Re: [rt-users] Re-send a previously attached attachment?

2013-09-02 Thread Christian Loos
Am 13.08.2013 22:35, schrieb Boli:
 Hi All,
 Apologies if I have missed something obvious.
 How can I re-send an attachment that has previously been attached to a
 ticket without downloading it and re-attaching it.
 For example, if a new requestor or CC is added to a ticket, and I want
 to get them up to date quickly by referring to previously
 discussed/attached information.
 Comments/Suggestions welcomed

Try my RT::Extension::AddAttachmentsFromTransactions:


Re: [rt-users] Re-send a previously attached attachment?

2013-09-02 Thread Christian Loos
Hi Kevin,

Am 14.08.2013 16:36, schrieb Kevin Falcone:
 The alternate (attaching a previously attached attachment to a new
 reply) is something we've explored in a few branches with clients, but
 nothing we've written has stuck or been right for mainstream release.

maybe you can share some informations on the problems with your solutions.

I created RT::Extension::AddAttachmentsFromTransactions which is based
on your 4.4/attach-from-transactions branch and this makes your users happy.


Re: [rt-users] (RT::Authen::ExternalAuth) email exists problem authenticating trough AD

2013-09-02 Thread Maximilien Drouet

After many searches, it works for some of my users and don't work for some
Is it possible that parameter $RTAddressRegexp interfers with

On Active directory side no error, only successes logs.

Do you no about any other debug options I could use ?


On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 12:33 PM, Maximilien Drouet mdro...@randco.frwrote:

 Hi Nathan,

 After many searchs with your help and our AD Administrator we found that
 the account was not authorized.

 I was given another one and now, command line binds and authenticate well
 but no chance with RT. Here is the command line

 ldapsearch -LLL -H ldap://myserver.mydomain.local -x -D
 'mydomain\ldapuser' -W -b ou=FR,dc=mydomain,dc=local uid=mysuer

 and the output.

 dn: CN=Firstname Lastname,OU=z - y - x,OU=city,OU=Users 
 objectClass: top
 objectClass: person
 objectClass: organizationalPerson
 objectClass: user
 cn: Firstname Lastname
 sn: Lastname
 c: FR
 l: city
 title: myTitle
 postalCode: Zipcode
 physicalDeliveryOfficeName: z - y - x
 telephoneNumber: myTelephonenumber
 givenName: FirstName
 distinguishedName: CN=Firstname Lastname,OU=z - y - x,OU=city,OU=Users 
 instanceType: 4
 whenCreated: 20100701014148.0Z
 whenChanged: 20130821001737.0Z
 displayName: Firstname Lastname
 uSNCreated: 73679
 memberOf: CN=LL.microsoftproject,OU=SDG Groups,DC=mydomain,DC=local
 memberOf: CN=LL.Crystal.Reports.XI,OU=SDG Groups,DC=mydomain,DC=local
 memberOf: CN=LL.IE8,OU=SDG Groups,DC=mydomain,DC=local
 memberOf: CN=LL.itop,OU=Groups,OU=mydomain,OU=FR,DC=mydomain,DC=local
 memberOf: CN=LL.msvisio2003,OU=SDG Groups,DC=mydomain,DC=local
 memberOf: CN=LL.ClickToCall,OU=SDG Groups,DC=mydomain,DC=local
 uSNChanged: 10019507
 department: z - y - x
 streetAddress: myaddress
 name: Firstname Lastname
 objectGUID:: l8cI/GO3KEOyA0E8neccKA==
 userAccountControl: 544
 badPwdCount: 0
 codePage: 0
 countryCode: 250
 badPasswordTime: 130215493735596806
 lastLogoff: 0
 lastLogon: 130214762950697235
 pwdLastSet: 130214610102266437
 primaryGroupID: 513
 objectSid:: AQUAAAUVEQz3vwuoUpdtKTGZJPEAAA==
 accountExpires: 1302513840
 logonCount: 197
 sAMAccountName: mysuer
 sAMAccountType: 805306368
 userPrincipalName: mymail
 lockoutTime: 0
 objectCategory: CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=mydomain,DC=local
 dSCorePropagationData: 20130524093118.0Z
 dSCorePropagationData: 20130523093743.0Z
 dSCorePropagationData: 1601010101.0Z
 lastLogonTimestamp: 130214610103032919
 uid: mysuer
 mail: mymail

 I'm quite confused with the RT configuration file and it's option, even
 looking at the documentation I'm a litte bit lost, maybe the problem is

 Here is the RT_Config extract

 # External Authentication Configuration
 Set($ExternalAuthPriority,  [ 'My_LDAP']);
 Set($ExternalInfoPriority,  [ 'My_LDAP']);
 Set($ExternalSettings, {

 'My_LDAP'   =  {
 'type'  =  'ldap',
 'server'=  'myserver.mydomain.local',
 'user'  =  'ldapaccount',
 'pass'  =  'ldapaccountpassword',
 'base'  =  'ou=FR,dc=mydomain,dc=local',

 'd_filter'  =
 'group' =  'OU=Users 
 'group_attr'=  'member',
 'tls'   =  0,
 'ssl_version'   =  3,

 'net_ldap_args' = [version =  3   ],
 'group_scope'   =  'base',
 'group_attr_value'  =  '*',
 'attr_match_list'   = ['Name'],
 'attr_map' = {
 'Name' = 'sAMAccountName',
 'EmailAddress' = 'mail',
 'Organization' = 'physicalDeliveryOfficeName',
 'RealName' = 'cn',
 'ExternalAuthId' = 'sAMAccountName',
 'Gecos' = 'sAMAccountName',
 'WorkPhone' = 'telephoneNumber',
 'Address1' = 'streetAddress',
 'City' = 'l',
 'State' = 'st',
 'Zip' = 'postalCode',
 'Country' = 'co'
 } );

 Any other Idea ?





[rt-users] pbcat.something tables

2013-09-02 Thread Alex Decalli
Hi RT-players

Does anybody know what are these tables in RT database starting with pbcat,
like pbcatcol, pbcatedt and ...? Someone says:

As far as I know, those are tables PB uses and are not to be directly
modfied by a user. I'm in PB 9 but from the help using PBCatalogOwner DBParm

Specifies a nondefault owner for the extended attribute system tables.
These five tables contain default extended attribute information for your

When you set up attributes for your tables, that's when these tables are
I like to know more about this. I am not very good in mysql and I need to
know how is the impact on these tables?

And by the way, what are some-rt-table-FTSI?? Does database makes them
automatically too??


[rt-users] RT 4.0.4 behind Apache Reverse Proxy with mod_auth_kerb

2013-09-02 Thread Oliver Weinmann
Hi all,

we have successfully setup RT 4.0.4 with ldap_import and mod_auth_kerb. Now we 
need to get the setup running through our reverse proxy.

What we have on our reverse proxy is this:

ProxyPass/rt/ http://hostname.local/rt/ max=100
ProxyPassReverse /rt/ http://hostname.local/rt/

RedirectMatch ^/$ /rt/

# Proxy all locations
Proxy *
AddDefaultCharset off
Order deny,allow
Deny from none

Location /rt
AuthType Kerberos
AuthName Kerberos Login
KrbAuthRealms KRB5.LOCAL
Krb5KeyTab /etc/apache2/host.keytab
KrbMethodNegotiate on
KrbAuthoritative on
KrbMethodK5Passwd off
KrbSaveCredentials on
require valid-user

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{LA-U:REMOTE_USER} (.+)$
RewriteRule . - [E=RU:%1]
RequestHeader set REMOTE_USER %{RU}e


Running tcpdump we can see that REMOTE_USER is set and send to the host hosting 
RT. It looks like RT is not picking it up. As far as I understood is that my 
user gets authenticated at the proxy and RT should trust these credentials and 
log in the user.

Re: [rt-users] Upgrading from 4.0.5 to 4.0.17

2013-09-02 Thread Thomas Misilo
Thanks Kevin, Everything seemed to have worked :)

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kevin Falcone
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Upgrading from 4.0.5 to 4.0.17

On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 05:46:16PM +, Thomas  Misilo wrote:
I just want to verify the steps I would need to take in order to upgrade 
 to the latest version
of RT.
Currently I have setup
/opt/rt4 `a symlink to 4.0.5
I know I will need to copy the the to the new version. 
 Will I need to copy
any files (other than my theme) over?

You should not copy any files other than the config or other local 

There are database changes between those versions you will need to run.

You should be following any upgrading steps listed in the README and
UPGRADING-4.0 document.


[rt-users] How to list all enabled users in Perl script?

2013-09-02 Thread Nathan Cutler

RT 4.0.17.  In the web UI, when I list all enabled users by selecting
'%' I get a list of about 152 users (approximately). Now, I have
written a Perl script that is supposed to list all enabled RT users.
When I run it, it finds 147 users and lists them in alphabetical
order. But approximately 5 users at the end of the alphabet ('Name'
starting with 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', or 'z') are missing. For the life of
me I can't figure out why. Any ideas?

use strict;
use warnings;

use RT;
use RT::User;
use RT::Users;


my $RT_enabled_users = RT::Users-new($RT::SystemUser);

my $loop_count = 0;
while (my $current_user = $RT_enabled_users-Next) {

   $loop_count += 1;

   my $uid = $current_user-Name;
   my $real_name = $current_user-RealName;
   my $rt_email = $current_user-EmailAddress;

   print $loop_count: '$uid' -- $real_name -- $rt_email\n;


print Loop count: $loop_count\n;

Thanks alot,

Re: [rt-users] (RT::Authen::ExternalAuth) email exists problem authenticating trough AD

2013-09-02 Thread Nathan Cutler

 Is it possible that parameter $RTAddressRegexp interfers with
 RT::Authen::ExternalAuth ?

I doubt it.

 On Active directory side no error, only successes logs.

Are you saying that a user attempts to log in, you see successful LDAP
bind on the LDAP server, and RT login fails? If so, please send us the
relevant debug-level RT log excerpt. Also the LDAP server log excerpt
if possible.

 Do you no about any other debug options I could use ?

I did notice that, after upgrading to RT 4.0.17 and ExternalAuth 0.12,
I get much more detailed debug-level log messages for ExternalAuth.

Hope this helps.
