Re: rsync in-place (was Re: rsync 1tb+ each day)

2003-02-05 Thread Mike Rubel

On Wed, 5 Feb 2003, Ben Escoto wrote:

> > "CB" == Craig Barratt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote the following on Wed, 05 Feb 2003 04:41:22 -0800
>   CB> Of course, a major issue with --inplace is that the file will be
>   CB> in an intermediate state if rsync is killed mid-transfer.  Rsync
>   CB> currently ensures that every file is either the original or new.
> I'm curious, how does it ensure this?

During the copy, rsync writes to a temporary file in the same directory
(the temp file is hidden; it starts with a ".").  Then, once the transfer
is done, it mv's that temp file over the original.  My understanding is
that mv is atomic under unix, so this action either happens in its
entirety or not at all.


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Re: Feature request...

2003-02-02 Thread Mike Rubel

Hi Dan,

> I would like a '-i, --interactive' option
> to use with --delete, so I can decide wich 
> deletes to up date and which were potential
> mistakes.

It sounds like you might be interested in Unison:

Another option would be to rsync with a hard-link copy.  This way you'd
get what appear to be two separate filesystem trees, but only take up the
space of the original + differences, and a list of the differences (by
running rsync with -v).  You could select which files to keep at that
point and then erase the "duplicate" tree.  This is discussed in the
context of incremental backups at:

If you go this route, be sure to use J.W.'s new --link-dest option as it
keeps the permissions straight.


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Re: Help With Restoring

2003-01-08 Thread Mike Rubel

> rsync --delete --stats --compress --recursive --times --perms --links 
> --rsh=/usr/bin/ssh --exclude "tmp/" --exclude "dev/" --exclude "proc/" 
> --exclude "backups/ " --delete-excluded --backup 
> --backup-dir=/backup2/BACKED_UP_SERVER_FQDN/$DAY -a /* 
> CENTRAL_SERVER_IP:/backup2/BACKED_UP_SERVER_FQDN/current && echo "Daily 
> backup ran on `date`" >> /var/log/backup.log 

Notice that if you have any dotfiles in / (that is, flies that begin with
a "."), this will not copy them, but normally you wouldn't have dotfiles
in / so it shouldn't matter.  Might want to start using / instead of /*
from now on though, just for good form.

> This has been working fine and I've even been able to restore files using 
> scp from time to time. now I'm faced with a bare metal recovery cause of a 
> botched upgrade from Redhat 7.1 to 8.0 that failed half way through. This 
> machine was still accessible via console and ssh (putty). I signed in via 
> ssh and ran... 
> # cd / 
> # scp -r CENTRAL_SERVER_IP:/backup1/BACKED_UP_SERVER_FQDN/current/.* . 
> This was running for a while and then i lost my connection and cant 
> reconnect. I won't have console access till the morning but any advice 
> would be greatly appreciated.

Don't you mean:

scp -rp CENTRAL_SERVER_IP:/backup1/BACKED_UP_SERVER_FQDN/current/. .


The command you list above won't copy anything, since there are no
dotfiles in the root directory.  Also, you have backup2 in the rsync
command and backup1 in the scp command.

Maybe that was just a typo though...

One final thought.  Sometimes scp has issues with symlinks (as in, copying
the target instead of the link).  Might want to use:

cd /
rsync -av CENTRAL_SERVER_IP:/backup1/BACKED_UP_SERVER_FQDN/current/ .


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Re: rsync windows -> unix still hanging :(

2003-01-07 Thread Mike Rubel

On Tue, 7 Jan 2003, Dave Dykstra wrote:
> I've never seen anybody suggest any other value for --modify-window than "2".
> Does 90 really work better than 2?  My understanding is that PC-style
> filesystems do not have 1 second timestamp granularity and so round the
> times up or down slightly.


Tim informed me (off list) that --modify-window=10 also seemed to work.


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Re: HELP! rsync won't upload my .htpasswd files

2003-01-07 Thread Mike Rubel

> I'm using rsync to synchronize between our staging server and our
> production server. All of my files are uploading correctly except for a
> couple of .htpasswd files which reside in /var/apache/webscripts
> I'm guessing that they won't upload because they start with "." Is there
> some way around this? It's very important that these files get uploaded
> to this directory.






(including the trailing slash).


ps> your email client seems to be sending html email; might want to get
rid of that...

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Re: rsync windows -> unix still hanging :(

2003-01-03 Thread Mike Rubel

> I think I got it.
> It must have something to do with the file modification times and perhaps 
> the number of places of accuracy, perhaps in fractions of a second.
> When I add --modify-window=90 as a parameter.  Then it works as it should.
> At least it does, for me now.  You might try a smaller number (of seconds) 
> but for me.  90 seconds is close enough!


Aha!  I'll add this to the bugs:windows section of my backup page,

May I cite your email verbatim?


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Re: rsync windows -> unix still hanging :(

2003-01-03 Thread Mike Rubel

On Fri, 3 Jan 2003, Timothy Burt wrote:
> I am seeing similar symptoms.

Hi Timothy,

I'm trying to find out more about this.  May I ask, are the files you see
sent even when they haven't changed regular files, or directories, or


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Re: rsync windows -> unix still hanging :(

2002-12-27 Thread Mike Rubel

On Sat, 28 Dec 2002, Scott Evans wrote:

> I spent about 12 hours today writing a nice backup system based on 
> Mike Rubel's snapshot system; but much to my dismay, when I took it 
> for a test drive, I found that rsync hung on the first large directory 
> I tried to back up.  Aiee!
[ ... ]

Hey Scott,

I'm Mike Rubel (author of that snapshot system page)--I haven't heard
about this cygwin issue before, but this would definitely be worth adding
to the FAQ.  I'm sorry to hear you're having so much trouble with it!
You're actually the second person to mention windows issues; the other
fellow was using a SAMBA mount and rsyncing locally on the server.  The
problem there was files mysteriously getting copied when they hadn't
changed, or deleted when they weren't supposed to be.  I asked the list if
anyone else had seen that behavior, but no one responded, so I'm not sure
what to think.  I'll add it to the FAQ, anyway, and maybe the BUGS

Please let me know if you find any additional information.  I'm on the
rsync list but not the cygwin list (yet).

I've had no trouble with this at home with my roommate's Win2K PC, but
between this case and the previous one, it sounds like the rsync/windows
interaction may still have some rough edges, which is not really
acceptable for a backup solution.  :(


ps> I'm moving the site to a new server tonight; I tested it manually and
it appears to be in order, but DNS probably won't catch up until tomorrow
morning.  Please let me know if you run into any trouble connecting!

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Re: rsync snapshot problem deleting files

2002-12-13 Thread Mike Rubel

> Well, I followed this link: 
> and implemented it (with a bit of tweaking) on my home network. It is 
> used to make snapshots of two Windows PC's over samba. On one of the 
> machines (and not the other, from what I can tell) it deletes files from 
> the target machine for no good reason (ie. they still exist on the 
> source machine). Then, if I run it again right away, it gets the files anew.

Hi again all,

Has anyone else seen Mark's problem, which sounds like a weird interaction
issue between samba and rsync?

Mark, I will add a note about your experience here to the web page; so
far it's the only report I've seen though, and I'd really like to get
more data.  Is anyone else running the rsync-snapshot trick from windows
machines via Samba?  Can we get more debugging information to determine
the source of the problem?


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Re: rsync snapshot problem deleting files

2002-12-11 Thread Mike Rubel

> Well, I followed this link: 
> and implemented it (with a bit of tweaking) on my home network. It is 
> used to make snapshots of two Windows PC's over samba. On one of the 
> machines (and not the other, from what I can tell) it deletes files from 
> the target machine for no good reason (ie. they still exist on the 
> source machine). Then, if I run it again right away, it gets the files anew.

Hi Mark,

I'm glad you were able to get the snapshot trick going on your home
network, though I'm sorry to hear about this trouble with the deletes.  I
studied the situation under Samba for quite a while on my system before
proclaming it working, so this is interesting and a bit worrying.  The
only irregularity I noticed on my systems was that sometimes files would
get sent over even if they hadn't changed, which I assumed was a
peculiarity of Samba, since it never happened from my Linux machines.  It
was only an extra file-send or two every few sync's, so I didn't worry
about it too much at the time.

Has anyone else tried what Mark describes here?  Are there any suggestions
or comments?  I'll stay tuned for a couple of days, and then make a note
on the website, since this is something other potential implementers will
need to know about.

Mike Rubel

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Re: Feature Request: break hardlinks before metadata changes

2002-10-24 Thread Mike Rubel
Hi Tripp,

Glad you saw J.W.'s patch; this business of unlinking before a metadata
change would be nice, but I'm not sure how to do it without introducing
yet another patch!

Best regards,

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Re: restricting rsync over ssh

2002-06-07 Thread Mike Rubel

> Somewhat belatedly, I can report that I use rysnc in daemon mode in
> conjunction with an SSH tunnel, but using remote port forwarding. I
> use the method to distribute password and shadow files.

It seemed like this ought to be possible.

So, out of curiousity, why does rsync include a "-e ssh" option at all?
Wouldn't it be simpler to pick one protocol (rsync)  and let the user
tunnel it over his or her favorite encrypted transport?


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Re: rsyncing read-only files

2002-05-22 Thread Mike Rubel

> I have two machines, call then A and B. I'm using rsync on B to download
> from A (I'm running rsync in daemon mode on A from inetd.conf). The rsyncing
> on B works fine except for one problem: when I run rsync on B to do the
> downloading from A, I get permission denied for files on A that have mode
> 600. 
> Is there a way to get rsync to download all files, irrespective of their
> modes?

Hi Stewart,

I may be wrong, but this sounds like it might be a file permissions
problem and not an rsync problem.  Files that have permission 600 can be
read and written by their owner, but no-one else.  If their owner is root,
then rsyncd can only read them if it is running as root.  What user is
rsyncd running as now?  Here's one way to find out:

ps -f `pidof rsyncd`

If this is indeed your problem, you have a couple of options:
1) run rsyncd as that user (works, but potential security issue)
2) find a new solution

Hope that helps--

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Re: restricting rsync over ssh

2002-05-22 Thread Mike Rubel

> > If so, I am trying to find the best way to restrict rsync -e ssh on the
> > remote machine.  Prepending the authorized_keys entry with
> > command='rsync ...' 1024... results in the 'Protocol mismatch - is your
> > shell clean?' error.

This brings up an interesting question.  Does anyone use the server
version of rsyncd with an ssh tunnel?  In other words:

On the server, bring up sshd listening on *:22, and rsyncd accepting
connections from localhost only, port 873.

Then, on the client machine, set up an ssh tunnel:

ssh server -L 1873:server:873

(I just picked 1873 for convenience; you could use any open
user-accessible port).

Then rsync to localhost:1873, letting ssh carry the connection over the
tunnel to the server:

rsync rsync://user@localhost:1873/path/to/source dest

Does anyone use this approach?  Are there any advantages/disadvantages?


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Re: rsync as a backup solution

2002-05-03 Thread Mike Rubel


I'm going to use this opportunity to shamelessly plug my website:

By keeping multiple rotating backup "snapshots", you can protect yourself
should one or more of them get hosed, and you still won't need a huge
amount of extra storage.  All you need are rsync and cp.


> I would like to get some opinions on a backup method using rsync.  I already
> have a script written to mirror the data over to a backup script from a cron
> that is run every night.  I've also been tempted to use the "--delete"
> option to keep everything up to date on the backup server.  However, this is
> probably a bad idea in the event my data is deleted from the "/home"
> directory (just as an example) before the cron runs.  When the cron runs and
> this isn't noticed before hand, the "/home" directory on the backup server
> will probably be whiped out as well, correct?  So, do all you that use rsync
> as a backup method not use the "--delete" option, or do you keep maybe a
> separate weekly backup safe somewhere else.  Of course, we do have our data
> center making tape backups of the backup server as well, but let's assume we
> didn't.  Thank you!

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Re: possibly new rsync trick: rotating snapshots

2002-04-15 Thread Mike Rubel

mr> Quite right--I didn't mean to imply that NFS to a remote location (or
mr> even across a firewall from a DMZ) is a good idea; I would use rsync
mr> over ssh for that, or rsyncd as you suggest.  The NFS idea was more
mr> for a dedicated "snapshot server", where the main file server would be
mr> mirrored directly across a dedicated subnet.

mp> Even for a local network, you will probably find rsyncd substantially
mp> faster than NFS.  (rsync can more intelligently pipeline and overlap
mp> operations on its own socket than the OS can for NFS.)  Certainly it's
mp> nice to also support NFS for direct access though.


Thanks for pointing this out to me--I've added a note on the web page near
the NFS discussion.  My machines are so slow that the network isn't a
bottleneck anyway, but this should be relavent to others, especially where
users don't need the transparency of a mounted system directory.

Best regards,

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Re: why --delete dosen't work in my script?

2002-04-11 Thread Mike Rubel

> In my backup script I have noticed nothing gets deleted on the remote
> end even though I have --delete and --delete-excluded. Did I miss
> anything obvious here?

Not sure if this applies to you, but...

One thing I noticed about trying to use --delete in combination with -b
--backup-dir is that files do not get deleted if there is already another
hard link to them on the target side.  As I understand it, this is not so
much a bug in rsync as it is a somewhat non-intuitive POSIX behavior in my
operating system (Linux).

Basically, if it can, backup just renames the file instead of copying it.
But on my system, if a and b are both hard links to the same inode,

mv a b

does *not* unlink a!  It has no effect, in fact.

My solution was to make two rsync passes, the first with -b --backup-dir
but no --delete, the second without -b --backup-dir but with --delete.
At some point, though, maybe we should patch rsync to make it do the
intuitive thing in this case.

Does anyone else have experience with this?


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Re: possibly new rsync trick: rotating snapshots

2002-04-09 Thread Mike Rubel

> In addition to the comments regarding NFS etc.  You will
> find that with cp -l permissions and ownership will not be
> accurately preserved in older snapshots if someone chmod or
> chowns files on the original.

Oh--Thank you, you're quite right, I missed that.  If you use rsync -a,
then rsync *will* change the ownership/permissions on the target file, but
will *not* first unlink it (I had been working on the assumption that
rsync always behaves as if it had a --remove-destination flag set, but it
looks like that only holds for data, not metadata).

* To summarize: if a file's permissions/ownerships are changed in place,
* then on the next snapshot the new permissions/ownerships will affect all
* previous snapshots, not just the most recent one.  This is a serious
* problem in my mind, and I apologize for missing it.

I'm looking into a workaround now; in the meantime, I posted an update at
the top of the page.

> I have a complete system for automated rotating backups that
> i was planning on announcing shortly (GPL).  I have been
> using it for about a month so far and am quite pleased.
> It is a little more complex than your approach and provides
> more flexible rotation schedules with automatic image
> (snapshot) expiration.
> If anyone wishes to look at it or be an alpha test site
> a periodically updated snapshot of the development area can
> be found at

Looks interesting!  I'd like to give it a try.


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Re: possibly new rsync trick: rotating snapshots

2002-04-08 Thread Mike Rubel

> That looks good, particularly the description of `cp -al'.  I'll add a
> link.

Hi Martin,

First of all, thanks *so* much for all of your work on rsync. It's a
really terrific tool, and I seem to keep finding new uses.  :)

> I would use rsync's daemon mode, rather than NFS, to do backups to a
> remote server.  It's equally secure and much more efficient.
> Similarly, if my user base was sufficiently technical to use rsync to
> retrieve files, then I'd just export the backups that way.  I guess
> this is only useful in a situation where you trust the users not to
> read each other's files.

Quite right--I didn't mean to imply that NFS to a remote location (or even
across a firewall from a DMZ) is a good idea; I would use rsync over ssh
for that, or rsyncd as you suggest.  The NFS idea was more for a dedicated
"snapshot server", where the main file server would be mirrored directly
across a dedicated subnet.  The advantages of using that approach would be
transparency for users (the snapshots would just look like an ordinary
directory on the file server) and protection from server root compromise.
I'll try to clarify that on the site.

Thanks again,

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possibly new rsync trick: rotating snapshots

2002-04-08 Thread Mike Rubel

Hello all,

I've found a simple, rsync-based trick to emulate the "rotating snapshots"
feature found on some file servers, and hope that members of this group
will find it useful and/or interesting:

Snapshots are (or rather, appear to be) full backups of a system taken at
regular intervals, available directly to users through a special read-only
system directory.  When users accidentally delete or overwrite important
files, or find themselves in need of an old version, they can copy from
the snapshots without any sysadmin help.

Since I first saw the labor savings that automatic, rotating snapshots
provide (relative to restore from incremental tape backups), I've been
searching for a way to mimic them on my home Linux machine.  Rsync gave me
a way to deal with the difficult part--making what are really incremental
backups appear to be full ones.

Thanks in advance for any feedback or suggestions--

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RE: Incremental backups and batch mode.

2002-03-28 Thread Mike Rubel

Diego wrote:

> Right, wonderful, but let's consider a big database file, let's say
> a 2Gbyte file, that is slightly changed every day of about a 10%
> So at every backup the whole 2Gbyte file is saved.
> So I would like to use the rsync algorithm to calculate the differences
> (delta files) for the levels n>0 in the same order dump and tar work
> but saving much more tape space.

Ah... now I see.  Unfortunately, this one's over my head.  Can anyone else
help here?  Can rsync deal explicitly with parts of files?


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RE: Incremental backups and batch mode.

2002-03-28 Thread Mike Rubel

> Something similar:
> I would like to have a first snapshot (level 0) that is a complete copy,
> and then other incremental backups that are just delta files
> (just the differences from the level 0 snapshot).

The "normal" utilities for this job would be dump and tar, especially if
you're dumping to tape.  You can also use rsync, but it's somewhat
indirect if you're dumping to tape!  :)

> That should be done saving the checksums of the level 0 backup locally
> and then checking the current files against those checksums to calculate the
> delta files to be saved as leve 1 backup, and so on.

Okay, one thing that takes a little getting used to here is that if you
use rsync, the backup order is reversed.  Let's see if I can explain it

Using dump or tar, the 0 backup is large; it contains the whole filesystem
at the time it was made.  Then the 1 backup is smaller; it contains only
the changes made between t_0 and t_1.  The 2 backup would also be small,
consisting only of changes between t_1 and t_2.  And so on.

Using rsync, the process is reversed.  The *most recent* backup is the big
one, and *earlier* backups contain only the files that changed.  So the 0
backup is the most recent one, the 1 backup contains only those files that
changed between t_1 and the most recent backup; the 2 backup contains only
those files that changed between t_2 and t_1, and so on back in time.
It's counterintuitive, but it's vastly more efficient for remote backups
since you only need to do a full dump once, then never again.

Now, how would you implement it?

For simplicity's sake, I'm going to say that you're backing up /home into
the directory /home-backup.  Extending that to backup on a remote machine
is a separate (albeit easy) issue, so I won't cover that here.

Under /home-backup, you make folders like so (you'll probably find your
own names for these folders):


The idea is that current/ would contain the current image (most of the
files), current-1day/ would contain only the files that changed since
yesterday, and current-2day/ would have anything that changed between two
days ago and yesterday.

You can have as many of these as you want, and they don't have to be
evenly spaced; this is just for example.

Now, to make it work, run something like this once a day:

# delete the oldest incremental backup
rm -rf /home-backup/current-2day

# shift the intermediate incremental backups back by one
mv /home-backup/current-1day /home-backup/current-2day

# rsync into /home-backup/current, copying any changed files into the #
folder current-1day first

rsync -vab --delete --backup-dir=/home-backup/current-1day /home/   \

You can also use exclude lists and all that other stuff.

Is this clear?

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rsync-2.5.4:backup.c possible bug

2002-03-26 Thread Mike Rubel


I suspect a minor bug in the file rsync-2.5.4/backup.c line 206.
To identify too-long pathnames, it makes the following test:

if (strlen(backup_dir) + strlen(fname) > (MAXPATHLEN - 1))

I think that the constant subtracted off should be 2, to account both for
the forward-slash and for the trailing zero in the following snprintf
statement, line 211:

snprintf(keep_name, sizeof (keep_name), "%s/%s", backup_dir, fname);

Notice that (line 178) keep_name is an array of MAXPATHLEN characters.

Another (perhaps more logical) possible fix would be to make keep_name
MAXPATHLEN+1 characters long.  It depends whether MAXPATHLEN was intended
to count the trailing zero or not.  On my linux machine, MAXPATHLEN is
4095, so I assume that it was not.

I sent this to the web bug-submission form about a week and a half ago,
but haven't heard anything since then, so I'm forwarding it on to the list
here.  Please let me know if there's a more appropriate place to send


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Re: Excludes not working

2002-03-19 Thread Mike Rubel

Bart Brashers wrote:
> ... I mount them using samba (to avoid having to install the
> cygwin version on each box) then run (using rsync 2.5.2 run from crontab)
>  rsync -vuaz --delete-excluded --exclude-from=/root/bin/rsync.exclude \
>--modify-window=2 /mnt/pc/machine/share /backup/machine/share
> It works like a charm, except for some excludes that won't work -- rsync
> still copies the files.  Here's my exclude file:

>  /mnt/pc/machine/D/Music

Hi Bart,
I'm not an expert with rsync, so someone please correct me if I've got
this wrong, but I think the way to exclude /mnt/pc/machine/D/Music would
be like this:


Otherwise it's looking to exclude:


which of course doesn't exist.


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