files that rsync was supposed to handle.  Letting them use
other tools (e.g., find, or some perl script they just wrote) that
were more transparent and with which they were more familiar seemed
like it would dramatically decrease their learning curve.

I would propose that, -whether or not- the use of --files-from= was a
performance-killer, rsync should have it.  It -would- allow people to
quickly debug a working setup.  -If- for some reason its performance
was bad compared to include/exclude, -then- they could go from a
known-working configuration that might not run at full speed to
a more-difficult-to-debug one that did.  This is the right direction.
(If life was really that bad, it might not be hard for the statistics
from a run to indicate how much time was spent traversing the file
system vs moving files over the connection, which would be a clue
that it was time to move to the optimized case.  But it'd be nice
to just avoid having to think about this hair in the first place.)

And, of course, if the data we've seen -was- generated with
optimization, then obviously there's no downside to --files-from=.
It seems pretty clear that the data presented paints a bad picture.
It's hard to believe that --files-from= could be worse.

P.S.  Would --files-from= reduce rsync's large memory consumption
as well, or does it still imply rsync caching some info about every
file it sees during its entire run, and never flushing this info until
the end?  Not remembering something about each file for the entire run
would alone be a powerful reason to include it---there are some tasks
for which finishing -at all- is more important than waiting a while.
It sucks to tell the user, You can't use the slower approach at all
because we thinmk you should always be fast.  Go buy more memory
instead---if the machine is under your control, can take more memory
in the first place, etc.  I don't recall whether -both- ends of the
connection are so memory-intensive; if so, this is even more important.


2001-11-27 Thread Simison, Matthew

I have had rsync set up for 3 years running fine.

suddenly I am getting an error.

@ERROR: Unknown module 'root'

I haven't changed the versions, nor any of the configs, nor the OS.
The module is clearly in there and worked yesterday.

What could be causing this?

rsync v 2.3.1
Solaris 7

path = /
comment = root
hosts allow = 
uid = 0
gid = 0
auth users = ghddfs 
secrets file = /etc/rsync.secret

Re: Rsync: Re: patch to enable faster mirroring of large filesystems

2001-11-27 Thread Dave Dykstra

On Tue, Nov 27, 2001 at 02:34:22PM -0500, Lenny Foner wrote:
 I know you're trying to get reliable statistics so it's clear what
 sort of performance we're talking about here.  But may I respectfully
 suggest that -having- to be so careful about whether optimization
 actually got turned on is a clue that there is still a big problem

No, the difficulty of turning on the optimization is irrelevant because the
optimization is no longer in the current version of rsync.  It is only
needed to do the performance test which is a one-time thing.

You seem to be missing my point.  I agree that --files-from is useful even
if it has no impact or even negative impact on performance.  Nevertheless,
I want to know what the impact on performance will be compared to using an
explicit include-from list, and I am bartering my volunteer effort of
developing the code for someone else's volunteer effort of doing
performance tests of the old optimized case which I expect to be
practically identical to the performance of --files-from.  I personally
don't need --files-from because the --include-from list is working fine for
me, so I need extra motivation to put some time into it.  I think it has to
be done much like that optimization was done and since I wrote the
optimization in the first place I expect it will probably be more efficient
for me to do it than it would be for somebody else to do it; otherwise I'd
probably just say forget it and wait for somebody else to write the code.

... [ranting deleted] ...

 P.S.  Would --files-from= reduce rsync's large memory consumption
 as well, or does it still imply rsync caching some info about every
 file it sees during its entire run, and never flushing this info until
 the end?

I'm pretty sure that rsync won't use up memory for excluded files so it
would make no difference.

- Dave Dykstra

Re: Not all files synched - hard link problems???

2001-11-27 Thread Dave Dykstra

Unfortunately there is no way to search the archive.  That would be very

I haven't heard of any similar problems reported with hard links before,
and I've been following this list closely for several years.   I notice
your command line looks pretty complicated, so I suggest that you try to
narrow it down to the smallest reproducible case, preferably one that you
can completely describe to someone else how to reproduce starting from
scratch.  Often such an exercise alone will reveal a solution, but if not
at least it allows somebody else to debug it.

- Dave Dykstra

On Tue, Nov 27, 2001 at 11:29:54AM -0800, Dave Madole wrote:
 I am sorry if this has been covered before: I have done a couple of
 futile searches in the bug reporting system and is there any way to
 search the archive?
 I am having a strange symptom:  I am synching directories (that have
 very long file names, by the time the full path is specified) and a lot
 of hard links.  It seems that the directory is being copied piecemeal -
 is, if I run rsync enough times, the entire contents ultimately get
 copied.  It seems like I am running into some hard limit in the size of
 the filelist or something.
 I am running 2.4.6 on linux - the source directory is remote mounted on
 solaris, the destination is linux.
 For instance, I have a directory that is in the tree that contains 173
 files at the source - most of which are hard links - here is the  effect
 of an ls | wc on the destination after five succesive identical runs of
 rsync on the source (this is in a subdirectory of one of the directories
 in the command below).  The directory did not exist before running the
 [root@ks-s0-107-1- SC]# ls | wc
  49  491286
 [root@ks-s0-107-1- SC]# ls | wc
  85  852234
 [root@ks-s0-107-1- SC]# ls | wc
 120 1203243
 [root@ks-s0-107-1- SC]# ls | wc
 152 1524112
 [root@ks-s0-107-1- SC]# ls | wc
 173 1734739
 So that it seems to have synched 49, then 36, then 35, then 32, the
 finally the last 21 files in the directory. (The increment seems to vary
 if I try it again, i.e. from 49 to 90).
 I get no error mesages (that I can see).  In fact, the first time I run
 the program, it seems to notice all
 the files and produces 163 messages that file blah-de-blah is a hard
 link, but then doesn't
 seem to make the link for file blah-de-blah - this behavior remains
 constant with each succesive run.
 Here is the rsync command (generated by a perl script and broken into
 little pieces by my mailer)
 rsync -e 'ssh -l root -p 8989' --rsync-path /usr/bin/rsync --stats
 --progress -tpgoCHr -v -v   --include install/ --include
 install/kickstart/ --include install/kickstart/zantaz_upgrade/ --include
 install/kickstart/zantaz_upgrade/20011121/ --include install/redhat-7.1/
 --include install/redhat-7.1/zantaz_rpm_upgrade/ --include
 --include install/kickstart/zantaz_upgrade/20011121/** --include
 --exclude *  /net/swdev/staging/* [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/


2001-11-27 Thread Simison, Matthew

On Tue, Nov 27, 2001 at 01:22:43PM -0800, Simison, Matthew wrote:
 turns out, I have an rsync virtual site builder script, which makes the
 conf file run with perm 400. And apparently someone thought that the main
 rsyncd.conf file needed to be the same, and that killed all connections.
 Sorry for bothering.
 -Original Message-
 From: Dave Dykstra [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 1:13 PM
 To: Simison, Matthew
 Subject: Re: ERROR
 Does it show up when you list the modules?  That is, if you do just
 rsync servername::
 - Dave Dykstra
 On Tue, Nov 27, 2001 at 12:29:09PM -0800, Simison, Matthew wrote:
  I have had rsync set up for 3 years running fine.
  suddenly I am getting an error.
  @ERROR: Unknown module 'root'
  I haven't changed the versions, nor any of the configs, nor the OS.
  The module is clearly in there and worked yesterday.
  What could be causing this?
  rsync v 2.3.1
  Solaris 7
  path = /
  comment = root
  hosts allow = 
  uid = 0
  gid = 0
  auth users = ghddfs 
  secrets file = /etc/rsync.secret

Re: Not all files synched - hard link problems???

2001-11-27 Thread Martin Pool

On 27 Nov 2001, Dave Dykstra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Unfortunately there is no way to search the archive.  That would be very

Just use google and say rsync mbp prototype

or whatever.


How to avoid copying empty directories?

2001-11-27 Thread btang

rsync -avu --include 'tmp1/*/*.c' --include */ --exclude * tmp1 tmp2

The above command copies all the empty directories under tmp1/ . Is there any way to 
avoid it?

Re: rsync server over SSH [includes code patches]

2001-11-27 Thread Martin Pool

On 27 Nov 2001, Dave Dykstra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 2.4.7 isn't released yet.  Martin has put a lot of changes in the last week
 into CVS, and when I tried it yesterday it didn't compile anywhere but
 Linux.  Today it looks a bit better but I still have problems on all my
 platforms except Linux  Sgi.  Anyway, the point is that it's probably
 better for you to wait until he does make a release to save yourself some
 work because it isn't done changing.
 Martin, the problem on all my platforms is that it can't find AF_INET6 when
 compiling lib/inet_pton.c (I compile on the oldest releases of each type
 that are still in active use so I can rely on upward compatibility; for
 example, it works on Solaris 7 but not Solaris 5.5.1).

Yes, the IPv6 patch which was supposed to not break anything unless
--enabled actually turned out to break most things aside from
BSD/Linux, and I have been gradually trying to sort out their header

Other good news is that make check now seems to work on most
platforms, except for Redhat/Insure++ which generates some
apparently spurious warnings.


Thanks, I know about those two.  I'm going to try to fix them today.

I'm not sure if you've seen this:

It's a pretty good tool, since I don't have direct access to (for
example) a CRAY.  The downside is that it requires changes to be
checked in to HEAD for them to be tested.

It's not easy being green!

 That's a simple fix, but going beyond that getaddrinfo.c has a
 problem because __P isn't defined.

__P is an idiom for handling old compilers that can't cope with ANSI
prototypes.  We don't support them, so I just need to get rid of it.


More - cause - not all files synched - program hangs in select

2001-11-27 Thread Dave Madole

The bug has something to do with verbosity - it works fine without verbosity
on.  The irony, of course, is that one turns verbosity on to fix these things
(I have applied the hang patch, BTW).  The last thing I see is the
match_report message, then the program hangs in select.

Here are the symptoms:

I am syncing a number of parallel directories that contain large numbers hard

At the source:

dir a:

dir b:

dir c:

f1 in each directory is a hard link to every other f1, etc. (note, there are
actually about 10 directories of 100 files in each directory)

After my first run of rsync, I get something like this.

dir a:
f1 (link count 3)
f2 (3)
f3 (1)
f4 (1)
f5 (1)

dir b:
f1 (3)
f2 (3)

dir c:
f1 (3)
f2 (3)

After my second run of rsync, I get something like this.

dir a:
f1 (3)
f2 (3)
f3 (3)
f4 (1)
f5 (1)

dir b:
f1 (3)
f2 (3)
f3 (3)

dir c:
f1 (3)
f2 (3)
f3 (3)

After my third run of rsync, I get something like this.

dir a:
f1 (3)
f2 (3)
f3 (3)
f4 (3)
f5 (1)

dir b:
f1 (3)
f2 (3)
f3 (3)
f4 (3)

dir c:
f1 (3)
f2 (3)
f3 (3)
f4 (3)


So that dir a: is completely copied the first time, but only the beginnings
of dir b and c.  With each successive run, dirs b  c ( d  e  f) fill up,
until it really is done.

Again, this doesn't happen if I turn verbosity entirely off. Perhaps somebody
is closing some file descriptor - I noticed that the program was hanging on
the remote box in select - and then somebody else (probably having to do
with making links) is trying to write to it.  Thus, the program hangs but the
timing is not always the same and sometimes a few more or less links are
made  before it hangs.  It seems that making the hard links is done in a
second phase after the real file transfers are done, at which time something
must be closed.

I could look through the source code and fix it myself but maybe by the time
I get in tomorrow somebody that knows it well will have done so.


Dave Madole wrote:

 I am sorry if this has been covered before: I have done a couple of
 futile searches in the bug reporting system and is there any way to
 search the archive?

 I am having a strange symptom:  I am synching directories (that have
 very long file names, by the time the full path is specified) and a lot
 of hard links.  It seems that the directory is being copied piecemeal -
 is, if I run rsync enough times, the entire contents ultimately get
 copied.  It seems like I am running into some hard limit in the size of
 the filelist or something.

 I am running 2.4.6 on linux - the source directory is remote mounted on
 solaris, the destination is linux.

 For instance, I have a directory that is in the tree that contains 173
 files at the source - most of which are hard links - here is the  effect
 of an ls | wc on the destination after five succesive identical runs of
 rsync on the source (this is in a subdirectory of one of the directories
 in the command below).  The directory did not exist before running the

 [root@ks-s0-107-1- SC]# ls | wc
  49  491286
 [root@ks-s0-107-1- SC]# ls | wc
  85  852234
 [root@ks-s0-107-1- SC]# ls | wc
 120 1203243
 [root@ks-s0-107-1- SC]# ls | wc
 152 1524112
 [root@ks-s0-107-1- SC]# ls | wc
 173 1734739

 So that it seems to have synched 49, then 36, then 35, then 32, the
 finally the last 21 files in the directory. (The increment seems to vary
 if I try it again, i.e. from 49 to 90).

 I get no error mesages (that I can see).  In fact, the first time I run
 the program, it seems to notice all
 the files and produces 163 messages that file blah-de-blah is a hard
 link, but then doesn't
 seem to make the link for file blah-de-blah - this behavior remains
 constant with each succesive run.

 Here is the rsync command (generated by a perl script and broken into
 little pieces by my mailer)

 rsync -e 'ssh -l root -p 8989' --rsync-path /usr/bin/rsync --stats
 --progress -tpgoCHr -v -v   --include install/ --include
 install/kickstart/ --include install/kickstart/zantaz_upgrade/ --include
 install/kickstart/zantaz_upgrade/20011121/ --include install/redhat-7.1/
 --include install/redhat-7.1/zantaz_rpm_upgrade/ --include
 --include install/kickstart/zantaz_upgrade/20011121/** --include
 --exclude *  /net/swdev/staging/* [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/

