I am having two issues with a transfer I perform every weekend.  The first 
is I am trying to exclude a directory with the following command:

/usr/bin/rsync --rsync-path=/usr/bin/rsync --rsh=/usr/bin/rsh 
--log-file=/tmp/rsync.out --exclude /gcse1/infor/ --delete-before -rptS 
usaix:/gcse1/ /gcse1

I am attempting to pull and synchronize the directory /gcse1 with my local 
server directory /gcse1, but exclude /gcse1/infor .  When looking through 
the logs, it appears that files were transferred within the /gcse1/infor 
tree after all. 

I naturally assumed that I followed documentation and examples well 
enough, but obviously not.

Secondly, I am receiving an error 28 (ENOSPC) on the transfer of a large 
file.  I make sure the destination file system is double what the source 
for the possibility of needing to keep copies of both during transfer, but 
I assumed --delete-before would help me avoid that. 

BTW, the rsync version I am using on both ends is rsync  version 3.0.9 
protocol version 30 on AIX 5.3.

Thank you for any assistance you can offer.

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