Implicit containing directory sometimes rejected as unrequested

2022-09-24 Thread jimc via rsync

Version: rsync-3.2.6-1.1.x86_64 from OpenSuSE Tumbleweed, get it from
(or .src.rpm).

Symptom: In certain circumstances (see the reproducer script), rsync
from a remote source to a local destination and using a --files-from 
sometimes rejects an implicit containing directory with this error 

ERROR: rejecting unrequested file-list name: usr/lib64
rsync error: protocol incompatibility (code 2) at flist.c(998) \

Success or failure depends on arcane determinstic variations, and there
is a suspicion that the same input might produce different output at
different times.  However, I repeated two variants 20 times a few secs
apart and they always worked or failed.

I've found these variant behaviors:
* With either sender version, receiver 3.2.5 always works and 3.2.6
  sometimes fails.
* If both the source and destination are local, it always works.
* If the destination is remote, it works.  Failures are seen with a
  remote source.
* All my test cases have two implicit containing directories.
  The first one has never been seen to fail but the second one does.
  I haven't investigated if third or subsequent dirs would fail.
  In one case where the second dir failed, exchanging the two filenames
  led to both of them succeeding.
* I'm using rsync in a configuration management system and it needs some
  options.  If I remove -K -O --numeric-ids leaving only --rsh=ssh -a
  --files-from, it fails or works equally.
* If I add --trust-sender then failing cases start working.

v3.2.5 has an addition to recognize if a rogue sender adds unrequested
toplevel names etc.  (CVE-2022-29154)  The option --trust-sender
disables the new paranoia.  If this option is added to the execution
command line, spurious rejections disappear.  Clearly the bugfixes in
file-list processing added in v3.2.6 had a bad interaction with the new

Attaching reproducer script .

James F. Carter   Email:
Web: (q.v. for PGP key)
# rsync-3.2.6-1.1.x86_64 shows the bug; rsync-3.2.5-1.1.x86_64 works perfectly.
# The --files-from list has just files, but one of the implicit containing
# directories will be rejected with this error message:
#ERROR: rejecting unrequested file-list name: usr/lib64
#rsync error: protocol incompatibility (code 2) at flist.c(998) \
#	  [Receiver=3.2.6]
# Receiver 3.2.5 works with either sender.  Receiver 3.2.6 fails with either.
# Not every --files-from list sets off the bug.  

: ${HOSTNAME:=$(uname -n)}	# Name of this host for "remote" execution
j=/var/tmp/root.jimc		# Directory to put the test files in
mkdir -p $j
cd $j

# Actual filenames that failed in the config management system
if /bin/true ; then			# *** Turn on one of these
cat - > $j/ < $j/ < $fname
done < $j/

# Testing rsync...
rsync --rsh=ssh	-a -K -O --numeric-ids --files-from=$j/ $HOSTNAME:$j/src/ $j/dst/
echo "exit code = $?"

# Outcomes: 
# "rsync --options $j/src/ $j/dst/" works perfectly on either file list.
# "rsync --options $HOSTNAME:$j/src/ $j/dst/" rejects dirname of 2nd file
#	(lib/ OK, lib64/ rejected).  This order and remote src are used for 
#	variant tests except as noted.  
# But if lib64/ is before lib/ then both are transferred.  
# "rsync --options $j/src/ $HOSTNAME:$j/dst/" transfers both files. 
# Aargh, there's a suspicion that it may be intermittent!  Got to test a lot
# of repetitions.  These were a few seconds apart, using the actual filenames. 
# 1 = failed on first dir, 2 = failed on 2nd dir, x = transferred both files.  
#	x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x (21 trials, remote dst)
#	2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2   (20 trials, remote src)
# If most options are removed, leaving only --rsh=ssh -a --files-from, 
# it fails or succeeds equally.  Failed with orig. filenames, remote src,
# /usr/lib64 second.  Worked with simplified names.  

# Big clue!  v3.2.5 has an addition to recognize if a rogue sender adds 
# unrequested toplevel names etc.  (CVE-2022-29154)  The option --trust-sender
# disables the new paranoia.  If this option is added to the execution command
# line, spurious rejections disappear.  Clearly the bugfixes in file-list
# processing added in v3.2.6 had a bad interaction with the new paranoia.  
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Re: question abount pre-xfer exec

2022-09-24 Thread Hardy via rsync
You only log you would like to to mount /backup, but the actual command 
is missing. You should also log errors, so something like

/usr/bin/mount /backup >> /var/log/rsyncd.log 2>&1

would be adequate before your line to check what is mounted.

Hope this helps

Am 24.09.22 um 15:15 schrob dotdeb--- via rsync:

I've been using rsync for years to backup my machines both at work and 
at home.
These days I faced a new "challenge": at work I connect my laptop to a 
docking station with an external usb disk. I'd like to use this disk as 
a backup volume.

I put my disk in /etc/fstab to be mounted at boot (with 'nofail' option 
to avoid errors when I'm at home). I have no problems if the laptop is 
booted after the connection to the docking station but, if I work at 
home, suspend the laptop and then go to work and connect it to the 
docking station and resume it, the /backup volume will not be mounted 

I found that rsyncd.conf can execute scripts before and I tried to 
create a script to be executed (as early stage or pre transfer? a bit 
confuser about it) to check if /backup is mounted and mount it if not.

I verified that the script is executed (I put there some debugging 
"echo" sent to the log file) but the mount command within it does not 
mount anything.

Here it is the rsyncd.conf

read only = false
write only = false
usechroot = true
uid = 0
gid = 0

early exec = /tmp/test-pre-exec

         comment Local rsync-backup of xxx
         path = /backup/xxx
         log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log

and the script /tmp/test-pre-exec


echo -n "executing pre-xfer script ..." >> /var/log/rsyncd.log

if ! grep -qs '/backup ' /proc/mounts
     echo -n "mounting /backup ..." >> /var/log/rsyncd.log
     /usr/bin/mount >> /var/log/rsyncd.log

echo " done" >> /var/log/rsyncd.log

exit 0

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Re: question abount pre-xfer exec

2022-09-24 Thread Kevin Korb via rsync
You aren't logging any stderr.  That is where any error messages would 
go.  Add some 2>&1.

Also, mount has a -v

On 9/24/22 09:15, dotdeb--- via rsync wrote:

I've been using rsync for years to backup my machines both at work and 
at home.
These days I faced a new "challenge": at work I connect my laptop to a 
docking station with an external usb disk. I'd like to use this disk as 
a backup volume.

I put my disk in /etc/fstab to be mounted at boot (with 'nofail' option 
to avoid errors when I'm at home). I have no problems if the laptop is 
booted after the connection to the docking station but, if I work at 
home, suspend the laptop and then go to work and connect it to the 
docking station and resume it, the /backup volume will not be mounted 

I found that rsyncd.conf can execute scripts before and I tried to 
create a script to be executed (as early stage or pre transfer? a bit 
confuser about it) to check if /backup is mounted and mount it if not.

I verified that the script is executed (I put there some debugging 
"echo" sent to the log file) but the mount command within it does not 
mount anything.

Here it is the rsyncd.conf

read only = false
write only = false
usechroot = true
uid = 0
gid = 0

early exec = /tmp/test-pre-exec

         comment Local rsync-backup of xxx
         path = /backup/xxx
         log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log

and the script /tmp/test-pre-exec


echo -n "executing pre-xfer script ..." >> /var/log/rsyncd.log

if ! grep -qs '/backup ' /proc/mounts
     echo -n "mounting /backup ..." >> /var/log/rsyncd.log
     /usr/bin/mount >> /var/log/rsyncd.log

echo " done" >> /var/log/rsyncd.log

exit 0

Kevin Korb  Phone:(407) 252-6853
Systems Administrator   Internet:
FutureQuest, Inc.  (work)
Orlando, (personal)
Web page:
PGP public key available on web site.

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question abount pre-xfer exec

2022-09-24 Thread dotdeb--- via rsync
I've been using rsync for years to backup my machines both at work and at
These days I faced a new "challenge": at work I connect my laptop to a
docking station with an external usb disk. I'd like to use this disk as a
backup volume.

I put my disk in /etc/fstab to be mounted at boot (with 'nofail' option to
avoid errors when I'm at home). I have no problems if the laptop is booted
after the connection to the docking station but, if I work at home, suspend
the laptop and then go to work and connect it to the docking station and
resume it, the /backup volume will not be mounted automatically.

I found that rsyncd.conf can execute scripts before and I tried to create a
script to be executed (as early stage or pre transfer? a bit confuser about
it) to check if /backup is mounted and mount it if not.

I verified that the script is executed (I put there some debugging "echo"
sent to the log file) but the mount command within it does not mount

Here it is the rsyncd.conf

read only = false
write only = false
usechroot = true
uid = 0
gid = 0

early exec = /tmp/test-pre-exec

comment Local rsync-backup of xxx
path = /backup/xxx
log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log

and the script /tmp/test-pre-exec


echo -n "executing pre-xfer script ..." >> /var/log/rsyncd.log

if ! grep -qs '/backup ' /proc/mounts
echo -n "mounting /backup ..." >> /var/log/rsyncd.log
/usr/bin/mount >> /var/log/rsyncd.log

echo " done" >> /var/log/rsyncd.log

exit 0
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